Corporate Secrets Discussed








Robert Morningstar, Scott Teeters, Stephen Erdmann

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Steve Erdmann, 1980s photo
Steve Erdmann, 1980s photo








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“Last year, the FBI declassified more than 700 pages of tips and investigations into the possibility that Hitler survived the war. Included in the trove were hundreds of typed and handwritten notes to the FBI, government memos attempting to verify the claims, and J. Edgar Hoover’s replies.
″‘According to [retracted], he was one of the four men who met HITLER and his party when they landed from two submarines in Argentina approximately two and one-half weeks after the fall of Berlin,’” one report said, conveying descriptions of the heavily guarded ranch where Hitler, who had shaved off his mustache, was supposedly hiding out.”







“Arthur Jensen: You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won’t have it!! Is that clear?! You think you’ve merely stopped a business deal. That is not the case. The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back! It is ebb and flows, tidal gravity! It is an ecological balance!
“You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There is no p no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immense, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollarseoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There are multi-dollars, reichsmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels.
“It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!
“Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?
“You get up on your little twenty-one-inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.
“What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state — Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do.
“We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that perfect world in which there’s no war or famine, oppression or brutality — one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.
“And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale, to preach this evangel.
“Beale: But why me?
“Jensen: Because you’re on television, dummy. Sixty million people watch you every night of the week, Monday through Friday.
 “Beale: I have seen the face of God.”




“‘The obvious candidates to become the Big Evil — Google, Apple, Exxon — are actually the least likely. The ones that you should be really scared of are the corporations you don’t see. Take Serco, an outsourcing conglomerate with 120,000 employees, which has been described by the Guardian as the ‘biggest company you’ve never heard of.’ Or the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), which has a market value of $215 billion, and tops Forbes’ list of the world’s biggest public companies.’
“‘In fact, on that list, six of the top ten companies are banks, and the top three are all Chinese banks. If you’re looking for a Roxxon or an Omnicorp, you’d make a good bet by picking a bank.’
“‘The big, evil corporation might be someone like the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) – the banker’s bank!’ says Shedlock.”


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“At the same time as the west was planning its covert actions against its WWII ally, it also created the formation of the terror club known as NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Almost in its entirety, it was a Nazi enterprise. Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, for example, who had headed the Russia Desk in the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW – Hitler’s Supreme Headquarters) and a consultant on the Final Solution, was secretly brought to the United States where he would deliver his vast storehouse of previously hidden files on the Soviet Union and then set up the Russia Desk for the soon-to-be-formed CIA. 
“Gehlen would then be returned to postwar Germany where he was put in position as head of Germany’s new Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), the German Secret Intelligence Service. In essence, two Russia desks (at least) now functioned instead of just one; both with the same ultimate aim: destroy the Soviet Union and communism.
“Hundreds if not thousands of old Nazis found new life working for the US, Britain, and Canada as the Cold War was cranked up and now the mass murderers were brought into policy making for the same Lords of the Manor who had supported Hitler, to begin with. And, with the same old Nazis back in charge, every foul means was employed against the Soviets to prevent any challenge of global capital’s right to dictate the terms of enslavement.”




“But evidence of the existence of the Nazi Bell does not end with Sporrenberg. Many conspiracy theorists point to the paintings of the late 19th-Cen. artist, Charles A. A. Dellschau, as additional evidence of the Bell’s earlier existence.
“Dellschau’s images of the anti-gravity Bell might be an indication that German engineers had knowledge of the Bell long before it was actually deployed during World War II. Some even claim that Dellschau’s Bell paintings are evidence that he was in contact with hyper-intelligent extraterrestrials with a pro-Nazi agenda.
“Dellschau painted highly detailed images of the craft prior to the Nazis’ Bell project. The artist was a member of the cryptic ‘German Sonora Aero Club Collective,’ a group that constructed exploratory aircraft designs. Dellschau’s craft was identical to what would soon be dubbed ‘Die Glocke,’ a.k.a the German Bell.”




“The Horten Ho 229 was one of the most unusual combat aircraft tested during World War II. It may not have been a ‘wonder weapon,’ but it did mark the introduction by Reimar and Walter Horten of a noteworthy and longstanding concept: bell-shaped lift distribution. This concept is still being thoroughly studied and tested by aeronautics researchers.
“By working on the Horten Ho 299, the Hortens kept themselves away from the most dangerous aspect of the German war effort. They were under a strict deadline to get their new plane into the air, and working on it kept the Hortens and their employees off of the front lines, where thousands of their countrymen were dying.”




“Nineteen forty proved an exceptionally good year for corporate America. Not only did the subsidiaries in Germany share in the spoils of Hitler’s triumphs, but the European conflict was generating other wonderful opportunities. America herself was now preparing for a possible war, and from Washington orders for trucks, tanks, planes, and ships started rolling in. Moreover, initially on a strict “cash-and-carry” basis and then through “Lend-Lease,” President Roosevelt allowed American industry to supply Great Britain with military hardware and other equipment, thus enabling brave little Albion to continue the war against Hitler indefinitely.
“By the end of 1940, all belligerent countries, as well as armed neutrals like the US itself, were being girded with weaponry cranked out by corporate America’s factories, whether stateside, in Great Britain (where Ford et al., also had branch plants), or in Germany. It was a wonderful war indeed, and the longer it lasted, the better — from a corporate point of view.
“Corporate America neither wanted Hitler to lose this war nor to win it; instead they wanted this war to go on as long as possible. Henry Ford had initially refused to produce weapons for Great Britain, but now he changed his tune. According to his biographer, David Lanier Lewis, he ‘Expressed the hope that neither the Allies nor the Axis would win [the war],’ and he suggested that the US should supply both the Allies and the Axis powers with “the tools to keep on fighting until they both collapse.
“These technicalities, however, did not seem to perturb the owners and managers in Germany and even in the US, who were aware of what was going on overseas. All that mattered to them, clearly, was that unconditional collaboration with Hitler allowed them to make profits like never before; their motto might well have been: ‘profits über Alles.’ After the war, the capitalist masters and associates of the fascist monster distanced themselves à la Dr. Frankenstein from their creature and loudly proclaimed their preference for democratic forms of government. Today, most of our political leaders and our media want us to believe that ‘free markets’ — a euphemistic code word for capitalism — and democracy are Siamese twins. Even after World War II, however, capitalism, and especially American capitalism continued to collaborate cozily with fascist regimes in countries such as Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Chile, while supporting extreme-right movements, including death squads and terrorists, in Latin America, Africa, and elsewhere.”




Corporatism Is Not the Free Market

The U.S. ceased to be a free market a long time ago.

“By ‘capitalism’ most people mean neither the free market simpliciter nor the prevailing neomercantilist system simpliciter. Rather, what most people mean by ‘capitalism’ is this free-market system that currently prevails in the western world. In short, the term ‘capitalism’ as generally used conceals an assumption that the prevailing system is a free market. And since the prevailing system is, in fact, one of government favoritism toward business, the ordinary use of the term carries with it the assumption that the free market is government favoritism toward business.”




“All economic power and political power belongs to the corporations, whatever this term means. Power of multinational corporation lead existing postwar democracy regimes to become an empty shell. Corporations became not only powerful lobbyists and owners of most senators and representatives via contributions to the election complain,  but major insider players in the political establishment. Look at Goldman Sachs as an example of the merger of corporation and Washington establishment. Alumni of the corporation essentially dominate the Treasury Department.  This is something that no economic or political theory advocates in any way but this is the central reality of the USA today. As well as most other countries. Confrontation of interests of large multinational and states is presented as “state vs market” although large multinationals are as far from the concept of the free market as the state. That ideological trick weakens the position of the state. In other words, neoliberalism transforms classic corporatism in ‘eocorporatism’.
“Military industrial complex in this sense is just another cartel of manufactures and related government agencies and politicians. After the WWI Corporatism became the most popular right-wing economic doctrine in Europe. And now hundred years later corporatism remain dominant political ideology and social system for the USA and most European states. Neoliberalism in this sense is just a late stage of corporatism that changes nothing in the dominance of large corporation both in the economic sphere and, by extension, in political life. It is just financial oligarchy that comes into forefront instead of traditional manufacturing and connected to its military-industrial complex. “





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Steve Erdmann, Investigative Journalist


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Nazi Secrets and Rudolf Hess

The Intrigues of Hess images






Steve Erdmann


Copyright. C, Steve Erdmann, 2019


Joseph P. Farrell has written many books on the secrets of the Third Nazi Reich and its continuance into a worldwide cabal of a Fourth Reich hidden through the political machinations and devices of this fascist corporatism.

Farrell concentrates in this tome on how this was played out in the life of the one-time Deputy Fuhrer to Adolf Hitler, who was third in succession to become head of state and government after Hitler and Reichmaschall Herman Goring. Much of Farrell’s book centers around Rudolf Hess’s mystery flight on May 10, 1941 to Great Britain, the questions surrounding the motives of the flight, the possibility of a doppelganger Hess, his confinement at Spandau prison, his death and possible murder, his incoherent and bizarre behavior at the Nuremberg trial, and the Nazi plans to complete a German annexation agreement on the Reich ownership of Antarctica. 


Nazi Hess Secrets Adolf-Hitler-and-Rudolf-Hess-around-1934 

Adolf  Hitler and Rudolf Hess


“…the Hess Mess is indeed a colossal, gigantic inexplicable mess,” says Harrell.  “There are no easy answers here: there are only uncomfortable synchronicities and question boarding on the absurd and bizarre, and speculative scenarios whose sweep and scope are truly immense, bizarre, and horrifying.” (p. 256.)

“Thus, the messiest aspect of the ‘Hess Mess’ is that it does spin out of control, wildly and very quickly, into associations and relationships with mind control,” also says Farrell, “Antarctica, Atlantis, into conspiracies of doubles and double-crosses, and into strange lore and myths, which Hess, no stranger to the occult, and as Hitler’s Deputy in the Nazi Party, most certainly knew.” (p. 7.)

(HESS AND THE PENGUINS: THE HOLOCAUST, ANTARCTICA, AND THE STRANGE CASE OF RUDOLF HESS,  Joseph P. Farrell, Adventures Unlimited Press, One Adventure Place, Kempton, Illinois 60946,,, 2017, 266 pages, $19.95.)


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Farrell introduces the reader to what might be characterized as “Spandau Hess” with events involving his impressiveness and possible murder of either the ‘real’ Hess or a substitute doppelganger. Relying on researchers such as Peter Radfield and others, Farrell suspects many of the guards and the nurse Aballah Melaouchi, as well as the several medical orderlies that might have been involved in the possible murder. There is mention of an electrical cord and probable strangulation marks on Hess’s neck (pp. 15-32).


Spandau Prison – 1951

Hess’s son, Wolf  Rudiger Hess, also questioned the discrepancies in the death of his father. British forensic pathologist and professor of forensic medicine, J.M. Cameron, was selected to perform the autopsies, and he had also found a suicide note. Wolf Hess requested his own autopsy of his father which indicated probable strangulation. Hess attempted to see his father, says Farrell, but was stymied, only being allowed to see his father through an open door and receiving peculiar and skeptical responses from his father.

“…we saw that there were unusual and possible connections between Ewen Cameron, the psychologist who would become such a central component of the postwar CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control program,” says Farrell, “and who was the very doctor brought in by Allen Dulles to examine ‘Hess’ at Nuremberg…First, and most famous example, of Mind Control on record.” (pp. 89, 92, 93, 253.) 


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“Such behavior is characteristic of victims of mind-control experimentation and techniques,” continues Farrell, “and it is not the last time we shall encounter that subject with the Hess Mess, far as we shall eventually discover, it is a consistent and egregious feature of the affair.” (p. 47.)




Wolf Hess spoke about mind-altering drugs in his father’s demise, as well as a mysterious affidavit dated February 22, 1988, telling of certain conclusions about “Western secret services.” The document told of political assassination, according to Wolf, in what Farrell captions as the “military-intelligence-national-security-complex.” (pp. 50-54.)

Much of the Hess mystery began in Hess’s background. In 1919, Hess joined the Thule Society which is an anti-emetic, quasi-occult lode in Munich, Germany. The Society had its own Kampfbund army. A noted member was Dietrich Eckart who helped formulate the Nazi money-laundering, X-funds theories of “debt-free money by-passing central banks…” 


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Barron von Sebottendorff had studied the Giza complex and the doctrines of esoteric Islam and also beliefs of Lanz von Liebenfels andGuido von Lest. These practitioners held the Aryan Purity belief in which Aryan’s were dispersed from the North Pole. Hess is believed to have sheltered these beliefs himself in the Party, although Hess had been forbidden to speak on this doctrinal background at his Nuremberg trial.

Relying heavily on the research of Picknett, Prince and Prior’s Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-up and W. Hugh Thomas’s, The Murder of Rudolf Hess, and other searches such as Hess’s son Wolf Hess, Who Murdered My Father, Rudolf Hess?, Farrell examines the bizarre behavior of Hess over the span of his arrest, trial at Nuremberg, and the possible use of Mind Control and even a Hess “double.” (pp. 38-50, 113-115.) 

One suspicion was the May 10, 1941 flight by Hess to Great Britain was the bringing of “peace overtures” and Hess’s opposition to Operation Barbarossa, says Farrell. Another factor may have been a prophecy and preview of a German atomic bomb believed to have eventually detonated near October of 1944.  Hess’s flight may have also been to “seal the deal” of peace negotiations begun in Sweden, Switzerland and Spain (John Harris, Richard Wilbourn, Rudolf Hess: A New Technical Analysis of the Hess Flight. Farrell refers to secret meetings with General Karl Haushofer and his son Albrecht which concerned a “fusion” of the United States with Great Britain.

The most startling theory concerned “a coordinated coup d’ etat” which was planned to overthrow both governments, Britain and Germany.  (pp. 132-146.)




The Possible “peace faction” behind Hess was Sir Samuel Hoare, Lord Beaverbrook, British foreign intelligence MI-6 Sir Stewart Menzies, groups such as the “Bright Club,” “The Link,” and other pro-peace factions. There were topics such as a German expansion of Lebensraum or the display of the Jewish problem and a possible “Jewish homeland.” 


Nazi Hess Secrets News Hess opener

Farrell suspects some kind of plan or ploy was instigated for a “more moderate coalition government.” (pp. 166-176.) This could have evolved into an “international bilateral coup d’ etat plot” of a Hoare-Hess “defacto and dejure treason.” (p. 173.)

“Hess not only was capable of being involved in such a scheme, but there may have been a quiet, concerned propaganda campaign,” says Farrell “to prepare the German people or his assumption of power with a more moderate coalition government, perhaps one, as we have seen, included Goring.” (p. 176.) 


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Farrell explores further that Hess’s “peace plan” may have been a mechanism to also ‘warn’ the British about the on-coming ‘final solution’ of the Jews (p. 224).  Farrell lists the disclosures by Max Nordau (Pre-World-War-One), Rabbi Stephen Wise (Pre-World-War- One), Ben Hecht and Robert John (Pre-Hitler) mentioning of six-million Jews or people (p. 228).

The “Jewish Question” was broached by Wolf Hess, the Program Halifax, the Zionist Movement, Lord Victor Rothschild, and the Apostles Society, in what seemed to be groundwork primarily for “the Holocaust.” There was even mention of finding land parcels to where the Jews could be safely migrated to.

All of this appears to be “debris in the junkyard of the Hess Mess” (p. 232).

Another puzzle piece appeared to be an occult book which Hess took on his flight called the Black Book of Laoughcrew which told about Holy Objects and buried treasure.

Farrell further suspects Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess may have actually been part of an assassination plot of Hitler. “…the sine qua non of any negotiated peace in the West was the removal of Hitler from power,” says Farrell.




Farrell explores further the possibility of a “Hess double,” as told about in W. Hugh Thomas’s book The Murder of Rudolf Hess. Indicatively, “Spandau Hess” had no war scars, and this newer Hess was a smoker.

Allen Dulles, OSS status chief in Zurich and later director of the CIA as well as the notorious member of the Kennedy assassination Warren Commission, asked MK-Ultra “mind control” expert Dr. Ewen Cameron to examine Hess. Various authors propose that Hess was a manufactured mind-controlled Manchurian candidate experiment (pp. 90-91). The alternative theory had been that someone performed as a convincing double. Surprisingly, Ewen Cameron was related to the Dr. James Malcolm Cameron who conducted the Hess autopsy.

“…Hess was eventually brought to the Tower of London under conditions of extreme secrecy, where he remained briefly, during which period he was drugged…Hess’s mental and emotional behavior appeared to deteriorate dramatically…the Hess who returned to Nuremberg in 1945 lacked the proper scaring from World War One wounds means that at some point during his stay in Britain, a double was substituted for the real Hess, who remained in their view in Scotland…any number of reasons for the creation and substitute of a double…” (pp. 194, 196).




“…There is evidence that Hess’s mission was about far more than just a plan for Britain’s consideration, one touching on all these subjects, from atomic bombs to the ‘Jewish question,’” says Farrell, “from European peace and order to Antarctica, for consideration.” (pp. 85-86.) 

Nazi Germany always had an inclusive interest in Antarctica ever since Hermann Goring’s may 9, 1938 expedition. Goring’s expedition was a first-step-plan to “annex” Antarctica into the Reich’s ownership, and that a post-war use was in store for the continent: Germany was “staking a claim” (p. 240). This maneuver was rejected by the Norwegian government, and this “dispute” may have come up in the “Hess Mess.” Picknett, Prince and Prior suspected that Hess’s flight also had the purpose to “conclude matters” of Antarctic ownership (pp. 250-251).

The United States was likewise mixed into the Antarctica mystery when an Operation High Jump utilized over four thousand people, an aircraft carrier, a submarine, aircraft helicopters, and special equipment to investigate the continent.


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Admiral Richard Byrd was the leader of the operation and was accompanied by his son, Richard E. Byrd, Jr. Others involved in the operation were Rear Admirals Good and Cruzen, Vice Admiral Forrest Sherman, the Naval Chief of Staff Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, and Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal, who later became Secretary of Defense.

Operation High Jump had a destination of QueenMaudland/Neu-Schwabenland described as a maneuver of “an encirclement of conquest” as well as an “attack from three fronts” (pp. 241-242).


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The death of Admiral Richard Byrd’s son, Byrd Jr., bizarrely happened in September 1988 (on his way to a highlighted commemorative dinner for his father), shortly after being seen in the company of an unidentified man. Byrd Jr. had accompanied his father on the 1947 expedition (pp. 247-248).

Farrell is skeptical about the growing popular theory that a Third/Fourth Nazi Reich “fortress” was established in the bowels of the Antarctica wastelands, as he says he does not feel it was mechanically possible, indicating the problems that the Americans had in Project Iceworm and Project Century in Greenland[1].  Farrell, however, says the Americans were, indeed, looking for something (p. 245).


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There are some contradiction and dissent for Farrell’ skepticism, such as the Chilean Newspaper account of a UFO attack witnessed by members of Operation High Jump; also the beliefs of the late investigator Jim Marrs who so vividly wrote on Antarctica and its Nazi occupation[2].  Other researchers believed that the Nazi discovered thermal vents and other reasons to establish an Antarctica base[3]


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“…the Hess Mess is indeed a colossal, gigantic inexplicable mess,” says Farrell.  “There are no easy answers here: there are only uncomfortable synchronicities and questions boarding on the absurd and bizarre, and speculative scenarios where sweep and scope are truly immense, bizarre, and horrifying.” (p. 256.)


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“…the case is a wild roller coaster ride through a hall of mirrors enclosed in a fog of obfuscation of claim and counterclaim and a badly confiscated and contradictory narrative,” says Farrell, “a narrative also overlaid with wild postwar neo-Nazi assertions of Antarctica survival and UFOs and the usual academic attempts at debunking them.” (p. 5.)



Farrell gives much credit to authors and researchers such as William Stevenson, Gloria Vitanze Basile, Picknett, Prince, and Prior, John Harris and Richard Wilbourn, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Lynn Pickitt, Clive Prince, Stephen Prior, W. Hugh Thomas, Joscelyn Godwin, and many others.


Steve Erdmann, St. Louis, Missouri, 2019 


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Steve Erdmann, Independent Investigative Journalist

Corporate Encroachment!

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Agenda 21 And Questions Answered


Omar Faizi, Emily Gragg, and Stephen Erdmann


December 5, 2018 – Reproduced Here With Permission Of 


Permission to quote small passages for journalists and reviewers along with credits.


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″So it really got me thinking about who is this 500 million?  And the answer I came up with is that all those agendas and plans are really targeted towards reducing the overall population of the west or developed countries to 500 million, and leaving the less developed nations alone to produce billions of worker drones who live in squalid conditions and work for pennies to produce the cultural artifacts for the well-developed countries cheaply.   We can already see it in places like China where prison labor produces shoes for pennies on the dollar, which in turn are transported to shops here and we pay $60.00 for. Just think about the markup there.  You have a shoe, produced by a prisoner, which probably cost $1.00, to make and you are paying $60.00 for it. But that’s the only strategy which makes sense because the reality is that most of that 6.9 billion population exists in less developed countries.  They are under-educated and will work effectively for food and shelter.”





″A good example of controlling the population under the guise of safeguarding nature was put forth in the Earth Charter, and the subsequent Earth Summit of 1992, which gave rise to Agenda 21, the agenda for the 21st century. Coincidentally, one year after the Earth Summit, a book was published by a premiere think tank, a non-governmental organization, called the Club of Rome.
(Quoting the philosophy of the promoters of Agenda 21) “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. …Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead.”




″As George Orwell masterfully put it in his epic novel ‘Animal Farm,’ it’s become difficult to see the difference between the pigs and the farmers – or the APA and the UN.
“Sustainable Development is not implemented in the open, as the APA claims, but in back rooms filled with the proper NGO organizations, which surround your elected officials and pressures their actions. In that way it is changing our American society and form of government, making government more powerful and more invasive in our daily lives. Sustainability is anti-free enterprise, anti-private property, and anti-individual – and that’s why we oppose it.”








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deagle flag

″Just who is Deagle? The power and influence of the corporation that you never heard of is staggering.  This is the modern-day Zapata Oil, which was a CIA front corporation run by George H. W. Bush which in turn facilitated much of the Air America “drugs for guns” program in Latin America.
″My sources tell me that Deagel is the same exact kind of organization as Zapata Oil. Deagel ran guns through Ambassador Chris Stevens and subsequently delivered them al-Qaeda in Libya and in Syria at the time of Stevens death. Deagel was intimately involved in Benghazi in ways that will be revealed in the later article. Deagel is not just a gun running/drug running/child sex trafficking organization, they are also intimately connected with the business as “Open source intelligence links”. This means that Deagel and their partner (affiliation listed below) serve as marketing companies for the CIA and sell intelligence information to the highest bidder. Stratfor and Deagel provide the CIA with a minimum of two degrees of separation from nefarious operations which could taint the U.S. government and in particular, the CIA. These activities will be the topic of a future article. The focus of the remainder of this is article is the destruction and depopulation of the United States.”






″Sustainable Development is a term used to describe a new form of collectivist global eco-governance: a process of governing every action people take on a basis of people’s impact on the environment, often based on junk science. It elevates nature above man and is being used to drive farmers, ranchers, and people living in rural areas off their land to force people into urban areas.
″The end goal of the people-pushing of this agenda is to have vast areas made off-limits to human beings and to cluster people into envisioned futuristic “sustainable” hive-like cities inside which every aspect of our lives is to be dictated, and from which travel is to be very highly restricted.”





″Popular conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, in his 2008 documentary ‘Endgame: Elite’s Blueprint For Global Enslavement’ highlights ‘the message of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, purportedly built by representatives of a secret society called the Rosicrucian Order or Rosicrucians, which call for a global religion, world courts, and for population levels to be maintained at around 500 million, over a 6 billion reduction from current levels. The stones infer that humans are cancer upon the earth and should be culled in order to maintain balance with nature.'”




Expert Meeting ‘Dawn of a New Age in Science’ 1

″The event coincided with the release of Ton Baggerman and Sarah Durston’s new book called ‘The Universe, Life and Everything… Dialogues on our Changing Understanding of Reality.’ This book examines how our current scientific paradigms are being challenged by new developments in physics, including quantum mechanics, which still fail to explain various complex phenomena such as consciousness. The book also includes the opinions of diverse scholars with different backgrounds who contribute to the discussion on how our understanding of today’s world connects and incorporates such phenomena.




Allen Hynek eric-hoffer-quotes-3

″In the ensuing years, Moriarty increasingly became what is known as a ‘debunker,’ those critics that devoted their lives, as a protection against the destruction of society, to destroying modernistic and what they felt were New Age degeneracy.  Wild progressed to a fairly high extreme, seeing beliefs and modern theories as often a Fabian Communist Conspiracy. Some of his ideas, I could agree with, other ideas seem too harmful, even though the cases Wild attacked seemed just as hurtful and infuriating. I’ve heard Wild refer to citizens several times as ‘savages.’ (‘… [if the attack had] backfire effects [which] can occur if a message spends too much time on the negative case, if it is too complex, or the message is threatening.’ []). Ben Pile surmised: ‘far from seeking rationalism, skepticism is increasingly a search for authority…it indulges the same fantasies…skeptics and rationalists ought to be taking a look at their own ideas…we don’t need a police force to protect us from bad ideas. We just need better ideas.’”




″ (Deepak Chopra) Idealism failed to strike back. True, the French philosopher Henri Bergson, who theorized about an invisible life force or ‘elan vital,’ won the Nobel Prize in 1926, but that was for literature, a stark acknowledgment that any theory about invisible realities deserved to be considered imaginary, or at best a matter of faith.
“To say that the victory of science was the victory of skepticism is misleading, however. If science had been merely skeptical, it would have merely replaced belief with disbelief. This it didn’t do; science gave new grounds for knowledge that belief couldn’t match. To disdainfully dismiss any immaterial phenomenon, as skeptics do, actually betrays the scientific method, which allows any hypothesis into the argument in an open-minded tolerance for the next ridiculous speculation that may turn out to be true.”






Photos Extra Steve2 34962959_10156520897759595_6984102889039855616_n
Steve Erdmann, Investigative Journalist


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One Summer Night!





Steve Erdmann



The following article was published in the November 10, 2018 issue of Universal Digest and is reproduced here with permission.
Small quotes are permitted along with full credits to reviewers and researchers.
About Universal Digest:  Ed Smith and the creators of this website listened to many different people, worldwide, who displayed interests in more areas than just about UFO phenomena. Some stated they were interested in UFO’s and others would ask about information in both related and unrelated areas over many years, not just recent events. Therefore, work has ensued and is an ongoing process of providing a multi-subject oriented website to accommodate those varied interests.
As the site develops, comments are most welcome to help ‘tweak’ the various menus and subjects of interest in order to supply the readers and viewers the information they request. The purpose and direction of Universal Digest are not to bring just breaking news or fad articles to the public. It is more apt to state this site is bringing more relevant, poignant and credible information persons can read, view, and watch that covers many times, years, and eras of human history one may find not only enjoyable; it is educational, informative, and useful for all ages from around the world;  the goal of Universal Digest is to publish in area of ufology, science, history, world, regional, and some local news and events; experiencer, telepathic and paranormal subject matter are also published.
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“Pow! To the moon, Alice!”  Jackie Gleason acting as Ralph Kramden in The Honeymooners television series…

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The humid, limp summer breeze stalked them amidst the body sweat and flamboyant teenage talk. It was the St. Louis summer of a magical 1960: A time and place marked by historical and personal events that permeated Moriarty Wild’s every fiber of flesh and bone and also sank deep into his life-giving soul………..

The USSR had recently launched Sputnik 5, successfully retrieving two dogs, 40 rodents and two rats; the U.S had launched the Tiros 1 weather satellite, while America’s Mercury-Atlas 1 suborbital flight failed. Three thousand, five hundred American soldiers had been sent to fight in Vietnam. Gary Power’s U-2 spy plane was shot down by Russian Mach 3 surface-to-air SA-2 missiles; Nikita Khrushchev authorized a Soviet military base built in Cuba. The Federal Reserve voted to cut margin requirements from 90% to 70% allowing easier market investment. Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Penthouse was playing every week on TV, advertising his modern lifestyle of sleek sex and entertainment. The U.S Democratic convention nominated John Fitzgerald Kennedy as its presidential candidate; Vice-President Richard Nixon was nominated for the Republican nominee. Fidel Castro, Cuba, nationalized all U.S owned sugar factories. The CERN particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland became operational. France detonated its first atomic bomb. Presidential candidate John Kennedy spoke of America and the world as “entering a New Frontier” of existence.

It was, also, one of Moriarty Wild’s most exciting and vibrant evenings in a long time; walking from up-town St. Louis theaters to south-town Carondelet. Four buddies had been to see a Steve Reeve’s HERCULES UNCHAINED movie at the “fabulous” FOX Theater, amidst a metropolis of “The Great White Way” of thousand-seat fetes: The St. Louis, The Orpheum, The Pageant, The Missouri; the Theater District, canopied with the magic music and trumpet sounds of nearby “World Famous” Gaslight Square. Moriarty recalled that it was from this very spot that he stood and watched the myriad floats celebrating the yearly Veiled Prophet Falstaffian-style parade.


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Artist Depiction of the late Gas Light Square

That might have been, at least, a five-mile hike; talking about sundry things like big-time ‘wise guys’: sex, politics and school tripe: big, burly ex-Marine, and algebra instructor, Mr. Julius, barreled down the school hallway and single-handedly pinned an armed high school student against the corridor wall in an excellent judo-hold. Patricia Bowen, they swore, had the biggest and the best breasts they had ever seen; and she was relentless in advertising the fact. They debated as to what was the best part of a female’s anatomy; was it the calves or the butt? How fast could you recite your phone number without stammering:  FL-1-3446, FL-1-34…? Should they divulge the secret ending of the Alfred Hitchcock summer-smash-thriller Psycho? Which was a bigger hit: Puppy Love by Paul Anka, or the Percy Faith orchestra’s Theme From A Summer Place? Was it true what they heard: that some kid got avalanched and smothered playing in the sand dune at the Sand Company by the edge of the Mississippi River at the foot of Davis Street? Did “you guys” watch the recent Twilight Zone episode “A Stop At Willoughby” where “this character steps off a train into an 1880- fantasy world?” A very unhappy 38-year-old ad agency executive enters a netherworld “in a desperate search for survival”: “You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind, a journey into a wondrous land….,” so on and on, in rapid-fire fashion, awash in adolescent adrenaline…..…..


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One bus came by; they let it go on; another and another, the boys eventually zigzagging from Grand Avenue onto Michigan; soon the boys were passing the small business district west of the St. Anthony of Padua Church and passing favorite hang-outs and business sites such as Schaefer’s Hobby Shop and Winkelmann’s Drugstore, and encountering the last of a chain of small neighborhood ‘shows’ that doted the community, many on Michigan Avenue: The Dakota, The Michigan, The Virginia. Unrelenting, their healthy teenage skeletal frames hardly seemed phased by robust walking. Two of the boys trailed down Krause Street to their homes. Moriarty began to note the customary fear, the sickening twist and cramps in the pit of his stomach as he neared his destination, but he forbade it from taking control of his attention and he drove himself back into the spasm of jumping about in play-acting and dervish-like flamboyant camaraderie. The time was well after midnight.


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Moriarty eventually said “good night” to his next-door pal and suddenly stopped dead in his steps as other thoughts came cascading into his brain and he almost surprisingly found himself facing from across the street the Siamese duplex hidden away from street lamps in the dark of night. Like a brooding giant bulldog resting in the black night on dog’s paws, the front windows as menacing, staring eyes, the house challenged Moriarty’s demeanor and his ambiance changed from friendly excitement into the reality that stood before him; a heavy dark fog like apparition of thought psychically enveloped him; the terror, the fear, the hurt. He allowed his Adams-apple to grip his neck and it squeezed and pained his throat. Would it be different tonight, the screaming, the hysteria, and the threats? The Bowers, who lived in the south duplex, contributed their share of family turbulence when their daughter, the sweetheart of Moriarty’s brother, announced she was pregnant. And how could they have tolerated: the firing of a German Luger gun into the bedroom floor, the routine deep thuds, and bangs of bodies slamming against furniture; or the sickening sound of the blunt blow of a human skull of a living-being violently smashed onto the sturdy boards of a kitchen floor; the incessant and weekly alcoholic brawls just a thin wall away?

Behind him were the mesmerizing clickety-clacks of the folding apparatus and the crank linkages of the cardboard folding machines in a nearby “box factory”; almost as entrenching and hypnotic as some thousand crickets of a dense forest. Taking his chances, Moriarty stepped off into the darkness, mustering what courage and foolish heroism he could, heading across the cobblestone bricks into the ancient street and into the deeper darkness of the front lawn, his mind racing over past events of the last ten years or so. “Maybe you’d like to jump me?” the drunken swaying image of his mother invaded his thoughts as she stood in the doorway of his room; or it was: “Maybe we should beat you till you die!  How about that!?  You want to die?” Moriarty wanted to scream at the images:  “Stop it Mom, stop it, for God’s sake – stop it!”  But it was too late: he had nowhere to go, and it was far too late to dillydally outside the house. It was not the first time that unusual political hauntings ravished his thinking. I mean, it was not like it was actually taking place then and there.  It may not happen again, maybe not this night. And thoughts are just thoughts, right?

He entered the front of the gangway leading to the back of the house. To Moriarty it was as if Ichabod Crane was slinking into the thicket of Sleepy Hollow on some macabre Halloween night; the low, rote cricket-chanting of the not-too-distant box assembling devices having become second-nature to him. But there were no real Sleepy Hollow forest sounds this time. It was deadlier than dead. Not a dog barking; not the neighbors’ animals. Sparky surely would be whimpering in happiness on the other side of the gate at the end of the gangway to welcome his master. But nothing came from the family dog; or any noise from inside the house, and this was a Saturday night, thought Moriarty, a tavern night, and how he had hoped the routine sadism and fear would not appear again on cue. But this night something possibly sardonic —- something —- was trying to appear but was purposeful, though nebulously, being somehow warded off. Once or twice, someone’s drunken laughter peaked loud enough from the corner tavern to stab the black night, but it would instantaneously disappear and the lake of life would be completely sullen and still again. As a courage-builder, Moriarty accompanied the soft squall of the box factory crank rocker linkage ‘crickets’  and began to sing in his head the Walt Disney weekend TV favorite and theme song by Jiminy Cricket, “When you wish upon a Star, makes no difference who you are…..”

Halfway down the gangway, at its darkest, pitch black point of possible night light between the walls of houses, Moriarty looked towards the tree just about three feet on the east side of the gangway gate: the defined, yet almost brilliant light of the moon shining through the branches of the tree. It certainly and stentoriously added to the bizarre atmosphere. Not being an astronomy student, Moriarty had not analyzed that this was not a night scheduled for a full moon, nor was he studied enough to account for the fact that the moon would have been higher in the sky at that time, almost directly above.

Oh well, here goes, thought Moriarty, unlatching and then quickly latching the gate and dutifully striding towards the back steps. “One look at the moon,” he thought to himself and he turned to examine the light in the open area of sky…………………

Moriarty became gripped with what he could only later describe as Tremendum Mysterium  ….   Miraculum Keuthonymos …….

His heart seemed to fall into his stomach …….

He stood transfixed to the bright, blue-white glowing manifestation that appeared slightly sweptback in appearance, completely silent and motionless. He could not be sure how long he was paralyzed in a somewhat hypnotic stare; seconds, couldn’t have been a minute? A sense of time disappeared. And the light began to move, picking up speed with every millisecond. It moved too fast for Moriarty to assimilate the reality of the moment: A huge snow-white ‘dove’? Was this a gigantic white dove? But it was illuminated! And then it began to change shape, a spinning blue-white mass of energy as it became oval and ascending up into the clear night sky until it was far out of visibility.


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Moriarty sat on the back porch steps; stunned. He listened for sound, any noise to snap him out of the stupor that possessed him. No noise from within the house. No noise from without. After almost an hour of curiously blissful but eerie silence, Moriarty used his back door key and quietly slipped into bed in his room without interruption, harassment or waylay. That lack of parental attack seemed awfully mysterious. It continued to be mysterious the following day, on the same back steps; he explained to his mother what had happened. His mother only casually and equally mysterious gave a “My poor problem child” expression and went on her way without being on the attack in her full battle agglomeration.

He seemed to float as if out-of-the-body for the rest of the day, Sunday. And then he heard the jukebox playing from the corner tavern – that very tavern, drenched insistently in the smell of fermented beer, hops and barley and Loretta Lynn’s wail about the Honky Tonk Girl – in that horror-hall-of-mirrors place laced with metaphorical, societal clown paraphernalia, outfits. Suddenly someone played Ferlin Husky’s recording of Wings of a Dove and Moriarty’s mind raced back to the apparition of the night earlier and he quivered and thought about how coincidental situations could appear. Author and originator of Wings of a Dove, Robert Bruce Ferguson, and alias Eli Possumtrot, not unlike Moriarty’s imagined gangway Ichabod Crane’s Sleepy Hollow, was born in a rustic Ozark commune of Willow Springs, not far from a Thick Hollow; the Ozark Mountains rift with stories of hauntings, even in nearby Mountain View and West Plains. Events continued to be surrealistic when Moriarty discovered the diary notes he had hidden in his desk telling of his heavenly apparition, notes that also included telling of the barbaric fist fights that mother and step-father conducted in the past week – fights that almost resulted in death – were mysteriously missing — but no threats or reprimands came from their discovery. Was the apparition, he thought to himself again and again in those subsequent hours, somehow connected with his grandmother’s passing at the start of this weekend that last Friday? They had all stood about her death-bed at the hospital and watched her slowly and peacefully sink into the netherworld. Did her death intervene as a nighttime apparition allowing a peaceful night?


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And then it struck him how synchronistic and miraculous life was at times; those little interconnected ‘ins’ and ‘outs.’ The invigorating dinner aromas from roast beef and butter and mashed potatoes had filled the house earlier, fallout from a family gathering of aunts, uncles, children, brothers, and family; mom, despite her crimes, was always an old-fashioned chef educated in classic Scrubby-Dutch lifestyle, ihrhaus ist sehr sauber und gemutlichkeit; unfortunately, a lie and illusory at times, this Germanic-style was not a normal, natural or pleasant trait taught her, rather she felt it as the searing and sadomasochistic beauty of a branding mark on some heifer by a rugged cow-poke, as taunt as a German sieg heil, or Kommen Sie hier!, such cloaked, lonely, forlorn and frustrating emotions would be passed down for many generations. But she came through ‘big time’ this weekend. The Honeymooners and Jackie Gleason played on TV in a syndicated rerun the night before, unrealized and unaware, almost in Rod Serling fashion, of the actual and historical story of paranormal-hobbyist Gleason’s yet-to-happen 1973 midnight adventure with friend Richard Nixon, and their trek to a mysterious morgue at Homestead Air Force Base containing alleged frozen alien creatures. But this was a Sunday in 1960; Moriarty, curled into a fetal position, had quietly lain on the freshly laundered and aromatically sweet and clean bed coverings on his bed in his room hugging himself as if lying in the uterine fluid of prenatal comfort, all stress disappearing as ripples on a pond. Moriarty thankfully listened to Gleason’s forlornly haunting orchestration of the Melancholy Serenade…….


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He then realized that Life, as was concerning everyone, was a mixed bag of good and evil; of endless, Jungian-coincidental events. People were an inured itinerary of love and hate, and he took that insight as a curious comfort in that singular moment and slept peacefully for the first time in weeks.

If we stop to gaze upon a star….people talk about how bad we are….ours is not an easy age….we’re like tigers in a cage….what a town without pity can do…How can we keep love alive?…how can anything survive?….when these little minds tear you in two…what a town without pity can do….”  A Town Without Pity sung by Gene Pitney, 1961, Musicor Records [1009], Aaron Schroeder Publishing.



“…If every building falls, and all the stars fade…pull me out of the dark…from so far away…I guess we’re all one phone call from our knees….”  Mat Kearney, Closer To Love, Aware Records, LLC, 2009.


12/2/2018 6:15:41 AM/ Sunday, December 02, 2018



Based on a True Story


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Steve Erdmann, Investigative Journalist


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You can also visit his articles at the following: – TheDissenter,,,,
Alternate Perception Magazine: