Destructors of the Family!
(1) “Unfaithful” main theme – FIMUCITE 3 (2009 Edition) – YouTube

Kathleen Marie Erdmann Gradeschool Confirmation 9-3-2016 6;58;37 AM


Kathy Marie Erdmann –  Confirmation Photo


Kathleen Erdmann sometime near 1999 3-23-2012 2;36;22 PM

Kathy Marie Erdmann –  1999


Top - Steve Erdmann and daughter Kathleen, 2003 Lemay, MO. 2-26-2012 5;57;51 PM


Photo far left, far left person, father Steve Erdmann.

Top right far left - my Dad Steve Erdmann - unknown date - far right photo - Stevie's June 2, 1950 picnic - bottom far left - Stevie - September 2, 1945 - right - August 5 - 1945 - Steve-Stevie-John Erdmann 4-2012 1;43;14 PM

Steve Erdmann, Junior, Fall 2013 4-26-2015 6;28;04 PM

Steve Christopher Erdmann – son – about 2011

Destructors Angel images

“Love is a weapon of Light, and it has the power to eradicate all forms of darkness. That is the key. When we offer love even to our enemies, we destroy their darkness and hatred…”



The Evil Archons Against Love!


Panelists Omar IAmone, Jillian Parker Hendricks, Dave A. Mercure, and Stephen Erdmann

A similar article can be viewed at

Small portions can be quoted by Journalists and reviewers as long as full credits are given to the article.
(1) “Unfaithful” main theme – FIMUCITE 3 (2009 Edition) – YouTube
Anaiya Sophia is a mystic of an almost forgotten faith. She is mostly known as being an author of six books, including ‘Womb Wisdom’, ‘Sacred Sexual Union’ and ‘Sacred Relationships’. She is currently working on her latest book, ‘Fierce, Fierce  Feminine: One Woman’s Quest to find Her Authentic Voice’.
“Every great tradition has performed ritual and ceremony to protect themselves from these influences. Every sunrise and sundown, the GnosticsEssenes and Cathars, to name a few, would pray for clear sight, protection and humility. But for some reason, we have stopped doing that. I think we believe that these things don’t exist anymore, or that we have outgrown them.
“I am not sure that is a good thing to be thinking.
“It is said, the archons do not carry within them the spark of the Divine, that they have been created out of a being who is false, without love, and motivated by separation.
“It is at this point the New Agers jump in, saying nothing like this can exist. That is not true. And this is how the game continues on.
“What do the archons want?
“To maintain a world of control. To keep us preoccupied with fear, separation, chaos, resulting in us eating more, buying more, drinking more, smoking more, working harder, taking pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, creating war, buying weaponry, being hostile, killing off people, killing off animals, killing off land.”
Quotes from the below article:


“In article for Gnostic Warrior I explain the reasoning:
“In fact, in the novel Good Omens, written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, a demon appropriately named Crowley proves that the Archon-way is superior in the fight against Heaven. He demonstrates that traffic jams and phone service outages are far more efficient in damning souls than such common demonic methods as possession or temptation. Death by a thousand frustrations is the best way to dim the human spirit.
“Ponder this. I mean, as humans, we are basically prepared (especially if we go to church or watch enough Netflix) to deal with and overcome life’s significant challenges, from a family death to a nearby war. In a Gnostic sense, we share their essence with the Alien God, and thus infinity is part of our vibe. It’s the little shit in life that seems to get us. Imagine going through a day when:
  • The car won’t start.
  • You seem to catch every bloody red light.
  • You need five departments at work to sign off on your order for print cartridges.
  • The customer service representative of your cable company is oblivious after you spend an hour trying to connect.
“Like Morpheus said in The Matrix: ‘It’s  like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.’ And these events don’t seem at all like an accident.
“Between bureaucracy and a faulty system, you can feel your soul dimming, your mind numbing, and your heroic side perishing. You become forgetful and anxious, a Stockholm Syndrome victim to a passive aggressive kismet.”
Quotes from the below article:


“While all of these are excellent examples of how the professional class throughout Western civilization has effectively destroyed society, it’s extremely important to bear in mind that all of them have been significantly empowered by their legal counselors. In other words, without their lawyers and attorneys protecting them every step of the way, they all would have been neutralized along the way. Especially for those individuals and corporate entities who aggressively utilize their legal prowess to take advantage of unjust laws as well as legislation full of loopholes are their lawyers always standing at the ready to do their bidding.
“Just as Corporations are the Backbone of Predatory Capitalism, Corporate Attorneys are their Agents of Disaster Capitalism
“Herein lies the truth about every rogue corporation, some of which have run roughshod over whole nations. Each employs a veritable phalanx of corporate attorneys who collectively empower their respective companies to conduct its business activity just within the limits of the law. Were it not for these lawyers without-a-conscience, most of the offending corporations would at least try to behave in a manner that was socially acceptable. Unfortunately for society many corporate criminals deliberately hire attorneys to ‘safeguard’ them from prosecution, due to their full intention to behave in a way that is socially unacceptable.”
Quotes from the below article:



The Unseen, Hidden Rulers

Photos Extra PAS book 15621847_100272607139952_7527858729628842366_n


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Destructors Omar 91399501_10158459131914595_6139039018098098176_o


Panelist Omar Faizi speaks out:
“All people should now be waking up to the realization that they were mind-controlled by the establishment. The centuries-long tyrannical regime is steadfastly reaching its end, to be destroyed for ever. No more lies and manipulations. All markets will be free, all aspects of lives free from oppression and suppression. People will take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves.
“There is no overpopulation and there is enough food for everyone. It was President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s who already warned us about our hidden rulers. He was a most honorable and courageous statesman. It’s time to wake up and stand up, as brothers and sisters together.”
“Dads have more of a challenge with an ongoing relationship with the mother of their child.”
Quotes from the below articles:

Father and children

“Kirby Ingles, who lives in Missouri, says he experienced bias during the 2009 custody battle for his five-year-old son. His attorney, who did not specialize in men’s divorce, told him that the court judge would ‘most likely lean towards [your ex-wife’s side because the child is five or six years old so needs their mother.’ Ingles wanted more custody and joint decision-making but was told this is how judges usually rule. ‘They didn’t really want to do the work and put up a fight and do any digging in the case,’ he says.
“Ingle’s wife got primary custody, but he has hired a men’s divorce lawyer to renegotiate his child support payments after being hit with a decrease in his salary. He says his new advocate is ‘more sincere and compassionate to his needs’ than a regular family law lawyer and is more equipped to deal with specific issues that affect him such as father alienation.
“But not all experts think men’s divorce specialists provide added value. Ryznar thinks regular family law attorneys are equipped to handle any case and that the niche men’s firms are largely a marketing ploy to ‘drum up business.'”
Quotes from the below article:

Distraught: Many divorced fathers  describe the loss of their children as 'an emotional amputation' or 'a living bereavement'

Distraught: Many divorced fathers describe the loss of their children as ‘an emotional amputation’ or ‘a living bereavement’
By the time the case reached court, the sons were settled in a new school. The judge admitted that what the woman had done was illegal, but because it was in the best interests of the children to be with their mother, he did nothing.
”’She had got away with effectively kidnapping my children,’ said the father. His relationship with his sons has all but broken down. Their new home is too far for them to come to London. When he goes to see them, he has to stay in a hotel.
”’The children get bored in an hour or two,’ he says. ‘They have their friends and their sports, which they would rather do instead.’
“He tells me he finds the situation ‘so goddamn painful. I try to play the role of a father – but how can I when I have been deliberately moved to the periphery of their lives?’
“The situation leaves many men I have interviewed distraught. They describe the loss of their children as ‘an emotional amputation’ or ‘a living bereavement’.
“It is no wonder that within two years of divorce, half of fathers lose contact with their children.
“But this misery is not only the fault of the parents. The family court system is adversarial and encourages couples to fight, says Nadine O’Connor, campaign manager at the lobby group Fathers4Justice.
“And change, she says, will be a long time in coming – until lawyers stop making their own killing from warring parents, children will continue to be used as weapons.”
Quotes are from the below article:
Bearded man with white shirt standing in rough water.
“Your children continue to cite mistakes you made in the past—mistakes you regret, but thought were forgivable or even overlooked by them, let alone a reason to hate and divorce a parent. Mistakes you thought other loving and imperfect parents also made: yelling, working too much, missing an important event, showing up late to pick them up from soccer, etc. Nothing you say or do helps. Your children’s intense emotionality of fear and agony seems so disproportionate, and the ‘abusive’ or ‘neglectful’ incidents to process are laden with distortions, exaggerations—essentially reinventing family history.  Their emotions are palpable and pitched. You’re told you don’t listen; you just argue. But you believe orienting to facts and reality could help. The children may ask you to show them ’empathy’ and propose the unthinkable:  If you love them, you will leave them alone; walk away. You tell them you can’t do that, you love them too much. They retort, ‘You don’t get it, you’re so selfish, it’s all about you.’ You remain the monster in the horror show you can’t escape from.”

“Lust, greed, envy, anger and revenge are some ‘dark’ traits we like to avoid – but turns out, we can’t help it. Our mind has tendency to attract towards dark and easy things which gives temporary pleasure. Sometimes we take pride in our dark acts because our mind craves it. 
“War and violence are fueled by human greed and envy which human can’t get rid of. Genocide has never resolved any problems – in fact it made existing problems worse than ever. Why human trafficking, drugs, alcohol, prostitution and pornography exist in this World? It’s simple because there are many people who crave it and even motivate it. Remember there’s no supply without demand.”
Quotes from  below article:
The unrelenting love by animals and pets – we owe them so much and need to care for them as persons and do not harm:

cat and dog cuddling animals in love


Image result for pHOTOS OF ANIMALS WHO are abandoned



“Brainwashing and Parental Alienation Syndrome

“I agree with Gardner’s (1987) assessment that most mothers in custody disputes do
some form of brainwashing. I have found that mothers’ attempts to turn their children
against their fathers in custody disputes are common. I have also found that this is by far the most destructive aspect of divorce on children. I now consider Parental Alienation of children as a form of child abuse, since it leads to enduring psychopathology.
“Kelly’s (1993) longitudinal research of child’s post-divorce adjustment found that the
majority of children adjust to divorce, and older children express relief. Most symptoms last 6 months to 2 years post separation, and usually only involve adjustment disorders. (I discuss this further in chapter 11 Children of Divorce.)
“Only about 10% of divorcing couples with children fight over custody. Of this group,
at least one parent often has hostile, egocentric and paranoid features. In a study of
MMPIs given to parents in custody evaluations, the MMPI’s of the parents who lost the
custody dispute had significantly higher scores in Psychopathic Deviant (hostility),
Paranoia, and Mania (narcissistic and impulsive tendencies), than parents who won the custody dispute (Otto and Collins, 1995).
“Most children do adjust to divorce, except if a disturbed parent uses them as a pawn to punish the other parent. This traumatizes the child, and its effects may be life long, and is often passed on generation after generation.
“Gardner (1987) stated, ‘Although the mothers in these situations may have a variety of motivations for programming their children against their fathers, the most common one relates to the old saying, ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’ … Because these mothers are separated, and cannot retaliate directly at their husbands, they wreak vengeance by attempting to deprive their former spouses of their most treasured possessions, the children. And the brainwashing program is an attempt to achieve this goal” (p.87).
“Gardner also feels that these mothers are aggressing against their own children by
brainwashing them against their fathers. ‘These mothers exhibit the mechanism of
reaction formation, in that their obsessive love of their children is often a cover-up for
their underlying hostility” (p.87)…’ And when these mothers ‘win,’ they not only win
custody, but they win total alienation of their children from the hated spouse. The victory here results in psychological destruction of the children which, I believe, is what they basically want anyway (p.88).
“Brainwashing is a conscious act of programming the child against the other parent.
However, Gardner went on to describe what he refers to as ‘Parental Alienation
Syndrome.’ The concept of the Parental Alienation Syndrome includes the Brainwashing component, but is more inclusive. It includes not only conscious but also unconscious factors within the programming parent that contribute to the child’s alienation from the other parent.”

Steve Erdmann, Fall, 2010

Stephen Erdmann – about 2010

Top - Steve Erdmann and daughter Kathleen, 2003 Lemay, MO. 2-26-2012 5;57;51 PM
Top – Steve Erdmann with daughter Kathleen, 2003 – Bottom – Arlene Erdmann with pets

Steve in Office - 1980s 001
Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist 

A similar article can be viewed at


Photos Extra PAS book 15621847_100272607139952_7527858729628842366_n

Those wishing to reach Steve Erdmann can reach him at or or through the editor of these magazines. He also has a Facebook Magazine at!/stephen.erdmann1
You can also visit his articles at: – TheDissenter,,,
Alternate Perception Magazine:,







(1) “Unfaithful” main theme – FIMUCITE 3 (2009 Edition) – YouTube

CORONA Virus crushes Us!


US Intelligence community releases full declassified report that does not determine origin of Covid-19

Washington (CNN)The US intelligence community released a declassified report on Friday that confirmed that it has not reached a conclusion on the origins of Covid-19, though it offered fresh details on how the intelligence community approached its 90-day investigation into the matter.

The 17-page report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence offered no new conclusions — the intelligence community remains split about whether the virus originated naturally or escaped from a lab — but it did address specific open-source theories that proponents have argued proved one of the two theories. In every case, the intelligence community concluded either that the data was insufficient to reach a conclusion or that the theory was patently wrong.
The intelligence community in August released a two-page summary of the findings of the review; this release is the full, declassified report. Many of the intelligence community’s specific methods and findings remain classified, but the summary did reveal that overall, four agencies in the intelligence community assessed with low confidence that the virus likely jumped from animals to humans naturally in the wild, while one element assessed with moderate confidence that the pandemic was the result of a laboratory accident, “probably involving experimentation, animal handling, or sampling” by a lab in Wuhan, where the first known outbreak was recorded.
Still, the full report released Friday does give new insight into how the intelligence community viewed different puzzle pieces of publicly known evidence. For example in one high-profile instance, the intelligence community assessed that the fact that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) fell sick in the fall of 2019 “is not diagnostic of the pandemic’s origins,” the report reads. “Even if confirmed, hospital admission alone would not be diagnostic of COVID-19 infection.”
“The IC assesses that public claims that some distinguishing features in SARS-CoV-2 are the result of genetic engineering are not diagnostic of genetic engineering,” the report reads. “[The] furin cleavage site (FCS)—a region in the spike protein that enables infection and has been the topic of open-source debate—can also be consistent with a natural origin of the virus.”
Jamie  Metzel

Recently, Jamie Metzl, a W.H.O. advisor who earlier served under Biden in the Senate and in Bill Clinton’s National Security Council and State Department, told the Toronto Sun that the hypothesis of the virus’ natural origin in a Wuhan wet market is “a lie.”   It is no secret, Metzl noted, that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was heavily engaged in “gain of function” research to “amplify the virility of viruses.”

Above quote from the below article:


A view of the P4 lab inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


China Spread COVID-19 around the world                —-           from

Wuhan Institute of Virology

The UK UK Mail on Sunday reports how Deputy National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger told politicians from around the world that intelligence

China’s biggest lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology points to the likelihood of the virus leaking from the lab.

“There is a growing bodies of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus”, Pottinger said in a statement.

He told leaders during the call that the incident could we have been a “leak or an accident”.

“The news also comes amid reports US authorities are said to be talking to a “whistleblower” from the Wuhan institute.

Mr. Duncan-Smith said: “I was told the US have an ex-scientist from the laboratory in America at the moment.

We know COVID is an act of Biological WAR against world to get rid of Trump and to further Chi Com objective of mass-genocide in USA, UK, and EU…

We also know that the death rates are not accurate for a variety of reasons and that the Chi Coms and their Quisling Collaborators here in USA and abroad are using COVID HYSTERIA to destroy Liberty.

A Chinese virologist who fled to the US after claiming China covered up the corona virus outbreak has vowed to publish proof the virus was made in a lab. Dr Li Meng-Yan has previously backed claims Beijing tried to silence anyone who attempted to raise the alarm when the virus first broke out in Wuhan last year.

India is now the second country to surpass seven million corona virus cases after the United States as of May 19, , 2020.The official message from Chiba where the virus started is the “heroic city of Wuhan” is back to normal and back in business, as of May 2020. its schools and tourist sites reopened and its enterprises running at full capacity


This announcement suggests that 8,364,977 or over 8 million people in Wuhan and 3 million military personnel had received a vaccination that provides immunity to Covid-19 by May of 2020 according to Chinese Government announcements.

The best medical facilities worldwide took eleven to twelve months to develop a similar vaccine proving the Chinese were working on the vaccine a year earlier in May or June of 2019. Prior to taking the virus around the world the key important people were given the vaccine that had been developed at an early date. The Chimes military of almost three million had also received vaccine by May suggesting the vaccine was likely available to key people in China and perhaps in the US since the winter of 2019. It seems odd no major Democrat has come down with the decease.

China has a surprisingly low level of COVID-19 disease among its people that started in Wuhan lab has not spread to Shanghai or Beijing its largest cities. I suggest they were prepared with the vaccine indicating there was a plan to release the decease around the world and disrupt Trump being reelected. It is well known the Biden’s were weal liked in China and with the strongest economy in the world Trump was picked to have an easy win.

The COVID-19is was not the first serious disease from China. A Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness an early version of a COVID-19 called SARS in February 2003.

Allegedly it escaped from a military laboratory causing thousands of deaths in China. The mounting death toll exacted by SARS in China has triggered speculation that the virus could ultimately be traced back to a leak from military bio-weapon programmers. The illness spread to more than two dozen countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia before the SARS global outbreak of 2003 was contained. The most recent human cases of SARS-CoV infection were reported in China in April 2004 in an outbreak resulting from laboratory-acquired infections killing 800 people in China

Although most reports favor a natural origin for SARIS as a bio-weapon link should not be ruled out, according to Mr. Richard Fisher, a senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation, a Washington-based think-tank. Antibody (CBL-rAb-1570FY), is effective for treatment of SARs.

SARs is likely the basis for the latest COVID-19 virus according to Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng. Ms. Stephanie Lieggi, an East Asia expert at the California-based Centre for Nonproliferation Studies, said: ‘I have seen nothing in recent reports that would support any connection between SARS and biological weapons. The new COVID-19 is likely a much stronger version of SARS. But it is exactly the innocuous nature of SARS that could make it militarily useful for someone wanting to sow panic and prompt political instability, Mr. Fisher argued.

A seemingly ‘natural’ epidemic would lessen suspicion of the main ‘enemy state’ by the target country and its main allies,’ he said.

According to US intelligence sources, the People’s Liberation Military have an offensive biological weapons program since 1984. Biological weapons include viruses and toxins that can be used to kill or disable. Communist mission has always been to destroy democracy and this virus has killed millions worldwide.

The Washington Times quoted a senior Trump administration official in May alleging that China is engaged in a covert biological weapons program that includes building arms capable of attacking ethnic groups the pathogens.

China General’s Control Most Businesses

China’s State Council Information Office claims that in Communist China everything is controlled by the government and most businesses are run by military generals. Few things such as the spread of a major disease around the world are accidental.

According to the official discourse, due to the “strong leadership” of the Party-government and the “huge sacrifice” made by Chinese people, China has achieved “great success” in containing COVID-19 .Such success becomes even more remarkable when compared to the inept response of most Western countries that claim to have much better medical personnel and facilities.

We are looking at potential biological experiments on ethnic minorities,” the official said on the condition of anonymity. For example blacks and Latinos seem more prone to get the corona virus.

The Chinese claim they have had only 50,000 cases and 15,000 dead in China compared to the U.S. with over 22,758,182 cases today 385,028 Deaths increasing at 4300 a day.

Millions Killed Worldwide

The numbers are strong evidence of Biological Warfare. It is only way China could keep the cases and deaths so low compared to the rest of the world. Part of the concept of biological warfare is not to kill your own people. I suggest China developed both the virus and its vaccine well before the end of 2019 and deliberately spread it throughout the world.

Here is how the small teams of biological warfare spread the virus around the world using some fifty state run airlines and thousands of planes that fly around the world. China Eastern Airlines, Air China, and China Southern Airlines, show significant capacity growth. The airports are also government owned so that airport personnel and airline aircrews could be vaccinated early before the spread o the virus.

The airlines say they fully cooperate with the Central Epidemic Command Center’s that handles corona virus regulations. This includes flight personnel using individual passageways after landing and ferrying them to quarantine hotels with assigned cars (CECC, 中央流行疫情指揮中心), After bringing virus infected people overseas the aircrews are quarentetined to make sure they don’t bring the virus back to China.

China built the c919 OMAC C919 features CFM LEAP-1C engines and can seat up to 168 passengers. The jet is targeted at ending the duopoly of Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, which overwhelmingly lead the market.

The air in the aircraft can be contaminated with the germs carrying the virus to the passengers nose, eyes and mouth in the aircraft. Days later they passed the disease on to various countries after landing.,

The Biological warfare teams could have been a small secret group with access to the aircraft heading worldwide with flights of tourists or businessmen. These passengers spread the disease not realizing they were e now carriers.

China Air Seats

Passengers leaving China going to various world airports could be infected with the corona virus through the aircraft’s air system .Aircrew would likely have received the vaccine in late 20019. Once tourist are aboard the aircraft it would be fairly simple to infect them with the virus through the aircraft air system. . Thousands of infected Chinese tourists then spreads the disease throughout th e world.

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness? Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:,Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath ,or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle Congestion or runny nose, or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Nausea or vomiting, and Diarrhea.

Thousands of Infected Chinese Spread the Virus

‘Italy was one of the first countries outside China to report the disease and claimed a Chinese tourist was taken ill in a Rome hospital.

• Flights into Italy in November and December

• 2.1January 2020: First confirmed cases

• 2.2February–March 2020: Clusters in Northern Italy

• 2.3March 2020: Spread to other regions

• 2.4March–May 2020: Under national lockdown

• 2.5May–September 2020: Reduction of cases and loosening of restrictions

• 2.6September 2020–October 2020: Arrival of the second wave

The virus was first confirmed to have spread to Italy on 31 January 2020, when two Chinese tourists in Rome tested positive for the virus.[2] One week later an Italian man repatriated back to Italy from the city of Wuhan, China, was hospitalised and confirmed as the third case in Italy.[4] On 31 January 2020, the Italian government suspended all flights to and from China and declared a state of emergency. In February, eleven municipalities in northern Italy were identified as the centres of the two main Italian clusters and placed under quarantine. The majority of positive cases in other regions traced back to these two clusters.[11] On 8 March 2020, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte expanded the quarantine to all of Lombardy and 14 other northern provinces, and on the following day to all of Italy, placing more than 60 million people in lockdown.[12][13][14] As of 11 January 2021, Italy has 575,979 active cases, one of the highest in the world.[20] Overall, there have been 2,289,021 confirmed cases and 79,203 deaths

China rejected demands for an international investigation after the Trump administration blamed Beijing for the virus’s spread, and stopped flights from China on January 19, 2020.which plunged the global economy into its deepest slump since the 1930s.

After Australia called in April for an independent inquiry, Beijing retaliated by blocking imports of Australian beef, wine and other goods. It is apparent they were hiding the virus spreading information.

Numerous former U.S. companies are now owned by China such as ANC Movie Theaters, Smithfield Foods, Motorola, GE Appliances, Numerous hotels and chains. Many U.S government officials and university professors are spies for the Chinese.

The Chinese spread their vaccine over the summer to Arab oil company worker’s to keep the flow of oil intact. The worker knew the vaccine maker was China National Biotech Group .— part of the state-owned pharmaceutical group Sino pharm

The Chinese gave the vaccine to thousands of people in the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Morocco and other countries to protect oil workers and gain favor. It is likely the vaccine was given secretly to high ranking personnel in China before the actual outbreak last year and spread of the disease was initiated around the world.

COVID-19 vaccines. All China’s. Medical workers and employees of state-owned companies working abroad were soon included in an “emergency use” program received their vaccinations by June. None of the vaccine has been offered to the West including the United States except for possibly key friends who seem immune.

Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said this year that U.S. intelligence agencies were investigating whether the virus escaped from a Wuhan lab or originated naturally.

While key leaders in the US, UK, France, Italy, and Sprain have gotten sick none of the key leaders in China’s military nor government leaders have gotten sick suggesting they developed a vaccine at least a year before the US.which is the mark of a biological weapon. Vaccines normally take several years to develop.

Dr Li Meng-Yan, who defected to the US after claiming she was being muzzled by China, She stated, “I need everyone to understand this is very critical for all of us.” She was lucky to escape once she found the weapon system. She published a report alleging the virus was created in a lab. Dr Li Meng-Yan, who defected to the US after claiming she was being muzzled by China, published a report alleging the virus was created in a lab.

The virologist claims lives could have been saved if the Chinese government hadn’t censored her work

Dr Yan is formerly a specialist at Hong Kong’s School of Public Health who said her supervisor first asked her to investigate a new “SARIS-like” virus in Wuhan on December 31 — but claims her efforts were later stifled.

After reportedly being told she would “be disappeared” if she spoke out, she fled to the United States. She wrote that the COVID-19could have been conveniently created” within a lab setting over a period of just six months.

She adds: “SARS-CoV-2 shows biological characteristics that are inconsistent with a naturally occurring, zoometric virus.”

U.S. intelligence agencies recently increased their knowledge of China’s covert biological weapons program with the help of a second defector from the People’s Liberation Army.

The defector escaped from China and traveled to Europe, where he is under the protection of a European government security service, according to the sources. The PLA defector believes that Chinese intelligence has penetrated the U.S. government to a great degree and is therefore wary of cooperating with the CIA and other Western spy agencies.

Still, the defector has provided some information about China’s biological arms program that has reached the U.S. government. No other details of the defection could be learned.

As a former intelligence officer who fought Communism, I believe China developed COVID-19 and its vaccine least a year ahead of us and decided to spread it around the world. Thanks to Experian and the Daily Mail


I must have been asked 20 times about the new COVID vaccines.  Here are my thoughts.  Please pass this information onto many as you can.  People need to have fully informed consent when it comes to injecting foreign genetic material into their bodies.

  • The COVID vaccines are mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are a completely new type of vaccine.  No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use before.  In essence, we have absolutely no idea what to expect from this vaccine. We have no idea if it will be effective or safe.”

The above quote from the below article:

The China Virus pandemic is one of the most consequential global events in world history.
Hundreds of thousands dead.
Trillions in economic damage.
How did this happen? Who is responsible?
Benny Johnson


Turning Point USA

did a full scale investigation.

What they found is SHOCKING.


How China Won the Election


China’s Biological Weapons Attack

Biological Warfare Weapons

According to US intelligence sources, the People’s Liberation Army does have an offensive biological weapons program. This Chinese weapons program has been implemented and likely attacked the US with biological weapons.

Biological weapons include viruses and toxins that can be used in wartime to kill or disable. Communist mission has always been to destroy democracy and this virus has killed millions worldwide weakening many nations.

The Washington Times quoted a senior Trump administration official in May alleging that China is engaged in a covert biological weapons program that includes building arms capable of attacking ethnic groups with pathogens.

India is now the second country to surpass seven million corona virus cases after the United States as of May 19. .the official message from Chiba where the virus started is the “heroic city of Wuhan” is back to normal and back in business, its schools and tourist sites reopened and its enterprises running at full capacity. This announcement suggests the 8,364,977 or over 8 million people in Wuhan have received a vaccination that provides immunity to Covid-19 by the month of May.

It is a fact that US and British companies attempting to develop a vaccine for the corona virus have taken eleven or twelve months. John Hopkins claims the September 14 Covid-19 cases: Worldwide there were 196,017, 000 with China having 0 (zero) cases for thirty days.

China’s present tally stands at 90,219 total cases, including 4,735 total deaths. Globally, more than 29.27 million people have been infected and 926,716 have died. The US deaths are closing on 250. 000 deaths. How can Chime be so quick in providing vaccinations to its population of 1.393 billion people?

China’s State Council Information Office 2020) Released this statement, The theory of the U.S. origins of the virus serves a crucial role in a large-scale propaganda campaign aiming to define and reshape the narratives on the role of China in the world.

The China Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: “It might be the US army personnel which brought the epidemic to Wuhan where it first started.” Such official remarks caused a crisis in China–U.S. relations (Myers 2020)

According to the official discourse, due to the “strong leadership” of the Party-government and the “huge sacrifice” made by Chinese people, China has achieved “great success” in containing COVID-19. Such success becomes even more remarkable when compared to the inept response of most Western countries, particularly the United States. Above all, China’s success “evidently” shows the superiority and global applicability of China’s authoritarian response to COVID-19 as well as the Chinese political system. Wuhan was free of the virus by May.

“We are looking at potential biological experiments on ethnic minorities,” the official said on the condition of anonymity. For example blacks and Latinos seem more prone to get the corona virus.

Chinese government and Communist Chairman Xi Jinping has bragged about their success faster than all other countries in the world.

Having fought Communism for most of my life the logical answer is this was a bio war project of developing the disease and a vaccine as well much earlier than claimed.

India’s Hindostan Times News claimed China murdered 20, 000 Indian soldiers on the Tibet border this summer while keeping a million Moslems is concentration camps. Communism under Stalin and in Laos killed millions so a bio war to hurt Democratic countries and to stop Trump who cost them millions in trade. Beijing health officials said Saturday they began dosing some medical workers and state-owned enterprise employees with an experimental covid-19 vaccine in late July under “urgent use” protocols.

China wants to return in gaining billions in trade by winning the election from Trump and a bio war is well within their capability. Additionally, they have a strong alley in the Biden’s.

The best companies and labs around the world have taken eleven to twelve months to develop the vaccine; China is likely to have taken a similar amount of time. China claims there are zero cases as of August, and most people have been vaccinated. This pushes their development of a vaccine starting at least unroll May of 2019 and an indication of serious planning and the likely hood of a bio war.

We can assume it would take that amount of time for the Chinese to do so as well. The Chinese claim to have defeated the Covid-19 by May in Wuhan pushing back when they started working to develop a vaccine to May or June of last year.

No announcement of the disease was mad until January when the carriers spread the disease throughout the world using carriers and likely spray cans carrying the virus. It appears the Chinese developed the disease in their Laboratory in Wuhan, developed a vaccine and conducted bio warfare on the rest of the world.

Prior to taking the virus around the world the key Chinese important people were given the vaccine that had been developed at an early date. The Chimes military of almost three million had also received vaccine by May suggesting the vaccine was likely available to key people in China and perhaps in the US since the winter. It seems odd no major Democrat personality has come down with the Covid-19 and allegedly Hunter Biden received a Billion 500 Million dollars to invest from China.

Wuhan China where virus started Celebrating free of virus by May 2020

China has a surprisingly low level of COVID-19 disease among its people that started in Wuhan but has not spread to Shanghai or Beijing its largest cities.

The COVID-19is not the first serious disease from China. A Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness an early version of a COVID-19 called SARS in February 2003. Allegedly it escaped from a military laboratory causing thousands of deaths in China. The mounting death toll exacted by SARS in China has triggered speculation that the virus could ultimately be traced back to a leak from military bio-weapon programmers. The illness spread to more than two dozen countries in North America, and South America, Europe, and Asia before the SARS global outbreak of 2003 was contained. The most recent human cases of SARS-CoV infection were reported in China in April 2004 in an outbreak resulting from laboratory-acquired infections killing 800 people in China

Although most reports favor a natural origin for SARIS as a bio-weapon link should not be ruled out, according to Mr. Richard Fisher, a senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation, a Washington-based think-tank. Antibody (CBL-rAb-1570FY), Human IgG (CAT#: CBL-rAb-1570FY) is effective for treatment of SARs.

‘While there is no reported evidence that SARS is indeed a weapon, there are plenty of ways that a real weapon with the properties of SARS could prove decisive in a military conflict,’ he said.

SARs is likely the basis for the latest COVID-19 virus according to Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng’.

Ms. Stephanie Lieggi, an East Asia expert at the California-based Centre for Nonproliferation Studies, said: ‘I have seen nothing in recent reports that would support any connection between SARS and biological weapons. The new COVID-19 is likely a much stronger version of SARS.

But it is exactly the innocuous nature of SARS that could make it militarily useful for someone wanting to sow panic and prompt political instability, Mr. Fisher argued.

‘A seemingly ‘natural’ epidemic would lessen suspicion of the main ‘enemy state’ by the target country and its main allies,’ he said.

The Chinese may carry genes that make them more immune to this particular biological weapon. Only 50,000 cases and 5,000 dead in China compared to over an eight million cases in the US and 250,000 deaths. These numbers strongly suggest China developed both the virus and its vaccine before the end of 2019.

A Chinese general, Zhang Shaba, stated in a 2017 book, “New Highland of War,” that biotechnology advances were increasing the likelihood of offensive bio-weapons, including the danger of “specific ethnic genetic attacks.” A report by the Chinese military’s National Defense University in 2017 included a section warning that biology is a new domain of warfare and that a future germ conflict could include “specific ethnic genetic attacks”. China is currently a signatory of the Biological Weapons Convention.

Chinese various DNA are different from other peoples. This can be an advantage in biological warfare in protecting your civilization from catching the disease. Various types of corona virus have been in China for centuries giving the Chinese a certain natural immunity.

The devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for individuals, families, communities, countries, and the world as a whole offers vivid proof that microbes could be just as destructive and terrifying—if not more so—than the use of nuclear weapons. And it is much less difficult to forge biological weapons than nuclear ones.

Kanatjan Alibekov, former director of one of the Soviet germ-warfare programs, said that China suffered a serious accident at one of its biological weapons plants in the late 1980s. Alibekov asserted that Soviet reconnaissance satellites identified a biological weapons laboratory. . The Soviets suspected that two separate epidemics of hemorrhagic fever that swept the region in the late 1980s were caused by an accident in a lab where Chinese scientists were weapon zing viral diseases.

Arabs Receiving Chinese Vaccine

China’s extensive work with viruses, including laboratory research on bat corona viruses, has fueled concern that the virus that causes COVID-19 may have escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan.

The Arab oil company worker wondered why he had to keep his Chinese COVID-19 vaccination a secret. Questions raced through his head as he read the confidentiality agreement, which threatened discipline if he told anyone outside company management about the COVID-19 shot he was waiting to get.

The worker knew the vaccine maker, China National Biotec Group — part of the state-owned pharmaceutical group Sinopharm claimed it was conducting trials of this vaccine on hundreds of thousands of people in the United Arab Emirates, Peru, Morocco and other countries to protect oil workers and gain favor. It is likely the vaccine was given secretly to high ranking personnel in China before the actual outbreak last year and spread of the disease was initiated around the world.

“At least they’re in a monitored, controlled situation,” he said of those trials, watching as hundreds of his co-workers lined up around him to get their injection at a clinic in Beijing. “But for us, they can’t make any guarantees. The employee — who did not give his name for fear of reprisal — is one of hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens who have received COVID-19 vaccines.

All China’s military received their vaccinations by May or June. Medical workers and employees of state-owned companies working abroad were soon included in an “emergency use” program. In September, a China National Biotech executive said 350,000 people outside clinical trials had already received the vaccine. None has been offered to the West including the United States except for possibly key Democrats who seem immune. About 90% of Sinovac’s employees have taken the vaccine early, the company said.

Once released on the public large numbers of carriers were sent to numerous countries around the world including Italy where the decease spread throughout the world.

New York Tines stats China claims it has made three of its four candidates in late-stage human testing, called Phase 3 trials, available to tens of thousands of employees at state-owned businesses, government officials and company executives since July. By July everyone was getting the vaccine.

The Chinese government has denied that the COVID-19escaped from a laboratory.

Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said this year that U.S. intelligence agencies were investigating whether the virus escaped from a Wuhan lab or originated naturally.

While key leaders in the US, UK, France, Italy, and Sprain have gotten sick none of the key leaders in China’s military nor government leaders have gotten sick suggesting they have some sort of built in immunity or vaccine which is the mark of a biological weapon. Vaccines normally take several years to develop.

Dr Li Meng-Yan, who defected to the US after claiming she was being muzzled by China, She stated, “I need everyone to understand this is very critical for all of us.” She was lucky to escape once she found the weapon system. She published a report alleging the virus was created in a lab. Dr Li Meng-Yan, who defected to the US after claiming she was being muzzled by China, published a report alleging the virus was created in a lab.

The virologist claims lives could have been saved if the Chinese government hadn’t censored her work

Dr Yan is formerly a specialist at Hong Kong’s School of Public Health who said her supervisor first asked her to investigate a new “SARIS-like” virus in Wuhan on December 31 — but claims her efforts were later stifled.

After reportedly being told she would “be disappeared” if she spoke out, she fled to the United States.

She wrote that the COVID-19could have been “conveniently created” within a lab setting over a period of just six months.

She adds: “SARS-CoV-2 shows biological characteristics that are inconsistent with a naturally occurring, zoometric virus.”

Real evidence of artificial manipulation and is highly speculative.”

U.S. intelligence agencies recently increased their knowledge of China’s covert biological weapons program with the help of a second defector from the People’s Liberation Army, according to people familiar with the incident.

The defector escaped from China and traveled to Europe, where he is under the protection of a European government security service, according to the sources. The PLA defector believes that Chinese intelligence has penetrated the U.S. government and is therefore wary of cooperating with the CIA and other Western spy agencies.

Still, the defector has provided some information about China’s biological arms program that has reached the U.S. government. No other details of the defection could be learned.

As a former intelligence officer, I believe China developed COVID-19 and its vaccine last year and decided to spread it around the world. Also saving the lives of millions with the vaccine is a very powerful propaganda tool. If China provided the US with their vaccine in the spring thousands of American lives could have been saved and Trump would have likely won the election.

Are you aware that videos and other educational information are removed off the internet and labeled, in the words of Mark Zuckerberg, as “misinformation?”
  1. Is it not misinformation to characterize hydroxychloroquine, in the doses used for early outpatient treatment of COVID-19 infections, as a dangerous drug?
  2. Is it not misleading for you to repeatedly state to the American public that randomized clinical trials are the sole source of information to confirm the efficacy of a treatment?
  3. Was it not misinformation when on CNN you cited the Lancet study based on false data from Surgisphere as evidence of the lack of efficacy of hydroxychloroquine?”
Above quotes from the below article:
“The smaller snapshot, published in the journal PNAS, initially suggested that type C was the most common in Europe.
“But the data now shows type B is spreading more rampantly – all but one of 31 SARS-CoV-2 samples taken from patients in Switzerland were of the second cluster.”
Above quote from below article:

“A highly respected Chinese virologist has fled Hong Kong and says that the Chinese government knew about COVID-19 long before they claim they did, and that her supervisors – some of the top experts in the field – ignored research she was conducting at the onset of the pandemic which she says could have saved lives, according to an exclusive interview with Fox News.”
Above quote from the below article:

Washington State Department of Health

“Death Reporting June 17, 2020: 
Deaths are currently reported for anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19. The Department is working on changes to provide more context to death reporting and report death counts that reflect deaths where COVID-19 caused or contributed to the death. Beginning June 17th, we will be removing deaths from our daily counts where COVID-19 did not cause or contribute to the death.  We will continue to update death counts as additional information on cause of death is received. On June 17th, we removed 7 deaths (3 homicides, 2 suicides, and 2 overdoses).”
Quote from the below article:


COVID-19 Tracker Worldometers: Coronavirus Cases in India Cross Half A Million as Numbers Continue to Increase
“New Delhi, June 26: Coronavirus cases in India on Friday cro ..
“On Friday morning, India reported the highest single-day spi ..
Read more at:



Image result for chinese military intelligence officer




Chinese Intelligence Officer Reveals True Magnitude of China’s Fake “Coronavirus” Crisis

(Copyright 2020, R.D. Morningstar & u /武汉病毒被丢弃-All Rights Reserved)
This article can be found at and is reprinted here with permission

通过 u /武汉病毒被丢弃

By u/武汉病毒被丢弃

(Wuhan Virus was Dropped)


Edited by Robert D. Morningstar

To Free the Chinese people:

For the good  and general welfare of the Chinese people and the World, permission is hereby granted to copy, quote or reproduce this article, with a link-back, in full or in part with the hope that these revelations will help to free the Chinese populace and the citizens of Hong Kong from theEvilthat has befallen them.



明亮的晨 星


I am a senior Chinese military intelligence officer and I know the truth about the “corona virus” outbreak.  It is far worse than the media are telling you.

I am a Chinese citizen in Wuhan who occupies — or perhaps occupied — a high-ranking position in military intelligence.  I am also a member of the Chinese Communist Party. As a senior official near the top of the Party, I have access to a great deal of classified information and I have been involved in many top secret government projects.  I have a doctorate from a leading university in a western country, which is why I am able to write my account in English.

I have information that I believe could lead to the overthrow of my government.  It is also relevant to billions of people outside of China, all of whom are now in existential peril.

It will not surprise you to hear that if my identity were to be revealed, my life would be in grave danger, as would those of my wife and son.  I ask you to respect the fact that I have stripped out of this account all facts that would make it easy to identify me.

By now you will be familiar with the recent outbreak of 2019-nCoV, also known as NCP, or simply “coronavirus”. You will have heard that it originated in Wuhan, an industrial city in China, and that it came from an animal — most likely a bat or a pangolin — that was sold in a wild animal market.  You will have been told that it is an influenza-like illness that can in severe cases cause pneumonia, respiratory failure and death.

Finally, you may have heard that although the disease is highly infectious, it is dangerous only to the elderly or to those who have a compromised immune system.  The official lethality rate is approximately  2% or so.

All of that is a bunch of lies concocted by the Chinese state with the tacit support of the U.S. deep state and its friends in the European Union, Russia and Australia, and spread by the docile media in all of those countries.

Let me start by telling you that the world does not operate the way you think it does. Although countries like the US and China vie for global dominance, that competition is restricted to certain limited areas.

In most ways, the two countries are more interested in cooperation so that they can stop other competing countries from gaining more power.  They also have a shared interest in keeping real power out of the hands of their “ordinary” citizens. To this end, they have many different mechanisms by which they control the overwhelming majority of their media outlets.  The Americans in particular have perfected the art of creating made-up “divisions” between their two main parties which are designed to hide the fact that both serve the same masters.

These same nations also posses technology that is far more advanced than you can imagine and which is kept carefully hidden from public view.  This includes advanced artificial intelligence capable of undermining and deciding any election in the world; biological and chemical agents( 生化剂) that can manipulate and control the thinking patterns and behaviours of citizens to terrifying degrees; highly sophisticated manipulation techniques using hypnotic practices entirely unknown to the public; and other things that I will not go into now.


My point is that the great nations do not compete so much as work together. Their principal goal is to shield the true workings of the world from the “uninitiated” public.

Let me return to the virus.

Last year, large-scale anti-government protests erupted in Hong Kong.

The Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party considered these to be a grave threat to the integrity and stability of the motherland.  The U.S. government and the EU both knew that the Chinese were secretly working on a biological agent that was supposed to make the protesters docile and obedient.  Without going into detail, I worked on that project.  We tried to develop a sort of spray that could be dispersed from helicopters or drones and that would lead to mental retardation and behavioural change.

Naturally, as Hong Kong is one of the most open and international cities in the world, the Party decided that it was too risky to release the agent in Hong Kong without first testing it.  For this, it needed a great number of human guinea pigs. Two groups were identified for this.

First, we rounded up a large number of so-called “islamic radicals” in Xinjiang Province and took them to what we called “training camps.”

We had already been using these camps for human experimentation for several years, but the Hong Kong protests meant that we redoubled our efforts.  We exposed the inmates to various “alpha” experimental agents.  As these were odourless and invisible, the subjects were not aware that they were taking part in medical trials.

Image result for uighurs in china

Escape from Xinjiang:  Muslim Uighurs Speak of China Persecution

The resulting high rates of cancer, premature dementia, suicidal depression and death by organ failure could easily be suppressed, as the camps are located in very remote parts of our motherland.

Once the initial experiments had yielded a “beta” agent, it was transported to Hubei Province, where it was deployed in a special military testing facility outside the city of Wuhan.  This was not even a particularly well-kept secret: the existence of this facility has been reported in international news.  Even the fact that it is located close to the wild animal market is a known fact.

By then our President had already introduced a “social credit” system that allowed us to identify disloyal, counter-revolutionary and bourgeois elements in our society.  Using the social credit scores — which are taken from online activity, electronic shopping behaviour and reports from informers in civil society — we selected some of the worst offenders.  These included human rights lawyers and activists, Christians, homosexuals, artists, intellectuals, people who speak foreign languages, and other undesirables.

Once these troublemakers had been collected and placed in the testing facility, we exposed them to the Agent, which is biochemical in nature and spread in an invisible aerosol, akin to certain viruses.  Initial results were encouraging, as we saw significant cognitive decline and reduction in higher mental processing facilities.  Essentially, our undesirables were becoming mildly mentally disabled, which is precisely the effect we wanted to produce in order to pacify the restive population of Hong Kong.

Image result for hong kong riots

Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that the Agent also had other effects. About one week after the retardation set in, our subjects developed major anxiety and panic attacks.  Eventually they developed symptoms akin to those of paranoid schizophrenics.  At that point, their bodies rapidly deteriorated.  They developed massive internal bleeding; the walls of their arteries dissolved; they bled out of their eyes and orifices, and their tissue disintegrated.

To put it in a more direct Western manner, they started to “melt.”

Death usually occurred through multiple organ failure.  This was preceded by at least five days of severe agony which could not be alleviated by painkillers.  It was at this time that I first violated our protocol: one subject, an elderly lady who had published defamatory cartoons of our President, begged me for death with such insistence that I took pity and shot her.  I was reprimanded, but fortunately the complaint was dropped when I agreed to reimburse the cost of the bullet. I swore to myself never again to show such unnecessary emotion.

We decided that our Agent was unusable.  It was far too destructive for our purposes.  We wanted the population of Hong Kong to submit to us; we did not want to exterminate it.

Image result for hong kong riots

Naturally, our American friends had by then taken an interest in our work and asked us for a sample for their own research and testing purposes.  They hinted that they wished to use it to resolve certain difficulties in Venezuela.  Normally we would have agreed, as we maintain friendly relations with the CIA, but given the extremely toxic nature of the Agent, we declined.

This, as it turned out, was a grave mistake.  The CIA was convinced that we had developed something very powerful and wanted to keep it to ourselves.  They offered a great deal of money to one of our researchers.

Foolishly, he agreed to sell them a specimen.  We found out just in time for the handover and tried to stop it from happening.  In the ensuing shoot-out — don’t bother to look for it in the news, it was never reported anywhere — several dozen people were killed.

More importantly, however, the Agent escaped!

The shoot-out took place at the wild animal market, which has been reported as the location of the “animal-to-human” transmission that started the outbreak.  But, of course, there was no such transmission; it was just the location where the CIA was supposed to receive the sealed vial containing the Agent.  The vial shattered when it was dropped by the traitor who had agreed to sell it to the Americans.

By now, I understand you will be sceptical.  If I really am who I say I am, why would I be sharing this information on the internet?

Let me assure you that I am no friend of the Western system of governance. I love my motherland and I am loyal to the Communist Party.  It has lifted hundreds of millions of my compatriots out of squalor and poverty.  However, I am also a human being and I have a conscience.

Most importantly, I have a wife and a son.

Once we realised that the Agent had escaped and would start to spread, we swiftly put all of Wuhan into lockdown. I was one of those tasked to manage the fallout of the contamination.

Of course, we could not keep such a huge undertaking secret, so we decided to order our state media to report that a “coronavirus” had broken out in Wuhan.

In reality, of course, there is no “coronavirus”. It was all made up.

It was one of my colleagues who came up with the genius idea of pretending that people with the common flu suffered from the coronavirus. This allowed us to hide the true nature of the disease. Let me explain.

It is currently flu season in China. When we realised that we could no longer control the spread of the Agent, we sent our men to all the hospitals and instructed all doctors to diagnose every case of the common flu as “coronavirus”. We came up with a new name — 2019-nCoV — and handed out “fact sheets” that described a made-up illness.

The result of this decision was that tens of thousands of individuals who were simply suffering from a cold or flu were now diagnosed as having a mysterious coronavirus that, although infectious, was not often lethal.  While this frightened the public, it allowed us to push the narrative that the disease was not that deadly; it also gave us time to prepare for the catastrophe that was sure to come by imposing a lockdown on Wuhan and other cities in Hubei Province.


BREAKING: China to quarantine city of Shenzhen in Guangdong Province, causing “mad rush” to Hong Kong as (infected) citizens flee to other nations –



You have not heard this in the news — and given the size of Wuhan, with its population of 11 million, it is not known even to many of the residents — but within days thousands upon thousands were infected and before long they suffered the agonising deaths that I have already described.

Within a week, there were so many corpses that we did not know what to do with them, so we ordered the surviving social credit prisoners to drive the bodies into the countryside and bury them in mass graves.

But it was very difficult to keep this activity secret, and we could not even keep up as there were so many corpses.

We planted a story that five million residents had “fled” Wuhan.  In reality, of course, many of those people had died from the Agent.

I was working around the clock helping to orchestrate this cover-up.  When I think back to my actions now, I feel great shame.  At the time I still believed that I was fighting for my motherland and that the rule of the Party was right and just. But deep down, I had already begun to have doubts.

Photos Extra VampireBlood 58574548_1021268251594025_8415094693947244544_n

My faith in the Party was shaken even more deeply when I learnt what had happened to Dr Li Wenliang.

Li Wenliang: Doctor who warned about coronavirus outbreak dies after being infected by virus

Whistleblower who was confronted by police becomes latest victim of deadly outbreak

Dr Li Wenliang was one of the few doctors who refused falsely to diagnose flu patients with the “coronavirus”.  As a punishment, he was sent to help transport dead bodies to mass graves.  The expectation was that he would be infected with the Agent and die an agonising death, but to our great surprise, he did not contract the illness.

You have of course read that he died of “coronavirus.”  You have been misinformed.  A sergeant of the People’s Armed Police injected him with a mixture of heroin and mercury that caused his lungs to deflate.

When I found out about this, I became unsure whether or not I was doing the right thing.  While I believe that it is appropriate for a government to rule with a severe hand, I do not think that it was right to kill Dr Li.  He was a compassionate and kind man and he cared about his patients; how can our motherland not benefit from having such a doctor?

I shared my concerns with my wife, but she convinced me that I should not say anything to my superiors.  She said that it was too dangerous; that they valued loyalty above everything else; and that I would only find trouble if I admitted to my doubts about their practices.  She also pointed out that we benefited from priority medical treatment.  As senior officials, we received regular supplies of the highly-sophisticated hazmat masks that are the only known technology that can prevent infection.   She implored me to think of our son, who is still small.  If I spoke out and were caught, our lives would be at risk.

Around the same time, it became clear that the Agent was entirely beyond our control.  It was spreading like wildfire throughout Hubei Province and beyond, infecting tens of millions and causing them all to die.

I understand that what I just said is difficult to believe, because you have been told that there have been only about 50,000 infections, and far fewer deaths.

But these are the influenza infections that have been falsely passed off as the non-existent “coronavirus.”  The Agent is far, far more contagious than that, and its fatality rate, unlike the “coronavirus”, is not 2%.

No, its fatality rate is 100%.  Nobody recovers from it.  Everybody who contracts it dies.

And a lot of people are contracting it.

Hubei Province lies in ruins. The various travel restrictions and lockdowns that have been imposed were not created to stop the spread of the Agent — none of them can stop it, not embargoes, not face masks or hand sanitiser — but to stop the survivors from seeing the catastrophe with their own eyes.

Image result for chinese drones

                                                              Editor’s note:                                                                   Drones are being used to herd people toward containment centers.

Image result for chinese police forced coronavirus evacuations



Image result for chinese police beating coronavirus evacuations

I am part of the greatest cover-up in human history: the hiding of the deaths of tens of millions. Very soon, Hubei Province will be no more than a giant mortuary, and the truth will come out.

For me, the turning point came when the Party told yet another lie, and that lie was too dreadful even for me to accept.

You may have heard that China built a new hospital, called Huoshenshan Hospital, in Wuhan, in order to provide additional quarantine and isolation facilities for infected patients.  You may have heard that they built it in only ten days.

That too is a lie.

Sure, they did build something in six days.  But it was not a “hospital. ”  The true nature of the building was considered “top secret.”

Initially, I was naive enough to believe that the Party was demonstrating its compassion and care for the people.  But then my superiors sent me to Huoshenshan.

I was shown around the installation by a military police officer called Corporal Meng (this is not his real name).  It was there that I saw the truth.

As I have mentioned, the only way to protect oneself from the Agent is by wearing a special protective mask that is entirely unlike those available commercially. Even medical professionals do not have access to it.  It is available only to biomedical warfare researchers and it contains extremely advanced technology.

These masks need to be kept at a particular temperature to offer full protection, and lose their effectiveness very quickly.  As I have also already said, one of the benefits of my position was that both my family and I had access to regular supplies, which is why were safe when compared to civilians, doctors and even lower-level government officials, all of whom wore utterly ineffective surgical masks in the misguided belief that they would protect them.

And so, wearing this special equipment, I went to Huoshenshan with Corporal Meng.

Whatever you want to call that place, it is not a hospital.

Sure, the entrance looks like a hospital and in the ward at the front of the complex, there are what appear to be normal medical beds.  There, thousands of infected patients lie, all of them in the early stages of the disease.  I walked along those long, white corridors next to Corporal Meng, his angular face dispassionate in his military fatigues, and saw hundreds upon hundreds of identical hospital beds on which squirmed the terrified and diseased inhabitants of Wuhan.  Their cries and pleas haunt me in the long nights in which I now am unable to sleep.

But this was merely the beginning.  Eventually the Corporal took me to the rear of this front section.  There, locked metal gates led to what he called the “middle section”.  The patients in the front are unaware of its existence.  It is there that the more advanced cases are kept, in what most closely resembles a mental asylum.

Immediately upon entering this part of Huoshen Shan, I was struck by the dim lighting and stench of vomit and human waste.  Here the unfortunates roamed freely, their minds gradually disintegrating in endless panic attacks and psychotic episodes.  Here too there were no more doctors, merely gorilla-faced men in black uniforms who belonged to some secret branch of the military police I had never heard of.

They appeared to have been selected for their cruelty, for they beat and degraded the patients in the most sadistic manner.  Many of the inmates had regressed to childlike states and lay on the floor weeping like infants and begging for compassion that they did not receive.

There was cruel pleasure in the eyes of these thugs as they brutalised the unfortunates.  They beat them with batons, sprayed pepper spray into their eyes and kicked them with their steel-capped boots.  As I was from military intelligence, the guards did not even attempt to hide their activities.  They even invited me to join; in every way, they treated me as one of them.

Yes, one of them.  I stood in the grey staff bathroom of Huoshen Shan and looked into a cheap mirror and asked myself — is this really what you are? Are you really like them?

But the violence was not merely an expression of sadism, for the poor inmates were not there to be cared for.

They were there to work.

There was one more set of doors, and beyond them lay what the Corporal called the “Core.”  And it was there that I saw it — piles and piles of dead bodies, stacked on top of one another all the way to the ceiling.  There were men, women and children, elderlies and toddlers, rich and poor, beautiful and misshapen, proud and humble.

They were all of them dead.  Our Agent made no distinction between any of them.

I gasped when the Corporal led me to the Core.  I cannot count how many there were, but it was many, many thousands.  And in the midst of the piles of corpses was a kind of path, and I heard a roaring sound in the distance.  The miserable patients from the middle section picked up the dead and carried and dragged them away into the dark, even as the guards beat them with truncheons.

It took me a little while before I grasped what was happening.  I simply could not believe what lay at the end of that path in the Core.

It was an enormous furnace, with great fires roaring within.

One by one, their minds destroyed and their bodies twisted, the dying men and women carried the corpses to the furnace and cast them inside in a doomed attempt to hide the dreadful truth.  I saw several of them collapse from exhaustion only for their lifeless bodies to be added to the mountains of corpses on both sides.  In a seemingly endless line they went, their emaciated bodies clad in grey overalls, their backs bent under the weight of their dreadful cargo.  Many howled and groaned in terror and their voices joined in a sorrowful cacophony that lingered over the roar of the fires.

In deep shock, I stared at the boundless horror before me.  Beside me stood Corporal Meng, his freshly-shaved face as emotionless as before.  When I turned to face him, he looked at me.  His mouth smiled, but his eyes did not.

“We use the energy to operate Huoshen Shan,” he said. “We save the state considerable resources in this way.  And look,” — he waved at the gallery of the dead — “there are so many of them here.  You could almost describe it as renewable energy.”  He laughed and waved his hand in a strangely camp gesture.

I stood speechless and stared at the infernal scenes before me.  Men in black uniforms screamed like daemons at the wretches who were disposing of the corpses for them.  They stripped the dead of anything that had value — jewellery, cash, expensive clothing — and tossed these items onto an enormous pile next to the furnace.  When I asked the Corporal what would be done with the items, they said that they would be used to pay for the “healthcare expenses” incurred by the patients’ stay in Huoshenshan.

I vomited in the toilet.  When I flushed and came out of the stall, Corporal Meng stood by the door and looked at me.  His face was as blank as before, but in his eyes I thought I registered a very faint trace of contempt.  You are ten years my senior, the look said, but you are soft.

I thanked him for his service and went home.

When I arrived, I saw that I had received hundreds of updates on the encrypted device the Party uses to communicate to insiders.  The news were unimaginably grim.  The State Legal and Economic Commission had allocated funds for the construction of dozens of facilities like Huoshenshan all throughout China.

The Agent had spread not only to every single province of the motherland, but to most other nations in the world. Fortunately, we had agreements in place with other governments — they agreed to pretend that the infections were due to a coronavirus.  They were just as worried as we were that a panic might break out in their countries.  The Americans, in particular, were terrified that the S&P 500 might decline.  This, they said, would be unacceptable in an election year, so we could count on their full support.

Of course the World Health Organisation also helped us.  For a long time, the only issue with the WHO has been that we have been locked in a contest with the Americans about who bribes them more.  They released all sorts of sophisticated misinformation about having decoded the DNA of the so-called coronavirus.  All this has allowed us to stave off a global panic.

For now.

Yet the situation was worsening with astonishing speed.  I am reluctant to reveal too much on this point, as it would make it too easy for my enemies to identify me, but we quickly began to implement measures to protect our most senior leaders.  If you look at the world news, you will see that Xi Jinping, our President, disappeared for approximately one week after the outbreak, before being seen again with the leader of Cambodia.

You should know that the person who met the Cambodian leader was not President Xi.  It was a body double who had, for many years, been trained to look and sound just like our President.  President Xi is of course not careless enough to risk his own death.  He is safely ensconced in a secret bunker underneath Zhongnanhai, the headquarters of the Party in Beijing.

Nor was he the only leader who is in hiding.  In fact, I can assure you that over half of all senior Party members are currently being imitated by trained actors who are following instructions given to them via special implants.

Do you really think that our Prime Minister would risk his life by going to Wuhan?

All of this means that our government has become utterly paralysed and the functions of the state have been taken over by the military.

It became clear to me that our efforts were pointless.  Yes, the lockdowns, travel bans and targeted assassinations of rebellious journalists allowed us to hide the true situation in Wuhan; but I knew that this would not last.

Once the mass deaths begin in the rest of the world — in our estimation, this should happen within the next week or so — everyone will know the truth.  It will become clear that we cannot protect ourselves from the Agent.

Surgical masks, hand sanitiser, gloves — nothing can stop it.  Nothing except the special hazmat masks, but those cannot be produced in anything like sufficient quantities.  You, an ordinary person, will never even receive one, let alone a sufficient number to see you through the coming holocaust.

For those of you reading this, therefore, all I can suggest is that you keep your loved ones close to you.  Hug them, tell them what they mean to you.  Enjoy the time you have left with them.  It is not typical in Chinese culture to express one’s feelings in this way, but I have learnt the importance of such gestures.

I promised my wife that I would show this document to her before I posted it.

Yet I broke my word.

I hear her weep in loud, hoarse sobs in the bedroom, and the keyboard of my laptop is wet with my own tears.  Not long ago, we received results of the regular tests that are part of our “priority medical treatment”, and we learnt that my son had been infected with the Agent.

The military police that has supplied me with the special protective mask had been giving expired and ineffective masks to my son, masks that senior officials had already worn and then discarded when they ceased to protect them.   My own masks, on the other hand, had always been of the necessary quality.

I suppose they decided that my son was of lower priority than me. I suppose my son could not help them with their cover-up.

We had long ago decided that we would be different — we would be honest with him, always.  And so when he asked us, we told him the truth. We told him that he was very sick.  He asked more, and we told him he would not get better.

He continued asking, and we told him that he would die.  He is very small, but he was old enough to understand.

His terrified wails will haunt me for the rest of my miserable days in this world.

Let them come.  Let them do with me as they will. I no longer care.


通过 u /武汉病毒被丢弃  

u/(Wuhan Virus was Dropped)


Editor’s Postscript

Here is the True Face of Communism.

The video linked below shows scenes from Wuhan, China, and graphically supports the assertions made by the anonymous Chinese Military Intelligence Officer presented above.

These scenes show the ruthlessness of the Chinese Police enforcing and conducting forced detainment of people suspected of having the Corona Virus. Even pets are being thrown out of windows on rumors that pets are spreading the disease (not true).
This video also shows clear evidence of intentional contamination and spreading of disease as seen in the elevator with Chinese operatives spitting on tissue and smearing it on elevator buttons, as well as, people spitting in food containers and into food service centers.
The following video images reveal the real face of Chinese Communism, which has become today the worst “Death Cult” ever known in the long history of Mankind.





To understand the meaning of living in a

“Hell on Earth” …

Watch “Corona Unmasked” from the start.–90EKIMbT0dN3WmXVWSLPRe24qwVgIK369u4tE0O63AdyjOczfPk

Editor’s Note:
“Corona-unMaskeD” has been removed by YouTube,
-> “Why?”
Why are Google & YouTube conspiring with the Chinese Police State to hide the crimes and atrocities being perpetrated on the Chinese people.?


The video “Corona-unMaskeD” has been removed by YouTube, claiming:

“This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy

on violent or graphic content.”


视频“ Corona-unMaskeD”已被YouTube删除,并声称:



If the graphics are “violent” how much more violent must be the criminal actions and behavior of the Chinese Police State that Google and YouTube want to hide them from the world.

“Where There’s a Will … There’s a Way”

Despite YouTube and Google’s attempts to hide the criminal policies of the Chinese Police State from public scrutiny, the people of the world can still see “Corona-unMaskeD” by going to BitChute. 

See “Corona-unMaskeD”by clicking the link given below:


The Video


This hour of unedited footage from Wuhan and affected cities, filmed by citizens, shows the reality of the Coronavirus/nCoV/COVID19 outbreak and government response.

Some of the worst aspects of human nature are documented for the purposes of awareness and preparation. The footage increases in intensity from start to finish and there are no trigger warnings.

This is not the flu.

Director TUIT
Producer ARES
DP & Audio Chinese Citizens
Catering Telegram app
Screenwriter TUIT
Editor TUIT
Date of Production: 2020-02-11
Join Us:
All Rights Reserved 2020


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A Harvard Professor, The DOD & NIH, A Chinese Spy, 21 Stolen Vials Of “Biological Research”, & Nanoscience

Here are some dots in desperate need of connecting, even if the DOJ says it’s all “separate”. Oh yeah, and they tie into the Wuhan University of Technology…

From the DOJ:

Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases
The Department of Justice announced today that the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department and two Chinese nationals have been charged in connection with aiding the People’s Republic of China.

Dr. Charles Lieber, 60, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, was arrested this morning and charged by criminal complaint with one count of making a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statement. Lieber will appear this afternoon before Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler in federal court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Yanqing Ye, 29, a Chinese national, was charged in an indictment today with one count each of visa fraud, making false statements, acting as an agent of a foreign government and conspiracy. Ye is currently in China.

Zaosong Zheng, 30, a Chinese national, was arrested on Dec. 10, 2019, at Boston’s Logan International Airport and charged by criminal complaint with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China. On Jan. 21, 2020, Zheng was indicted on one count of smuggling goods from the United States and one count of making false, fictitious or fraudulent statements. He has been detained since Dec. 30, 2019.

Important Update

The Alex Jones Show

Was Coronavirus Intended To Be Primer For Chinese Invasion Of America?

InfoWars – Banned Video


Banned Video

 BSL-4 Microbiological

“Smoking Gun”


Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the “smoking gun” linking the weaponized Wuhan virus to the U.S.
Click here:


China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From U.S.


Science Direct

Antiviral Research

Volume 176, April 2020, 104742

The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade


Corona Virus Diagram

The Philadelphi Inquirer

‘Skunkworks’ at Johnson & Johnson is rushing to develop a coronavirus vaccine

 “Fear Not!”

So says the angel when he comes



Robert D. Morningstar





Latest Updates from Wuhan:

Beijing’s Coverup of Coronavirus Outbreak Puts ‘Whole World at Risk,’ Expert Says


Beijing’s Coverup of Coronavirus Outbreak Puts ‘Whole World at Risk,’ Expert Says

Coronavirus ‘whistleblower’ nurse says China has 90,000 sick


The Daily Mail U.K.

Wuhan “Whistleblower’ Nurse’s Video Report







Coronavirus infections, deaths and “community outbreaks” EXPLODE outside China; CDC warns travelers about “community spread” in six nations as infections skyrocket in Korea

By Mike Adams

Natural News









Edited by


Image result for chinese military intelligence officer




通过 u武汉病毒被丢弃

(Copyright 2020, R.D. Morningstar & u /武汉病毒被丢弃-All Rights Reserved)






我是中国军事情报高级官员,我知道“冠状病毒”爆发的真相。 这比媒体告诉你的要糟糕得多。我是武汉的中国公民, 在军事情报领域担任高级职位。我也是中国共产党的成员。作为接近党的最高层的高级 官员,我可以获得大量的机密信息,并且参与了许多最高机密的政府项目。 我拥有西方国家一流大学的博士学位,这就是为什么

我能够用英语写我的帐户的原因。 我掌握的信息可能会导致我的政府被推翻。这也与中国境外数十亿人息息相关, 他们现在都面临着生存的危险。 听到我的身份被揭露,

我的生命和我妻子和儿子的生命将面临极大的危险, 这不会让你感到惊讶。我要求您尊重我已经从该帐户中删除所有易于识别我的事实。 到目前为止,您将熟悉最近爆发的2019-nCoV(也称为NCP)或简称为“冠状病毒”。

您会听说它起源于中国的工业城市武汉,并且来自一种在野生动物市场上出售的动物 -最有可能是蝙蝠或穿山甲。 您会被告知这是一种类似于流感的疾病,在严重的情况下会导致肺炎,呼吸衰竭和死亡。 最后,您可能已经听说,尽管该疾病具有很高的传染性,但仅对老年人或免疫系统受损 的人才有危险。官方的致死率约为2%左右。 所有这些都是中国国家在美国深层国家及其在欧盟,俄罗斯和澳大利亚的朋友的默契支 持下炮制的一堆谎言,并由温顺的媒体在所有这些国家传播。


比赛仅限于某些特定区域。在大多数方面,两国对合作更感兴趣,因此它们可以阻止其 他竞争国家获得更大的权力。他们也有共同的利益,就是将真正的权力掌握在“普通”公 民的手中。为此,他们拥有许多不同的机制来控制绝大多数媒体。尤其是美国人, 已经完善了在两个主要政党之间建立人为“分工”的艺术,这是为了掩盖双方都担任同 一大师的事实。 这些国家/地区还拥有比您想像的要先进得多的技术, 并且应谨慎地将其隐藏在公众视野之外。 这包括能够破坏和决定世界上任何选举的先进人工智能; 可以操纵和控制公民思维方式和行为的恐怖程度的生物和化学制剂; 使用完全不为公众所知的催眠方法的高度复杂的操纵技术; 和其他我现在不会讨论的事情。








Image result for uighurs in china






该 生化剂本质上是生化的,并以类似于某些病毒的隐形气溶胶形式传播。


Image result for hong kong riots






Image result for hong kong riots

事实证明,这是一个严重的错误。 CIA确信我们已经开发出了非常强大的功能,


当该小瓶被同意出售给美国人的叛徒投下时,它就破裂了。 到现在为止,我了解到

它使我亿万同胞摆脱了肮脏和贫穷。但是,我也是一个人,我有良心。 最重要的是,
我有一个妻子和一个儿子。 一旦我们意识到特工已经逃脱并将开始扩散,
我们便迅速将整个武汉锁定。我是负责管理污染影响的人之一。 当然,我们不能
发。 当然,实际上,没有“冠状病毒”。全部都编好了。







我们种植了一个故事,说有500万居民已经“逃离”了武汉。当然,实际上,其中许多人已死于特工。 我全天候工作,以帮助掩盖这种掩饰。当我现在回想自己的行为时,

我感到非常羞耻。那时,我仍然相信自己正在为祖国而战,党的统治是正确和公正的。但在内心深处,我已经开始怀疑。 当我了解到李文亮博士发生了什么事后,我对党的信仰更加动摇了。 李文亮:警告冠状病毒爆发的医生在被病毒感染后死亡 受到警察检举的举报人成为致命暴发的最新受害者

Li Wenliang’s blogs on coronavirus crisis in Wuhan were censored by authorities at end of December. He died on 6 February 2020.







于此,其致死率与“冠状病毒”不同,不是2%。 不,它的病死率是100%。没有人
从中恢复。签约的每个人都死了。 而且很多人都在签约。 湖北省地处废墟。施加
各种旅行限制和封锁并不是为了阻止特工的蔓延-没有人能阻止特 工的扩散,禁运,


Image result for chinese drones

我是人类历史上最伟大的掩饰之一:数千万人的死亡藏身之处。很快,湖北省将只不过是一个太平间,事实就会出来。 对我而言,转折点是在该党再次说谎时发生的,那个谎言甚至让我都无法接受。 您可能已经听说中国在武汉建立了一家名为霍神山医院的新医院,以便为感染患者提供更多的检疫和隔离设施。您可能听说过,他们仅在十天内就构建了它。

Image result for chinese police forced coronavirus evacuations



Image result for chinese police beating coronavirus evacuations


正如我已经提到的,保护自己免受 生化剂该生化剂的传染性远不止于此,其致死
















他说:“我们利用能源来经营火神山。” “我们以这种方式为国家节省了大量资源。










他也不是唯一一个躲藏起来的领袖。实际上,我可以向您保证,目前有半数以上的高级党员受到训练有素的演员的模仿,这些演员遵循通过特殊植入物给予他们的指示。 您是否真的认为总理会去武汉冒生命危险? 所有这些都意味着我们的政府完全瘫痪了,国家的职能已经被军队接管了。 在我看来,我们的努力毫无意义。是的,叛逆记者的封锁,旅行禁令和有针对性的暗杀
使我们得以隐藏武汉的真实情况。但我知道这不会持续。 一旦世界各地开始发生大规模死亡事件(据我们估计,这应该在下一周左右发生),

口罩,手消毒剂,手套-没有什么能阻止它。除了特殊的危险品口罩,别无他物,但是不能生产足够数量的口罩。您,一个普通人,将永远不会得到一个人,更不用说有足够的人数来看到您即将来临的大屠杀了。 因此,对于那些阅读此书的人,我只能建议您将亲人保持在你身边。拥抱他们,告诉他们他们对您的意义。享受与他们在一起的时间。用这种方式表达自己的感受在中国文化中并不常见,但是我已经知道了这种手势的重要性。

我答应过我的妻子,我会在发布文件之前向她展示这份文件。 但我还是不敢相信。 我听到她在卧室大声嘶哑的哭泣中哭泣,笔记本电脑的键盘被我的眼泪弄湿了。

不久前,我们收到了定期检查的结果,这是我们“优先医疗”的一部分,我们得知我的儿子已感染了特工。 向我提供特殊防护面罩的宪兵一直给我儿子戴上过期且失效的面罩,这些面罩是高级官员已经戴上的,而在不再保护它们时便丢弃了。另一方面,我自己的口罩始终具有必要的质量。

我想他们认为我儿子的优先权比我低。我想我儿子不能掩饰他们。我们很久以前就决定要与众不同-我们永远对他诚实。因此,当他问我们时,我们告诉了他真相。我们告诉他他病得很重。他问了更多,我们告诉他他不会好起来。 他继续问,我们告诉他他会死。他很小,但是他足够大,可以理解。 他恐惧的哀the将困扰我在这个世界上余下的日子。



                                              通过 u /武汉病毒被丢弃






该视频还清楚地显示了故意污染和疾病蔓延的迹象,例如在电梯中看到的中国操作员在组织上吐痰并在电梯按钮上涂抹,以及人们在食物容器中吐痰并进入食品服务中心。 以下视频图像展示了中国共产主义的真实面目,它已成为当今人类悠久历史上最严重的“死亡崇拜”。    

                                                       明亮的晨 星




                                   了解生活的意义 “人间地狱” …

从一开始就观看“ Corona Unmasked”:



Editor’s Note:
“Corona-unMaskeD” has been removed by YouTube,
-> “Why?”
Why are Google & YouTube conspiring with the Chinese Police State to hide the crimes and atrocities being perpetrated on the Chinese people.?

“编者注: YouTube已将“ Corona-unMaskeD”删除, ->“为什么?” 为什么Google和YouTube阴谋与中国警察国共同隐藏中国人民所犯下的罪行和暴行?


The video “Corona-unMaskeD” has been removed by YouTube, claiming:

“This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy

on violent or graphic content.”


视频“ Corona-unMaskeD”已被YouTube删除,并声称:



If the graphics are “violent” how much more violent must be the criminal actions and behavior of the Chinese Police State that Google and YouTube want to hide them from the world.



“Where There’s a Will … There’s a Way”

Despite YouTube and Google’s attempts to hide the criminal policies of the Chinese Police State from public scrutiny, the people of the world can still see “Corona-unMaskeD” by going to BitChute. 

See “Corona-unMaskeD”by clicking the link given below:


尽管YouTube和Google曾试图将中国警察国的刑事政策从公众审查中隐藏起来,但全世界的人们仍然可以通过BitChute看到“ Corona-unMaskeD”。

通过单击下面给出的链接,请参阅“ Corona-unMaskeD”:




由市民拍摄的这小时未经剪辑的武汉和受影响城市的录像显示了冠状病毒/ nCoV / COVID19爆发和政府反应的现实。

为了认识和准备,记录了人性的一些最坏方面。 镜头从开始到结束都在增加强度,并且没有触发警告。










It is suspicious. It is alarming. It is potentially life-threatening,” said Amir Attaran, a law professor and epidemiologist at the University of Ottawa.
WATCH | Deadly viruses were sent from Canada to China, documents show:
“We have a researcher who was removed by the RCMP from the highest security laboratory that Canada has for reasons that government is unwilling to disclose. The intelligence remains secret. But what we know is that before she was removed, she sent one of the deadliest viruses on Earth, and multiple varieties of it to maximize the genetic diversity and maximize what experimenters in China could do with it, to a laboratory in China that does dangerous gain of function experiments. And that has links to the Chinese military.”
Above quote from below article:



What Is The Link Between NAD+ And Your Cells’ Innate Immune Response?

“Results from Dr. Brenner’s recent preclinical study showed that COVID-19 depleted cellular NAD+ levels by more than three-fold, potentially weakening cells’ resilience in turn [7].  
“In fact, in a type of essential immune cell called a macrophage, NAD+ depletion has been linked to immune dysfunction [8].
“In order to mount a powerful response when first faced with the new COVID-19 virus, data suggests that strategies to maintain cellular NAD levels, either by increasing its production or inhibiting its depletion may benefit your cells, but further study is required. COVID-19 seems to target high energy expenditure organs, like lungs, kidneys and intestines [9]—organs that need all the NAD+ they can get.”
Above quote from below article:


“This, he says, is’“the smoking gun’ that proves SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab. An excellent, well-written article (7) in Medium also addresses this finding and explains why furin cleavage sites are so important for determining whether SARS-CoV-2 is natural or not.
“In ‘Furin, a Potential Therapeutic Target for COVID-19,’8,9 Chinese researchers report that CoV-2 is the only coronavirus with a furin cleavage site. Not even distant relatives of CoV-2 have it, and the coronaviruses that do have it share only 40% of CoV-2’s genome. As reported in this paper:10″
Above quote from the below article:

“In a 2011 study, an association was found between common coronaviruses that cause colds and the development of psychiatric problems.  Two of these viruses, known as HKU1 and NL63 (that cause cold symptoms), were found to show particularly higher levels of antibodies in the blood of sufferers than in controls.  The researchers are building on this to start a new study comparing the four common cold viruses and the new coronaviruses– SARS (now known as SARS-COV-1), MERS, and SARS-COV-2 and their association with psychiatric disorders.”
Above quote from the below article:


“The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity or similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.
“This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.”
Above quotes from the below article:

“Therefore, my work can be done within BSL-2 biosafety conditions whileSARS-CoV-2 live virus has to be handled in BSL-3 or higher. These synthetically derived standards are important for researchers because they don’t require the need to culture live viruses in the laboratory and thereby eliminate the risk of infection. Most of my work circulates around quality control, so I am using rigorous qPCR testing to ensure that the material we produce on a mass scale, such as SARS-CoV-2 RNA, is being sold as advertised. We haven’t had any major issues with any of our internally designed synthetic standards yet. These items are widely used in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, from clinical laboratories testing patient samples to a major university labs and pharmaceutical companies trying to come up with a vaccine against the virus as quickly as possible.”
Above quote from the below article:


og: china

“If one takes a little time to review human history on wars fought, as well as, some of their methods, some interesting revelations are found. Wars have been fought for sex, land, religion, power, and wealth. These days it has boiled down to power. Does it not seem it is so in this case? It is not the point of this article to elaborate on China influence in the United Nations or in multi-country trade deals and tariffs. But, it doesn’t take rocket science in some cases to determine what is logical intent. And, it isn’t hard to fathom what is not logical intent.
”Comments were also made that this has a side effect of population control. The vast majority of deaths are occurring in elderly populations. Also, many deaths are occurring in those who have pre-existing conditions; especially in those with respiratory maladies.
”At last count, COVID-19 has made it to 210 countries. Globally, the present number of cases are 2.5 million infected; 160,000 deaths; 600,000 recovered. The curve of cases in the world do seem to be leveling off. There are now plans underway to reopen businesses. Keeping economies shut down too long would be a worst case scenario with tragic results.”
Above quote from below article:
Shi Zhengli, director of the Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Wuhan Institute of Virology, who working in Australia in 2006.
“Furthermore, evidence was destroyed, and China refused to provide live samples to international scientists working on a vaccine.
“The paper obtained by The Saturday Telegraph speaks about ‘the suppression and destruction of evidence’ and points to ‘virus samples ordered destroyed at genomics labs, wildlife market stalls bleached, the genome sequence not shared publicly, the Shanghai lab closure for ‘rectification’, academic articles subjected to prior review by the Ministry of Science and Technology and data on asymptomatic ‘silent carriers’ kept secret. –Daily Telegraph
“China’s deadly denials
“The dossier slams China’s constant lies about the virus, noting that ‘Despite evidence of human-human transmission from early December, PRC authorities deny it until January 20,’ adding ‘The World Health Organisation does the same. Yet officials in Taiwan raised concerns as early as December 31, as did experts in Hong Kong on January 4.'”
Above quote from the below article:



Barricades stand outside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday, March 14, 2020. As the novel coronavirus has spread in the US, the CDC is under increasing heat to defend a shaky rollout of crucial testing kits.  

“The CDC said in a statement Saturday to the Times that the agency ‘did not manufacture its test consistent with its own protocol.’ Though the CDC appeared reluctant to admit contamination was at the root of the problem, the Times noted that in a separate statement the CDC seemed to acknowledge such problems, saying the agency has since ‘implemented enhanced quality control to address the issue and will be assessing the issue moving forward.’”
Above quote from the below article:


“Montagnier also pointed out that he wasn’t the first scientist to assert that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Previously, on 31 January 2020, a research group from India had published a paper suggesting that aspects of the virus bore an ‘uncanny similarity’ to HIV. Taken together, the researchers said their findings suggested the virus had an ‘unconventional evolution’ and that further investigation was warranted. While the researchers subsequently retracted their paper, Montagnier said they had been ‘forced’ to do so.”
Above quote from the below article:



Phoenix Wong Hong Kong Journalist


Li Wenliang’s blogs on coronavirus crisis in Wuhan were censored by authorities at end of December. He died on 6 February 2020.





Horseshoe Bat

In 2003, Maj, General Che Wei, the Chinese Army’s top virologist, was promoted to general and appointed by Xi JinJinping to take charge of the Chinese Army’s response to the SARS and Ebola outbreaks, as well as, other viral outbreaks that have plagued China during the ensuing years.  Those viral outbreaks , included the Hong Kong Flu, Swine Flu, Zika Virus and other viruses, most notably, the present contagion beginning (and ending) in Wuhan.”
Quote from the below article:


“For the time being, these are only theories. The technology and resources we have today cannot confidently test these theories and identify the most plausible explanation for the origin of viruses.
“An alternative — yet seemingly impossible — strategy would be to isolate or identify viruses in their primitive forms on other planets such as Mars. Staying on Earth seems like a more plausible approach.
“The ongoing discovery of new viruses, like Tupanvirus or a 30,000-year-old  relative of giant DNA viruses (Pithovirus), may allow us to piece together the puzzle of their origins.”
Above quotes from the below article:





$20 trillion lawsuit against China! US group says coronavirus is bioweapon

“American lawyer Larry Klayman and his advocacy group Freedom Watch along with Texas company Buzz Photos have filed the lawsuit against the Chinese government, Chinese army, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Director of Wuhan Institute of Virology Shi Zhengli and Chinese army’s Major General Chen Wei.”
Above quote from the below article:


David Icke on London Live

“Mr Icke does not mention 5G by name in the interview broadcast by London Live, although at one point he does refer to an “electromagnetic technologically generated soup of radiation toxicity”, which he claims has damaged old people’s immune systems.”
Quote is from the below article:


Judyth Baker

Have sent off 39 booklets on how to deal with the corona virus!
===ME & LEE: my involvement with the creation of a biological weapon in New Orleans in 1963, sponsored by a coalition involving the CIA:
“If you are interested in how a biological weapon is made, my book ME & LEE: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald depicts the creation of a bioweapon based on cancer, using deadly viruses, with which I was involved in New Orleans, back in 1963, in a team effort sponsored by the CIA to kill Fidel Castro. You can obtain ME & LEE, with a separately mailed update that will arrive a couple of weeks later, by sending $25 to using PAYPAL (add $10 outside the 48 states!). You’ll see –also–how the innocent Lee Oswald was framed for a crime he never committed. I am fighting for Lee’s vindication every day of my life!
“M.D. Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston obtained the cancer bioweapon early in October, 1963 when Lee Oswald was ordered to hand a thermos full of the material to a technician sent to retrieve it shortly before Lee left Houston on his way to Mexico City. We now have a CIA document (released July, 2017) showing M.D. Anderson contracted with the CIA to work with cancer viruses in OCTOBER 1963. An inventory list released at the same time showed that M.D. Anderson had acquired all the equipment needed to deep-freeze cancer cells and cancer-causing viruses.
“Eventually the cancer bioweapon was sent to Fort Detrick during the so-called ‘War on Cancer’ declared by President Richard Nixon. We believe M.D. Anderson’s labs retained material of their own for research, kept in deep-freeze,. Meanwhile, CIA had access to everything at Fort Detrick to use however they wished.
Furthermore, all the promising work to cure cancer also vanished into the black hole of Fort Detrick, as Big Pharma began making its billions treating cancers, not curing them.”

Building 470 on the campus of Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md.

“Gottlieb was the most powerful unknown American of the 20th century—unless there was someone else who conducted brutal experiments across three continents and had a license to kill issued by the U.S. government. Detrick, his indispensable base, still contains untold stories of the cruelty that began there—just 50 miles from the center of the government that has kept them sealed for decades.”
Quote from the below article;



“We knew that a generalized race or competition between alternative geopolitical models had started, but it was never clear what the background for such a competition would be. If the clash took place within the existing global trade and financial system, which was of course built according to Western rules and principles, the United States was confident the battle could be decisively won. But what if it took place on neutral ground? What if it took place in a kind of neutral landscape, a state of nature with few or no rules, against a chaotic and quickly evolving background? The outcome would become considerably more uncertain.”
Quote from below article:


“The first genetic anomalies had been found already 40 years ago, and had been considered negligible for the safety of vaccines; from what reported in the WHO guideline, since then no updates have been made with the new sequencing technologies, in particular in NGS (which is moreover economic and quick), with the consequence that in the vaccines administered for decades, the presence of DNA more and more genetically modified and in an uncontrolled quantity has been increasingly allowed.”
Quote from the below article:



“The problem is that I’ve been checking daily and noticed that your web server has been ‘shaving’ the number of total views of that article, at the rate of several thousand at a time and now it stands at 3,201,336 Recent Views. That’s in impossible a loss of OVER a million fewer views (1,300,000).
So I’d like to know why and who is doing it. Are yo shaving the number or is it Chinese Hackers going into you server to diminish the deep impression that “Corona UnMasked” has made around the world.
Here’s the link:
Above quote from the below article:


“Meanwhile, the CCP has put a complete lockdown on information related to the origins of the virus – refusing to provide US experts with samples collected from the earliest cases, and quickly shutting down the Shanghai lab which published COVID-19’s genome on January 11th for ‘rectification.’
“As WaPo notes, ‘Several of the doctors and journalists who reported on the spread early on have disappeared.’”
Quote from the  below article:




“At last count, COVID-19 has made it to 210 countries. Globally, the present number of cases are 2.5 million infected; 160,000 deaths; 600,000 recovered. The curve of cases in the world do seem to be leveling off. There are now plans underway to reopen businesses. Keeping economies shut down too long would be a worst case scenario with tragic results.”
The above quote is from the below website:



“Dr Peter Forster and team found the UK was mostly being bombarded with type B cases, with three quarters of samples testing as that strain. Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands were also dominated by type B.
“Another distinct variation, type C, descended from type B and spread to Europe via Singapore.
“Scientists believe the virus – officially called SARS-CoV-2 – is constantly mutating to overcome immune system resistance in different populations. ” 
Above quote from the below article:




请提供帮助支持UFO Spotlight继续进行调查,并报告有关此类事件的最新信息。




Beijing’s Coverup of Coronavirus Outbreak Puts ‘Whole World at Risk,’ Expert Says


Beijing’s Coverup of Coronavirus Outbreak Puts ‘Whole World at Risk,’ Expert Says


Coronavirus ‘whistleblower’ nurse says China has 90,000 sick


The Daily Mail U.K.


Wuhan “Whistleblower’ Nurse’s Video Report





Coronavirus infections, deaths and “community outbreaks” EXPLODE outside China; CDC warns travelers about “community spread” in six nations as infections skyrocket in Korea

By Mike Adams



Natural News









引用: 正如该论文的科学作者在全文中所解释的那样,“这个类似弗林蛋白酶的切割位点……可能会为2019-nCoV提供功能获得,从而在人群中有效传播。” (添加了强调)此,科学论文发现CoVid-19冠状病毒没有已知的血统,这意味着它不是从自然界进化而来的。







“(RM’s)Editor’s Note:
“Corona-unMaskeD” has been removed by YouTube,
-> “Why?”
Why are Google & YouTube conspiring with the Chinese Police State to hide the crimes and atrocities being perpetrated on the Chinese people.?


The video “Corona-unMaskeD” has been removed by YouTube, claiming:

“This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy

on violent or graphic content.”






We are reposting this ufospotlight article in order to help their battle against media censorship:

Photos Extra Steve1 34934490_10156520897824595_8244253719684710400_n

Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist
Those wishing to reach Steve Erdmann can reach him at or through the editor of these magazines. He also has a Facebook Magazine at!/stephen.erdmann1
You can also visit his articles at: – TheDissenter,,,
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