I, DR. J. Allen Hynek… “(UFOs concern) things in physics right around us…phenomena which is beyond our understanding, yet will (eventually) be natural.”  November 24, 1967.

Allen Hynek

What Did Dr. J. Allen Hynek Believe About UFOs in 1967: And When Did He Say It? And A Philosophical – Psychological Debate: The Debunkers: And The Telling Of The Curious Case of Moriarty Wild: The Man Behind It.


Steve Erdmann
Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2012 
This article was published in the September 2012 issues of UFO Digest.
It is printed here with permission.
Reviewers and Journalists can use short quotes for respective works. 
Parts I, II and III 
You can also see a version of this article at https://wordpresscom507.wordpress.com/2017/08/28/i-dr-j-allen-hynek-ufos-concern-things-in-physics-right-around-us-phenomena-which-is-beyond-our-understanding-yet-will-eventually-be-natural-november-24-1/
Also seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/09/07/the-real-dr-hynek/


“Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart,” Phil Jackson.


(….they have made a show of intolerance which has been fatal to their success…whether those theories were true or false.” David Meredith Reese, Humbugs Of New York, 1838.)
“A primary aim of science is to satisfy human curiosity, to probe the unknown, and to open new paths for intellectual adventure…though scientists, being quite human, have often inadvertently given the opposite impression.”  Dr. J. Allen Hynek.


The world of unknown phenomena in 1947 was a peculiar world. In June 1947, Kenneth Arnold sighted strange machines skipping through the Mount Rainer, Washington state skies akin to superior aircraft that he could not identify.  “I am convinced in my own mind that they were some type of airplane, even though they did not conform with the many aspects of the conventional types of planes that I know,”  (Kenneth Arnold, Spring, 1948 FATE Magazine[1]). That set the stage for thousands of people seeing similar aircraft, and since Washington and the White House denied it was American, the alternatives were fascinating; one said they might be “machines from outer space”:  And the worldwide imagination morphed into seeing exactly that.



It was an equally ‘peculiar’ 1967:  It was ‘Wild.’  Moriarty Wild.






To the scientific community, always worried about its status quo and respectability, strange machines flying about the planet were hard enough to allow into the conversation, but spaceships from outer space were absolutely sinequanon and taboo. The U.S government, in general, denied the reality of the phenomena, and it hired “experts” such as the late Donald Howard Menzel (Director of the Harvard observatory) and the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek (Professor and Chairman of the Astronomy Department at North Western University) to control the growing, raging speculation.

As the official consultant and investigator for the U.S. Air Force, Project Sign, Dr. J. Allen Hynek was able to view cases “up close and personal” and began a gradual change of attitude from complete cynicism to, what he believed was, true scientific objectivity – “objectivity” as in “examining all the facts based on all the evidence and testimony,” which Hynek labeled as the real Scientific Principle. Unfortunately for Old School Ufology, the “machines coming here from other planets” belief did not encircle all the facts and evidence; and Hynek gradually began to allude to that fact in his speeches and lectures.

Moriarty Wild (not the real name: which will be given to the editor[2]) is a case in point.  He was one of those inquisitive young teenage astronomy students that felt the cases sighted promised new space-age accomplishments and expansion of science, and like many youngsters at that time, was eager to explore. I was one such imaginative youngster. But Wild  believed in a makeshift and an odd version of Old School respectability (in fact, Wild  believed most of Forteanism [3] was filled by inane idiots and crazy tall-tales; yet, those big guns of cynicism could just as easily been aimed at his own pomposity, who, like, Hynek and UFOs, I saw his idiosyncrasies “up close and personal” also) – I did not cling to old ideas – and I felt the wide field of science was “open” eternally to all kinds of possibilities  (I, at the time, was impressed by the late pulp editor Ray Palmer’s intuitive ventures into New Age forecasting and the alternative viewpoints of the late Meade Layne Borderland Science Research Society and similar searchers).

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Another Moriarty Mastermind from ‘Sherlock Holmes’


Surprisingly, Wild and I both had been “buffeted” by “authority” of various kinds: Wild, however, became an authority unto himself – I was far too “humbled” by the lashings and slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune to consider myself an authority to end all authority and all solely unto myself (see my forthcoming memoirs to discover the slings and arrows) – that kind of authority scared me – I sought wild adventure to fill that gap of loss caused by various kleptocracy.  I saw any new science as “wide and wild adventure.” That life and science of adventure, however, and those adventures were not necessarily progenitor by accomplished “liars” that Wild constantly envisioned.

In the ensuing years, Moriarty increasingly became what is known as a ‘debunker,’ those critics that devoted their lives, as a protection against the destruction of society, to destroying modernistic and what they felt were New Age degeneracy.  Wild progressed to a fairly high extreme, seeing beliefs and modern theories as often a Fabian Communist Conspiracy. Some of his ideas, I could agree with, other ideas seem too harmful, even though the cases Wild attacked seemed just as hurtful and infuriating. I’ve heard Wild refer to citizens several times as “savages.” (”… [if the attack had] backfire effects [which] can occur if a message spends too much time on the negative case, if it is too complex, or the message is threatening.” [en.wikipedia.org/debunkers]). Ben Pile surmised: “far from seeking rationalism, skepticism is increasingly a search for authorityit indulges the same fantasiesskeptics and rationalists ought to be taking a look at their own ideaswe don’t need a police force to protect us from bad ideasWe just need better ideas.”

Debunking The Debunkers, Friday 13, October 2006, http://www.spiked-online.com.

Debunkers, as a modern-day class, seemed to have emerged about 1975 with a gaggle of scientists about the globe, such as Marcello Truzzi of CSICOP (the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims Of the Paranormal), that fellow critic Carl Sagan warned was having a debilitating and polarizing effect with “…a tendency to belittle, to ignore the fact (that many theorizers) are human beings with real beliefs…us vs. them…careless remark(s)…Phil Plait, astronomer, ‘Don’t be a dick’ DBAD speech…”

SKEPTIC, Vol. 13, no.4, 2011. 

What happened to Moriarty Wild may have happened to many a critic or debunker, and sometimes we find their holier-than-thou lifestyle is humbled by belated and sometimes reluctantly discovered facts. I often found myself agreeing with Wild (and cannot be considered to be betraying him) in general terms on several topics, including the degeneration of Americanism and society. This story, however, is not presented to cause hurt or harm, but to introduce humility and compassionThe real source of their sardonic-ism, as outlined at the end of this article, may be encrypted in the labyrinth of their psyche. After all, is said and done, however, debunkers cannot deny they are just human beingslike all the rest of us.





NOVEMBER 24, 1967


But everything has its beginnings, and we selectively pick November 24, 1967, when the public and Forteans went to listen to Dr. Allen J. Hynek’s lecture on his investigations into the UFO phenomenon as he spoke at the St. Louis Washington University Graham Chapel (“The UFO As A Scientific Problem”).  I had taken note of and later presented his comments in my small fanzine Dissenter/Disinter, also marking Hynek’s comments that he was beginning to suspect that the oddities in those phenomena indicated a metaphysical or psychic aspect in its nature.  I later pointed out this revelation to Wild, whereupon Wild again surprised and shocked me at my front doorstep by saying, as I greeted him and casually mentioned my column on the speech, that I was a “liar” or a “god-damned liar” (I can’t remember which of the two phrases he spurted out to me; it had been one of several of his tantrum-like bestirs over the years). Of course, Dr. Hynek’s sayings were not my words I reviewed, recorded and presented, but Dr. Hynek’s.


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 Graham Chapel


(I don’t, however, recall Hynek getting into some ‘lengthy’ discourse on the supernatural nature of UFOs, but he did indicate something paranormal was going on. Did it occur to Wild that I may have been indifferent? Impartiality, unfortunately, was not the hallmark of these ‘religious’ debates: apparently Wild felt, caused partially by Wild’s scholastic academics, that just the mere mention of anyone’s viewpoint opened the commenter to Wild’s censure in some kind of religious inquisition and verbal castration.)

Thoughts on the nature of UFOs as “space machines” (piloted by almost anonymous, unrecorded pilots in the actual sighting reports[4]) had been framed previously by pulp fiction writers in the 1930s and earlier fiction writers such as H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. The story-line of pulp writers of the 1930s – 1940s encompassed such writers as Tiffany Thayer, Frank R. Paul, Raymond A. Palmer, Richard S. Shaver, and others.  Included were the ‘contactee’ stories (those who claimed physical contact with UFO pilots) of George Adamski, Howard Menger, Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum, George Van Tassel and others. Only a few writers, unfortunately, suggested more than one cause for the sightings. Religiosity seemed prevalent among “speculators” of any Cult (including the Debunker Cult) in which adherents spoke, as their ‘Believer’ nemeses often did, only in terms of the “Absolute.”

And – again – as events in the subject developed and further lectures and papers by Hynek came out, the doctor, indeed, had said something paranormal seemed to be going on in that phenomenon: This I did pick up from his lecture on November 24, 1967, and wrote about it in my magazine.




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The Late Major Donald Keyhoe spoke about Flying Saucers 


It was amazing that two listeners’ notes I discovered on that lecture (one set of notes personally written on 12/21/67 by Moriarty Wild) did not record or pick-up on Hynek’s reference to the ‘paranormal’ as I did: so strong was the willingness to “cleanse” any thought or perception in Hynek’s words that a new and strange phenomenon may be involved including the metaphysical. Major Donald Keyhoe of NICAP (National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena) fought vigorously against any such notion of the spiritual or paranormal, even to the extent that he avoided those bizarre and strange humanoids were sometimes reported. The following reveals the growing tendency – even before 1967 — of Dr. Hynek to suspect an origin other than just ‘classical’ machines from the far distances and regular worlds in space:

Dr. Hynek spoke on this point in a June 1975 Fate Magazine interview: “I always start with the incontrovertible facts that UFO reports exist and humanoid reports exist. I don’t like it ___ I’d much rather talk about nocturnal lights and daylight discs but no scientist throws out data just because he doesn’t like it.  If he does he’s not a scientist. The data of the reports are there.  If you go through the files of the Flying Saucer Review you have case after case. NICAP threw them out for years. They just refused to think there could be anything like that; therefore they weren’t going to touch it. But that’s not science.” (p. 51.)  

It was odd that Dr. Hynek – on the same weekend he gave his Graham Chapel lecture – also was interviewed on WIL radio on November 25, 1967, and made similar allusions on UFOS: “…that’s a terribly loaded question…Do we really have an unexplained phenomenon? I think so. But it’s only after I have, or somebody has, the data really in form to study, in an appropriate form to study, then one is ready for theorizing…The problem is, within the framework of our present-day science, we have no conceivable means or ideas of how that civilization could communicate with us because the distances are so utterly, utterly vast…it may also turn out to be something that we just don’t know about at all, in the same sense that a hundred years ago, the whole concept of nuclear energy would have been totally foreign to our way of life…I rather use the term ‘UFO’ than ‘flying saucer’ because ‘flying saucer’ is a loaded word, it…already carries with it an answer…UFOs…do did not seem to be explainable in the present scientific framework.…reports of extremely strange sightings made by reputable people in many cases…”  It was apparent that on November 25, 1967, just one day after his lecture, that Hynek was still disenchanted with expressed flying saucer machines from normally envisioned interplanetary worlds.

The staff writer for the University College News, Washington University (January, 1968), speaking of the lecture (“Air Force Consultant Discusses…”), missed the opportunity to outline Hynek’s inclusion of the paranormal in the phenomenon; the writer did catalog Hynek’s disenchantment with the “visitors from outer space theory”: “The next step is conjecturing how some cosmic navigator might set out to find our Earth…Once such a navigator had found Earth, there would still remain the unbelievable problem of getting here from such great distances.  And yet there are UFO’s…It is a great, huge question, still unanswered after 20 years of scientific searching.” (Emphasis added by Steve Erdmann.)

Mark Rodeghier, formerly director of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), said on January 21, 2012:  “You are correct that Hynek was open to a paranormal (or really, extra-dimensional) explanation for the UFO phenomenon…back in the 1960s while still a consultant to the Air Force, he was very cautious and expressing such ideas in public, he felt he had to wear his conservative hat.  So while you can find things he wrote in the earlier years, it will not be as open about the source of UFOs as his later public statements.”


Allen Hynek Mark

Dr. Mark Rodeghier of CUFOS




One can see Dr. Hynek’s growing suspicions and his increasing evolution about the true nature of the UFO reality even before 1967, having lived with the UFO phenomena “up close and personal.”  In 1953 his suspicions leaked out into an April 1953 article in the Journal Of The Optical Society Of America wherein he said true UFOs may be an unknown terrestrial phenomenon: “But, do we have a natural phenomenon?”

The September-October,1966 issue of the now-defunct APRO Bulletin chastised Hynek for hiding a more liberal viewpoint on UFOs before that time, when, in fact, he had suspicions that a really unusual phenomenon existed: “(Hynek would)…bide his time until an opportunity came to arouse the interest of other scientists…a psychic revolution…”

As early as October 10, 1966, about a year before his Graham Chapel lecture, Hynek said in Newsweek Magazine, “Science And Space: UFOs For Real?” –  page 70: “ ‘I’m not saying we are being visited by extraterrestrial beings,’  Hynek told Newsweek Richard Steele, “…UFOs might even be, according to Hynek, ‘something entirely new to science…the question must remain open…’”

Two months later, in the December 17, 1966, also one year before his St. Louis lecture, Hynek said in the Saturday Evening Post article “Are Flying Saucers Real?”: (speaking of the August 5-6, 1953 Black Hawk and Piedmont, South Dakota, and Bismarck, North Dakota UFO entanglement with a F-84 aircraft) “In my report, I noted that ‘the entire incident, in my opinion, has too much of an Alice-in-Wonderland flavor for comfort’…964…people with good reputations…continued to describe ‘out-of-this-world’ incidents…the scientific probability of life elsewhere in our galaxy? I don’t know. I find no compelling evidence for it…we are dealing with some kind of natural phenomenon that we as yet cannot explain or even conceive of…who can say what startling facts we will learn about our world In the next 100 years?…compare new sightings with old and trace patterns of UFO behavior.”

Another case in point (apparently circa 1967-1968): in Leslie Kearn’s 2010 book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, Government Officials Go On The Record  (Harmony Books, New York, 2010) speaking about the Condon UFO Project and the subsequent July 1968 Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, Kearn reminded us on page 113 of her book quoting Hynek’s early belief: “As Hynek pointed out at the time (emphasis, mine…SE), Condon and his supporters mistakenly equated the notion of UFOs with something extraterrestrial…”  Again, this appeared to be about 1967-1968.




On December 27, 1969 (just two years  after his speech at Graham Chapel) at a General Symposium of the American Association For The Advancement Of Science, 134th meeting, Hynek, conjoining and speaking of Canadian Philosopher of Science, Thomas Goudge, indicated that a genuinely new-empirical observation and new explanation scheme (including new, basic concepts and new scientific laws) needed to be established, and that the reported occurrences violated the “methodological criteria governing the advancement of science”: new observational data must occur, allowing new concepts, explaining new observational data. Hynek quoted Schreedinger: “…be curious, capable of being astonished and eager to find out…”

Hynek said in his 1972 book The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry (Henry Regnery Company): “…do humanoids and UFOs alike bespeak a parallel ‘reality’ that for some reason manifests itself to some of us for very limited periods? But what would this reality be?… Its appearance of operating outside the established laws of physics, and its peculiar preferences for certain situations…exhibiting at times near-zero inertial mass yet able to leave physical traces of their presence, is surely a phenomenon beyond the pale of mid-twentieth century physics…quite unable to illuminate the darkness of the future…The problem was – and remains – whether the phenomena of UFO reports from more than one hundred countries represent something genuinely new to science, quite apart from any preconceived theory (such as ETI) to account for the reports…The ETI hypothesis…there was no real evidence that it constituted the real problem. Fred Hoyle has conjectured that it is possible that a great intergalactic communication network exists but that we are like a settler in the wilderness who as yet has no telephone…such ideas, once forbidden and even revolting to our geocentric minds no longer shock us as we slowly grow out of our cosmic provincialism…or the more esoteric notions of time travel or of parallel universes…scientific progress tends to be revolutionary rather than evolutionary…despite their bizarre nature, merely imaginative extensions of current concepts…One of the most exasperating and even repugnant features of the subject is its apparent irrationality…it cannot, at least at present, be separated from the social condition in which it is embedded…behavioral sciences from the physical sciences…inextricably mixed…a mighty and totally unexpected quantum jump.” (pp. 139, 194, 195, 201, 232, 233, 234)


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Dr. Hynek spoke on February 23, 1973, at the Marriott Motor Hotel in St. Louis for the Northwestern University Alumni Club of St. Louis: “…the problem of the Northern Lights…nobody knew what caused it, because, simply, we didn’t know enough physics yet. And we may be in a sort of a similar situation with the UFO phenomenon; it may be opening a totally new domain of nature that we are, as yet – after all, just because it’s 1973 doesn’t mean that we know the things that we’re going to know about the universe in the year 4000…There remains no doubt in my mind that a real UFO phenomenon, of some sort, exists, which may, or may not, have an extraterrestrial origin. Indeed that is the problem…these persons, adjudged responsible by all ordinary standards…to hold that they furnish as data that may be of decided, potential, scientific value…”  These notes were recorded by Moriarty Wild in March 1973.

At a 1973 MUFON Annual Symposium in Akron, Ohio, Hynek said in a piece called “The Embarrassment Of The Riches”: “…but many thousands every year? From remote regions of space? And to what purpose? To scare us by stopping cars and disturbing animals and puzzling us with their seemingly pointless antics?”

New Scientist of May 17, 1973, quoted Hynek thus: “…the numerous perplexing reports of unidentified flying objects –  UFOs  –  may describe a branch of the natural world not yet investigated by science…maybe we don’t know enough physics to understand UFOs…”

In the Spring, 1974 issue of Probe The Unknown Magazine, Dennis V. Waite commented on and quoted Hynek on these matters: ‘‘‘To say that life (as extraterrestrial-alien-visitors…S.E) has visited us — that’s another question…ships from outer space.’” “…explanation may just be too pat. Something is happening, Hynek says, something very real and frightening to many people…We have to take this phenomenon seriously whatever it is’…There’s no conclusive evidence, he points out, that UFOs are ‘nuts-and-bolts hardware…not with a predetermined judgment that they do not exist or that they are alien spacecraft, but with an open, constantly probing and thorough scientific sleuthing.’”

In the January 20-22, 1975 AIAA 13th Aerospace Sciences meeting in Pasadena, California, Hynek said in “The Emerging Picture of the UFO Problem”: “Eyewitness reports of actual space ships and actual extraterrestrials are, in themselves, totally unreliable. There have been numerous eyewitness reports of almost everything that most rational people do not care to accept…formulation of a hypothesis – or hypotheses – that encompass the established parameters of the UFO phenomenon – no matter how far beyond the boundaries of present-day science it may have to be…the trouble is, that whatever the UFO phenomenon is, it comes and goes unexpectedly. There is no way of examining it systematically. It appears suddenly and accidentally, is partially seen, and then it’s more or less inaccurately reported…the signal-to-noise aspect of the UFO problems aggravated to a high degree because the signal is a totally unexpected signal, and represents an entirely new set of empirical observations which do not fit into any existing framework in any of the accepted scientific disciplines…the signal itself signals the birth of a new scientific discipline…It is indeed sobering, yet challenging, to consider that the entire UFO phenomenon may only be the tip of the proverbial iceberg in a signaling an entirely new domain of the knowledge of nature as yet totally unexplored, an unexplored and as unimagined as nuclear processes would have been a century ago…”

Likewise, speaking at a January 23, 1975, Annual Meeting and Banquet of about 900 assembled Council of the Boy Scouts of America, Hynek said: “We have an unidentified phenomenon which we are trying to study…The UFO phenomenon poses a research problem, and the hypothesis of visitation by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization is only one of several possibilities.”  (These quotes were transcribed by Moriarty Wild ).

The September 27, 1975, Joint Symposium of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Los Angeles chapter of the World Futures Society proceedings recorded Hynek as saying: “But what is by far the most appealing things about UFO facts is that they are not acceptable pieces in the scientific jig-saw puzzle. They are pieces that seem to belong to an entirely different jig-saw puzzle…Bridge and tennis are just two different games and are played by different rules. And it seems clear to most of us that UFO’s don’t obey the rules of the present day scientific game…All these things seem to call for a Paraphysics, a metaphysics, of a transcendental physics…”


Astrophysicist Addresses Possibility of UFO Sighting

Hynek Lecturing at the Milwaukee Paranormal Conference
(TO BE CONTINUED: The world of dark debunkers and Dr. J. Allen Hynek battle in an egalitarian clash)





Part II


What Did Dr. J. Allen Hynek Believe About UFOs in 1967: And When Did He Say It? And A Philosophical – Psychological Debate: The Debunkers: And The Telling of the Curious Case Of Moriarty Wild: The Man behind It.




Steve Erdmann


“The power of imagination makes us infinite.” John Muir.
“I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the Fundamental Laws of the universe through my rational mind.”  Albert Einstein.


“But everything has its beginnings, and we selectively pick November 24, 1967, when the public and Forteans went to listen to Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s lecture on his investigations into the UFO phenomenon as he spoke at  the St. Louis Washington University Graham Chapel (“The UFO As A Scientific Problem”).  I had taken note of and later presented his comments in my small fanzine Dissenter/Disinter, also marking Hynek’s comments that he was beginning to suspect that the oddities in that phenomena indicated a metaphysical or psychic aspect in its nature…Wild…shocked me at my front doorstep…saying that I was a ‘liar’”…” (Steve Erdmann, Part I) The analysis as to what led a youthful ‘debunker’ to attack an early record of Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s sayings continues…




Hynek said in the Cincinnati Horizons Magazine of October 1975: (If we were to be space visitors) “We might condition them slowly, make appearances, and do strange things…But we surely wouldn’t travel the great distance involved to do prankish things like stopping cars and frightening animals.  It would make no sense.”

The October 4, 1975 issue of Nature contained an interview by Ian Ridpath, quoting Hynek: “…not support the idea that UFOs are nuts-and-bolts spacecraft from other worlds…It seems ridiculous that any intelligence would come from such great distortions to do reportedly stupid things like stopping cars and frightening people.  And there are too many reports.”


.Allen Hynek franch-hynek-photo

Dr. J. Allen Hynek (left) and Jacques Vallee (right).


A 1975 book co-authored with Jacques Vallee, The Edge of Reality (Henry Regnery Company), recorded Hynek: “One of the differences is that UFOs seem to be under some sort of intelligent control, and natural phenomena are not under intelligent control…they apparently exhibit what would be called theatrics…humanoids…resemble large versions of the Little People…called Elementals in the occult literature…salamanders, undines, sylphs…a UFO is a ‘jealous phenomena’ in that it seems to show itself preferentially in a particular area; a UFO seems to be localized in both space and time…The top scientific brass…military brass themselves didn’t understand it; much too difficult for them, much too complex…I had internal misgivings about Blue Book policies as early as 1953…We need to line up all the things that a viable theory needs to explain; we don’t have anything in the present framework of science that would explain it…on a psychic plane…signaling that there’s a reality that the physical scientists…aren’t at all conscious of, but exists!…take into account the paranormal phenomena that are being written about and apparently being experienced…why do poltergeists move something…undoubtedly has physical effects but also has the attributes of the psychic world…other universes with different quantum rules or vibration rates…space-time continuum could be a cross-section through a universe…interlocking universes…same way that a poltergeist can produce very real physical effects…almost tangible…a physiological construct…an opportunity to move towards a new reality…increasing the borders of our awareness…another science and another knowledge.” (pp. 61, 62, 66, 67, 145,189, 199, 240, 257,258, 259, 261,262, 263)


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Hynek was quoted in the June 26, 1976, Daily News of Chicago: “(Are UFOs interplanetary?…) Not likely. It’s just too far a distance to travel…We couldn’t possibly do it with our technology. Of course, there might be a more technologically advanced civilization out there. Maybe they could travel here, but it probably wouldn’t be in anything like a flying saucer…We just don’t have enough information to answer that. Whether they are from outer space, or something even more bizarre than that, like visitors from a parallel reality…”

A June 1976 published interview in FATE Magazine No. 315, Hynek had a lot to say: “…(Life in the universe) it does not follow that this explains UFOs in the sense of nuts-and-bolts hardware which is as far as most scientists are willing to go… (why) done entirely on the physical plane?…communication and exploration.…not in the ordinary sense…There are other planes of existence ___ the astral plane, the etheric plane and so forth…that space and time are essentially interchangeable. Suppose it was possible to travel in time rather than in space…The new puzzle pieces are being given to us by the whole parapsychological scene ___ ESP, telepathy, the Uri Geiler phenomena, psychic healing, and particularly psychic surgery…They clearly are parts of another jigsaw puzzle…there’s going to have to be an interface between these two pictures and this is part of that psychic revolution…This relates to the whole UFO picture; I have come to believe UFOs are part of the larger paranormal picture which has two aspects…physical effects occur apparently without physical causes…’psychic construct’ is a loaded term…modern UFO investigators tend to slough it off…doesn’t belong in our UFO wave. But it does…related to other paranormal phenomena and possibly is part of a slow conditioning process…this psychic construct has the ability to imitate, camouflage or mimic…if you once talk about consciousness and intelligence existing apart from protoplasm…it has paranormal aspects but certainly but certainly it has very real physical aspects…We haven’t come up with an answer. People always seem to want answers and I keep telling them, look, it’s a research problem.  In research, you don’t know the answers.”

In an August 16, 1976 People Magazine interview, Hynek had this to say (p. 53): “(Do UFOs come from outer space?) It doesn’t seem possible, but who knows?… People get excited at the thought UFOs might be from outer space. But it would be just as exciting if UFOs were from inner space, from an alternate or parallel reality…through expanded consciousness we were able to come into contact with a parallel reality?…that an entire parallel universe exists in these spaces between the parts of an atom…if the sheer weight of evidence finally forces us…a mighty and unexpected quantum jump.”

Furthermore, an interview with Hynek published in April 1977 OUI Magazine (Jerome Clark, Carl Macki), Hynek made his theories much clearer: “One might even begin to speculate that the UFO itself, even though it manifests physical effects, may not be completely physical.  We don’t know.  We don’t really know, when a UFO is ‘seen,’ if there is an actual image on the retina…a relationship might be discovered eventually, but in the poltergeist phenomenon we have something that has physical effects without being physical itself…the subject is much more complex than any of us imagined when we first got started in it. It’s naive to expect a simple solution…something that is far more complex than mere hallucinations or apparitions. UFOs, although they may have no physical reality, can and do affect matter…the universe is not all that simple. Mystics, for example, have always talked about how matter vibrates at different rates of speed, but the scientist doesn’t know what the mystic is talking about…there is a lot that the spaceship concept doesn’t explain about UFO phenomena. You have to disallow or neglect and overlook all sorts of things if you accept the idea that nuts-and-bolts craft is coming here from outer space…the so-called extraterrestrial hypothesis…We’re going to have to broaden our scope and admit other things into our playing field of science…But it would be wrong if we pursued that path to the exclusion of everything else. If the evidence suggests that there is a paranormal dimension to the phenomenon, we’re going to have to pursue that.”

Speaking of the Edward Condon UFO Committee/Report, J. Allen Hynek wrote in The Hynek UFO Report (1977): “The main conflict was whether UFOs were extra-terrestrial phenomena rather than whether they constituted a unique phenomenon…but whether a phenomenon existed (regardless of origin)…” (p. 298, Sphere Books)


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At a 1977 International UFO Congress in Chicago, Hynek said: “I hold it entirely possible that a technology exists which encompasses both the physical and the psychic, the material and the mental…there may a civilization that is millions of years more advanced than man…million-year-old civilization may know something that we don’t…I hypothesize an ‘m and m’ technology encompassing the mental and material realms.  The psychic realms, so mysterious to us today, may be an ordinary part of an advanced technology.”

In the November 21, 1977 (p. 97) edition of Newsweek (“The UFO’s Are Coming”) by Peter Gwynne and Katrine Ames, Hynek was quoted as saying: “We have the questions, not the answers”.  The authors said:  “But he emphasizes that speculation should not be limited to flying saucers. UFO’S, he says, may be psychic phenomena and the ‘aliens’ may not come from outer space but from a ‘parallel reality’”:  (Hynek) ”…I will speculate that a very advanced civilization might know something about the connection between mind and matter that we don’t.”

During a February 1985 interview in Omni Magazine, Hynek also said: “…the UFO phenomena is no longer a physical, but a psychological problem…(visitors from outer space) it’s hard to accept…the E.T hypothesis is untenable, that it just doesn’t make sense to a scientist…several things that render the E.T hypothesis unlikely as well…Cheshire Cat effect…they might even be an interface between our reality and a parallel reality, the door to another dimension…”

Dr. Hynek said in 1985, and recorded on camera: “When the long-awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next step in the march of science, but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum leap.”


In the December 1998 Saturday Evening Post Hynek was quoted: “The fourth possible explanation of UFOs is that we are dealing with some kind of natural phenomena that we as yet cannot explain or conceive of.” 


(We are currently trying to track down the verbatim transcript of the Hynek speech of November 24, 1967, possibly someone who tape-recorded or transcribed word for word; investigators are welcomed to help locate same).

(TO BE CONTINUED: The world of dark debunkers and the possible causes that led a debunker to attack a Dr. J. Allen Hynek comment continues…)








Part III


What Did Dr. J. Allen Hynek Believe About UFOs in 1967: And When Did He Say It? And A Philosophical – Psychological Debate: The Debunkers: And The Telling of the Curious Case Of Moriarty Wild: The Man behind It.




Steve Erdmann



“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” (Mother Teresa.)

“But everything has its beginnings, and we selectively pick November 24, 1967, when the public and Forteans went to listen to Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s lecture on his investigations into the UFO phenomenon as he spoke at  the St. Louis Washington University Graham Chapel (“The UFO As A Scientific Problem”). I had taken note of and later presented his comments in my small fanzine Dissenter/Disinter, also marking Hynek’s comments that he was beginning to suspect that the oddities in that phenomena indicated a metaphysical or psychic aspect in its nature…Wild…shocked me at my front doorstep …saying that I was a ‘liar’…” (Steve Erdmann, Part I.)  The analysis as to what led a youthful ‘debunker’ to attack an early record of Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s sayings continues…



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Eric Hoffer


Sadly, no apology came from Wild; Wild apparently felt it was his imagined “academic” duty to psychologically assassinate his friends (and I did, somehow, consider him my friend at those moments even though I suspected over the years that his personal attacks had their own peculiarities). Just as the so-called “UFO fanatic-believer fringe” carried oddities, the Debunker Fringe was likewise laden with the same religious propensities. To quote Eric Hoffer: “This passionate attachment is the essence of his blind devotion and religiosity, and he sees in it the source of all virtue and strength. Though his single-minded dedication is a holding on for dear life, he easily sees himself as the supporter and defender of the holy cause to which he clings. And he is ready to sacrifice his life to demonstrate to himself and others that such indeed is his role.  He sacrifices his life to prove his worth.” (The True Believer, “Fanaticism,” Perennial Library, 1951, p. 80). Moriarty Wild seemingly lived in a wondrous  world of religious “purity,” or the pretense of doctrinal “purity”; pure lifestyles, pure grammar[5] , pure religion, pure jokes, pure remarks, pure 19th/20th century behavior, pure clothing designs, pure ‘thinking’ (claiming either, atheism or agnosticism, Wild’s avoidance of many things ‘modern’ –  such as television, clothing styles, slang, even music, and sounds – seemed  a blend of “beyond Luddite” at times and extreme Christian Fundamentalism). But, even if an “innocent prodigy,” Wild shouldn’t have been “wrong” in the case of Dr. Hynek (or many other of his perfect, political crusades) — he was not permitted that in what could be called the schizoid “PERFECT WORLD” – – –  was that the ‘world’ taught to people in that SecretDebunkerFinishingSchool?[6]


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I recalled Wild going about social and public circles back through years 1967 (circa the 60s to the near present), smirking, like some little J.R.R Tolkien hobbit, cackling, usually in whispers: “idiots!” – “you’re a liar!” –  “trash!” –  “crazy!” –  “junk!” –  and other symptoms of seeming schizoid Tourette-like coprolalia (normal acid drollery or stereotypic movement disorder?  Sometimes a victim of ego-syntonics, Wild said he didn’t remember going about making such remarks).

Paul Braternab spoke out against such philosophical intolerance on January 23, 2012: “The idea of a single scientific method is a myth and the damaging one at that.  As P.B. Medawak pointed out, there are numerous different styles of doing science, although all of them have certain things in common: the interplay of observation, reason, and imagination…and willingness in principle to revise and refine…” Elmer Rich III likewise concluded on January 23: “The scientific method is neither deduction from a set of axioms nor a way of making plausible guesses, but that is a matter of successive approximation to probability distributions.”

Michael Guillen, PH.D., Senior Science editor for ABC-TV had a much more refreshing use of the language (1998): “my goal is to report accurately and open-mindedly any interesting and credible goings-on within science, be they orthodox or iconoclastic…apply the scientific method…only through rigorous studies…can we get beyond the endless and largely emotional-philosophical arguments between ’skeptics’ and ’believers’…they’re open as evidenced by the continuing disagreement among intelligent, well-educated people…many of today’s research results…are routinely contradicted by some subsequent study…it’s not the nature of science ever to know anything with absolute certainty. Which is why Mr. Park’s remarkable ability to know exactly what is and isn’t possible, to distinguish between ‘good’ and ’bad’ science with such complete confidence strike me, well, as just so much voodoo…”


“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolute enough to mend them.”  (Benjamin Franklin.)

Wild’s philosophical misstep was one that is shared by many debunkers around the globe. ”Both they who convert and they who are converted need the fervent conviction that the faith they impose or are forced to adopt is the only true one,” said Eric Hoffer (The True Believer, Ibid, p. 99), “without this conviction, the proselytizing terrorist, if he is not vicious, to begin with, is likely to feel a criminal, and the coerced convert see himself as a coward who prostituted his soul to live.”  


Eric Hoffer

Eric Hoffer – Philosopher


Over the years, even more so recently, Wild has aligned himself with Right-wing or Ultra-right-wing causes (because they supposedly preach against poor behavior), and he stayed close to friends or ‘icons’ he deemed sympathetic to those causes and images, often castigating robustly those who disagree or challenge his Doctrines[7]. “The game of history is usually played by the best and worst over the heads of the majority in the middle…they see their lives and the present as spoiled, beyond remedy and they are ready to waste and wreck both…,” Eric Hoffer, Ibid, pp. 29-30. It is important that Wild’s ‘heroes’ have treated him extremely kindly (though that quality is not always, apparently, given to those he disagreed with). Though he has debunked supernatural stories and paranormal phenomena as so much claptrap and malarkey as part of his march towards Truth, he also defended ‘icons’ (not that his friends are not congenial or humane at times) that just happened to be or purported to be Ultra-Christian (and some as technophobic[8]) because of their stand against the decadence of society. You would think that this would have contradicted his disbelief of the paranormal, in as much as Catholicism and other Christian religions are chuck-full of supernaturalism and the paranormal.

In August 2010, Wild gave a list of characteristics he believed every virtuous human should live by, which should, I suppose, had included him.[9]  (“Though they seem at opposite poles, fanatics of all kinds are actually crowded together at one end…thumbing a ride on any eternal cause that rolls by…he sees intolerance a sign of weakness, frivolity and ignorance…,” Eric Hoffer, Ibid, p. 83).

And since some of his closest ‘icons’ are purported Christians, you would think that would demand those ‘icons’ to attempt to lead strict Christian lives. They seemingly did not; some aspects were somehow quite pharisaical and questionable. To get even a passing glimpse of what Christ taught and how he lived one should read Jesus: A Biography from a Believer by Paul Johnson (Penguin Group, Harper & Row, 2010): Compassion for the poor and needy was one of His requests. His message was “love’’ as opposed to militant pharisaic politics.[10]

(One of the organizations Wild belonged to was a Conservative White Supremacist group consisting of fairly educated, professional and congenial people, but they nonetheless were also a potpourri of human oddities and regional peculiarities. Another ufologist was a friend to Wild (though the friend claimed to be in a sober Conservative/Christian stance), Erdmann discovered the friend to have told convincing “tall-tales.”  None of the people that Wild spoke about, many that I had known personally, had unencumbered, faultless, innocent lives that I know of, and, usually, upon further examination, made variable errors like all the rest of humanity. Wild had kept himself in a ‘pivotal’ position which seemed to accommodate and encompass, both, their faults as well as their positive aspirations).

I thought sometimes, looking back, that Moriarty took himself far too seriously, that he had turned into a snob of sorts, always on a quest to find enemies that were out to quash his imaginary and weakly constructed style-of-living, however Scrooge-like that might have been at times, even though he was one of us ‘common persons’ after all.  It was hard to figure out all the twists and turns in his mind.[11] Having read his past comments on the worthlessness of homeless vagrants in the city, I thought of Wild one freezing, cold night when I comforted a hobo huddled over a window heat vent in 10-degree weather. Would Wild – or even I – be able to necessarily temper continually a fanatical crusade for “justice,” and any attached and dubious icons’ societal disparagements this may entail when confronted by such hobos cringing towards a rush of hot air from a window’s air vent?

And what will mankind do for each other when the full effect of the current worldwide 600-trillion-dollar “financial hydrogen bomb” of CDO, derivative, and default swap debt crisis hits “people,” human beings, with many more dropping out of the middle class; when multitudes of hobos will appear and seek warmth at “alley window hearths”?

I noticed (in personally sharing personal dementia common to many humans) that one’s “cynicism” (along with one’s cantankerousness) often seemed to increase in one’s philosophical/political repertoire as one grows into old age (and it cannot be denied that one is possessed by personal idiosyncrasies, in as much as this writer even occasionally suffers from glossophobia and post-traumatic stress). However, could particular cynical fanaticism (such as disparagements critical of the lifestyles of hobos in the city or even humans as a species) also be something born beyond – even if in combination with – camaraderie adjoined to dubious human cynicheroes or debunker books entirely?


“We have met the enemy and it is us!”  Walt Kelly, Pogo, 1953.

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“There is no ‘they’, only ‘us.’”  Anon.


Donald Michael King in the May 1991 Fate Magazine (Vol. 44, No.5, pp. 5-6) noted that “CSICOP is not for skeptics. It is for debunkers….some members of CSICOP want to be more: they want to be thought police….they want to able to determine what you and I should believe. They want to limit the possibilities that are available to us.  This attitude is what I call religious fascism.”  This led readers such as Jim Brasfield (Fate Magazine, November, 2006, Vol. 59, No, 11, pp. 84-85) to label such debunking as “the Religion” of  debunking: “If a group of people must resort to such disrespectful and groundless attacks in order to protect their ’religion,’ then looking at others’ sides’ views seems more warranted than  ever.”


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Dr. Donald Michael King  – Center – with Associates


Noted in the past “I See by the Papers” column in Fate Magazine several years ago that a chemical was medically discovered in the bodies of ‘debunkers’ that might be a clue as to their cynicism. Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to locate that item since, in those voluminous pages, but the topic has inspired more discussion and led to more discoveries; recently, moreover, studies on epigenetics [the study of how people’s experiences and environment affect the function of their genes] seemed to indicate that chemical markers set-up a biological competition between maternal and paternal genes leading to impacted behavior at the epigenetic level.




Dr. Andrew Newberg, director of the Myrna Brain Center for Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, traced a lot of human pessimism to the limbic brain system where there was an overabundance or under-production of neurotransmitters norephrine/noradrenaline in the history of certain individuals.


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Dr. Andrew Newberg


Another study by British scientists at Essex University, Elaine Fox, and Chris Ashwin, Bath University, explored genetic tests, described in the proceedings of the Royal Society B, that compared short, even or long genes that controlled serotonin in the amygdala of the brain, some variations causing cynicism or pessimism.

Dr. Joseph Depenza, a biochemist at Rutger University with a Bachelor of Science Degree, spoke of neuroplasticity and the chemicals involved in brain evolution. Depenza spoke of how the body can be knocked out of homeostasis by stress and other actions and having the Limbic Brian send a flow of peptides creating a neurochemical condition in the cerebellum.

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Doctor Joseph Dispenza


Norman Doidge/Michael Merzenoch spoke of studies where excessive levels of neuronal growth led to spasticity with tonic paralysis and excessive release of neurotransmitters causing adverse synaptic rewiring which were highly maladaptive. (Chaney, Warren, Dynamic Mind, 2007, Las Vegas, Houghton-Brace Publishing, pp. 33-35, ISBN 0-9793392-0-0.  Doidge, Norman (2007), The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the frontiers of brain science, New York: Viking, ISBN 9780670038305.  Draganski et al. “Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Brain Structure Changes during Extensive Learning,” The Journal of Neuroscience, June 7, 2006, 26(23):6314-6317.  Chaney, Warren, Workbook for a Dynamic Mind, 2006, Las Vegas, Houghton-Brace Publishing, p. 44, ISBN 0 0979339219.

[Other laboratory studies indicated a variant of serotonin receptor 2A gene – 5HT1A and 5HT2A – in male carriers of T/T genotype of 5HTR2A (UCL School of Life and Medical Science, 2007). Genotype-phenotype correlations of personality traits revealed that genes determined ‘belligerence’ (bel), ‘cynicism’ (dub), ‘lack of personality’ (dul-1), plus others such As ‘obsessive-compulsive behavior’ (pic-e)]. Additional studies likewise indicated genetic variants for creativity as “optimism,” “wonderment,” etc., as well, and just as equally; there are various chemicals included in these functions: serotonin (mood), norepinephrine (flight or fight), popamine (motivation), glutamate (learning) and others (www.mja.com.au)].



The Nature versus Nurture arguments concerned how environmental factors could add to altering behavior along with genetic factors (even after the “critical period” of early development), showing the factors involved in plasticity to be flexible, dynamic, and transmutable.

Ponti, Giovanna; Peretto, Paolo; Bonfanti, Luca; Reh, Thomasa [2008]. Personal–Project.org – Annual Review of Psychology, 1995. Science 21, September 1984.

Sharon Begley commented that humans were “hardwired in their biology” with a Religious Sense as part of their DNA to see the Profound as an “essential dimension” of their brains (but, as in the debunkers’ case, as the Anthesis against the Thesis). This seemed to have included “debunkers” as well as “believers” (as Eric Hoffer explained in his book on Fanatics, ibid), explaining why even debunkers approached topics so religiously and attempted to find deep meaning and purpose in even their theories.

The Mind And The Brain: Neuroplasticity And The Power of the Brain, Harper Books, New York, 2002. Newsweek, November 3, 2008, pp. 56-60.
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Researcher Sharon Begley


Recent studies of the neuropeptide vasotocin in zebra finches and vasopressin in mammals showed how animals can be made to be social or anti-social.

www.the-scorpion-and-the-frog.blogspot.com/2013/03/social-butterflies-or-wallflowers-two.html. Wednesday, March 14, 2012.


Candice B. Pert, Ph.D., saw this as part of a rational, masculine, materialistic world that placed too much emphasis “on competition and aggression,” awash on peptides of negativism, and an attack on our hypothalamic, pituitary and limbic Cortical Releasing Factors (CRF’s)

Molecules Of Emotion, Scribner Publishers, 1997, pp. 269, 270, 315.


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The late Candace B. Pert – scientist

Autism was discovered in combination through environmental causation as “de novo” genetic mutations, some at an early embryonic stage of human development and seemingly spontaneous (Dr. Evan E. Eichler, professor of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle and Dr. Mark J. Daly of Harvard). 


Oregon-based Professor of Sociology and environmental studies, Professor Kari Norgaard, believed she had detected a cultural resistance, an aberrant sociological behavior on the part of debunkers.


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Professor Kari Marie Norgaard
March 30, 2012 – http://www.prisonplanet.com/climate-change-skepticism-a-sickness-that-must-be-treated.


Such controversies had been played out in the scientific community before, such as the curious case of George R. Price who studied altruism as a genetic link: his Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS), also known as Fisher’s Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection and the ‘Hamiltonian spite.’ Price evolved from a comparatively stable atheist to a vagabond hobo Christian trying to prove his equation until the time he died.





Could those “environmental factors” have involved and included the gossip, family upbringing, organizations, books and novels, and other social and political settings and pressures of “debunkers” and “believers” alike, indicating we are all victims of reality and ‘no one’ can claim a “pure and clean world that each lives in”?[12] Colin Bennett saw these personality traits, these temperaments, in his biography of the late Captain Edward Ruppelt (Flying Saucers Over The White House, Cosimo, Inc., New York, N.Y. 10011, 2010, pp. 40, 41, 44, 45, 104, 146 – (speaking of the destruction of UFO files by military personnel):

“….whenever these things enter the UFO area, they appear to enter a permanently unstable region where reference, definition, and materiality become so doubtful…consists of the kind of Max Escherbehave in a strange way as if they have been switched on by a highly selective impulse, and they do things that they would never do under normal circumstances…implicit, pre-conditioned, almost as if they were some quite automatic function of a bio-electric switch, shutting off certain planes of information within the brainThis is the implicit conspiracy, as distinct from the explicit. We have no problem in admitting that our bodies are robotically programmed, but we have great difficulty…As with many believers, in few skeptics do we find considered intellectual reaction. Rather do we find quite genuine anger and resentment and bitterness as if the phenomenon not only offends them intellectually but also offend some deep, very private thing which they hold dearhuman beings have a desperate need to disbelieve, we are forced to consider that all cultures navigate by engineered denials…the ultimate state of the life-long prisoners of the military industrial complex which is Goethe’s Leidstadt, Eliot’s Wasteland, and the corporation rolled into one.


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               Author Colin Bennett


I personally cannot claim to be above the fray, as do some debunkers, and in admitting inclusion of the same in my mental faculties; I certainly can’t claim to be sinless; I cannot claim perfection; I can only say that I am human.




“Strong people welcome new ideas and make them their own, weak people run from new ideas.”  (The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-deception in Human Life, Robert Trivers,  Perseus Books Group, 2011, p. 315).

A New Age of Science was upon us (provided we wouldn’t blow ourselves to bits). There was The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness or the Society for Scientific Exploration; these were a part of a growing number of such avaunt-garde’ groups consisting of legitimate scientists. I’m not about to call them idiots as Wild would. Wild would call Einstein an idiot if it served his Religion.


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Allen Hynek unnamed


And he might have included Brian Greene, Michio Kakui, Charles Seife, Martin Rees, Marcelo Gleiser, Ralph Alpher, John Wheeler, David Bohm, M. Talbot, Alan Guth, David Gross, Paul J. Steinhardt, Burt Ovrut, Kip Thorne, David Deutsch, Lawrence Kraus, Phil Marshall, Dian Greene, Andrea Ghez, Phil Plait, Max Tegmark, Andrea Ghez, Rita Berabei, Jonathan Butterworth, Joe Silk, Brian Josephson, Frank Tippler, Andrew Cleland, Joan Swartz, Amanda Peet, Michele Thaller, Stanley Love, Geoff Marcy, Hal Levison, Edward Whitten, Joseph Linken, Nick Poplawski, Andre Linde, Frank Wilczek, Peter Higgs, Stephen Hawkings, Phil Rivera, John Jackson, Ray Downing and a whole host of others like them. Might as well, they are pushing the Outer Limits of science and I’m just not prepared to castigate them. Wild can do that. Neither am I able to adjudicate and ostensibly expatriate the fate of Carl Jung or many other scientists. Maybe after I get to attend that Debunker Finishing School which Moriarty Wild attended? However, maybe I can hope and see Magic still going on in the universe.  Maybe………….

(“Take a bolt out of the blue…Fate steps in and sees you through…when you wish upon a star your dreams come true…,” On Disney Songs The Satchmo Way,  Louis Armstrong, May 16, 1968).

(“The revolution was entirely inward, a revolution against selfishness and greed, cruelty and prejudice, anger and lust: a revolution from self-love into love for all and fellowship with everyone.” (Jesus: A Biography From A Believer, Paul Johnson, Viking Penguin, Penguin Group, Inc., page 160, 2010) 




Regrouping and salvaging a damaged storage garage in 2013, Steve Erdmann came upon some sketchy notes from the 1967 Hynek lecture, and while it was not a verbatim quote and only a paraphrase of Hynek’s comments, it did indicate the direction and sympathy of Hynek’s beliefs (Erdmann’s comments later in the Dissenter/Disinter Magazine were further based on extended memory), as follows:

“(UFOs concern) things in physics right around us…phenomena which is beyond our understanding, yet will (eventually) be natural.” 



Those wishing to reach Steve Erdmann can write him directly – or through downloads – at emails dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com or independenterdmann@gmail.com.  He may possibly still be reached through the editor of UFO Digest Magazine and also Facebook at stephen.erdmann1.
You can Friend him or visit his Timeline on Facebook at:  https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1
His Facebook Group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/171577496293504/.
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/.
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Steve Erdmann – Investigative Journalist – on far left – 1967
August 7, 2012.

[1] Later, in Amazing Stories Magazine, October 1957, Arnold revised his opinion: ”[In 1947] Ray Palmer told me in a phone call that nobody would find out what the flying saucers were, or capture one – and today, ten years later, that boy is right!…I’m fairly well convinced  that there is a type of living creature in our atmosphere.  At least some of the things I’ve seen exhibit the characteristics of a living thing more than they do of a mechanical thing.”  (FATE Magazine, September 1994, p.  26)


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Some UFOs act like living Creatures


[2] Last heard, Moriarty Wild, after living several years on the West Coast, had moved overseas and was said to have possibly died from cancer.

[3] “From the name Charles Fort, a pioneer in cataloging strange phenomena…any natural phenomena which does not seem to have a logical or scientific explanation.” www.boards.straightdope.com/definitionoffortean. “Etymology: from Charles Fort, famous investigator of anomalous phenomena.”  En.wikionery.org/wiki/fortean.

[4] “….The UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis in 2010, who [sic] print and tell stories that are more fantastic than those the flying saucer contactees told in the 1950s….”  (Moriarty Wild, August 2010)

[5] In his quest to vanquish enemies and obtain Debunkers Truth, as it might be called, Wild has stated and also challenged poor grammar as if substantiation of same also validated George Orwell and his character Winston’s war against Crimestop/ Thoughtcrime  and the  evil Newspeak and Ingsoc  as shown in Orwell’s novel 1984. Wild’s worry about the misuse of European and British syntax is almost Fundamentalist Puritan consternation, same as Orwell’s alleged insights on The Party’s tricky and slovenly used language. To the contrary: Orwell was against such fanatic wrangling: “Most of us have a lingering belief that every choice is between good and evil, and that if a thing is it is also right. We should, I think, get rid of this belief…..in politics one can never do more than decide which of two evils is the lesser…”

(“George Orwell: Writers and Leviathan”, Summer, 1948. Orwell.ru/library).  “…he was equally aware of the importance of the individual’s private life and the matters of everyday existence…his faith in the instincts of the common people and distrust of intellectuals…”


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[6] The Science TV cable show “The Mystery Dinosaur” (2006) made this comment: “There is no such thing as a Rosetta Stone in science.”  Educator Shelly Blake-Plock said on April 18, 2011, in his article I Don’t Want More Professional Development, www.teachoaoerless.blogspt.com: “…nothing trumps the fact that the world is not a well-oiled machine…there is no such thing as perfect grammar.  There is no such thing as a right answer…there are only relationships between things…the world is not professional…the world…is social…meandering path of the ever-changing social development…”  Hidden behind a phobia masking Wild’s syntactical, grammatical, and even social belief in “Purity” was the real world of humans and how they contended with their hopes and dreams.

[7] “See, I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve…this town deserves a better class of criminal…Do I really look like a guy with a plan?… I took your little plan and turned it upon itself…introduce a little anarchy, upset the established plan, and everything becomes chaos…” (The Joker in the movie The Dark Knight, 2008.)

[8] Shades of:  “A further reason why industrial society cannot be reformed in favor of freedom is that modern technology is a unified system in which all parts are dependent on one another.  You can’t get rid of the ‘bad’ parts of technology and retain only the ‘good’ parts…technology repeatedly forces freedom to take a step back – short of the overthrow of the whole technological system.”

Unabomber Manifesto, Ted Kaczynski, http://www.cyber.eserver.org/unaborn.text.

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Ted Kaczynski was angry but some felt with Good Reason.

[9] “…personal responsibility, hard work, self-discipline, proper dress and conduct….(against) bandwagon-jump(ing), trend-following…play toys (of) modern technology…trendy cell-phones, wide-screen TVs…purpose of weakening American heritage…Fabian Socialist infiltrat(ion)…Alter girls, women Lectoresses…Christian rock music…(women as) soldiers, sailors, mayors, governors, security guards, bus drivers, and police officers…poison like ‘feminism’…wealthy Jewish Communists…ordinary people who were way too eager to believe in wondrous things…” (Moriarty Wild, August 2010). In past letters to Steve Erdmann, Wild has described himself as a “misanthrope,” and I certainly found that to be true in as much as his political, social views on mankind’s destiny and abilities, though far from being totally inaccurate, oft times seemed deep, dark, all-encompassing and unyielding in what more likely could be seen as schizoid fanaticism, inhumane abnormality far beyond the reach of human compassion and retrievability: “I do not offer these remarks as an excuse for my failure to be more cheerful in my letters…At one point many years ago, I developed a capacity for sarcasm…But I sure developed an ability to be sarcastic, and I used that ability…”  “Yes, I take a dim view of the human race…a vast ocean of parasites and parasitism…I have no hope for the human race, or for the future of the U.S.  It is too appalling even to think about.” “I am a curmudgeon…too many people, too many distractions, too much commotion, and too much noise…Abolish modern culture…transforming American culture into a sewer of degradation…almost all the heroes are dead…the enormous wave of revulsion I feel…American society began a downward spiral into the gutter…more sympathy for the Japanese and German enemies…World War II…than…younger generations…today.…ore respect for the cackling of a barnyard full of chickens….my only impulse is to throw up…”  “…I told you what a curmudgeon I have become.” “Whenever I get fed up with the human race – which is to say: practically every day…certainly not some abstraction called ‘humankind’ or ‘brotherly love’…an emotion I shall never feel for the human race…”  “I am wrestling with powerful emotions: Sometimes I win, sometimes they do. But this cannot go on indefinitely…Whenever you hear the word ‘misanthrope’ or ‘curmudgeon,’ think of me. I have just about ‘had it up to here’ with the human race…this country largely a sewer of degradation…Did you count the vacant or boarded-up buildings as you walked by them? You are absolutely right: downtown is not quite the same, festive, happy place it was in the 1950s-1960s. I wonder why that could be, ha, ha…each entrance-way, a sign is posted, reading: ‘This is not a bathroom’…adopting the standards of the (white leftist) counterculture and the (black) thug-and-whore culture…lowest common denominator in the white leftist counter-culture and the black thug-and-whore culture…our dumbed-down, adolescent culture.”

Moriarty Wild, Letters, November 8, 2001, March 24, May 22, June 30, September 15,  November 12, 2002, February 5, 2006, September 9, 2008.

[10] Brian May said: ”If we do open the door wide, can we, as concerned scientists, artist, and human beings, find a way to propagate just the decent, noble parts of our compassion? Not greed, but generosity. Not conflict, but cooperation. Not war, but peace, in which all men, all women, all creatures, share the glorious gifts of nature – the glorious gift of life.” (Astronomy Magazine, p. 31, February, 2012.)

[11] “It’s not that simple; with the Joker, it never is.”  (The Batman in the movie The Dark Knight, 2008.)

[12] This trait was found in the personality of the adventurer Stanley Livingston, spoken about in Willpower (Ray F. Baumeister and John Tierney [Penguin Books] and Stanley: The Impossible Life of Africa’s Greatest Explorer, Tim Zeal): “The creation of order can only have been an antidote to the destructive capacities of nature all around him…Stanley’s belief in the link between external order and inner self-discipline have been confirmed recently in studies…”


Dr. J. Allen Hynek

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Dr. Mark Rodeghier of CUFOS
Eric Hoffer
Eric Hoffer – Philosopher


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Author Colin Bennett


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Dr. J. Allen Hynek (left) and Jacques Vallee (right).
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Eric Hoffer


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Professor Kari Marie Norgaard


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Researcher Sharon Begley


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Doctor Joseph Dispenza




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Dr. Andrew Newberg


Allen Hynek ext

Dr. Donald Michael King and Associates


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The late Candace B. Pert – scientist



Another Moriarty Mastermind from ‘Sherlock Holmes.’




Allen Hynek unnamed



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Some UFOs act like living Creatures


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Ted Kaczynski was angry but some felt with Good Reason



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Graham Chapel Washington University Campus

Astrophysicist Addresses Possibility of UFO Sighting

Hynek Lecturing at the Milwaukee Paranormal Conference





One Hell of an Octopus –

The Octopus The-Fantastic-World-of-Jules-Verne


The Octopus from Hell




Steve Erdmann

Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2013 
This article was published in the July 20 and 29th, 2013 issues of  UFO Digest.  
It is printed here with permission.
Professional reviewers and researchers may quote for educational purposes.
Another version of this article can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/31/the-octopus/




Part I


Cheri Seymour’s prologue to The Last Circle overviewed how versions of PROMIS software were a “two-way” backdoor integration for tracking money laundering and intelligence data of countries:  Danny Casolaro’s investigation into this led to his death.  The overall operation was compared to an Octopus with many tentacles, “…highest levels of government allegedly in collusion with Organized Crime….it all boiled down to money laundering….use of PROMIS…” in a much larger program where the National Security Agency and Canada spied on both American and Canadian citizens through Echelon Intel/spy satellite and crime cartels such as the Music Corporation of America. “Danny Casolaro’s Octopus….has reached Jules Verne proportions and grows daily….”

(The last Circle, Cheri Seymour, Trine Day LLC, P.O. Box 577, Waterville, Or. 97489,  www.trineday.com,  publisher @trineday.net, 1-800-556-2012, 2010, 599 pages, $24.95.)


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Seymour started with mysterious deaths and drug dealings in Mariposa County, California and recounted comments by Vivian L. Wagner of DIG (Decency in Government) and her letter to President Reagan about the missteps DIG encountered in the court system.  Her frank opinion was rewarded by a prospective meeting, but her husband, attorney Chuck Wagner decided to “close shop,” deserts his practice and disappears.  Seymour never found out why.


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Cheri Seymour


Former FBI and CIA agent, Ted Gunderson laid out the territory of underground operations paying for arms with drugs, cocaine or heroin: The Company handled the drug end of it in the U.S as self-supporting outside of Congress.  Michael Riconosciuto implicated Wackenhut Security Corporation. The mystery led to “government sanctioned drug operations” (pp. 39-40). “….illegal overseas arms shipments, espionage, CIA drug trafficking, biological warfare development, computer software development…theft, money laundering and corruption at the highest levels of government.”

Danny Casolaro referred to it as “The Octopus”:  Inslaw software, Iran/Contra, the BCCI scandal, the MCA Entertainment Corporation, Cabazon arms on the reservation and desert land near Indio, California.


The Octopus reagan

Ed Scarpo Spotlights a Troubled MCA Probe that Involved Reagan




A joint business venture between Wackenhut International and the Cabazon Indians allowed high-tech arms exported to third-world countries from their Federally-exempt reservation.  Wackenhut compiled “dossiers” on 2.5 to 4 million Americans in 1966 – one in 46 Americans then living.


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Wackenhut Security


Casolaro claimed to have inside information about Inslaw-PROMIS, October Surprise Scandal, BCCI, Iran/Contra Affair, and other front companies. Adnaw Khashoggi had connections with Dodi Fayed who dated the late Diana, Princess of Wales, and died in a car crash on August 31, 1997:  Adnan and Dodi were both involved in “front companies.”

The “web” of The Octopus led to drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle and the Nugan Hand Bank, as well as the CIA-owned Air America. Michael Riconosciuto, who played intimate parts in all aspects of the Octopus Mysteries from the PROMIS software to the Wackenhut/Cabazon cabal, lived near Tacoma, Washington in 1991 and had connections with the famed 1947 Maury Island UFO Incident and Fred Crisman, intelligence operative.   Seymour mentions none of this, however.


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Michael Riconosciuto




Fred Crisman was a Korean War veteran and OSS (precursor to the CIA) operative that was party to the June 21, 1947, Maury Island, Washington UFO incident. Crisman obtained and camouflaged UFO residue that led to the deaths of Army Air Corps Officers Brown and Davidson.  Because of Crisman’s intrepid history (going back as far as a fire-fight in a Burma cavern with mysterious Hobbit creatures) within the intelligence community in several situations, Crisman was called before New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s John Kennedy investigation as a person of interest.

www.ufoevidence/ron halbritter/before-roswell-maury-island.


Clay Shaw, a suspect in the Garrison trial, was stationed in Washington State in 1947, as was detective and FBI agent Guy Banister, who was later connected to New Orleans/Kennedy tie-ins. Shaw called Crisman shortly after Shaw’s arrest by Garrison. All had prior Intelligence connections.


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Jim Garrison on the left, Clay Shaw on the Right.
Principle Players Going Back to Mid-century


Later, Michael Riconosciuto was described as a “young electronics ‘whiz’ from Tacoma”: and Riconosciuto knew Fred Crisman.





The Wackenhut-Cabazon Joint Venture served the interests of the U.S intelligence community for many years.  Michael Riconosciuto became intimately involved in the workings of “The Octopus,” from Inslaw, the Cabazon-Joint Venture, Wackenhut, PROMIS software, The Company, government-sanctioned CIA, Food Machinery Corporation (FMC), FIDCO (First International Development Corporation), and world-wide front groups ringing Syria, Beirut, Cyprus and other countries.

“I handled communication protocol. All the communications and financial transactions,” said Riconosciuto. “If I could get my records in line I could show all the money flows, everything.” (p. 77)  He spoke of Swift Chips – Clearing House Interbank Payment System, Workers Bank in Columbia, dead-drops, Fin Cen, Octon Potnar, the Fresno Company, J & G Aviation, Gilbert Rodriguez and the Cali-Columbian-Drug-Cartel.

Gilbert Rodriquez and his cohort Jose Londono may have had CIA connections, operating through Miami banks such as the Northside Bank of Miami. Danny Casolaro’s investigations also focused on drug connections. Casolaro mentioned the Kuhn Sa Golden Triangle drug trade (August 8, 1991).  He received death-threats on August 9.  His body was found on August 10. He had mentioned a Cali-Cartel money-laundering connection with attorney Mike Abbell.  Riconosciuto mentioned the Cali-cocaine-Cartel and Columbian kingpin called Gilberto (Rodriguez).




Riconosciuto suspected that Casolaro had come across dire things such as germ warfare technology, as found in Danny’s notes, as well as comments about slow-acting brain viruses, Mad Cow Disease, Robert Booth Nichols, Glen Shockley of FIDCO and Meridan International Logistics; the Japanese Yakuza.  Casolaro said:  “…its origins spawned thirty years ago in the shadow of the Cold War.”  Casolaro’s list of names grew:  Richard Helms, Howard Hunt, and Robert Chasen.  Riconosciuto said:  “…I know PROMIS, I know FOIMS (Field Office Information Management System – SE) inside out.  I helped develop that internal tracking audit trail…”


The Octopus Robert-Booth-Nichols

John Lear (Hereditary to the Lear Jet Corporation and also ‘Mysterian’ Investigations) with (on the right) Robert Booth Nichols (Fellow ‘Mysterian,’ Intelligence Asset and Mobster).


Clint W. Murchison had connections with strong right-wing influences; connections with FIDCO, and Robert Maheu of Howard Hughes fame.  Seymour went through a list of CIA-connected operatives at FIDCO places were DEA and CIA agents could deal in arms, use as transit points, and bootleg computer software.  “…Euramae, as run by El-Jorr, was more like a low-life social club than a secret intelligence centre…” (p. 102). FIDCO was said to be a National Security Council “front corporation.”

“Front organizations” often dealt in “technical wizardry” – or prototype military or combat equipment; Hoffman electronics (p. 103).  Robert Booth Nichols was also known as “Mr. Big” – and his ROM importing business was a cover for big-time heroin trafficking from the Golden Triangle.  Booth was also a suspected hit man for the Tongs.  He had offices around the globe. He was on the Board of Directors of FIDCO.


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The Golden Triangle Drug Trade




The Liberation of Palestine-General Command and the Syrian kingpin Al-kassar had DEA and CIA drug trafficking ties bypassed airline inspection, and placed a bomb on board the ill-fated 747 in a “controlled delivery.”  Al-kassar also worked with Oliver North and Richard Secord in their weapons-contraband.


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Mobster Al-Kassar


The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was a prospective client of PROMIS in its worldwide money laundering. Said operative Lester K. Coleman: “…I became aware of the fact that DEA was using its propriety company, Euramae Trading Company, LTD., to sell to agencies of various countries in the middle east, including Cyprus, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, and Turkey.”   The United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control in Vienna, Austria, was a typical front company. 




The deaths of Ian Stuart Spiro and his wife and children in 1992 followed his connection with Iran-Contra arms-for-hostages and the pirating of software.  His name appeared in Lt. Col. Oliver North’s notebooks. Spiro’s business partner, Robert Corson, was also found dead in a motel room. This was followed by the death of Alan Michael May who had connections with the Cabazon/ Wackenhut Joint Venture. Seymour disclosed that Al Hobert, an Israeli intelligence officer, recruited Riconosciuto into the CIA and “The Company.”


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Grave Site of the Ian Stuart Spiro Family


“I designed communications equipment,” said Riconosciuto. “I did a lot of software development.”

Charlie Weinberg invented the Vortex Chemical Company for Al Hobert; this activity attracted the attention of Dr. John Phillip Nichols at Wackenhut/Cabazon.  Holbert turned out to be a double Soviet/Israeli agent and Treasury agent.




Riconosciuto’s partner, Paul Morasca, was found dead by Riconosciuto:  hogtied and arms lashed.  Morasca was suspected of drug laundering.  Then Mary Quick was fatally shot: Quick was carrying multi-million dollar computer cards that belonged to Tyme Shares On-line Financial Clearing House. “I developed the modem, error trapping routine,” said Riconosciuto.

The “web” entailed SDS; Sigmat; P-E-R-T; EDS’s. In December 1981, Michael met with George Wackenhut.  Wrote John Connolly in SPY Magazine, September 1992:  “So, the wealthy president of a large security company with CIA ties and one of his board members meet with drug dealer turned electronics expert and a spook turned arms supplier…” 

Robert Booth Nichols was linked to biological technology in Japanese institutes and Meridian International Logistics. MCA Entertainment Division was also sued for organized crime, but this was stopped at a high-level (p. 134):  the MCA labyrinth.  Riconosciuto and Nichols were both interested “…in developing new high-tech sub-machine guns and powerful explosive devices…electromagnetic pulse…,” as well a $500- million stock fraud in international organized crime.  Nichols said:  “I am involved in the research and development of weapons systems, ranging from the basic blow-back automatic weapons to various advanced destructive devices.”   

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Strangely, Nichols was also an investor “in a method for induction and activation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes”: Biological warfare; back to an “Old Boy” network from the 1950s.  Nichols was advancing, as well, a Research and Development facility on the Cabazon Indian Reservation: arm-sales to NATO, U.S Army, and Germany.




Wackenhut branched into property In Canada.  Nichols worked in arms and electronic trading.  President of Intersect Corporation; John Vanderwerker, Glenn Shockley, a board director of FIDCO and MIL, both were on CIA payroll; links to Union Bank of Suisse of Zurich, Switzerland. Forty-two Cobra helicopters were purchased by NATO, and then they were suddenly diverted to “North Korea,” then Iraq (p. 144). Oliver North supplied Iran, the CIA supplied Iraq, and Wackenhut supplied the Contras: all supervised by the U.S government: the Reagan administration’s efforts to aid the Nicaraguan Contras. The House Judiciary Committee on Inslaw gave proof “that Wackenhut sold arms to the Contras.”

(An aside, according to CIA operative General Manual Noriega, he was paid 11-million-dollars from a CIA slush fund and maintained that “planes carrying arms to Nicaraguan rebels returned to the United States loaded with illegal drugs.” [pp. 147-148])




Cytotoxins were mentioned in Bio-Rad Industrial Park/ Wackenhut/Cabazon biological warfare letters: “Hitler’s wet dream.”  Riconosciuto added:  “Horrible things. You know, it makes what the Nazis did to the Jews look mild….horrible germ warfare project….” (p. 152).  Some of the toxic chemicals made it to Saddam Hussein through international trafficking of armaments (ITAR).

Peter Videnicks, a Justice Department CIA cut-out was the administrator of the contract between Inslaw and the DOJ. A $10-million-dollar deal to install PROMIS in its 20 largest U.S Attorneys offices fell through in 1983. Dr. Earl Brian was one of Ronald Reagan’s “fast track” inner sanctums and he served a large Intelligence Community; he was involved with PROMIS. He was called “the Genius Doctor” in the field of biological technology; biotech Capital Corporation and American Cytogenetic. Infergene was in violation of toxic waste. “….chlamydia, herpes, and HSV-2….bacteria of unknown etiology” (p. 157). Radioactive Butanol; Beef mucosa; DNA technology; Yersinia Pestis: the Black Plague.  “…if an accident had occurred, all of Berkeley would have been wiped out.” A proposal by Wackenhut to Dr. Harry Fair was “a secret government installation” and the Army Weapons Division; Gulf War Syndrome (GWS); mass sociogenic illness.




To quote Robert Chasen of Wackenhut:  “Wackenhut was running amuck.”  Nichols and Peter Zokosky attempted to “sell the biological warfare technology (developed in cow uteri)” through Wackenhut; Ebola Zaire Virus.  “A tiny change in its genetic code,” said Richard Preston in The Hot Zone, “and it might (have) zoomed through the human race.”

Nichols confessed to Seymour that he and John Vanderwerker were CIA facilitators and the shipment of the 42 Cobra helicopters was a “classified” operation. “Without drugs,” said Nichols, “banks and whole countries would collapse financially.” (p. 173) Wackenhut was involved in chemicals destined for King Fahd of Saudi Arabia; lethal toxins; Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. Peter Zokosky described a process by which the Venture “had incubated the virus in cow uteri and udders in bio-labs twenty floors beneath the ground.” (p. 176) 

(UFOlogists and paranormal investigators recognize stories of the cattle and animal mutilations where utters and other bodily parts are mysteriously and surgically removed.)


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Wackenhut Security Experimented with Animals 


The MCA Home Entertainment Division is described as “facilitating the largest leveraging scam ever conceived in this country.”

Nichols alleged that Riconosciuto had killed Paul Morasca.




Among other things discussed with Nichols was a film uncovered by him of an alleged “un-cut” version of the Kennedy/Zapruder film demonstrating the CIA’s ability to “cover up anything it wants.”  Seymour speculated that the showing was a ploy by Nichols to later claim deniability.

Nichols claimed to have worked in MK-Ultra-Manchurian-Candidate programs; Phoenix Project; The Chosen Ones; German SS occultism.  “I felt sure the corporate and government connections,” said Seymour, “were little more than ‘fronts’ for large-scale drug trafficking.”




Because of name-dropping of a secret Nichols meeting, Seymour’s life was threatened. It would be another death – seven altogether – if it happened (p. 191). Real life “Dungeons and Dragons….biological warfare, high-tech weaponry, and large-scale heroin and cocaine operations worldwide…down the big, black hole.” Seymour said that the “war” between the FBI and the DOJ was a “key” to the Octopus story. PROMIS could be modified to track money laundering activity as well as Intel gathering, hack databases, control hundreds of accounts, and move money through the international banking system (p. 198); CHIPS and SWIFT.  In 1992, that was $2 billion dollars a day: laundering with ties to the Gambino crime family and the Yakuza.

Nichols, in criminal style, had hung a man in front of a prop plane which sucked the victim towards the propellers.  That victim was Sam Markowitz, a professional hitman.

Cheri Seymour’s investigation into the tentacles of the Octopus continues in Part II. 






The Octopus from Hell




Steve Erdmann



Part II


(The last Circle, Cheri Seymour, Trine Day LLC, P.O. Box 577, Waterville, Or. 97489,  www.trineday.com,  publisher @trineday.net, 1-800-556-2012, 2010,  599 pages, $24.95.)

We continue with Cheri Seymour’s tenacious sleuthing of the many deaths and circumstances surrounding the late researcher Danny Casolaro and “The Octopus.”


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Danny Casolaro


Chemical magnate Al Holbert was a former Israeli intelligence officer who gave special education classes to law enforcement agencies in the U.S.  His address was Fort Mead, home of the Intelligence Security Command and Delta Force.  Holbert exported cryptic substances out of his mail-order chemical outfit. Danny Casolaro ‘carted about’ a transcript of Octopus connections and Riconosciuto interviews at the DOJ:  a month before his death.

Nichols said of the FBI, CIA:   “…they’ve become so corrupt and polluted they don’t know what they’re doing half the time….”  (p. 209).

Nichols testified that he worked for the CIA since the 1960s when he was recruited by a “Ken.” He was told to take a job with a Hawaiian security firm.




Eventual prosecution of persons of interest occurred in 1995:  money laundering, drug conspiracy and racketeering, obstruction of justice.  It was a 161-page indictment.

Barry Seal and the Drug-CIA-Mafia-Complex


Suspicious bacteriological experiments by all major combatants, including Axis Powers during World War II were noted.  Japan was a principal suspect.  A laboratory at Fort Detrick emerged to study bacteriological warfare (BW). It was a germ-warfare Manhattan Project-type operation: typhus, diphtheria, bubonic plague. Major General Ishii, Unit 731, experimented on human beings. Pin Fan. Experiments became international: cholera, anthrax, TD, typhoid, rickettsia, dysentery, cyanides, and botulinum.


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America secured BW technology for their refusal to open war crimes investigations.  The secret industry flourished.  FIDCO secured those secrets.  Kafkaesque.




Seymour linked to the CIA 1940s experiments in Mind Control; World War II.  Scientific experiments were also incorporated. CIA programs ranged from exotic herbs to screening candidates for outlandish, chemical and biological warfare (CBW). CIA screening methods were adapted and used by AT&T (p. 222).  “…the line between offense and defense – if it ever existed – soon became so blurred as to be meaningless.”  Operation Artichoke; Technical Services Staff (TSS); Clandestine Services, Directorate of Operations; MK-Ultra; MK-Naomi; Staph Enterotoxin; Venezuelan Equine; Encephalon-Myelitis Virus; aerosol sprays. Operative George White wrote: “…I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction of the All-Highest.”




Sid Gottlieb took control of MK-Ultra. Wackenhut board member Stansfield Turner lied to President Carter about the goals of MK-Ultra. The Scientific Engineering Institute carried the ball as a proprietary company. One operative said:  “If you could find the natural radio frequency of a person’s sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast…creating a subservient society was not out of sight.”  HIV is described as a “chimera” created in 1977 at Fort Detrick, Maryland; genetic engineering; psychological operations (PSYOP) and Mind War.  “…Mind War operative, consequently, must not be detectable by ordinary means…” (p. 235).


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Training for Biological Warfare


Major Michael A. Aquino advocated “psychotronic,” and proudly advertised his interest in Satanism (p. 236).  He also advocated interest in Hitler and Nazism, The Vehm, the Thule Gesellschaft, and the Ahnenerbe.


The Octopus Satan michael-aquino-temple-of-set

Michael A. Aquino




A 1993 Los Alamos conference was aimed at uses of psychotronic systems as weapons of law enforcement for domestic civilians; directed-energy-weapon-technologies. General E.C. Meyer, former Chief of Staff of the U.S Army, had also set up a Department of Defense Conference in which Michael Riconosciuto was a principal speaker on this topic.  “…you can genetically engineer these biological agents….a specific penetration group can be immunized, and everybody else dies,” said Riconosciuto.  

The fraud-ridden Nugan Hand Bank collapsed in June 1980 after its co-founder, Frank Nugan, was shot to death. Nine-top-ranking U.S military and intelligence officers had worked for the bank.  The Bank assets were looted by CIA proprietaries.


The Octopus frank-nugan-constantine

Mobster Frank Nugan




Bill and Nancy Hamilton’s Inslaw/PROMIS program was fraudulently coveted by the CIA, NSA, FBI, DEA, and DOJ.  The DOJ copied versions of PROMIS into 45 U.S Attorneys Offices.

Ronald LeGrand, the chief investigator, said: “Inslaw is a lot dirtier for the Department of Justice, in its breadth and depth than Watergate.”  The Criminal Division was the nerve center. To date, the government hides “additional uses” of PROMIS; probably laundering money from drug profits (p. 255).


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The Illuminati


Michael Riconosciuto modified the PROMIS software during 1983-1984. One investigator, attorney Paul Wilcher, also met his death on June 23, 1993, adding more lethal statistics in the Shadow Government.

Seymour outlined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation and their interest in PROMIS and Seymour’s investigation. The Strategic Software Company was one facilitator. The RCMP investigation found that “the drug angle” was a “key piece to the puzzle” (p. 299).

Added to the deaths in the syndrome were the execution-style triple homicides of former Cabazon Tribal Council Vice-chairman Fred Alvarez, Ralph Boger, and Patricia Castro on June 29, 1981.

A December 2, 1982, FBI report indicated that Robert Booth Nichols also conducted money laundering for Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines.




The RCMP obtained an 11-page chronology revealing Wackenhut Corporations “joint venture” at the Cabazon Indian reservation. The RCMP determined that Robert Booth Nichols made several calls to government agencies, “and one of them went into the White House” (p. 313).

The RCMP investigated as to the U.S government placing “a backdoor deal” in Canada’s PROMIS software system.  Detective Sue Todd said:  “Who controls the flow of money controls countries. PROMIS was tailored by Riconosciuto for banking and money laundering.” ECHELON and PROMIS: a treaty between the U.S and Canada to share the data from that spy apparatus. “Memorandums” discovered Indo-China project shipments of heroin involving the combined Gambino-Gotti-Castellano families (p. 321) and related murders. Officer Sean McDade said:  “…more than one Presidential Administration will be exposed…”  “The most secret computer systems in the western world…secret copies of PROMIS indeed were bootlegged, modified and sold illegally.”



Peter Zokosky, a former officer of Naval Intelligence, said drugs were the new ‘gold’:  “Drugs are a business at the highest levels of corporations because there are a huge market and demand for drugs.” “…persuasive business…everyone is involved…”  (p. 341).  Zokosky also told about “biological warfare ‘viruses’ (that were) being developed in cow uteri by Stormont Laboratories.” “Anti-toxin kits” sold to the Army and the Food Machinery Corporation of America (FMC).


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Germ  Warfare


FBI agent Tomas Gates revealed evidence that a connection existed between the corrupt MCA, Attorney General Edwin Meese, and the White House (p. 348) and the Reagan administration.  MCA had been Ronald Reagan’s agent in Hollywood and it held a multi-million dollar monopoly. Top officials in the White House Strike Force against Organized Crime were told to eliminate MCA from their probe.




The U.S Department of Justice controlled the “Old Boy cronies,”  “stampeding through the government,” “cowboying” the intelligence community, drug cartels and organized crime, “blazing new trails” into every facet of criminal enterprise (p. 355).  Suspect Eugene Giaquinto threatened to call Edwin Meese and have the inquiry stopped..


There was a move on to stop the investigation that the government had misappropriated PROMIS for sensitive national security projects.  The FBI wiretaps were shut down in the Fall of 1988.  A hard-hitting, aggressive prosecutor, Marvin Rudnick, proved the DOJ was involved in a cover-up.   Rooting out the Mob was a problem.  Robert Booth Nichols was referred to as “being higher than the CIA” (p. 368). He said:  “this is a cover-up that goes all the way to the top…mob infiltration and CIA influence at MCA.” As part of an intelligence operation involving PROMIS, Nichols was an undercover operative working for the NSA and DOJ.   He was also “involved with the Gambino crime family and the Yakuza,” MIL, Innovative Medical Research and Technologies: and “the Illuminati” (p. 376).




Nichols was identified as the “government man” in his dealings with the Mob and John Gotti.  Nichols was moving money into Swiss Bank accounts, as well as demanding a trial by jury in the Bayou, New York case, but he died on February 14, 2009. A public trial “would have exposed a scandal far exceeding the Bernie Madoff fiasco.”  (pp. 385 – 389)

Some researchers speculated that Nichols may have disappeared into a Witness Protection Program with a new identity.




Tentacles of “The Octopus” reached into the School of the Americas (SOA), a combat training school for Latin American Soldiers in Fort Banning, Georgia, called the “school for assassins.”

Bill Hamilton said: “…the unforgivable use of unauthorized NSA bank surveillance version of PROMIS to launder profits from drug trafficking so some of them could be used to finance covert intelligence projects.”

It was described as an unfathomable 250-billion-dollar-worldwide Ponzi scheme.   

Cheri Seymour summarized:  “…nothing can be done to dismantle the Octopus; there is no one in office in this great nation that has the power to prosecute the Octopus criminals because the tentacles have become an integral and accepted culture within our society, and indeed our economy.”


The Octopus The-Fantastic-World-of-Jules-Verne

One Hell of an Octopus




“After Casolaro’s death, Michael Riconosciuto made claims that Casolaro had learned nothing more than what one of two intelligence factions wanted him to know in order to embarrass the other faction,” said paranormal investigator Kenn Thomas.  “One faction was called Aquarius and had a leadership sub-group called MJ-12, the name, of course, of the supposed secret group founded by Harry Truman in the wake of the Roswell flying saucer crash.  Riconosciuto even told one writer that he had witnessed the autopsy of an alien body.  This was long before the famous [Ray Santilli] alien autopsy film began to circulate.  Some have suggested that the tales of extraterrestrials that surround areas like Area 51 and Pine Gap serve as disinformation to deflect attention away from serious issues such as gun-running and black project weapons development. Casolaro’s own view, and the extent of his knowledge and interest in this tributary from the Octopus research, and whatever he learned that might have brought the truth closer to the surface of the murky waters in which he swam, may have died with him.”




The Octopus Deaths

The Funeral of Danny Casolero







Part III 

“The Enemy that is  Everywhere and Nowhere.”


Octopus: Sam Israel, the Secret Market, and Wallstreet’s Wildest Con, Guy Lawson, Shark World Publications, LLC., Crown Publishers, 1745 Broadway,  New York, N.Y 10019, 212-940-7868, http://www.penguinrandom.com, customerservice@prk.com,  2012, 352 pages, $26.00.)


The Octopus maiello-lawson-octopus-tease_eyghwy


For those who read The Octopus From Hell in the July 20 to 29, 2013 issues of the UFO Digest – ufodigest.com/article/octopus-hell-0704-0707 – they will be familiar with the quizzical meanderings of CIA operative Robert Booth Nichols.  

In this tome, the reader is given another ‘slice’ of Nichols’s life, through the unveiling by Guy Lawson into the various aspects of this Government Operative that has never been explored before. The book has to do with Hedge Fund adventurer Sam Israel’s rise from a Wall Street ‘clerk’ to a multimillionaire-Hedge-Fund ‘owner’: Bayou Funds Management

Using every ‘trick’ that Israel had learned as a fledgling stockbroker, Bayou grew into multiple clients; one hitch existed: They were losing money.  

“The events of 9/11 permanently transformed Bayou. Trading out of the hole was no longer a realistic option___unless a miracle occurred___Bayou needed to attract money,” said Lawson, “a lot of money very, very quickly.”

Powered by his own trading programming software, however, called Forward Propagation, an 86 percent accuracy rate (Israel’s scale) was not enough to cover losses. Israel was prospecting for newer ways to create quick cash. Then, he heard of the infamous PROMIS software: “The program had been so successful that American intelligence agency apparatus   had secretly stolen the software to put to use covertly.”

Sam Israel thought that if he could obtain the PROMIS program, it would leverage him into a world-wide money-tracking system.

Enter Robert Booth Nichols.


The Octopus Robert-Booth-Nichols3
Robert Booth Nichols


“I want PROMIS.  I know you’re in the computer program,” said Israel, “I know  about you, and I want PROMIS.”

Instead,  Nichols diverted Israel into equally mysterious, equally fantastic,  secret trading program – a secret bond market – that only high-yield-elite clients could participate in. 


The Octopus israel's trading room

Sam Israel’s Trading Room


“There is a secret government operating within the world’s government.  They run the secret trading program – the high yield market,” said Nichols, “only a few chosen people participate in the program. The returns are staggering.”

A great part of the book is filled with gyrations of intrigue concerning Robert Nichols Booth and Sam Israel trying to place a multi-million dollar trade that could telescope into over 6-billion-dollar windfall. True to Nichols’s shadowy character, a lot of strange participants are introduced as ‘fellow investors’ in the Shadow Market, never knowing if they are really objective investors trying to participate into a secret windfall investment—or, were they part of a confidence game, carried on by Nichols and other questionable figures?

“All the cloak-and-dagger stuff was driving me out of my mind,” said Israel, “I was constantly looking over my shoulder wondering who was following me.  I could feel the presence of people watching me.”

The activity spanned international jaunts to interviews and tests with various ‘investment trysts.’  Nichols was totally convincing in living up to the espionage ‘spook‘ portrayed in Cheri Seymour’s The Last Circle; enter FBI special agents Catauro and his partner Kevin Walsh, and Cameron ‘Kip’ Holmes of the Arizona Attorney General’s office: they cast suspicion on Nichols-Israel ‘efforts’ to reach the holy grail of the Shadow Market. Israel could no longer give buoyancy to his hedge fund which he successfully camouflaged its losses: he announced the closing of Bayou Funds Management.  

“In nearly a decade, the chairman of Bayou, the charade of Bayou Funds had transformed from accounting trickery to truecrime chiller to tragedy to parody,” said Lawson. “Nichols’s testimony must qualify as some of the strangest evidence ever offered in a federal proceeding. Nichols told his life story, from his days at a Hollywood professional school to his night cruising the five-star-bars of Honolulu for the CIA. He stated under oath that he’d been an asset to the U.S government for decades.”  

According to Lawson,  Nichols, Israel, and legions of conned investors had been victims of a swindler named Barry McNeil. The victims never paid tax on their investment, they couldn’t go to the police. 

On January 30, 2008, Israel was sentenced to 20 years in prison for white-collar crime.

The Octopus Israel Sorkinjp-tmagArticle

The Arrest of Sam Israel
The X-Funds.

Fortunately (or, unfortunately, as the case be), the mystery behind any of the said bonds and funds that Nichols played around with, probably alluded to much more than Barry McNeil and all these mysterious financial trysts (several may have been and appear to be ‘patsies‘ and ‘fronts‘ for a much deeper operation, including Nigel Finch, Emily Hardwick, and others). Investigator Joseph P. Farrell disclosed in a series of his books, ranging a history going back before World War I, that a Hidden World financial empire had existed running through components of history as the survival of the Nazi Reich, the 2008 Wall Street crash, even the 9/11 Conspiracy, and actually continuing to the present day.

Quotes From a WordPresscom507 article on this topic:

“Joseph P. Farrell has written many interesting tomes on the occult, esotericism, and mysterious happenings, and equally fascinating is his trilogy on the emergence, continuance, and conquest by Nazism as revealed in:

(1) Nazi Fourth ReichNazi InternationalThe Nazi’s Postwar Plan to ControlFinanceConflictPhysics (2008), (2) Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations (2012), (3) Hidden FinanceRogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International,

 9/11, and penetrated Operations (2016) –

Adventures Unlimited Press, One Adventure Place, Kempton, Illinois 60946, $19.95.

“Farrell speaks of discovered multi-billion dollar slush funds of counterfeit currency described as gold bonds but encoded to mean drugtrading in trading coups used to finance revolutionary technologies such as The Bell and flying saucer experiments.

“The trading coups ran under many names. Operation Golden Lily, Japan’s M-Fund, Foundation X, Operation Bernhard, the 57 Bond, Federal Reserve Bonds, Operation Morgenthau’s, Federal Reserve Bonds, and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), among others.

“Described as a Breakaway Civilization mixing in with special secret technology, this cabal utilized intelligence agents such as Edward Lansdale, whose CIA and intelligence training preceded his, once again, going back to the Philippines to oversee the recovery of the Golden Lily loot.”



Bryan Burrough said in his review of  Lawson’s book:

“Desperate to claw out of his $117 million hole, Mr. Israel meets his mystery man, Robert Booth Nichols, in 2004. Mr. Nichols, who died five years later, was actually a kind of celebrity, a star of conspiracy theory world who was portrayed on the Internet as a longtime C.I.A. operative linked to a shadow world government, the holder of secrets to everything from the Kennedy assassination to a World War II-era hoard of Japanese gold. Some called this vast ‘conspiracy’ the Octopus.”  

New York Times, June 30, 2012.



Barry Seal and the Drug-CIA-Mafia Complex
Steve Erdmann can be reached at dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com and also independenterdmann@gmail.com – or – through the editor of UFO Digest Magazine.
You can Friend him or visit his Timeline on Facebook at   //www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1
His Facebook Group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/171577496293504/.
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/,


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Steve Erdmann – Independent Journalist Investigator




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Germ  Warfare

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The Illuminati

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The Octopus Deaths
Funeral of Danny Casolaro
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Cheri Seymour

The Octopus Robert-Booth-Nichols

John Lear (Hereditary to the Lear Jet Corporation and also ‘Mysterian’ Investigations) with (on the right) Robert Booth Nichols (Fellow ‘Mysterian,’ Intelligence Asset and Mobster).

The Octopus INSLAW18

Michael Riconosciuto


The Octopus _1334986_bbc300soldiers
Training for Biological Warfare

The Octopus Danny 1--nvPACFTt4xQ8VQbJceFAQ

Danny Casolaro
The Octopus The-Fantastic-World-of-Jules-Verne
One Hell of an Octopus
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The Golden Triangle Drug Trade


The Octopus Reagan 91DLfsWUAqL




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Wackenhut Security
The Octopus dtl_prince_100801.blocks_desktop_large
Mobster Al-Kassar
 The Octopus Cow xw5521b329
 Wackenhut Security Experimented with Animals 

The Octopus Satan michael-aquino-temple-of-set

Michael A. Aquino

The Octopus Israel Sorkinjp-tmagArticle

The Arrest of Sam Israel

The Octopus israel's trading room

Sam Israel’s Trading Room


. .The Octopus maiello-lawson-octopus-tease_eyghwy



The Octopus Robert-Booth-Nichols3
Robert Booth Nichols

.The Octopus the-grave-of-ian-stuart-spiro-and-his-wife-gail-and-their-three-children-abkhkj

Grave Site of the Ian Stuart Spiro Family


The Octopus reagan

Ed Scarpo Spotlights a Troubled MCA Probe

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Mobster Frank Nugan

The Octopus Garrison-Clay_Shaw

Jim Garrison on the left, Clay Shaw on the right:  Principle Players going back to Mid-century
From the Article “A Trader Who Swerved, and Crashed” – New York Times, June 30, 2012 – Bryan Burrough:


“Desperate to claw out of his $117 million hole, Mr. Israel meets his mystery man, Robert Booth Nichols, in 2004. Mr. Nichols, who died five years later, was actually a kind of celebrity, a star of conspiracy theory world who was portrayed on the Internet as a longtime C.I.A. operative linked to a shadow world government, the holder of secrets to everything from the Kennedy assassination to a World War II-era hoard of Japanese gold. Some called this vast ‘conspiracy,’ the Octopus.”





The Octopus frank-nugan-constantine

Mobster Frank Nugan

Photos Extra Statue Liberty (httpwww.amiright.comphotoshopsggod-forbid-iv-constitution-of-treason-1435995565.shtml ) album_1435995565



Barry Seal

Barry Seal  – CIA operative
“Tosh Plumlee claims that Barry Seal began working for the Central Intelligence Agency in the mid 1950s: ‘Barry Seal was involved with military intelligence in the early days… Military intelligence was the real game, with the CIA just acting as logistical people. Barry was a peripheral player back then, but he was a CIA ‘contract’ pilot all the way back to 1956 or 1957.
“In 1958 Seal began ferrying weapons to Fidel Castro fighting against the the Fulgencio Batista regime in Cuba. At the time a section of the CIA was supporting the overthrow of Batista. However, the policy changed soon after Castro gained power and Seal is said to have taken part in air attacks on the new government.”
Quotes are from the below article:


Another version of this article can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/31/the-octopus/

Hidden Lore

Photos Extra Steiger BRAD_STEIGER


The late Brad Seiger – author, paranormal investigator




When the TR-3Bs Attack  –  

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Lost Lore and the UFO Rapture




Steve Erdmann


Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2014


This article was published in the October 8 through 10, 2014 issues of UFO Digest.
It is Printed here with Permission.
Permission is granted to quote brief passages by journalists and reviewers. 
Another version of this article can be send at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/29/hidden-rapture/


Paranormal writer Brad Steiger had combined his occult interest into Edgar Rothschild Fouche`s experience in Air Force Intelligence and cryptology as a prophetic science-fiction piece that could prove to be “the smoking gun that will astound anyone seeking the truth.”

(Alien Rapture: The Chosen, Edgar Rothschild Fouche’ and Brad Steiger, Glade Press, Inc., P.O. Box 460, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044-0460, 1-800-777-3454, www.galdepress.com, 1998, 275 pages, $19.95.)


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The book’s disclaimer said in part, “The Top Secret government documents are alleged to be authentic. However, we believe the U.S government would disagree. Existing Top Secret military science and technology, and government abuses are alleged to be authentic. Historical quotes by public figures are accurate.”

Fouche’ was assigned to the much special secret development and classified “Black Programs,” and he decided to incorporate many of his true-life episodes in disguise. “Alien Rapture is presenting many facts with a little fiction,” said Steiger, “to protect the guilty and shield the innocent.”




Joe Green, a major protagonist in the story, was a Senior Engineer who worked on advanced aerospace vehicles. While on a final NSA assignment to place transponder-marker-beacons near a downed Russian trawler, Green confronted, once again, a preview of his destiny. That mission was an assignment for the Tactical Reconnaissance Engineering Assessment Team (TREAT) in 1975, but it was only one of many times that Green would encounter a mysterious light and missing time. In this one instance, it was in the waters off North Vietnam, but earlier it has been with his parents when he was a child in his parent’s car in route to San Antonio. It was on the San Antonio trip that Joe met the “angels” that told him why they had contacted him and what mission they entailed:

“Men and women are supposed to tend the garden…be good gardeners of Earth,” the “angels” told Green, “…God is ashamed of us. We are his bad children. We’re supposed to be better than animals. God was so ashamed that He went away and left the angles here to teach us how to find Him again when we are ready. When we grow up.”




Fellow-protagonist, UFO investigator, anti-bureaucrat, Blake Webster had exposed a real video of an extraterrestrial craft on an NBC’s “Exploring the Unknown” program; that caught the attention of highest government officials, including the ever-sanctimonious Majestic-12 Committee and high-security types at the National Security Agency and Area 51 at Groom Lake.

Several sub-plots converged throughout the book allowing characters to meet and lend strength to each other. Clive Redding Teller, known as “Red,” joined forces with Blake Webster. Teller was, in fact, a spy for Webster. A Similar protagonist was scientist and “eminent theoretical propulsion expert,” Dr. Carlton Farr (Farr was into Ultra Top Secret Black Government projects). Further protagonists were Wayne Newsome (fearless investigator), Rainey Roberts (Webster’s paramour and the Software Manager for EG&G special projects), and Page St. John, head of the Church of the Celestial Prophet (who was demanding, “a release of all UFO secrets allegedly held in the government hidden vaults”).

“…they decided that they would put together a computer-generated news release. They would use the information from Dr. Farr’s files and material from each of their research or personal experiences. They would also assemble a video from the materials at hand. The digital news release would be placed on all the worldwide computer networks…the video broadcast with pictures and shots of printed files, such as the MJ-12 documents and autopsy report, would be transmitted via satellite…”




A list of our anti-heroes, the antagonists, varied in rank and style. They ferociously fought our courageous “super patriots,” (p. 171.) that were our “muckraker” “anarchist rogues.” (pp. 207-208.)

Former Marine sniper M.D. Crawfoot had used the M40A1 on military missions, but he presently used a Remington Model 700 BDL Varmint bolt-action rifle chambered for .308 calibers.

“Crawfoot selected his bullets by weight for maximum penetration. He wanted a flattened taper for kinetic energy transfer and a core lock metal jacket deforming compound bullet for ultimate killing effect. Maximum damage to the target was accomplished by the largest hole; ergo the wider the diameter and the heavier the better.”

Crawfoot came to assassinate scientist Carlton Farr for his knowledge he had gained about Black Programs, the TR-3 Tactical Reconnaissance vehicle (with multi-mode propulsion), and the inroads that Area 51 had made with “aliens (that) not only walk among us…(but) work among us, creating a new world of alien/human technology,” as Blake Webster theorized.

The capture and torture of  “Red” Clive Teller by Area 51 Chief of Security Raul Agabarr, “an unprincipled soldier of fortune who sold his services to the highest bidder and who loved his gore so much he would have worked for free,”  forced the rescue of Teller as imperative.

High-official realization of the possible exposure of the Majestic-12 program and alien technology became spear-headed by Colonel Tytrent of Special Operations, General Jean-Claude Alexandre Beauharnais, Director of Defense, Special Projects, and Eli Jerrold, “an exceedingly wealthy attorney, a former Director of the National Security Agency.”




The “four conspirators” clashed headlong with the inner sanctum at Area 51 in their rescue attempt of “Red” Teller. They came to realize, however, that Joe Green’s history of abductions since childhood designated him as a potential hybrid consort with the “Jexovah” race (who openly began to communicate through Green to help secure entrance and rescue of “Red” Teller at Area 51, the home of “the MJ-12 committee of patriotic leaders”).

Communication with the ‘‘Jexovah” and their plans for a prophesied “rapture” of hybrid humans unravel in the finale’ with the appearance of Page St. John‘s congregation at the site. A surprising “resurrection” of Joe Green took place from a fatal rifle shot.




Steiger/Fouche’ had developed a stirring tale of intrigue, murder and worldwide mystery that will carry the reader from beginning to end. Many will have to discover the many levels of drama for themselves. One of the stentorian representations in the book is Majestic12 documents that alluded to being real secret manuscripts.

How much “fact” was embedded in the Steiger/Fouche’ “fiction” is an investigative, forensic task the reader must set out to accomplish. Are the UFOnauts from an unknown “initial point of origin” that came to Earth during a period of devastation to restore Earth and experiment occasionally with the creatures who were its progenitor?  Are “android” biological entities, “Jexovah,” emitted from “massive mother ships” (p. 161) at some real interstellar location? Are there human hybrids waiting for resurrection in some celestial “rapture”? Will science fiction, as had happened in the past, become a pattern realized in the present?

 “When I began researching Alien Rapture – The Chosen I had only read one book on UFOs, and that book was Project Blue Book,” said Fouche’, “so it was an amazing coincidence that Brad Steiger, the esteemed author of  Project Blue Book, ultimately became my co-author.”

 “I am not a conspiracy buff, nor am I a UFOlogist. In 1990, you could not have convinced me that some of our most advanced technology was derived from reverse engineering of alien technology and alien artifacts.

“Five of my close friends, some of whom had also worked much-classified exotic black programs; one who had flown the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane and been Air Force Test Pilot; and another who had been a National Security investigator, shared information with me, which had not previously been revealed. I interviewed a number of their closest and most trusted friends to gather even more startling information. These additional connected individuals trusted me not to reveal my sources because I had been vouched for by my contacts and friends.”

More info: www.neurosync.com and www.fixmylife.com.




Lostlore sr-71 A0074



The SR-71 was designed as a spy plane for the CIA in the 60s and designated the A-12, said Fouche’, and the Mach 3 plus aircraft first flew in 1962, taking off from Groom AFB in Area 51. Later, once the Air Force operated it as a reconnaissance plane, it was designated the SR-71 Blackbird. Early UFO stories involving the SR-71 paved the way for his interest:

“My friend Chuck, an SR-71 pilot, related to me an in-flight incident he experienced in the 1970s,” said Fouche’, “he was returning from a reconnaissance flight, and, while at an altitude of 74,000 feet and at the speed of almost Mach 3, (3 times the speed of sound) he noticed something flickering in his peripheral vision. Hovering over his left wing tip was a ball of dense plasma-like light. It was so bright, that when he stared at it for more than a few seconds, his eyes hurt.

“Chuck tried to use his UHF-HF and VHF communications sets to no avail. There was nothing but static. Repeatedly glancing briefly at the ball of light, he watched in amazement as it moved effortlessly about his aircraft.

“At one point, the light positioned itself a few feet in front of the large spiked cone at the air Intake Inlet. The enormous amount of air rushing into the engines should have sucked in and shredded almost anything in its path, but the light orb was mysteriously unaffected.

“The light, he noted, acted in a curious manner, if something inanimate could act at all. It moved from time to time to other parts of the vehicle, staying with him until his approach to Beale AFB in California. He was in sight of the Air Base when the light swung away from his aircraft in a wide arch with ever-increasing speed.

“Of course, after reading his incident report, his Operations Commander told him not to ever speak about his experience. When Chuck related the story to me, he told me he was absolutely convinced that the ball of light was controlled by some form of intelligence. I have about two dozen stories from pilots of similar in-flight incidents with UFOs and plasma balls.

“There have been thousands of reported sightings of plasma balls, energy filled orbs, or foo fighters as they were named during World War Two.”

Fouche’ told of another UFO sighting:

“One night in the mid-seventies a longtime friend of mine and I were standing on top of the Fairchild A-10 hanger at Edwards AFB in Southern California. It was about 2 AM, and it was a clear night with millions of stars visible to the naked eye. I noticed a group of stars that seemed to be shifting in color. I pointed out to my friend that the three bright stars in a triangular formation were not part of the big dipper.

“We watched as the strobing stars shifted from bright blue to reddish -yellow in color. After a period of about 20 minutes, we could tell that the objects probably weren’t stars because they were getting larger. This was somewhat unnerving. It was further unnerving when space in-between the enlarging lights began blocking out the stars in the background.

“We decided it probably was a Top Secret Air Force vehicle of some type. Still, we weren’t sure. The vehicle had gone from half the size of the big dipper to twice its size in under a half hour and had moved from the west to the east towards the base. About the time, we could make out a silhouette or outline of the triangular vehicle, the lights, or possibly exhausts, flared brighter and vanished from the sky in an instant. This experience wasn’t my first sighting, but it was one of the few where I had a witness.”






“In the 1960’s, having completed his High School education Ed was drafted from college during the Vietnam conflict,” said journalist Andrew Johnson, “ Ed was selected for the U.S Air Force Par rescue field and then, following an injury, retrained as an electronics and cryptographic specialist. His continually growing skills and knowledge in these and other areas led him to gain a top-secret ‘crypto’ clearance. He then spent about 20 years in the US military and another decade working for defense contractors.”


Lostlore Ed ed-fouche2

Ed Fouche’


Fouche’ worked in many positions in the military, gaining many awards for brilliant work, pleasing people high in his chain of command. In the 1970’s, Fouche’ briefly worked in the Nevada Test Site of Area 51 on some advanced digital technology. He came to know many people in the U.S military that he could trust. In time, they told him of their own information on fantastic technologies and programs that they had worked on and witnessed.

In the early 1990’s, Fourche’ worked with friends in the High-Security levels to combine their knowledge of what they collectively knew to be the truth about UFOs and hidden technology; some were very sensitive documents that had had names deleted or blacked out.

“After years of careful research, interviewing, writing and preparation, Ed made his first disclosures in 1998. Fouche’ made a number of public presentations – including MUFON and IUFOC events in the USA,” said journalist Andrew Johnson. “Ed had also written down much of the information in the form of a book, also published in 1998, called ‘Alien Rapture – The Chosen’ and it used Ed’s life as a ‘canvas’ on which was ‘painted’ the information he was disclosing. Due to the legal advice he received, most of the characters and scenarios in the ‘painting’ are presented as fictional, but essentially, they are based on real people and true events. The only thing in his book that was fiction was the ‘Alien Agenda.’”






“It started when some old friends of mine met in the spring of 1990 in Las Vegas,” said  Fouche’. “There were five of us then; all of us had remained close following the Vietnam War. I’ve always been the networker for my DoD, Military, and Contractor friends, so I’m the one who set up the meeting with the five.”

Fouche’ explored his association with his friends: (*All names and identifying factors had been changed.) 

The first friend, Jerald*, was a former NSA or TREAT Team member. TREAT stands for Tactical Reconnaissance Engineering Assessment Team.


“He worked for the DOE as a National Security Investigator. That was his cover, but he really worked for the NSA. His job required him to manage a team to ‘watch employees’ with Top Secret and ‘Q’ clearances in the mid-west, at the Los Alamos, Sandia, White Sands, Nevada Test Site, and the Nellis Range, which includes Area 51.

“Area 51 is where the most classified aerospace testing in the world takes place. You may know the base as Groom Lake Air Base, Watertown, the Ranch, or Dream-Land. He was found dead of a heart attack a year after our last meeting.


“The second friend, Sal, was a person who had worked directly for the NSA with Electronic Intelligence (E lent) and became a Defense Contractor after his retirement. 

“The third friend, Doc, was a former SR-71 spy plane pilot and a USAF test pilot at Edwards Air Force Base.

“The fourth friend, Dale, and I were in the service together during the Vietnam conflict, and I’ve known him since the early 70s. His father worked for over 20 years for the NSA and he is the one who sent me the MJ-12 documents his father had obtained.

“These documents, the New MJ-12 Charter signed by Proxy during the Reagan administration and the Attachment D to the Eisenhower MJ-12 Briefing Document, which is the Autopsy Report from Roswell, are included as attachments in my book Alien Rapture.

“The fifth friend, Bud, was a DoD Contractor and Electronics Engineer. He had worked on Top Secret development programs dealing with Electronic Counter Measures, Radar Homing and Warning, ECM Jammers, and Infrared Receivers. He retired as a Program Manager and later died of a brain tumor within 30 days after his symptoms appeared.”


The TR-3B UFOs


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Possible Photo of a TR-3B


Fouche’s friend described the TR-3B as he observed it flying over the Papoose S-4 Area, a completely silent 600-foot triangular shaped craft with a corona of silver-blue light around the circumference. The craft is nicknamed Astra under the Top Secret Aurora Program funded by SDI black budget monies. “It is funded and operationally tasked by the National Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA,” said Fouche’. There are genuinely extraordinary and possibly alien aircraft; not every UFO spotted, however, is one of “theirs.”




Lostlore Image1

Artist Conception of Triangular UFO


During an extensive interview with Paola Harris from the ExopoliticsYahooGroup website (Dr. Michael E. Salla, 12/08/06), Fouche’ divulged some extensive dynamics of the TR-3B aircraft. He explained at length:

“Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the reverse engineered MFD technology. The government will go to any lengths to protect this technology. The plasma, mercury based, is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption. The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity, by 89 percent.

“Do not misunderstand. This is not antigravity. Anti-gravity provides a repulsive force that can be used for propulsion. The MFD* creates a disruption of the Earth’s gravitational field upon the mass within the circular accelerator. The mass of the circular accelerator and all mass within the accelerator, such as the crew capsule, avionics, MFD systems, fuels, crew environmental systems, and the nuclear reactor, are reduced by 89%. This causes the effect of making the vehicle extremely light and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed – except, of course, those UFOs we did not build.” (* Magnetic Field Disrupter.)

A new element acted as a catalyst to maintain the plasma, said Fouche’. The vehicle’s mass can easily perform at Mach 9 both vertically and horizontally. With the 89% reduction in mass, any pilot endured the G-forces entailed.




Fouche’ explained that the craft was a “high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Once you get it up there at speed, it doesn’t take much propulsion to maintain altitude.” There was a list of aerodynamic characteristics:

# The TR-3 was a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reached altitudes above 120, 000 feet – then its speed was fantastic.

# The three multi-mode rocket engines mounted under each corner of the craft use hydrogen or methane and oxygen as a propellant. In a liquid oxygen/hydrogen rocket system, 85% of the propellant mass was oxygen. The nuclear thermal rocket engine used a hydrogen propellant, augmented with oxygen for additional thrust. The reactor heated the liquid hydrogen and injected liquid oxygen in the supersonic nozzle so that the hydrogen burned concurrently in the liquid oxygen afterburner.

# The three rocket engines only had to propel 11 percent of the mass of the Top Secret TR-3B.

# Rockwell reportedly built the engines. Many sightings of triangular UFOs were not alien vehicles but the top-secret TR-3B. The NSA, NRO, CIA, and USAF have been playing a shell game with aircraft nomenclature – creating the TR-3, modified to the TR-3A, the TR-3B, and the Tier 2, 3, and 4, with suffixes like Plus or Minus added on to confuse further the fact that each of these designates were a different aircraft and not the same aerospace vehicle.

# A TR-3B was as different from a TR-3A as a banana is from a grape. Some of these vehicles were manned and others were unmanned.




# The TR-3B was the most exotic aerospace program in existence.  ‘TR’ stood for tactical reconnaissance, which meant the craft was designed to get to the target and stay there as long as is necessary in order to send back information.

# A nuclear reactor that operated for a long time without refueling powered it. This also allowed it to hover silently for long periods.

# Located in the center of the triangle was the circular crew compartment and surrounding this was a plasma filled accelerator ring called a Magnetic Field Disrupter (MFD).

“A source who worked on the TR-3B said their goal was to put a third propulsion system on board so you could routinely reach the Moon or Mars,” said Fouche’.

He explained that it might be possible to modify the MFD technology so that it not only reduced mass but also created a force that repelled gravity. Therefore, this would be a true anti-gravity system, which was believed to be in use by UFOs.




Lostlore Image 2 MUFON-UFO-763054

Photograph of triangular UFO – December – 2016 


Skeptics were concerned that Fouche’ may have overstated, misrepresented, and possibly invented some of his facts from his history.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., M.S. Ed, MSW, B.A., Educator-Researcher, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, and a retired Clinical Psychologist,  who said, “At this time, I am aware of the existence of ten kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form.”

Those ten were: the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, the Aurora Lockheed-Martin’s X-33A, Boeing and Airbus Industries’ Nautilus, the TR3-A Pumpkinseed, the TR3-B Triangle, Northrop’s Great Pumpkin disc, Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical XH-75D, Shark antigravity helicopter, and Lockheed-Martin and Northrop’s jointly-developed TAW-50 hypersonic antigravity fighter-bomber. These could have included the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle, a nuclear-powered flying saucer – the first version of which allegedly went operational in 1962, as portrayed in the November [2000] issue of Popular Mechanics.


Lostlore ufo
Typical Triangle UFOs


Boyland said that the “TR-3B does not have an antigravity propulsion system, but merely uses the Biefeld-Brown effect to reduce its weight so that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing speed.”

However, other skeptics further pointed out that the effect had been attributed to ionic wind and had been shown not to work in a vacuum, thus eliminating any alleged “antigravity” effects.


Conspiracy Theories: The Strange World of Back Engineered UFO Technology, http://www.realityuncovered.net/ August 4, 2009 @ 7:34 p.m., Pingback.


(Some of the criticisms seemed more like personal attacks, for whatever reason, rather than dispassionate analysis.)

A prior cohort and presently a spokesman for Alienscienctist.com spoke vehemently against Fouche’, having worked with him, and experienced some questionable tactics from Fouche’. This spokesperson felt that Fouche’ had invented many of the ‘science facts’ – not from reliable, hidden sources – but from the widespread news, journals and gossip (an unfortunate behavior in humans), and that he melded these tidbits into a fashionable and believable story. According to this cohort, Fouche’ even claimed, while intoxicated, that he had flown in a TR-3B.

Alienscientist.com speculated that Fouche’ gathered, “his mention of Quasicrystals and Metamaterials…Two remarkable types of materials, very definitely used for things like invisibility and stealth cloaking technologies…” from all-ready existing journals and sources and not from friends in Black Projects. “Did he actually work in Black Projects as he claims or did he learn about all this stuff from reading science and technology magazines, or somewhere else?”




“Woody,” a skeptic that claimed to have known Fouche’ personally, was just as blatant: “(July 8, 2014 – 06:33 p.m.) Ed Fouche is a liar! Sadly, he has taken his service in the USAF and attached a fantasy to it that was designed to create a legacy for him! Ed spent thousands of dollars to self-promote a poorly written book, which he can barely give away! Within this book, and another unpublished book called Oracle, Ed claims to have embedded secrets about him, and alleged Top Secret programs that he claims of which he was a part.

“Woody,” a skeptic that claimed to have known Fouche’ personally, was just as blatant: “(July 8, 2014 – 06:33 p.m.) Ed Fouche is a liar! Sadly, he has taken his service in the USAF and attached a fantasy to it that was designed to create a legacy for him! Ed spent thousands of dollars to self-promote a poorly written book, which he can barely give away! Within this book, and another unpublished book called Oracle, Ed claims to have embedded secrets about him, and alleged Top Secret programs that he claims of which he was a part.

“Ed states that he had to talk to JAGS in order to get permission to write certain things in this book while they supposedly filtered out other sensitive material. However, Ed cannot offer any proof of this interaction with JAGS. Ed makes great claims, so it should be incumbent upon him to back these claims with verifiable evidence instead of counterattacking others while expecting them to do his footwork.”




Fouche’ countered that the facts were very complicated and not that simple; deception was part of the overall history of UFOs. Other researchers contended that Fouche’s experiences are neither all black nor white (like so many other enigmatic characters in ufology and even our own personal lives) but a mosaic of half-truths.




In a 1999 interview with investigator Paola Harris, Fouche’ divulged his further belief that many of the so-called UFO abductions were part of a governmental Mind Control program to spread disinformation about the government’s relationship with UFO entities. “Disinformation,” said Fouche’, “If you plant half a dozen different versions of what is going on in people’s minds, no one will ever believe anyone else, and that’s exactly what’s happening…Not unless a pre-existing authority imposed the terms of the future new order.”


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When the TR-3Bs Attack


At other times, Fouche’ indicated that famed stories, such as the 1997 book about a 1947 Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash by Philip Corso*, and the alleged Area 51 employee, Bob Lazar (who did reverse engineering), were part truth but also a part falsehood. (* Philip J. Corso was an American Army officer.  He served in the United States Army from February 23, 1942, to March 1, 1963, and earned the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.)

(“The Corso account is unfathomable to me. There must be more to the story than plain BS.  That’s not to say that I think the book is the truth, but the circumstances that led to the claims must have an impetus. The motives behind putting a smudge on an exemplary life’s achievement are intriguing. Possibly the same sense of mischief that produced the MJ-12 docs was at work?… Lazar? Equally puzzling. Reputable researchers recall entering Area51 on a nod from Lazar. Even that he knew his way through the office buildings. Yet his story is fabrication without apparent substance.

“One last thing, when it comes to Ed Fouche, there is some kind of massive Triangles that have been flying all over the place since the 1970s,” said ShotInTheDark on June 10, 2014, “and I, along with many others, want to know what they are. Are they ours? Or, are they another countries’? Or, are they from some other place? Bottom line is: they exist.”)


http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum1/index.php?topic=6872.0, 03:06:25 a.m.


One such triangular craft passed over several Illinois towns, including Lebanon and Millstadt, on the morning of January 5, 2000.  There were multiple witnesses, including several police officers.




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The backside of  Diagram of  23000 Illinois Triangle


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Illinois  –  2000 – Police Witnesses


Officer Martin was driving on the southern end of Shiloh heading east when he observed the mysterious object, which appeared to be heading in a westerly direction,” said MUFON investigator David Marler, “he was able to observe three brilliant white lights, which were shining down from the object. However, the light did not illuminate the ground or objects on the ground. In addition, small red and green lights were observed on the back end of the object. At this time, Officer Martin thought the object’s altitude was approximately 1,000 feet. He estimated the distance from his car to the object to be about a quarter of a mile. He thought the object resembled the shape of an extra wide triangle or arrowhead. He estimated the apparent size to be 75-100 yards wide.”


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 The January 2000 Illinois Triangle – Artist Conception
(Towards a Larger Picture)


“When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago, learned of the existence of ‘non-terrestrial officers’ and ‘fleet-to-fleet transfers’ and a secret program called ‘Solar Warden,’ he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed ‘the biggest military computer hack of all time’…(He) stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from the UK,” said Darren Perks (UFO Investigator and  Researcher, 11/07/2012, 16:44 BST).

However, there would have been a backlash for McKinnon to testify: his attorney would be allowed to subpoena government officers “to testify under oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet.”


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McKinnon discovered that there were about eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships.”  The Solar Warden Space Fleet operated under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC). [formerly Naval Space Command]. There was approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility. The figure was rising.

“Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada, United Kingdom,” said Perks, “Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA.”


http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/darren-perks/solar-warden-the-secret-space- program_b_1659192.html.


(Give Him a Mask)


Some theorists portend that such technology had existed many years before and in the channels of hidden knowledge, hidden codes, and passwords; the space program started in the minds and hearts of various ‘inventors.’

One such telltale element was the mysterious airship phenomena of 1896-1897. Louis Winkler, Ph.D., and MUFON consultant in Astronomy studied the many newspaper and other accounts and believed the sightings were of balloon craft, which was steerable and powered. The sightings appeared to be “the first of other major developments soon to follow in the field of transportation by air.”  They were seen in California and were said to be real mechanical devices. A lawyer, George D. Collins, came from the shadows and said his client, E. H. “Aluminum” Benjamin, was one of the inventors for the last seven years, at that time. Some parts had been invented in the eastern U.S. One of the ships belonged to the Aerial Navigation and Irrigation Company.




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Artist Depiction of the 1890s Airship


“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” (Oscar Wilde.)


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Inventor Nikola Tesla


The trail of clandestine inventors linked through the late 19th and the early part of the 20th century with the tales of Charles Dellschau and the Sonora Aero Club (1856-1860), the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla, JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) – Jack Parsons –  Aleister Crowley and the “Babalon Working” are just some of the mysterious aeronautic conundrums. Space scientist and ex-Nazi Dr. Werhner von Braun recognized the powers of the underworld that energized the space race. He was quoted once as ominously warning, “We find ourselves faced by strong powers whose base of operations is at present unknown to us.” (In the year 2000, the Scottish Rite, the largest Masonic sect, formally established Tranquility Lodge #2000, a Masonic Lodge, on the moon.)




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Airships of the Senora Aero Club
“Taken at face value, Dellschau’s collages documented the feats of the Sonora Aero Club, a secretive group dedicated to the creation of ‘aeros,’ or flying machines. In code, and bad spelling in both English and German, Dellschau recounted how, in his youth 50 years before, he and fellow club members gleefully ruled the skies of Gold Rush California, piloting fantastical airships of their own invention.


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Book of Art of the Sonora Aero Club


“Perhaps the notebooks’ tales were merely fictions, Dellschau’s efforts to entertain himself. Perhaps the old man had grown a tad deranged.  Or perhaps Dellschau was actually recounting the exploits of his youth, embellishing here and there, but remaining somewhat faithful to the facts. Oddly, that last supposition — the strangest possibility of all — seems the most likely.  One line of thought even ties the Sonora club to a rash of UFO sightings.”


(Comment by JK — August 19, 2009 @ 9:37 p.m.] http://www.realityuncovered.net/blog/2009/08/the-strange-world-of-back-engineered-ufo-technology/.)


(And a larger program.)


The greatest mysteries were the ones that lie deep beyond the surface; whose solutions do not wait in anxious anticipation.

“…we are under threat. Whoever has sent these genetically designed androids or robots (EBEs) to Earth has transmitted a return signal,” said Fouche’.  “These beings have found an inhabitable planet with intelligent life forms, and sooner or later the real ‘striking force,’ the real aliens, will arrive. So, we have embarked on this massive program; we have eggs from all these people. We have created special, genetically modified children, and we have placed them in all areas of society through adoption, including placements with individuals connected to the government.”






“…the last generation of humans with distorted alien genes would die off and leave Earth to those who had reclaimed the birthright of mankind.” (p. 275)




You can reach Steve Erdmann at dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com  – or –independenterdmann@gmail.com.
You can friend him –  at  – Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1  – or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group –  at –  https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/,


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Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist


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Artist Conception of Triangular UFO





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Photograph of triangular UFO – December – 2016






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When the TR-3Bs Attack








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The January 2000 Illinois Triangle





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Illinois  –  2000 – Police Witnesses








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The backside of  Diagram of  23000 Illinois Triangle






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Typical Triangle UFOs





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Artist Depiction of the 1890s Airship








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Ed Fouche’






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Book of Art of the Sonora Aero Club








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Airships of the Senora Aero Club








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Inventor Nikola Tesla







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Possible Photo of a TR-3B






Another version of this article can be send at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/29/hidden-rapture/




The Ruling Class

They Rule from the Shadows in the Dark  –   

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Click here:



Are you alone now?
Can you hear me?
Are you alone now? 
Are you alone now?
Do you fear me?
Are you alone now?
Can you hear me breath in and out and in? Out, in.
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Are you so lonely?
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Are alone now?
Is there something wrong, you got that look in your eye?
Are you alone now?
Are you alone now?
Do you feel the sun is just spinning round?
Are you something real or just the shell of one who’s left this world behind?
You go in and out, in and out and in.
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Are you so lonely?
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Are you alone now? Let’s just don’t think about it.
Let’s just don’t think about it.
Oh, don’t think about it.
Ooooh oooh.


Dead Sea Empire
Dead Sea Empire is a Nashville, TN based rock act with psychedelic influences from the 60’s and 70’s. DSE did finish the process of creating their debut album, which hit  the airwaves in Spring 2012.
“Are You Alone Now?” is doubled featured on this new Warner Bros. PicturesNew Line Cinema movie “Within” and is a perfect watch for Halloween! 
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2f3nSTb
iTunes: http://apple.co/2f3k8kx

Click here:








Steve Erdmann



Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2015
This article was previously published in the October 31, 2015 UFO Digest.
It is printed here with permission.
A facsimile of this article can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/16/manchurian-candidates/
Reviewers and journalists can quote small potions as long as full credits are given to the original article.




“Everyone knows there is a price to pay for ignoring the lessons of our post. Thomas Jefferson forewarned our nation at its very beginning regarding the consequences of apathy and insufficient vigilance. He left us this poignant, poetic reminder: ‘If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.’” (Patrick Nolan, page 282, CIA Rogues)


(CIA Rogues and the Killing of the Kennedys, Patrick Nolan, Skyhorse Publishing, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10018, info@skyhorsepublishing.com, www.skyhorsepublishing.com, 2013, 366 pages, $24.95.)

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“The goal of this book is to show, through forensic science and other resources, the identity of the primary individuals ultimately responsible for these horrific assassinations,” says author Patrick Nolan, speaking about the killings of John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Lee Harvey Oswald, and other victims. “A thorough examination and analysis of those who had ample, means, and opportunity concludes that only one small group stands alone: the CIA’s Richard Helms and James Angleton and their rogue band of conspirators and mob allies.”  (p. 6)


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Patrick Nolan, Investigative Reporter




Nolan first explores the nature and actions of Richard Helms, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director from 1966 to 1977, and the several “programs” that his organization escorted, over a period of time, in “behavior control”: Executive Action, psycho-pharmacological research, hypnosis, rohypnol, LSD, Manchurian Candidate studies, domestic spying, CIA Mafia assassination  plots, CIA-backed foreign coups and attempts, cover stories, programmed patsies, and neutralized witnesses.

“Under Helms’s guidance, behavioral medicine scientists from across the US were recruited to investigate a curious mix of concepts: creating amnesia, understanding bio-electrics, and attempting to harness parapsychology,” says Nolan. “Soon, this newly contracted legion of psychiatrists began to test mind-altering drugs in conjunction with hypnosis.”

The CIA’s clandestine programs actually started with its forerunner organization, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and later Allen Dulles, a Word War I spymaster and CIA director (1953-1961). The CIA was formed officially in 1947 with the passage of the National Security Act.  Helms and James Angleton (another master-spy from World War II and the OSS) “would form a twenty-five-year partnership in covert operations.”  Under the leadership of Allen Dulles, Helms began to formulate Operation MKULTRA (“Ultra” was a wave to the World War II operation that broke Nazi codes, and MK probably stood for “mind control”).

Similar names were projects Bluebird,  Artichoke, and involved drugs as Liquid E or X, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), with culprits such as Sidney Gottlieb, John Gittinger, James Angleton, Dr. Harold Wolff, Dr. Frank Olson, William Harvey, as well as the use of hypnotism in Manchurian Candidate projects. 

“…the research proved to be framed for a murder while actually being innocent,” says Nolan. “The assassination would be carried out by hitmen hidden on the sidelines while the patsy would appear to have committed the crime thus protecting the identity of the actual assassins. Their technique of producing such a patsy involved the use of drugs and hypnotism, hence the term ‘hydro programmed fall guy.’”

These techniques were used in a “Helms era between 1953 and 1973” in nearly a dozen CIA-backed foreign coups or coup attempts. Helms was “able to draw on a variety of specialists from a wide array of nations.” Compartmentalization (strictly compartmented) enabled the CIA to deceive presidents, oversight committees, and the media.”  “Cover stories” helped to control certain activities.




The use of CIA “cover stories” ranged from planted statements in the trail of Clay Shaw about Shaw (and Helms’s attempts to sabotage Garrison’s case) to the allegation that Oswald was not a CIA agent. The finding of the Senate Intelligence Committee, in the words of Senator Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania, was that “Oswald had intelligence connections…the fingerprint of intelligence.”

Similarly, Helms stated that the CIA did not assist in any assassinations, and he ironically cited Senator Church’s investigation. However, Church’s remarks were based on the fact that CIA was not cooperating but were hiding these facts. It came out that the CIA worked with others to do assassinations (such as through the Mob and possibly French assassins or others).


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The Manchurian Candidate




Nolan examines the personality of Richard Helms and discovers that Helms was a sociopath: He was  “truth-challenged,” perhaps a pathological liar; he would perform normally but without any sense of empathy or conscience, have no stress or disorientation, appear cordial and unusually intelligence, but tend to be manipulative and show shallowness of emotions.


Johnson Confers To End Bombing In Nam

Richard Helms in Secretive Meeting


“An intelligent sociopath can be most destructive, and Helms was at the top of his class,” says Nolan. “They are focused individuals who aim to achieve their goals. At the same time, they are opportunists who ignore the rules, forging ahead with no inner controls…

“Helms created just such a rule in MKULTRA and spent his entire career trying to perfect it through testing drugs on unwitting subjects, carrying out hypnotic-programming experiments, and plotting coups, assassinations, and cover-ups while manipulating others.” (p. 49)


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They Rule from the Shadows in the Dark  .  
Helms held a mask of normality that people “are loathe” to look beyond, they hide integrity of the “role” itself, says Nolan, and that such people are “legally sane, but they have a serious mental disorder. They have no conscience.”




James Jesus Angleton began his intelligence career in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, named chief of the Rome office, reading messages decoded from ULTRA (the famous German code that the allies had cracked early on in the war).  Richard Helms described Angleton as “a strange, strange man,” who could gain information through stealth, enabling him to climb to the “top ranks” of the CIA.  All three men, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and James Angleton, were “strong believers” in covert operations (p. 56). 


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Mastermind James Jesus Angleton


“The breakthrough came with the achievement of the capability of ordinary a subject___under the influence of drugs and posthypnotic suggestions___to perform an action and recall it later,” says Nolan.  “For example, a subject could be controlled to the point where he would pull out a weapon and fire without remembering later what had happened.” (“Induce hypnosis rapidly on unwitting subjects: create durable amnesia: implant hypnotic suggestions that were ‘operationally useful,’” page 59)

Angleton was convinced that the CIA covert operations could save democracy about the globe. They often were in stark contrast to the philosophy and actions of the Kennedy brothers. To safeguard the CIA covert operation, Angleton went about “guiding the search for unwitting fall guys, overseeing their conditioning, and devising their missions.” (p. 61.) When asked by a Congressional committee investigator to describe the nature of counter-intelligence, Angleton said: “To construct a ‘Wilderness of Mirrors’ in which the opponent would be forever lost and confused.” (Michael Holtzman, James Jesus Angleton, the CIA+ the Craft of Counterintelligence [Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2008, page 302].)


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Wilderness of Mirrors


Nolan highlights the murder of Mary Meyer, mistress of John Kennedy, and critic of the Warren Commission Report. In the words of government assassin Joe Simon and another former lover of Mary Meyer, Kenneth Noland, “Angleton had had Mary’s phone bugged. This was typical of Angleton’s Style…both she and Kennedy had serious reservations regarding the activities of the CIA.”

Operation CHAOS was a CIA program to determine “if foreign governments were behind the anti-war protests and the civil rights movement,” aided by James Angleton, and further operations under the Special Operations Group (SOG), the unit carried out this domestic spying operation by monitoring peace activities, black leaders, and “monitoring and harassing peace activities, black leaders, and “monitoring and harassing” numerous newspapers (such as the liberal catholic publication Ramparts, that espoused anti-Vietnam articles).



Operation CHAOS


It was suspected that the Watergate break-in in June, 1972 was carried out by a team of CIA operatives that was in fact an Operation Chaos mission. Nolan speculates that Angleton was behind the Watergate break-in and the goal was “to find out if the Democrats had obtained any information concerning who killed the Kennedys and it the leads were pointing in Angleton’s direction.”  (p. 66)




Nolan surveys the CIA’s part in foreign assassination in Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Congo, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Iraq, and Vietnam.

A clandestine CIA operations force in Saigon, led by Lucien Conein, had been working behind the scenes without Kennedy’s full knowledge, leading to the November 1, 1963 coup. The murders of general Duong Van Minh and Ngo Dinh Nhu shocked President Kenney.  Three weeks later, Kennedy was also assassinated.

On January 28, 1964, General Minh was replaced by General Khanh, and the war worsened for the United States.

In 1971, when Richard Nixon was president, Helms’s protégé E. Howard Hunt, joined Nixon’s administration as a consultant, specializing in the “Dirty Tricks” department. Hunt asked Lucien Conein to devise a “fake telegraph” that would make President Kennedy appear to have ordered Diem’s murder. LIFE Magazine reporter William Lambert questioned the authenticity of Conein’s play. Howard Hunt was finally arrested for his part in the break-in at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in 1972.  Hunt had joined the CIA in 1949 at the age of thirty-one.  His talent at the CIA was writing disinformation, and he clearly found his “niche” with colleagues like Angleton and Helms.


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E. Howard Hunt – Intelligence Spy




Alternate theories as to who was behind the John Kennedy assassination ranged from Soviet KGB (State Security Committee), Cuba’s Castro, anti-Castro Cubans, the Mafia, and the Central Intelligence Agency.  It was suggested that Lee Harvey Oswald was a trained recruit and may have been used for the assassination as retaliation against Kennedy’s peace overtures to Soviet and Cuban Communists and the president’s firing of three top-level CIA officials. But the flaw in this thinking would have been the supposed “great logistical legerdemain” to set up Oswald and the “silencing” of the actual assassins (James H. Fetzer, PhD, Murder in Dealey Plaza [OpenCourt Publishing, 2000, p. 298]).


Lee Harvey Oswald Military ID


Nolan quickly points out that the CIA had been using “logistical legerdemain” in its MKULTRA programs for more than a decade, utilizing “in-depth knowledge, skill and the requisite resources.” Oswald had been set up to be “an innocent patsy” appearing to have been an assassin. The real assassins were “hired guns, well-hidden sharp-shooters—CIA-Mafia-connected hired guns that were the hired guns.”

“We know that sources of witnesses died early deaths,” says Nolan, “indeed, the actual assassins were no doubt eliminated soon after the assassination in order to ensure their silence forever.  The hit men who killed them would not have known who they were or why they were being bumped off…”

At 12:30 pm on November 22, 1963 shots rang out hitting Kennedy in the back and in the head. Fifty-two percent of the witnesses would later testify that the shots came from the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza.  Within the hour Dallas policeman J .D. Tippit was shot next to his patrol car in Oswald’s neighborhood. On November 24, 1963, Lee Oswald was shot (and swiftly died) by local mobster and strip club owner, Jack Ruby (who eventually died of cancer while in jail).




The purpose of the hypnotic-programming of Oswald “was not to create an assassin, but to create a fall guy by planting highly incriminating information about innocent person,” says Nolan, “while expert marksmen carried out the actual shooting.”

Oswald became adept at the Russian language. Fellow Marines nicknamed him “Oswaldskovich.”  In actuality, Oswald had been sent to a premier military language school, the Defense Languages Institute (DLI) in Monterey, California to study Russian through September of 1957 “…preparing select troops from all branches of the military for work at the National Security Agency,” says Nolan.

Oswald’s next job was at the CIA’s super-secret spy plane U-2 training facility. Oswald was listed as a radar operator—a duty assignment—a cover for his top secret language-related job. During his stay in Atsugi, Lee gave disinformation to a young Japanese woman and KGB spy. His 1958 gonorrhea was considered “in the line of duty.” Oswald’s roommate at El Torro Air Station, James Botelho, said:  “Oswald was not a Communist or a Marxist…Oswald was on an assignment in Russia for American intelligence.”


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U-2 Spy Plane Preparing for Flight


Under a CIA secret “defector” program, Oswald planned to enroll in an also CIA-backed Albert Schweitzer college in Churwalden, Switzerland. Oswald arrived in Helsinki on October 11, 1959, probably by “contract pilots flying private aircraft.” On a six-day visa, he arrived in Moscow on October 16, 1957.

As a “201 file” CIA employer, Oswald received a study flow of hidden funds.




Picking up on Oswald’s “defection” scenario, reporters Aline Mosby of UPI and Priscilla Johnson of the North American Newspaper Alliance—both picked up on the Oswald Communist “spin”—with Johnson “working at the time on contract for the CIA.”

Oswald’s “program” or “legend” in Russia included marriage to a Russian woman (Marina Prusakova), creation of a phony ‘diary,” and an “easy” exit to Hoboken, Jersey on June 13, 1962.

Oswald continued to follow his “mission” (“program,” “legend”) to monitor, infiltrate, and penetrate individuals or groups that posed a threat to the national interest. The CIA TOOK Oswald out of customary ‘posting”—but actually casting him as an enemy of the U.S.   Various “handlers” were used to help “paint’ Oswald as a treacherous person.

“In Lee’s case, it appears that the did not know until the end of his short life that his assignments,” says Nolan, “were also designed to make him appear to be working for the enemy, not just posing as one.”

George de Mohrenschildt was one handler. De Mohrenschildt was constantly in contact with CIA front organizations; a spy in Mexico during World War II; in Latin America in U.S oil companies after the war; on the fringes in Guatemala at the same time the CIA planned the Bay of Pigs invasion.


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George de Mohrenschildt


“He reportedly received two thousand dollars in a Haitian bank account shortly after the Kennedy assassination,” says Nolan.

Variations in de Mohrenschildt’s “friends” consisted of Norman Fredrickson (director of Radio Free Europe), Max Clark (former head of security at Convair Aircraft Corporation), Michael Paine at Bell Helicopter (husband of Ruth Paine, Oswald’s landlady at one point), and Ruth Paine (whose father was William Avery Hyde who had worked at AID, a CIA-backed agency). Consequently, thanks to de Mohrenschildt, Oswald worked at Jaggar-Chiles-Stovall for six months doing photographic work connected to U-2 spy plane photos. 




Nolan paces us through Oswald’s “traits” and “deeds,” such as the nick-name A.J. Hidell (used in intelligence circles), purchase of a World War II Mannlicher-Carcano, fake backyard photos, created story about shooting of retired Army Major General Edwin A. Walker, Lee’s pamphleteering, connections with David Ferrie, Guy Banister, Clay Shaw, his job at the Reilly Coffee Company (“Obviously, the Reilly firm was more than a coffee shop as evidenced by its alumni’s later assignments in the aerospace defense industry.”), radio and TV appearances, trip to Clinton, Louisiana, alleged trip to Mexico, and Oswald’s eventual employment at the Texas Book Depository building.

The reader should pay especially close attention to the intricate sequence of events that Nolan lays out leading up to assassins’ firing shots at President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, as well as the twisting misidentifications of police officer Jefferson Davis Tippit’s murder, the mysterious deaths following Kennedy’s assassination, such as that of George de Mohrenschildt on March 29, 1977, Jack Ruby, Lee Oswald and others.

“Lee was forceful in his media appearance during several scheduled and impromptu press conference,” says Nolan. “At one point, Oswald said: ‘I didn’t shoot anybody, no sir.’ At another time, he said that someone should ‘come forward to give me legal assistance.’  On November 22, a bewildered Oswald responded to a reporter’s revelation that he had been charged with the assassination: ‘Then I’m the patsy.’” (Plausible Denial: Was the CIA involved in the Assassination of JFK? [New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1991], p. 15.)  (p. 165.)




Nolan believes that the same CIA “hypnotic-programming” (through agents Dr. William Bryan and Manly Palmer Hall and others) victimized Sirhan Bishara Sirhan as a “patsy” in the assassination of presidential candidate Senator Robert F. Kennedy on the evening of June 5, 1968.


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Sirhan Sirhan – Under Arrest


Not only did the forensic evidence not match Sirhan’s alleged quilt, but Dr. Eduard Simon-Kallas said that an analysis of Sirhan at San Quentin Prison indicated that “Sirhan was mentally normal, but that he had been hypno-programmed by someone.” (p. 274.)

Nolan treks through the forensic evidence in the RFK assassination; like the JFK assassination, his brother’s murder was meticulously planned and executed.


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The Assassination of Robert Kennedy


Dr. Eduard Simson-Kallas said “…that Sirhan in fact does not have any recollection of the assassination nor of writing the notebooks,” says Nolan, “he concluded that Sirhan was ‘prepared by someone. He was hypnotized by someone.’”

Two gunmen in suits who stood directly behind Robert Kennedy, and his left side, fired guns inches away before escaping in the chaos. Sirhan’s gun could not be “positively identified” as the murder weapon because of significant discrepancies. Lead in the bore of Sirhan’s gun indicated only blanks had been fired. Sirhan’s gun was feet away from Kennedy, yet assassins fired within one-inch. Forensic analysis of recovered residue indicated that more than one gun was fired (p. 253).


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Shots Came From Behind and Directly Against His Head


Again, as in the case of Lee Oswald, Sirhan had been “associated” with mysterious, possible CIA, contacts: security officer Thane Eugene Cesar, a mysterious lady often near Sirhan over a matter of weeks, as well as a “young women in the polka dot dress seen in the (hotel) pantry” who was assisted by a male companion on the night of the shootings; not to mention the psycho programmers.


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Thane Eugene Cesar – Suspected Assassin




Readers will pensively study Nolan’s fascinating literary landscape of facts into the frightening world of power and murder.

Patrick Nolan is a forensic historian who has relentlessly worked to uncover truths surrounding the JFK, MLK, and the RFK assassinations of the 1960s. He has been a journalist, a television news producer, and a professor at Hofstra University and St. John’s University.

“Mr. Nolan’s early background in news-writing and college teaching, and his perseverance and devotion to this subject, have given him the tools to make sound judgments in these controversial cases,” said Dr. Henry C. Lee, former director of the Connecticut State Police Forensic Science Laboratory and currently Distinguished Professor of Forensic Science at the University of New Haven.

Lee said forensic science professionals, and Nolan, seek the truth, but in the final analysis, the reader must come to a conclusion “based on the best evidence.”

“In dissecting the associations of the sixties, beneath the surface, they involve similar motives, means, and opportunities,” says Nolan on page 282. “The motive of the rogue intelligence operatives was to control America’s destiny in their own twisted way.”

Martin Hay appeared far from a friend of Nolan, and criticized Nolan for lack of proof and hard evidence that Nolan promised in his book, nevertheless Hay agreed the idea of the Manchurian Candidate was a fascinating and real one:

“When he was interviewed by author Dick Russell, Gottlieb denied that creating brainwashed or hypnotized assassins had been an aim of MKULTRA and suggested that such a thing wasn’t actually possible (On The Trail of the JFK Assassins, p. 242).  But there’s every reason to believe it is. In 2011, British mentalist/hypnotist Derren Brown produced a series of TV shows called The Experiments, the first of which was titled The Assassin.  In it, Brown took a volunteer through a series of hypnosis sessions which the volunteer believed were intended to make him a superior marksman.  In reality, Brown was programming him to commit an assassination against his will of which he would have no memory. The show culminated with the unwitting gunman firing blanks at British comedian and TV personality, Stephen Fry, in front of a packed and unsuspecting auditorium. After watching The Assassin, the viewer is compelled to conclude that a mind-controlled assassin is a shockingly real possibility.”


Typical comments about the book and other research suggest many coincidental connections and further intriguing facts of mystery:

“Nolan suggests Oswald’s observed agitation at the Dallas breakfast diner several days prior to the JFK assassination was indicative of MKULTRA’s psycho-programming, but Oswald at that point knew of the scheduled assassination but was unable to contact his probable White House connection, Fletcher Prouty, as he was outside the country at that time!


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A MKULTRA Document


“The other major criticism is that the author does no current research — had he examined the obituaries for Valerie Schulte’s family (she being the so-called ‘mystery witness’ who didn’t fit the description by a long shot!), Nolan would have discovered that Schulte’s aunt and uncle were both employed at the very same classified section at Lockheed as Thane Cesar, the part-time security guard at the RFK assassination.

“Also, Nolan might have discovered that Schulte’s father worked at Technicolor Corporation on a classified contract with Lockheed, and that the security chief at Lockheed was the former personal US Secret Service bodyguard of Vice President Richard Nixon, who left that position when Nixon lost the presidential campaign, and would return to Nixon’s 1968 presidential campaign after the assassination of Senator Bobby Kennedy.”

Sergeant Doom: November 29, 2013 at 11:10 AM.  http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Comments?oid=18355842&category=slog.

The reader is welcome to further explore into the assassinations labyrinth.




You can reach Steve Erdmann at:
dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com, or –  
You can friend him at:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1, or, visit  – the Dissenter/Disinter Group  – at https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
Some other items:
http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/.




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A MKULTRA Document










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Patrick Nolan, Investigative Reporter






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U-2 Spy Plane Preparing for Flight






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Wilderness of Mirrors







Operation CHAOS







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Shots Came From Behind and Directly Against His Head







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Sirhan Sirhan – Under Arrest






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The Assassination of Robert Kennedy







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Thane Eugene Cesar – Suspected Assassin








Johnson Confers To End Bombing In Nam

Richard Helms in Secretive Meeting







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Mastermind James Jesus Angleton







Lee Harvey Oswald Military ID







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They Rule from the Shadows in the Dark







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The Manchurian Candidate







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George de Mohrenschildt







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E. Howard Hunt – Intelligence Spy

















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Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist




A facsimile of this article can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/16/manchurian-candidates/

The Forgotten Visitors

They came – They saw – They conquered! 

The Psychrophiles Wraith_attack

The Psychrophiles Are Coming!




Steve Erdmann



Part I


Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2013
This article was previously published in The UFO Digest –  May 1 through May 7, 2013.
It is printed here with permission.
Another version of this article an be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/13/the-unnatural-universe/
Reviewers and journalist can quote small portions of this article as long as full credits are given to the article.


Marshall Karlfeldt explores the work of the late Zecharia Sitchin from The Earth Chronicles (Sitchin’s meticulous translations of thousands of Sumerian cuneiform tablets concerning the history of the earliest human civilization).  The tablets contain The Epic of Enuma Elish (The Story of Creation) and The Epic of Gilgamesh, as explained through the works of Sitchen’s deciphers, a civilization some 450,000 years ago from a far distant world called Nibiru.  

(Adam, The Missing Link: The New History of Mankind’s Creation, Marshall Klarfeld, Trafford Publishers, 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, In. 47403, CustomerSupport@trafford, 1-888-232-444, 812-339-6000, www.trafford.com, 2009, 66 pages, $38.95.)


Book Cover


The book contains extremely handsome and elaborate photographs, professionally exquisite graphic charts, illustrations that are well worth the cost: outlining the arrival and rise of an alleged civilization called the Anunnaki; Gilgamesh, the king of Urek; Ekidu, a cloned humanoid of the Anunnaki; Lord Enki, the chief genetic engineer; and Gilgamesh’s mother as an Anunnaki Divine Princess; Gilgamesh’s father was human.

The 6th tablet tells about Princess Ishtar who lusts after Gilgamesh but is rejected by him. Furious, Ishtar travels from an orbiting mothership to Urek, stealing the “Bull of Heaven” from Leader Anu, and uses the laser-device to blast the streets of Uruk killing hundreds of people.  Gilgamesh and Enkidu destroy “The Bull” as Ishtar retreats.




Cylinder seal VA/243 is about 4,500 years old.  The story on the cylinder tells of Anunnaki leaders: the Commander Enlil and Genetic Engineer Enki are shown experimenting with animals, says Klarfeld.

The same diagrams show the alleged solar system with 10 planets; Nibiru is supposedly the 10th planet.




Klarfeld, as also so many other people, believes that a double entendre’ existed in the beliefs and statements of scientist Carl Sagan; Sagan always intended his words provoke additional thoughts on controversial topics, says Klarfeld.  In Sagan’s 1985 book Contact, his photograph held behind him a “sentient belief” in Sumerian stories of the Anunnaki.  Sagan once named a spaceship as Gilgamesh. It was Sagan that said: ‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”  Klarfeld adds: “I suspect that Dr. Sagan was a believer who wanted to signal his beliefs, without overtly confronting the scientific community.”




Klarfeld summarizes that The Enuma Elish Epic predated the Hebrew Book of Genesis, and is the bases for the Genesis creation account.  It is the original creation story that was transmitted orally from the Anunnaki. The Epic came to rest eventually in the form of seven cuneiform tablets.

(Why the Anunnaki didn’t use their advanced knowledge and technology to transmit history, as such, in a superior and very solidified means other than ‘oral’ and primitive ‘tablets’ is a curiously tantalizing question.)




Genesis spoke of seven days of creation. There were “seven” tablets relaying the Sumerian tale, said Sitchin. In Genesis, God saw on the 7th day that creation is good, and then He rested; in the Sumerian accounts, the ‘god’ created in the length of ‘six tablets,’ but on the last and 7th tablet, ‘god’ heralded and examined his creation. In the Sumerian seven tablets, creation was portrayed. In Genesis, God created and praised His creation in ‘seven’ days.


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Zecharia Sitchin, Supporter of Planet Nibiru and of the Anunnaki




The Enuma Elish tale, according to the late Zacharia Sitchin, named the planets of the solar system in the form of ‘gods’: Sun, Moon, nine planets, and Nibiru as the 10th planet. Starting from the Sun, they are Apsu (which is the Sun), Mummu, Lahamu, Tiamat (the Earth), Kishar, Arislar, Anu, Ea (Neptune). Apparently, Pluto is disowned and disenfranchised by Anunnaki and present-day scientists. Translating the personified conversations in the tale, the solar system was very mobile, causing all kinds of havoc and destruction until the sun stabilized their movements.


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Tower of Babel built to Symbolize Seven Stellar gods 

Earth’s moon is called Kingu, and the moon of Nibiru is called “Northwind.” When Nibiru came close to Earth in its 3,600-year orbit around the sun, ‘Northwind’ careened into the Earth about 225-million-years ago, fragmenting Pangea into continents, causing new orbits for Tiamat (Earth) and Nibiru. The asteroid belt was referred to as the Hammered Bracelet.




If Sitchin was correct, the inhabitants of Nibiru evolved on a planet that had no ‘goldilocks’ zone from a central sun precisely at the adequate distance for life as we know it. That meant that Nibiruites must have had a very peculiar evolution.

Has there ever been precedence in the UFO lore of beings evolving on a “cold planet”? Yes, there have been a few, one in particular: the stories of the late Richard Sharpe Shaver and the late Raymond Arthur Palmer.


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Richard Sharpe Shaver and publisher Ray A. Palmer




Through a period of about 1943 to 1977 the publisher of Amazing Stories Magazine, Ray A. Palmer (affectionately referred to as RAP), promulgated accounts of Richard Shaver’s journey into a Hidden World. Shaver, somewhat of a bohemian character who grew up with science-fiction and a dabbling of science, had also, for the most part, been an adventurer from occupation to occupation, talent to talent, territory to territory. Shaver also had an enlarged imagination as he discovered one day while working as a welder in a Detroit auto factory: voices were coming from his welding equipment; the voices were describing obscene depictions, and generally detailing outlandish events of another reality.

Right away, many would be quick to say that Shaver was probably schizophrenic or somehow mentally ill, but Palmer was swift to point out to Shaver’s detractors that much more was happening to Shaver. Palmer based that opinion on scientific verification of Shaver’s claims. There also existed modern theories on exactly what the brain perceives amidst the latest traditions of quantum physics.

(One is reminded of the movie scene in A Beautiful Mind where schizophrenic John Nash, played by Richard Crowe, was observing the reflections of glass and crystal and seeing great mathematical possibilities: to quote the Halexandria Foundation: “On the one hand, there is the supposition that all of reality is an illusion. As discussed in Mass, the universe is nothing more than a figment of our prolific imaginations, a phantasm. That may be, but on a more, still-in-the-midst-of-this-life’s-drama level, we can ask about the degree to which we may be imagining — and/or creating — our own reality.” [Creating Your Perfect Reality].)


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In the Movie, A Beautiful Mind, John Nash (Actor Richard Crowe) Contemplates Unknown Mathematical Possibilities in Crystal Glass and a Tie.


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David Darling, an astronomer, and graduate of Sheffield and Manchester Universities in England, spoke of ancient and current practitioners to ‘brain tapping,’ as one example, that by-passes the brain as a modulator to confronting cosmic consciousness. Darling also spoke of Clive Wearing’s Korsakoff Disease (Korsakoff had to reconstruct reality and memory every few seconds):  “Cases such as these speak of more than just the fragile and constructed nature of self. They raise serious questions about the nature of time,” said Darling, “and the delicate connection between psychological time and physical reality. Could it be that time, likewise, is nothing more than a product of the way we think.”  (Soul Search, Villard Books, Random House, New York, 1995, p. 117.)




Darling and other scientists pointed to altered states of consciousness where perception exceeded normal restraints. The sanctimonious judgments of such people, others would say, were probably premature if not also suspect and neurotic.




Palmer received a rather sketchy manuscript at his office at Amazing Stories Magazine telling of a vast underground civilization of demented creatures left on earth thousands of years ago by an Elder Race; this race possesses super-technology from their forefathers, who escaped earthly contamination by heading back into space.


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Artist’s rendering of the proposed Mars Transfer Vehicle that would use NTR – Nuclear Thermic Rocket -Propulsion 




The beings that were left behind on earth are a composite of ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly,’ to use a movie metaphor: abandero or dero, and the not-so-bad, sometimes good, tero. Dero kept themselves “Dosed-up,” so-to-speak, through their machines which allowed them to continue long but torturous lives of radiation poisoning from the sun.

The Tero were a little more fortunate, knew the danger of the destructive “de” from the Sun, as well as the mechanics of surviving in such a surrealistic world. Some Tero actually waged war against the Dero who had the advantage of combat with their Ben-ray, Stim-ray, Telesolidography, and Telepathic-Augmentor.


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And then, there are the “surface dwellers”: we humans, who have to deal with apparitions, ghosts, poltergeists, surface-type diseases and other mysterious calamities.




Out of such a rich but chaotic history grew the legends of other legends; tales of other tales; Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, The Oahspe Bible, Hades (Hell), and hundreds of other sagas.


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The Hidden Underworld


Palmer reconstructed Shaver’s story-line for Amazing Stories and presented the manuscripts in a serious vain and found himself avalanched by responses from thousands of readers with a chorus of “Real! This is really happening!”  Most were certifiably sane. Carl Sagan said and (quoted by Elz Cuya) “….renamed the scientific method, ‘the baloney detection kit.’  He admitted that science at times had been wrong.”




If Shaver was insane, he also appeared correct, exampled by one such claim that the Elder Race lived on “dark, cold worlds,” away from deadly effects of space and sun radiation (exd) which carries “de, der, dir or d” ash, as compared to good matter – integrative energy – te, ter or t.

Like Zacharia Sitchin (1976), Immanuel Velikovsky (1950), Harold Jeffreys (1924), Shaver’s stories also told of cosmic catastrophe: Planets were dislodged, orbits realigned, and crash events occurred. The Elder Race feared none of this on their ‘dark planet’ of the Nortonean Race.




Princess Vanic and other “Elder Gods,” as recorded in Shaver’s I Remember Lemuria (1948), lived on the ‘sunless Nor’: they were “Nortons” who could thrive in ‘dark space’; they were ‘Titans,’ ‘Atlans,’ and ‘Nor-tons.’ They did avoid the “black death” from the “masses of (the) poisonous particles” from any sun or star (also called ‘dis’ or ‘de’). Such poison eventually causes ‘radioactive disease’ known as ‘‘age.’’ 

Nortons were protected by a “carbon shell” canopy. Unfortunately, our sun, Sol, captured Nor and over many eons, the “shell” burned away about 30,000 years ago, allowing the destructive “de, der, dir or d” to enter the surface and cause havoc, disease, and aging. A residual “exd,” or ash, pushed back causing ‘gravity’ (A lot of Shaver’s ‘formulas’, said Palmer, have been found to be eventually true).

Not only was the capture of the “cold planet” a major epiphany-event but there were cataclysmic events and collisions of celestial bodies through the solar system.

This resulted in various legends.




As mentioned, some legends appeared to be copies or remnant stories of other legends: issue tales of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, and Shaver’s strange “Mantong” language and alphabet where each letter denoted meaning: one word could seemingly have been a complete sentence or more.

When the “gods” left earth, they also abandoned superior machinery and diseased monsters that took “surface dwellers” into their Realm as “shanghaied slaves.”

Shaver died in November 1975 (same month I was confronted with the Kafkaesque world of the multi-billion-dollar Divorce Industry, Scam, and Racket). Ray Palmer died in August 1977, just two years after his dear friend Richard Shaver.




Donald Wesley Patten referred to such a mysterious celestial body moving tremulously through our solar system as “the Visitor” (The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch, Pacific Meridan Publishing Company, 1966, p. 139).  As a professional Geographer, M.A., Patten came to believe that a number of cosmic and planetary events disturbed the evolution of earth and its inhabitants. Rather than a “carbon shell,” Patten believed Earth had a “water canopy” (evidenced by a residual Van Allen Belt around the planet). The “canopy” was destroyed by a combination of events in the solar system. This “canopy” protected the earth from radiation and space debris (referred to in the Book of Genesis in the Scriptures as “the waters above”), allowing a rather deterioration-free world. The intimate details were in Patten’s book and related works of Immanuel Velikovsky and Jim Wentworth’s Giants in the Earth; but all theories and legends held questionable “gaps” and begged multiple queries as yet unanswered or challenged.




Klarfeld answers numerous questions; I cannot say he will answer questions to everyone’s satisfaction. He examines Sumerian and ancient archeology through four categories: S.I.T – or – Stored Information Text (cuneiform tablets), S.I.Ts – or – Stored Information Tablets (cuneiform tablets), S.I.D – or – Stored Information Device (cylinder seals), S.I.Sc – or – Stored Information Sculpture (Ishtar statue, etc.), and S.I.S.t – or – Stored Information Structure (pyramids).




The pyramids certainly seemed mysterious enough to be classified as possibly an actual alien “structure”: 2.3 million bricks in the Giza pyramid with a satellite view of being only two inches off at the apex.  This is a tolerance of 1/1,000,000 of an inch.

But the question seemed affordable to ask: why did the Sumerians, who consorted with the Anunnaki beings and leaders, not “demand,” or, at least, query their Creators about obtaining or inventing their super-technology? They could have insisted or campaigned as so that the Anunnaki put their laser, radio, and other advanced machinery at their disposal. Conversely, the Anunnaki could have circumnavigated cuneiform tablets and cylinder-seals and ‘had given’ the Eridue superior machines.




Why is there only history of the Anunnaki in the Mesopotamian civilization? Or, did the “Nephilim” do a very good job of keeping their existence of technology completely out of the hands of the Enkidu?  Why allow ‘any’ technological transfer?

(Tantalizing questions are further posed in Part II of the curiosities of the Elder Gods and the reality of the planet Nibiru.)


The Psychrophiles Are Coming!

Part II




Klarfeld offers the mysteries of Stonehenge as another bit of evidence of ancient super-civilizations. Klarfeld says the stones were erected on a prior 285-foot-diameter circle of 56 chalk holes. The Audrey Circle, say its defenders, is an early eclipse-computer with precise knowledge of celestial mechanics. Stonehenge’s earliest portion dates approximately 2950-2900 BCE, Middle Neolithic, and having enormous knowledge about the earth’s relation to celestial bodies, enabled as S.I.D and S.I.S.t devices.




The Uruk, Nipper, Kishilarsa, Ur, Eridu, and Anunnaki peoples left many clues: stones, says Klarfield, that can only have been chiseled and moved by an advanced technology. One stone weighs over 1,200 tons; the St. Louis Gateway Arch weighs 900 tons. Some megalith stones are found raised 36 feet above the ground and end to end.




The pyramid of Giza (and several other pyramids) still defied complete explanation by its critics of an S.I.S.t.  Pyramid fascinations included: Its engineers knew of the proportions of “pi” and the Golden Mean, Pythagorean Triangles, thousands of years before Pythagoras lived. Passageways, said defenders, could not be produced with copper or bronze tools; the builders also knew the precise spherical shape and size of the Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury and star positions.


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The Pyramids as a Grand Communication Tool




Sitchin’s legends told of the messenger Galzu, instructed by the Creator of All, telling the Anunnaki to save humanity and advance human civilization.  In “The Lost Book of Enki,” Enki and Enlil debated using “Weapons of Terror”: atomic-tipped missiles stored on earth and used in war: issue Sodom and Gomorrah, the “evil wind” (radiation fallout) which destroyed the Sumerian alien-hybrids. The Halexandria Foundation stated: “Unfortunately, Lot’s wife looked behind her, and was turned into a pillar of salt for her trouble. [6/22/06 – One reader, Paul Cilwa, had noted that ‘In Hebrew, the word used for ‘salt’ also means ‘vapor.’ Lot’s wife wasn’t turned to salt. She was vaporized. When Abraham got wind of the event, ‘he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.’ (Genesis 19:28).]”


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The Vaporization of Lot’s Wife


The Foundation continued: “The aftermath was so terrifying that Lot and his daughters fled to a cave, where the natural assumption was that the human race was doomed (i.e. no men to beget children). The daughters then took the next step of lying with their father, conceived, and ultimately bore sons.

“Notice how all of the ingredients in the Biblical story account for the destruction of the cities by a nuclear blast.”




Possible clues also further substantiated the atomic war. Mark Hempsell of Brisatol University, based on the cuneiform symbols in Planisphere tablets of a Sumerian astronomer, postulated a large asteroid passed over the area scorching 386,000 square miles and sending out debris and shock waves. The text spoke of:  “a white stone bowl being vigorously swept along.”

The cities, also known as Bab edh Dhra and Numeira, showed signs of fire from above as well as a “burn layer” at Numeira. “To this day, unnatural levels of radioactivity are found in the water of springs around the southernmost edges of the Dead Sea. One study confirmed that this radioactivity was sufficiently high to ‘induce sterility and allied afflictions in any animals and humans that absorbed it over a number of years. Further evidence of an explosion is being revealed by the falling level of the Dead Sea, which has in recent years dropped from 1,280 feet to 1,340 feet below sea level.’”


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The City of Bab Edh Dhra – was it destroyed by an Atomic Blast?




“The isolation of the fossil water body give it characteristic chemical and radioactive properties, including low values of radioactive tritium and radium and the presence of bivalent iron, which indicates a lack of oxygen. One study found that radioactive isotopes had been introduced into the surface layers and mixed throughout the water column before its stratification.”


“A strong correlation between radium activity and salinity was also evident in groundwater along the rift valley between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, as well as in groundwater from the Judea Group rocks in the Negev. The general rule is that in freshwater conditions, most of the radium remains in the aquifer rocks, while in saline conditions the radium escapes from the rocks and has high concentrations in groundwater. Other studies have established that groundwater with no oxygen also is typically enriched in radium.”





Based on evidence found at Harappa, could this not be the case at Sodom and Gomorrah as well?

“The levels of radiation registered so high on investigators’ gauges that the Indian government cordoned off the region. Scientists then apparently unearthed an ancient city where they found evidence of an atomic blast dating back thousands of years: from 8,000 to 12,000 years.” .



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Some were laid out as if in an Aerial Blast 




Some artifacts are disputed, some disproven, some appeared to be hoaxes—-such as the Crystal Skulls. All in all, the accuracy of the Sumerian account boiled down to whether an inhabited planet came around our Sun from deep space.

Klarfeld says that legends title this mysterious Planet X as Marduk, The Winged Globe, Treta, Yuga, The Celestial Disk, and Nemesis.


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Artist Conception of Planet X




Could molecular life as we know it have existed on “dark planets” so far from radiant heat or warmth?

Life on planets in our solar system exists because of ideal or quasi-ideal “goldilocks” positions from a heat source in the universe that “sets the stage.” Mars probes and discoveries on Europa, the fourth-largest moon of Jupiter (which has a possible 50-mile-ocean-breeding-ground) gave wonder about the tenacity of life. Internal heat from volcanism and other factors inspired us to new and fresh viewpoints.




Rare and bizarrely exotic life existed and evolved under the strenuously cantankerous and perhaps perilous conditions. Science seemed to indicate that life “yearns” to exist, even in hostilely macabre environments. In Oymyakon in the northern hemisphere, birds in mid-flight froze because the temperatures are so cold.  The Hot Spring of Sakha (“non-freezing water”) supported life in temperatures of -60-degree centigrade to -71.2-degree centigrade. Vostok, about 1,300 km from the South Pole has a low temperature of -128.6-degrees-fahrenheit (and winds up to 60 mph), yet life was found. During Polar Night, in low oxygen at an 11,312-foot altitude, life abounded.


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Permafrost Life- Coldest Living Organisms – Cryptoendoliths


Scientists pointed to life in Chile’s cruelly dry Atacama Desert, the 10,000-foot-thick ice plateaus in Greenland, the 750-degree-fahrenheit hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, and mitochondria in a microscopic “harsh world.”


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Organisms Found in Deepest Part of  Ocean 




Antarctica flourished with bacteria living because of ‘cold shock proteins,’ said Dr. William P. McGiven, and proteins carrying metabolic enzymes that allow ‘ice re-crystallization inhibition (RI) activity.’



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McGiven found that proteolytic cleavage in a creature called hydrogenophilus or chemolithoautotrophy can change the physical structure of the ice around them through “stress chaperones or stress proteins.”




Psychrophilic organisms were found at -112-degrees-F; they were “psychrotolerant”: able to survive in either cold or warm temperatures. Archaea creatures were thermophiles that, contrarily, were ‘‘heat-loving,” demonstrating the wide-range of spectacular life.

Toxic cyanobacteria secreted “anti-freeze chemicals,” exopolymers, mucus that allowed insulation; yeast and nematode worms utilized trehalose sugar; and in the Antarctic Taylor Dry Valley, organisms flourished in calcium chloride in the Ross Ice Shelf.



The Psychrophiles Antarctica Meduza-Atolla

Diplulmaris Antarctica


Carol Cleland and Microbiologist Sheely Copley of NASA’S Astrobiology Institute spoke of a “shadow biosphere” wherein all kinds of “weird life” intersect and thrive on earth, some in symbiotic relationships, but all suspended in diversified and “staggeringly” cooperative and competitively strange and harsh life.


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Tardigrades Survived Cold Outer Space


We must consider: what about life on distant worlds?




One can only have speculated that in billions of years in crossing space to, briefly (several hundred years out of thousands), pass a sun in its orbit, as to what type of life could evolve on a “dark planet.” Obviously, life would be unique, to say the least, for it would not depend on the traditional “goldilocks” mechanisms we’re usually assumed.


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Pharaoh Akhenaten may have had Extraterrestrial Heritage 


Gravity would be quite different, due to the individual planetary terrain. There would not be the Sun’s “constant” harmful radiation; perhaps such a planet might itself be an “organism” enveloped in some ‘cloud’ or ‘shell’ causing surface evolutionary mechanisms. Such ‘shields’ may become threatened by eventual catastrophe causing the inhabitants to search out artificial survival morphing.

One could envision large, almost “pupil-less” eyes to allow as much light in as possible; thin, elongated features due to odd gravity strains, and inner organs much reported like the artist conceptions in the alleged, famed “humanoid grey creatures” of 1947, Roswell, New Mexico, UFO crash.


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Humanoid depicted at Roswell, New Mexico, 1947


According to Sitchenites, the Anunnaki created Enkidu-type hybrids to mine gold from the bowels of the earth because Anunnaki had a medical and ecological need for it.  Sitchenites speculated: gold dust or salts have anti-inflammatory uses or the ability to reduce arthritic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and tuberculosis. Gold, also, has a use in radioisotopes and electrical conductivity.

Obviously, as a basis for our legends, the Anunnaki may have had a “broken” ozone layer or damage to their “cloud-shield.” Gold, as various solid and dust forms, may have been used as an aid or protectant (we see our ‘modern chem-trails’ being sprayed by humans today).




Researchers speculated about gold’s anti-cancer properties when induced as nanoparticles to fight “cellular deformations.” It may fix strings of DNA and regulate the hormonal functions of the human endocrine system.


Gold had electrical aspects as a “superconductor.” Metallurgy and chemistry were still progressing into the monoatomic reality of elements. Theorists talked of arranging the atoms into singular atoms causing very little deletion of energy input, as a superconductor, and enhancing the body brain-power and memory, even acting as a time-machine in some ‘monatomic optimum.’ 



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The Anunnaki had a Medicinal Use for Gold 

Metallurgy and chemistry were still progressing into the reality of the elements.




Sadly, major consensuses of scientists attacked such claims by Sitchen and similar “catastrophists”:

Farley V. Ferrante, SMU Physics Department, August 7, 2012: 

“Sitchen’s scientifically liberating work is filled with poor scholarship, poor translations, and poor science.”

The Seal VA/243 was later described, by Roger Westcott, professor emeritus of Anthropology and Linguistics at Drew University, as merely ‘stars.’ Michael S. Heiser, M.A and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic languages at the University of Wisconsin lambasted Sitchin’s translations of the texts as grossly misleading and inadequate.

Astronomers of similar style and rank, said Ferrante, have failed to spot Nibiru in its approach into our domain. Such critics pointed out that Akkadian and Sumerian texts were, supposedly, actually talking about Jupiter as the god Marduk (Nibiru). They “frowned” on the idea of a planet “frozen solid” being capable of supporting life; that out of a 3,600-year-orbit, only 153-years would be in sunlight and supposedly life-supporting: if, if, if……… 




Despite these threads of contention, facing a magnanimous universe, final answers were hidden in the midst of infinite questions; confluence guarded the darkest secrets of the great beyond. Only in the never-ending search, will we finally know if Sitchin, Patten, Velikovsky, Shaver, Palmer, John Keel, and others in this matrix of inquiry, will be found correct: sicitor ad astra (“Thus one goes to the stars”, Aeneid, Virgil).


Steve Erdmann can be reached at dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com; or, independdenterdmann@gmail.com;
also, www.facebook.com/#!/stephen.erdmann1
You can friend him at –  Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1,
or, visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group at – https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/.


Founding members of UFO Study Group November 1967 4-24-2017 1;25;37 PM.jpg new

Steve Erdmann – on left – 1967 – 
Investigative Journalist



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Humanoid depicted at Roswell, New Mexico, 1947

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Statue of Akhenaten – Akhenaten ascended to the throne as the 10th Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty in 1352 B.C. He is depicted in paintings and carvings with an elongated skull, which some ancient alien theorists see as a sign of extraterrestrial heritage.

The Psychrophiles towerofbabel

“The storied tower of Birs Nimrud counts seven of these quadrangular platforms painted in seven colors, black, white, yellow, blue, scarlet, silver and gold, and in the same order sacred to the stellar gods, Adar (Saturn), Ishtar (Venus), Merodach (Jupiter), Nebo (Mercury), Nergal (Mars), Sin (the Moon), Shamash (the Sun).”

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Artist’s rendering of the proposed Mars Transfer Vehicle that would use NTR

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Universal phylogenetic tree of life based on 16S rRNA sequences, emphasizing the domains of Bacteria and Archaea. Orange branches indicate hyperthermophiles that grow at ≥90 °C; purple branches, groups that contain known (cultured) psychrotolerant strains; and blue branches, groups that contain known psychrophiles. Note that the (uncultured) marine Crenarchaeota are colored purple because degree of cold adaptation is not known.

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Permafrost Life- Coldest Living Organisms – Cryptoendoliths
Extremophilic microbes are a wild bunch. They can be found thriving in some of the most hostile environments imaginable – swimming in near-boiling water, eating rocks, lounging in sub-zero temperatures, and hanging out where radiation levels rival nuclear reactors.
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Organisms Found in Deepest Part of  Ocean 
The benthic zone includes the entire sea floor. About 200,000 species of plants and animals live here. They live on the continental shelf and continental slope. Hydrothermal vents discovered in 1977 are also teeming with life. These plants and animals do not need sunlight to exist.
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Tardigrades are a class of microscopic animals with eight limbs and a strange, alien-like behavior. William Miller, a leading tardigrade researcher at Baker University, says these creatures are remarkably abundant. Hundreds of species “are found across the seven continents; everywhere from the highest mountain to the lowest sea,” he says. “Many species of tardigrades live in water, but on land, you find them almost everywhere there’s moss or lichen.”  In 2007, scientists discovered that these microscopic critters can survive an extended stay in the cold, irradiated vacuum of outer space. A European team of researchers sent a group of living tardigrades to orbit the earth on the outside of a FOTON-M3 rocket for ten days.  When the water bears returned to Earth, the scientists discovered that 68 percent lived through the ordeal.

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Zecharia Sitchin, Supporter of Planet Nibiru and of the Anunnaki

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Richard Sharpe Shaver and publisher Ray A. Palmer

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Ray Palmer’s series of Amazing Stories on the Hidden World 
The Hidden Underworld

The Psychrophiles Antarctica Meduza-Atolla

Diplulmaris antarctica
Jellyfish species Diplulmaris Antarctica floats with the current just offshore of McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica. This species is generally found in Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula near the surface in continental shelf waters. It’s colorless umbrella can be up to 18 centimeters in diameter and its diet consists mainly of copepods, euphausiid larvae, medusae, ctenophores, fish larvae and molluscan pteropods.

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The Psychrophiles Art MDJackson_Shaver_5-200x300

The Shaver Mystery is part of the history of Amazing Stories Magazine, but it is certainly not considered one of the magazine’s shining moments.  Barry Malzberg touched on it briefly in his blog post. In a nutshell, the Shaver Mystery was the “UFO phenomenon” before the actual UFO phenomenon. 
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The Vaporization of Lot’s Wife

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The City of Bab Edh Dhra – was it destroyed by an Atomic Blast?

The Psychrophiles mohenjo skeletons

Some were laid out as if in an Aerial Blast 

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The Pyramids as a Grand Communication Tool

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The Anunnaki had a Medicinal Use for Gold 

The Psychrophiles Wraith_attack

They came – They saw – They conquered! 

The Psychrophiles abeautifulmind

A Beautiful Mind” – Actor Richard Crowe (John Nash) Contemplates the Uncharted Designs in Crystal Glass and Fellow Classmate’s Tie. 

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“There has to be a mathematical explanation for how bad your tie is.”
John Nash (Richard Crowe) Speculating on Little Noticed Mathematical Designs in Movie A Beautiful Mind.

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Artist Conception of Planet X
Another version of this article an be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/13/the-unnatural-universe/

Kennedy’s Hidden Enemies

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President John F. Kennedy



Dirty Tricks and Kennedy Assassins




Steve Erdmann



Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2015.
This article was originally published in UFO Digest issues March 19 through April 12, 2015.
It is printed here with permission.
A similar version can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/02/they-tricked-kennedy/
Reviewers and journalists can quote small portions as long as they give full credits to original.




“The entire complex plan to blame Oswald for a crime that he did not commit, a crime that had even taken place when the CIA began to lay a trail that would inexorably lead to an innocent man, involved cables to Mexican police authorities, instructions from the CIA to its Mexico City assets, in the police department there to arrest and silence witness at the Cuban embassy, a citizen of Mexico, who would not accept the false CIA legend and subsequently the use of demagoguery to present a false legend to the Warren Commission as fact. Each action by the CIA, including its destruction of its own files when an inquiry began, is a building block in the case against the CIA for its part in the assassination.” (Mark Lane, Last Word, p. 285.)


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(Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK, Mark Lane, Skyhorse Publishing, www.skyhorsepublishing.com, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10018, info@skyhorsepublishing.com, 2011, 300 pages, $24.95.)

Such is a nutshell-review of the late Mark Lane’s conclusion of a lifetime investigation into the reasons and facts behind the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Mark Lane was an attorney and also an author of nine books, including Rush to Judgment and Plausible Denial.

Lane painstakingly devotes chapters to the analysis of the various scenarios constituting a case against the CIA and its methods to destroy and control the public.




In a cavalcade of topics, Mark Lane reviews arguments and scenes from the assassination. I will selectively choose only a few, leaving many other portions for the reader’s perusal.


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The Late Mark Lane – Journalist – Investigator -Attorney 


# The Jean Hill testimony about the four to six shots she heard in the Dallas Dealey Plaza: “…shots had come from behind a wooden fence on the grassy knoll.” Arlen Specter, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also the author of the infamous “single-bullet-theory,” confronted Jean Hill in about the same way that Specter questioned Anita F. Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings. “She said that Specter did everything possible to force her to state that she had heard only three shots and that none of them came from the grassy knoll. Jean told me that Specter said that he would release the rumor that she had an extramarital affair and that in the end, she would end up looking as if she was crazy, ‘just as Oswald’s mother had.’ She said that he wanted her to accept the conclusions that he had reached before he met her.” Jean Hill added: “He was so mean I could hardly believe it.”


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Witness Jean Hill Pointing to JFK Line of Fire


Such temperaments will be seen throughout JFK assassination debates and groups, often not only as a sign of narcissism (and other psychological aberrations), but also possibly a sign of the extent of the CIA psyops and psywar issued by that agency and its infiltration into the media and the lives of Americans.

# The finding of the 7.65 German Mauser on the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository building on November22, 1963. Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman made a sworn statement describing the Mauser, including its 4/18 telescopic sight. Lieutenant J.C. Day also examined the weapon. The next day, the Mauser turned into an Italian Manlicher-Carcano 6.5. “I wondered how anyone who had looked at that weapon could have identified it differently.” Says Lane, “The Italian rifle became part of the foundation upon which the government built its case, but as it turns out it, too, became suspect.”


Phtos Extra JFK Scene JFK movie Kevin Costner Dealey Plaza Jay O Sander Oliver Stone

Garrison Times Shots in Scene From Movie JFK


# Lane quotes Tip O’Neill, the former speaker of the house, as to how the FBI intimidated him to change his testimony that he heard two shots that came behind the knoll fence. “I told the FBI what I had heard, but they said it couldn’t have happened that way and that I must have been imagining things,” said O’Neill, “so I testified the way they wanted me to.”

# Lane outlines interesting facts about witness Acquilla Clemons: Clemons was an eyewitness to the murder of Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit; she said that two men had been involved in the murder, one was “kind of heavy” and the other “was tall and then thin and wore light Khaki trousers and a white shirt.” When shown a picture of Oswald, Miss Clemons said that Oswald was not one of the two men she had seen.  Clemons said that one man fired at Tippit, the other waved to his partner and they both “ran from the scene in opposite directions.”  Lane said that Clemons’ comments were “corroborated by other witnesses who saw men running from the scene and who stated that Oswald was not one of them.”  

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Photos of the Tippit Shooting Crime Scene


Clemons said she had been threatened by two men who said they worked for the Dallas Police Department “and ordered her not to talk.” They wore guns and threatened that if she talked to anyone she “might get hurt” if she talked to the Warren Commission, she “might get killed.”    

The Warren Commission dismissed her claims as “speculation and rumor.” The Commission claimed, says Lane, “…such a woman did not exist.”  Lane testified about Clemons in July 1964. During September 1964, Dorothy Kilgallen conducted an additional intervention.

“She was a courageous woman who came forward, to tell the truth about what she witnessed,” says Lane, “although her life had been threatened.”  (p. 27.)




Lane talks about the life and, later, death of Dorothy Kilgallen, a columnist for the New York Journal-American (Dorothy had been actively investigating the Kennedy assassination and obtained “a copy of Jack Ruby’s testimony, the classified top secret” files); both, Dorothy and Mark Lane, exchanged information on the topic.

“She knew that the FBI had focused its legions upon our work,” says Lane. “She wrote in the JournalAmerican (that) the FBI ‘might have been more profitably employed in probing the facts of the case rather than how I got them.’ Of course, it was not the facts that the FBI sought – it was instead a method to suppress them.” 


Dorothy Kilgallen at Typewriter

It is believed Dorothy Kilgallen was Assassinated


Following Dorothy’s interview with Jack Ruby in 1965, she told Florence Smith, and other friends, that she was about to “break the case wide open.” She gave her notes to Smith. On November 18, 1965, Dorothy died; two days later, Florence died of a cerebral hemorrhage. All of the notes could not be located. Researcher Richard Kollmar told Lane “that Dorothy had died because of her efforts to investigate the assassination.” Kollmar refused to talk any further. Unfortunately, in 1971 Kollmar committed suicide. Biographer and Editor Lee Israel examined all her available evidence on Kilgallon. “She concluded that Dorothy had been murdered,” says Lane.




Deputy Sheriff Roger D. Craig’s observations on November 22 proved to be extremely important: 1) He interviewed Arnold Rowland and his wife who saw two men on the sixth floor of the book depository building, one with a rifle and telescopic sight. 2) He was about eight feet from Deputy Sheriff Eugene Bloom when the German Mauser was found, followed by Dallas Police Captain Will Fritz doing an official police identification. The CIA’s Top Secret memo still listed the rifle (on November 25, 1963) as a German Mauser and not an Italian-Mannlicher-Carcano; says Lane: “Apparently the interagency coordination was imperfect.”


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Roger Craig Disputed the Weapons Found in the Depository


Craig also said that he witnessed Oswald traveling from behind the book depository building to a light-colored station wagon with one driver, after about fifteen minutes after the gunfire started. The station wagon was speculated as to belonging to Ruth Paine (a former landlord and a lady, possibly unbeknownst to Oswald, as having CIA connections…SE).

“That fifteen-minute delay,” says Lane, “demonstrated that the Commission’s version was inaccurate.”

Craig was fired from the Sheriff’s Department in 1967 because of his discourse about the assassination. When later participating in the Garrison trial of Clay Shaw “a sniper fired a shot that grazed his head.” During some buzz about a possible Congressional investigation, another shot was fired at him. “Later, the car that Craig was driving was forced off the road by two men in a vehicle parked across the highway,” says Lane. “He was seriously injured and hospitalized for one year with a broken back, broken leg, and other injuries.”  (p. 203.)

On May 15, 1975, Craig was shot to death with a rifle. Craig’s good friend Penn Jones, Jr., said that Craig did not own a rifle, and he seriously doubted that “Craig had killed himself.”




Lane spends considerable time telling about the difficulties of various witnesses associated with the Kennedy assassination, such as Lisa Howard, and investigators, such as District Attorney of New Orleans Jim Garrison, but Lane also displays the various tactics that the CIA used in what could be termed as “psyops.”

“This is the method now employed,” says Lane. “An independent publication is chosen to mask the source. A CIA puppet is placed there and given an impressive title. The CIA then provides the propaganda. It appears as an independent concept when published…then cites the ‘independent’ writer and the ‘independent’ publication as the source as it spreads its false allegations throughout the world. In the intelligence world, some refer to this as sheep-dipping. Their wolf had been dipped into a sheep’s bath and came up smelling quite neutral.”

Lane examines the various documents and cases concerning CIA manipulation and machinations. Lane cautiously displays the antics of the CIA in what has become known assassination-related “programs” around the globe. He outlines the various Mind Control experiments of CIA operatives such as Dr. Paul Hoch and Sidney Gottlieb. One such CIA writer-asset was Max Holland who wrote, often in cryptic and psychologically barbed attacks, for Nation Magazine, New York Times Magazine and numerous critiques challenging proven and known facts in the Kennedy assassination.

An example is Holland’s parading Dallas Dealey Plaza witness Amos L. Euins as a “precise” witness, yet, as Lane points out, Euins couldn’t decide if he saw “a colored man” or a “white man” in the Book Depository window on November 22. Euins later told Arlen Specter that “I didn’t get to see him.” Sergeant D. V. Harkness of the Dallas Police Department said that Euins told him the shots came from the “fifth floor of the Texas School Depository,” not the sixth-floor sixth floor.

Holland likewise made one such “planted” remark about fellow CIA operative (the late Garrison suspect) Clay Shaw that Shaw died “prematurely.”  Lane points out that such a diagnosis was not possible as Shaw’s attorney did not allow an autopsy or his notifying the New Orleans’s Coroner’s Office.


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Journalist Max Holland Defended the Warren Commission


Holland likewise used “gimmick” language, says Lane, in calling the Garrison prosecution of Shaw “a farce and without basis.” Yet, as Lane points out, “the House Select Committee on Assassination found that evidence developed by Jim Garrison uncovered Kennedy assassination connections between David Ferrie, a suspect in the assassination of President Kennedy, and Clay Shaw and Lee Harvey Oswald.”


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 There was a lot of Reasons to Murder Clay Shaw

Unfortunately, the CIA’s controlling of the public’s press is child’s play, as Lane reveals, to some other government naughtiness.




Lane looks into the CIA hand print of assassination around the globe. The Phoenix Program entailed the murder of 26,369 South Vietnamese while under CIA control. Scholars who studied the program stated that between August 1968 and June 1971, the CIA killed 40,000 civilians.

“Others who read the firsthand reports stated that the program was aimed at civilians, not Army personnel and that those who approached on the lists utilized by the CIA,” says Lane, “were tortured, imprisoned without trial, or killed without trial.” (p. 252.)

Barton Osborn, a former Phoenix Operation Case Officer, testified before a congressional committee that the program was a “sterile, depersonalized murder program.”


DirtyTricks Mind-Control


Equally disturbing are the facts that Lane uncovers about the CIA’s MKULTRA, Project Bluebird, and the Special Operations Division of the Technical Service’s experiments in German “Mind Kontrolle.” A number of individuals were involved in rather predatory experiments:

# There were control-experiments by CIA operative Sidney Gottlieb of the Technical Service Division (TSS) for “research to develop a capability in the covert use of biological and chemical materials.” Others in the program were Major General William Creasy, George Hunter White, and Harold Isbell. 

# There was also experiments with LSD in the 1950’s that led victims such as Dr. Frank Olson, Stanley Glickman, Harold Blauer, Gail Kastner, and James Stanley, to their dire health or death. Theodore John Kaczynski, the Unabomber, became a victim of “the MKULTRA mind-altering program.” (pp. 266, 267.)


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Ted Kaczynski: a Product of Government Mind Experiments




Lane’s book is a rich plethora of mysterious topics: David Atlee Phillips and the CIA in Mexico City; Secret Service foul-ups in the Kennedy motorcade; Secret coordinate with the CIA and FBI censoring of information (p. 235); the CIA Service agent Abraham Bolden’s testimony; anti-conspiratorialist Vincent Bugliosi’s “gigantic” attempt to rewrite history; the phony and mysterious secret service agents at the grassy knoll wooden fence as witnessed by Dallas police officer Joe Marshall Smith; Robert G. Blakey’s congressional committee that opted to cooperate with the CIA and FBI censoring of information (p.235); and the operative George de Mohrenschildt story; and many other areas of discussion.

“Our system of government has been traduced by the emergence of a fourth branch, the Central Intelligence Agency; a branch which repudiates legislative limits, ignores Presidential edicts, and refuses to respond to the decisions of the judiciary,” says Lane, “…the CIA alone has insisted upon and created its own rules that exempt it from seeking collaboration with the legally authorized branches of government.” (p. 280.)   

“The CIA, probably the greatest threat to American principles of democracy, remains unaccountable to Congress or to the American people for its transgressions or the expenditure of its burgeoning budget…a leading terrorist entity.” (p. 253.)




Martin Hay in his Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination (CTKA) book review took issue with Lane that, primarily, Lane left out many areas in the topic that need to be investigated further; these investigations would additionally strengthen the case for conspiracy.

Hay, unfortunately, took issue with Lane’s connecting Fidel Castro’s former girlfriend Marita Lorenz’s story to the Kennedy assassination. Lorenz claimed that in November 1963 she traveled to Dallas in a two-car caravan that included Frank Sturgis, Gerry Patrick Hemming and two brothers named Novo and Pedro Diaz Lanz. Unbeknownst to Lorenz at the time, Sturgis told her later that she would have unwittingly been a part of the assassination. Lorenz, however, before details became obvious, developed suspicions of the meanderings, and flew back to Miami.

“It’s a fancy little story, but Lorenz has serious credibility issues and it is not to his credit that Lane chose not to divulge them here, or in his book written largely about the trial, Plausible Denial,” said Hay. “Respected HSCA investigator Edwin Lopez told author Gerald Posner that ‘Mark Lane was taken in by Marita Lorenz. Oh God, we spent a lot of time on Marita…It was hard to ignore her because she gave us so much crap, and we tried to verify it, but let me tell you—she is full of shit. Between her and Frank Sturgis, we must have wasted over one hundred hours. They were dead ends…Marita is not credible.’” (Posner, Case Closed, p. 467.)

Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation, likewise told the Schweiker Subcommittee and the HSCA that Lorenz’s tale was more or less designed to waste investigators’ time. She had two versions of her travels to tell:

#  In 1977, she related a story “about heading down to the Florida keys in a two-car caravan that included Sturgis, Gerry Patrick Hemming, Alex Rorke, and ‘Rafael Del Pino or Orlando Bosch’ to launch a gun-running mission to Cuba.” In this version, the whole crew headed back to Miami.

#  The second version, she was telling the HSCA, included the same two cars, but this time the cars were heading to Dallas, and “she had bumped Del Pino and Bosch in favor of Novo and Pedro Diaz Lanz.” She added Lee Harvey Oswald into the mix (even though Oswald’s time was fully accounted for).  

Lorenz further claimed to know Oswald in Miami in 1960 and again in the Everglades in early 1961 when they were training for the Bay of Pigs: The Bay of Pigs happened in April 1961 when Oswald was in the Soviet Union. She sold this same misinformation to Lane at the Liberty Lobby trial. Hay pointed out: “…as Lane must, that these details discredit her story, he hides them from his readers by carefully excising all references to Oswald when he quotes from her testimony. As I noted above, this is not to his credit.”


“There is no doubt that the man on the grassy knoll seconds after the shooting was brandishing fake Secret Service credentials,” said Hay. “The question is who in 1963 had the know-how to create them? The answer, as Douglass reveals, is the CIA.”

James W. Douglass quoted from a document written by Stanley Gottlieb, chief of the CIA’s Technical Services Division, that was finally declassified in 2007 in response to a 15-year-old Freedom of Information Act lawsuit: “…over the years the TSD ‘furnished this [Secret] Service’ with ‘gate passes, security passes, passes for presidential campaign, emblems for presidential vehicles; a secure ID photo system.’” (JFK and the Unspeakable, p.266.) Hay commented that this demonstrated that the CIA and their “Cuban exile guerrillas” could easily participate and manipulate the assassination. “This is as good as Lane gets,” said Hay, “when it comes to filling in the details and connecting the CIA to the assassination.”


Some additional possibilities and coincidences that is by-passed by Lane; as related by researcher Author Gus Russo:

# Secret Service agent Mike Howard mentioned that the grassy knoll is a likely place that law enforcement security would be placed.  (Agent) Forrest Sorrels had told him: “We deputized everybody we could get our hands on — including agents from ATF [the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms], customs, border patrol, reserve police, deputy sheriffs, etc. The motorcade route in Dallas was crawling with these people, especially in Dealy Plaza and the overpass.

# Robert Gemberling, the FBI agent in Dallas who investigated Oswald after his arrest, said that he remembered being told that two Customs Agents, who worked at the Post Office building across from Dealey Plaza, were, in fact, spending their lunch break and also helping with security in the knoll area.

# FBI agent James Hosty wrote:  “I later learned that Agent [James] Powell . . . had been in downtown Dallas when the assassination occurred, doing some routine background checks at the Sheriff’s Department across the street from the assassination site. When the call came over that shots may have come from the book depository building, Powell and about twenty sheriff’s deputies dashed over to the building and volunteered their services in searching. Because Powell wasn’t in a police uniform, he at first made people suspicious and was briefly detained by the police while they confirmed his identity.”

# Moreover, Colonel Robert E. Jones, Operations Officer of the 112th Military Intelligence unit in November 1963, told the House Select Committee investigating the assassination in the late 1970’s that the 112th had “a small force, perhaps between eight and twelve men,” assisting the Secret Service in Dallas that day. It is possible that depending on the situation and if necessary, such individuals would have identified themselves as Secret Service officers.

# There was also the possibility that the alleged agent was an agent from the motorcade, Thomas Lemuel Johns, who leaped from the motorcade and surprised everyone.


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Mysterious Police and Government Agents on the Grassy Knoll


All of these possibilities are cotangent, but none would totally exclude CIA connections.




Hay definitely said that Lane was weak in not including some pertinent mentions and areas in his book:

#  Oswald’s associations with Guy Banister, David Ferrie, and Clay Shaw. (“Three men who were up to their eyeballs in CIA connections, or Oswald’s campaign to discredit the FPCC, or his trips to Clinton and Jackson—all of which put Oswald at the very center of intelligence intrigue.”) 

# Although Lane mentions Oswald’s stay in Russia, Lane does not mention the comparative ease with which Oswald returned home with a Russian wife.        

#  Lane only makes passing references to Ruth Paine and the possibility of her being a CIA asset. “…the Secret Service (advised Marina) to sever contact with Ruth because she was ‘sympathetic to the CIA,” says Hay, noting James Douglass on page 173 of his book. 



Lane bows to those who had been time and effort in exposing the evils behind the plot to kill Kennedy, but says there are many other areas of human rights that need support and examination; he plans to devote his time on those areas, hence the title LAST WORD. “Now I hope to spend my days writing about matters of concern to me that I have neglected,” says Lane, “the struggle of Native Americans, cases about innocent people who have been falsely imprisoned and the historic effort of American GIs to bring an end to our never-ending wars.”

Lane notes in ending: “I really do not think that more research is required. We have the unsanctioned indictment of the CIA. We lack only the will and the courage to bring about needed change.”



Researcher George W. Bailey summed up the future course of action rather cogently in his review of Tuesday, December 30, 2011:

Towards the end of his book, Mark Lane builds a case for CIA wrongdoing. There are assassinations, overthrown governments, media manipulation, CIA run military operations (which still go on today) and wacky mind control experiments. No doubt a nefarious and Machiavellian organization. However, I don’t see where Lane really pins down the CIA for John Kennedy’s death. Yes, plenty of sins here to be sure. But there is still much that is not known, records still classified for reasons of ‘National Security’ for a full case to be presented. Ultimately, big themes such as this must go conjectural in many respects.

“Never the less, Mark Lane’s, Last Word, is a lively and fast-paced read with plenty of points to show that the Warren Report doesn’t pass the smell test and more needs to be done. His response to Anthony Lewis and Vincent Bugliosi’s ad hominem attacks makes for a satisfying rebuttal to bullies. Lane displays no bitterness, just an even-keeled need to set the record straight.”


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The Late Mark Lane, Investigator, and Champion of Civil Rights





Steve Erdmann, 1980s photo
Steve Erdmann, 1980s photo

Steve Erdmann – Investigative Journalist


You can reach Steve Erdmann at – dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com, or – independenterdmann@gmail.com.
You can friend him at –  Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1, or, visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group at – https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/.




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The Late Mark Lane – Journalist – Investigator -Attorney 






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Witness Jean Hill Pointing to JFK Line of Fire







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Roger Craig Disputed the Weapons Found in the Depository






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Photos of the Tippit Shooting Crime Scene








Dorothy Kilgallen at Typewriter

It is believed Dorothy Kilgallen was Assassinated






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Journalist Max Holland Defended the Warren Commission






DirtyTricks Mind-Control





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The Late Mark Lane, Investigator, and Champion of Civil Rights





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Ted Kaczynski: a Product of Government Mind Experiments








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Mysterious Police and Government Agents on the Grassy Knoll







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 There was a lot of Reasons to Murder Clay Shaw





Asimilar version can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/08/02/they-tricked-kennedy/




Tricks of the Mind

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When UFOs Get Tricky




Steve Erdmann

Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2014 
This article was published in the April 21 and May 14, 2014 issues of UFO Digest.
It is printed here with permission.
Reviewers and Journalist free to quote with full credits
Another version of this article can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/07/24/the-world-of-the-trickster/


George P. Hanson portrayed the paranormal, Psi, parapsychology, ghosts, UFOs, and all the monsters that seem to be associated with this arena in complicated detail in The Trickster and the Paranormal. Hansen, formerly employed in parapsychology laboratories for eight years, three at the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina, discovered the Shadow Reality of what appears to be behind these global specters. He believed there are various stages we must go through to discover their origin:

“This recombination of elements is a quality also found in altered (i.e., destructed) states of consciousness,” said Hanson. “Odd assortments of items appear in dreams and in productions of visionary artists. This is perhaps the essence of creativity – producing new patterns, new ways of seeing the world.”


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   George P. Hansen


(The Trickster and the Paranormal, George P. Hanson, Xlibris Corporation, www.xlibris.com, orders@xlibris.com, 1-888-795-4274, 2001, 564 pages, $23.46 [Amazon].)


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Prevalent themes ran through all cultures as shared beliefs, archetypes, and characteristics. Hanson called these repetitive, and often contradictory, characteristics and identities of “the trickster” as scornful. “…tricksters typically engage in deceit…tricksters often disrupt things. They don’t fit in well with the established order. They violate taboos, sometimes so severely that they are forced to live apart from others…deception, disruption, reduced sexual inhibitions, and magical Psi, supernatural practices.”




The concept of the trickster ran as a gamut of lore and beliefs: Hermes of the Greeks, Loki of the Norse, Eshu-Elegba of Africa, Mercurius, and a whole pantheon of gods, goddesses, shamans, and legends. It included mysticism, magic, UFOs, conjurors, and a host of “unbounded phenomena,” as spoken by Hanson, which further included Big Foot sightings, cattle mutilations, UFO flaps, Men in Black, phantom helicopters, and even stranger characters.


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The Trickster Can and Likes to be Seen Often in the Disguise of a Clown 


“Unbounded phenomena are messy; gathering reliable information is difficult, and trickster manifestations are acute,” said Hanson. “These factors conspire to discourage scientific investigation, despite the intriguing response.”

“Another drawback to studying such phenomena is that they intrude into the personal lives of investigators. The full impact of this perhaps cannot be appreciated unless one has had direct experience.”




Hanson saw the conflicts of belief that lead to the manifestations of the ‘trickster’ in the structure of the paranormal-related organizations such as the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). Hanson described CSICOP ingredients:

“It is structural rather than anti-structural; it values hierarchy over communities; it desires stability rather than liminality,” said Hanson. “Nevertheless, because it directly confronts the paranormal, it cannot escape a certain influence from it, and as I will show, the trickster manifests with both the supernatural and its opponents.”

Hanson said that such CSICOP-type debunking was a component of the trickster conflict. The supernatural was rich in all cultures. Slogans such as “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” will not effectively eliminate the supernatural. Hanson said that it was from such a rich soil of the ‘‘energetic, unconscious, archetypal process” that utilized “taboos” which gave birth to the “trickster.” Many other organizations shared and bonded with these same characteristics: clear anti-structural Psi, disorder and deception.




Hanson examined the antics of one Richard C. Doty of the U.S Air Force office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). Hanson studied Doty’s “long and convoluted” association with William L. Moore, MJ-12 papers, Paul Bonnewitz, Linda Howe, and UFO cases such as the Roswell, New Mexico 1947 crashed UFO, the Simone Mendez October, 1981 Top Secret messages, and other stories that portrayed the trickster’s sardonic games.

“Doty really couldn’t have been overlooked,” said Hanson, “after all, Linda Howe had published accounts that raised serious questions, not just about the Air Force, but particularly the AFOSI…and Vallee too raised questions about AFOSI.”




Cecil B. Scott Jones had “multitudinous connections” to “unbounded” phenomena. Jones had exceptionally connected associations in government circles. He also had intimate contacts to New Age, Psi, and UFO topics. He served as president of the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR).

“Jones was not a marginal individual,” said Hanson. “He had access to the highest levels in government. He associated with some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. In fact, some of them financed his activities (1992).”

Hanson went on and tied a long trail of personalities: Bruce Maccabee, John Alexander, Karl Plock, Ed Dames, James Oberg, and several others. All were contributors to the fray.

“Most people think that UFOs, remote viewing, and cattle mutilations are entirely separate domains,” said Hanson, “‘and when these marginal topics are blended, establishment academics and journalists are repulsed. But the mixture is an ideal exemplar for his book. It displays boundary blurring, marginality, and deception, which are trickster characteristics.”

(Current and present-day “players” would have included controversial personalities such as David Icke, Alex Jones, and Edward Snowden: the list would seem endless as the spirit of such phenomena would be continuous. The troupes are far beyond Hanson’s or my directories.)

(The Alex Jones Show was a nationally syndicated news/talk show based out of Austin, TX. The show was syndicated by the Genesis Communication Network on over 60 AM and FM radio stations across the United States, and had gained a large internet based audience. Jones’ mission was to re-ignite the spirit of 1776 and stand as an example of the fact that one man can build a vocal media platform without the aid of big corporate news networks that only serve to compromise and dilute the core message of freedom and liberty.)


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Alex Jones


(In 1999, Mr. Icke came out with his most famous book, The Biggest Secret. This book established the central tenet of Mr. Icke’s philosophy: that the world is run by a race of reptilian aliens that can change their shape and appear to be human, and that the world’s political, economic and social systems are a colossal conspiracy by these evil aliens to enslave mankind. Over his various series of books and lectures, Mr. Icke has expounded on this theory, weaving a complicated science-fiction history of the world wherein these aliens have been breeding humans since ancient times.)

(Edward Snowden was the man responsible for leaking information about secret government cellphone surveillance. He was a 29-year-old former CIA employee and NSA contractor. He was thought to be one of the most significant intelligence leaks in American history.)




Hanson denoted hoaxing as part of the deceptive fabric. He talked about the UFO phenomena as more than “nuts and bolts” aircraft and “flesh and blood” humanoid occupants. 


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The Conquest of the Joker


“UFO phenomena are fundamentally liminal, interstitial, betwixt and between, and anti-structural. UFOs inhabit the realm between heaven and earth (a binary opposition),” said Hanson, “much like spirits and angels, and they share common properties with them. In this domain we also find the blurring of imagination and reality, another binary opposition.” The field is both a goldmine and a cesspool, according to Hanson, but all outlined the “field’s complexity.”




High-profiled witnesses allegedly observed the purported UFO abduction of Linda Napolitano (Cortile) on November 30, 1989. The case was a complicated abduction story of Napolitano from her apartment in lower Manhattan. Undersecretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar, along with two hired bodyguards, was an alleged witness. Another witness, by the pseudonym Janet Kimball, claimed to have witnessed the abduction. The principal UFO investigator was UFO researcher Budd Hopkins, who administered hypnosis.


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Linda Cortile said to be Levitated and Abduction into UFO Over Manhattan


Hanson and other investigators became suspicious of the tale because of the many inconsistencies. Hopkins’s methods, said Hanson, were suspected as inappropriate. Speaking of the suspected hoax, Hanson said:

“The Napolitano case was not a technically difficult or expensive operation, nor would it have required a lot of time or coordination.”

Perez de Cuellar denied knowing Napolitano. Janet Kimball refused to cooperate. Hanson detected a strong “will to believe” among the people involved. (pp. 258-259) “…in many minds,” said Hanson, “the distinction between the hoaxers and the hoaxed is blurred, this being a subtle effect of the trickster.”




The trickster, as Hanson had detailed, existed in an exotic world of ritual clowns, the collapse of cultures, magic tricks, scattered and incoherent happenings. “This is indeed how the trickster appears in our current rationalistic paradigms,” said Hanson.


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Movie Depiction of the Joker-Trickster-Clown


The remainder of Hanson’s book was a maze of organizations, scientific findings, personalities, and tales that exemplified the complex “world of the trickster”: topics were explored such as totem-ism, quantum physics, paranoia, binary oppositions, and rationalization.

Not since the work of psychoanalyst C.G Jung and his book, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, had a professional researcher tried to form a meaningfully broad and worldwide view of bizarre, synchronistic and mystic events. Hanson’s book was one of several increasing attempts over the years.


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Carl Jung was mainly known for his theories on the nature of the “unconscious mind.” However, he did have an interest in the paranormal. Jung also applied his analytical talents in his book Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies (Harcourt Publishers, 1959.). Jung applied his skills in studying the UFO phenomenon. Rather than assuming that the modern prevalence of UFO sightings are due to extraterrestrial craft, Jung reserved judgment on their origin and connected UFOs with archetypal imagery, concluding that they have become a “living myth.” Jung said this myth was possibly underlined by global tensions:

“In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had their abode in the planets….Under these circumstances it would not be at all surprising if those sections of the community who ask themselves nothing were visited by`visions,’ by a widespread myth seriously believed in by some and rejected as absurd by others.”


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C.G. Jung


Jung felt that if the extraterrestrial origin of the phenomena should be confirmed, that our science and technology would be deposited to the scrap heap. He said it would be a catastrophe similar to the Pax Britannica in primitive countries. He also said, “If we wish to avoid such a catastrophe, the authorities in possession of important information should not hesitate to enlighten the public as soon and as completely as possible and should, above all, stop these ridiculous antics of mysteries and vague allusions.”


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Gary Lachman in his recent book, Jung the Mystic: The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung’s Life and Teachings (Tarcher/Penguin, June 2010) said that Jung argued that UFOs were mandalas from outer space. Jung had come upon the image of the mandala, the Sanskrit ‘magic circle,’ as a symbol of psychic wholeness, and he suggested that ‘flying saucers’ were mass archetypal projections, formed by the psychic tension produced by the Cold War that was heating up.




Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller, Ph.D. is an eminent scholar on the subject of C. G. Jung’s Red Book, and Hoeller said that Jungian psychology began with what Dr. Heoller called a “psycho cosmology” that emerged directly from Jung’s work as an artist, visionary, philosopher and prophet. Dr. Hoeller defined Jung as a prophet who told the truth of the Gods – that multidimensional transcendent power that animated our spiritual lives. (T.E Pelton: Mythology, Mysticism and Magic: “C.G. Jung, the Artist, Mystic and Prophet,” May 1, 2011.)

Robert Michael Place likewise said in Synchronicity & Magic (2000: this article first appeared in Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac) that magic was synonymous with what Jung called “synchronicity.” Carl Jung, himself, had stated as much. In his introduction to the Wilhelm/Baynes edition of the I Ching, Jung said that when we successfully consulted this Chinese oracle (which we may consider an act of magic) we are experiencing the principle, which he termed “synchronicity.”

Synchronicity, explained Place, was defined by Jung as a meaningful coincidence of an external event with a psychic event, such as a dream, fantasy, or thought. These events coincided in time in a way that gave them meaning for the observer. They seemed like communications between a divine force and us, and they confirmed that there is a connection or interaction between our psyche and physical reality.


Steve Erdmann had sometimes referred to the unexplained mechanism in the trickster’s performance as ‘the X factor.’ He tried to point to that undefined equation in these happenings.


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The ‘X Factor’ and the Trickster


Jerome Clark summarized in Unexplained: Strange sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena (Visible Ink Press, 3rd edition.): “…we may well ask ourselves ‘are anomalous experiences significant, or are they just some form of absurd, empty display?’ I don’t know. Neither do you. Maybe one day we’ll find out…the three hardest words for a human being to utter are ‘I don’t know.’ We demand an accounting for every claim or experience, and when no accounting is available, someone will invent one for us.”  




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Editor/Researcher Jim W. Mosley (left) with Radio Announcer John Nebel

“So – what is a Trickster?” asked James Mosley in the September 20, 2012 issue of Saucer Smear: “To say there is no easy answer is an understatement…Our own definition of a trickster might be: ‘Someone or something that disrupts the normal order of things, deliberate or otherwise’…we know of instances where everything in a séance is either hoaxed or is explainable nonsense, until something absolutely real and unexplained actually happens. That is the trickster sticking his – its – nose into the séance!”  Moseley points to Christopher O’Brien’s Stalking the Trickster: Shape shifters, Skin walkers, Dark Adepts, and 2012 as a source of information (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2009).  

“The trickster has innumerable internal contradictions, and those are what have made him so different for scholars,” Hanson concluded. “He seems irrational, and he is. The usual scientific concepts are inadequate to fully explain him. He has many meanings and cannot be reduced to a single interpretation. He also resists being placed in any single category.”

Many questions remained, what if the world of mysticism – and UFOs – shared a strong physical reality along with an ethereal side, or, physical realities that shared a strong mystical side? There were adjoining questions: what if those “realities” had several different sources; and what if they had coexisted for ages?

“…what I am positing is that we co-create with Gaia Consciousness, cryptids, aliens, UFO’s, crop circles, electromagnetic anomalies, telepathic abilities (Gaia Consciousness as a carrier frequency), astral apparitions and on into telekinetic events,” said Erik Stitt (April 14, 2010). “Why? Because the Earth and the Human Species are trying to communicate with one another in the form of Psychoterrestrial Phenomena! This is language. This is speaking. This is communication! It may even be Universal.”





Ann Druffel has been dynamic in investigating UFOs since 1957 when she joined the National Investigations Committee on Unidentified Flying Objects. The genial author of Tujunga Canyon Contacts (co-authored by D. Scott Rogo) and How To Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction is a serious individual. She has earned a good reputation and everyone respects her opinions, even when she stentorianly states:

 “The entities who pose as ‘extraterrestrials’ are not what they say they are. Rather, they are apparently unwholesome entities who have deceived and interacted with humans since the dawn of history. Be they mythic, ‘real,’ ‘spiritual,’ inter-dimensional or from a ‘hidden world’ which somehow exists in or alongside our own earth plane, I cannot say, since proof still eludes us. I do know for certain, however, that interfering, shape shifting, ‘otherworldly’ entities have been described by every major culture (and many smaller cultures) on the face of the earth down through the millennia, and that these older cultures developed means to fend them off or, at the very least, recognize them for what they were.”


 “The same secret societies and old European bloodline families are in control of the world today,” said The Secret History of America: The Greatest Conspiracy on Earth. “To better understand what they do, we need to look at their philosophies and ideas. One motto of theirs is ‘Ordo ab Chao’ or ‘order out of chaos.’ First, they create ‘chaos,’ and then they propose the solution, ‘order,’ secretly behind the scenes to control a given situation.”


Participants, experts, shamans, leaders, priests, and occultists claimed knowledge of a Hidden World down through the ages:

“…there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, and so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

President Woodrow Wilson quoted in the United States Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure, Robert Howard, 1999.



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President Woodrow Wilson


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“Much will be made over the recently released ‘Joker’ movie, and a thousand and one interpretations will dispense about the Internet as to the motive and meaning.  It would be much easier to just apply any semblance and motives to ‘ourselves’ and something psychologists are calling ‘masking’ in which humans hide their inner ID Monster behind a veil of ‘do-goodish’ actions and deceptive righteousness, not only brought out by Arthur Fleck but also the humans in the movie as a ‘mob.’  It is, once again, humans daring to ‘unmask’ their real selves and tired of disguising their evil acts and phony intentions”…Steve Erdmann, October, 2019.
Also see:                             http://mask.thebiointernet.com/masking-in-psychology/?fbclid=IwAR00O3uz1SAAX8i2Td8b513lamTRDa5evxVBTcXa3rrr7IQebsxAOjpa0-8
You can reach Steve Erdmann at dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com  – or – independenterdmann@gmail.com.
You can Friend him at https://www.facebook.com/#!/stephen.erdmann1 on Facebook or visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group – at – https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/,

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Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist

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The Trickster Can and Likes to be Seen Often in the Disguise of a Clown 

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Linda Cortile said to be Levitated and Abduction into UFO Over Manhattan

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   George P. Hansen

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Movie Depiction of the Joker-Trickster-Clown

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C.G. Jung

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The ‘X Factor’ and the Trickster

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Editor/Researcher Jim W. Mosley with Radio Announcer John Nebel
Moseley Participated in UFO Hoaxes from Time to Time 


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President Woodrow Wilson

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Anohter version of this artile can be seen  at  https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/07/24/the-world-of-the-trickster/


















The Hidden Reich

The Trail of the Fourth Reich




Steve Erdmann



Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2013.
This article was previously published in the September 4 through September 17, 2013 issues of UFO Digest Magazine.
It is published here with permission.
ufodigest.com/article/trail-fourth-reich-0904 – 0905 – 0906
Reviewers and journalist can quote small portions as long a full credits are given to original article. 
Another version of this article can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/07/16/nazis-and-the-nwo/


Peter Levenda’s rather in-depth and scholarly work delved into the origins of Nazism which began far earlier than Hitler’s January 30, 1933 ascendancy.  Its origins wrest back to an early form of mysticism and perverted paganism; the Thule Society and German-Enoden, Theosophical, runic and magical concepts. Hitler was a “tool, a “creature” of the occultists. In the autumn of 1915, Hitler wrote a poem praising Wotan, the Teutonic Father God, and speaks of runic letters, magic spells, formulas, and esoteric paganism.

(Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda. The Continuum International Publishing Group, Inc. 15 East 26th Street, New York. N.Y 10010, 2003, 423 pages, $16.95.)


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Hitler’s ascent was built on the belief that Germany’s failure in World War I was because of Capitalism, Communism, Freemasons and International Jewry. “If Hitler were in power, his listeners believed, he would throw out all these undesirable elements – by force of arms, if necessary – and the country would be right again.”



Hitler’s rise to power aligned with numerous occult beliefs and practices ranging from Rudolf Hess, Karl Haushofer and others promoting an universal Teutonic Lebensraum to additional occult influences of magician Aleister Crowley (in April, 1904, Crowley alleged contact with a spirit called Ainaz); The Golden Dawn; The Edelweiss Society; The Ordo Templi Orientis; German occult and sex-magic lodges; the Thule Society; Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff.


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Adolf Hitler Practicing His Speech-making


“Although the Thule Gesellschaft had died a slow death,” said Levenda, “Sebottendorff was back to revive it.”

The Germans were finally able to supposedly locate what had destroyed their country, said Lavenda, brought them into war, made them lose the war: a cabal of Jews and Freemasons bent on world domination.


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The Worship of the Nazi Reich


“Democracy. Freemasonry. Judaism. Secret Societies,” said Lavenda, “the Nazis were bent on removing all trace of any philosophical opposition to their cause, for they knew the power of ideas and – the quotation of Chairman Mao notwithstanding – it was far stronger than the power of a gun.”




Heinrich Himmler took control of the SS (Schutzstaffel, Guard Detachment) and created the medieval castle Wewelsburg, Chapter of the Order, built around the notion of King Arthur and the Round Table: the Inner Circle of Twelve Gruppenfuhrers who communicated with dead Teutons and other spiritual rituals (compare this to modern legends of the secreted Skull and Bones Society in America).


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Wewelsburg Castle


(The Wewelsburg Castle was alleged to be the site of a reversed-engineered crashed alien disc with occupants. The object appeared to be a multicolored ball or globe-shaped object which fell near a field near Czernich, Germany in the summer of 1936. The UFO was quickly cordoned off by SS troops from the Hirschberg SS Base, and the domed spacecraft was initially taken to a Base 211. It was also said that the disc was taken to the Wewelsburg Castle and examined by the Reich’s Study Group who applied Vril Technology to a new form of propulsion. It became known as the Tachyonator 7. Said Rob Arndt: “(It was) the first human product of reverse-engineering of non-terrestrial technology.”)


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Freiburg UFO Crash in the Black Forest in 1936.
Was Origination of the Nazi Tachyonator 7 Drive.

“These ceremonies were replete with sacred fires, torch-lit processions and invocation’s of Teutonic deities, all performed by files of young-blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Supermen,” said Lavenda. “Ceremonies that, according to my informants, had been revived in the Andean Mountains…at Colonia Dignidad in the 1960s and which were still being performed there was late as my trip in 1979.”

Nazi occult practices encompassed a long range of esoteric beliefs: The Nordic World-Tree, Yggdrasil, Holy Stones, The Serpent Nidhoggur, The Ahnenerbe, The World Ice Theory Division, the Thousand Year Reich, Thor, Nordic Mother-Soul, and The Holy Grail.




Through the efforts of Karl Maria Wiligut, Otto Rahn, and Heinrich Himmler, an Aryan Cult was created as a proto-Christian society over all Europe and Asia.

“To Hitler and his followers, capitalism was immoral and they equated it with the excesses of the Jewish financiers,” said Lavenda, “that, they said, had brought the nation to ruin during the First World War and depression that followed.”

Stripped of Jewish content, Nazi revisionists of Biblical Scriptures by German academics, people became receptive of Wiligut’s ideas; the SS belief that Christ was Baldor, and a Teutonic Sun God.  The SS became knights of a New Order.

“By claiming the Grail as their own the Nazis rob Christianity of a huge chunk of its popular mythology…as it is, history records no such discovery of the Grail by the Nazis or by anyone else.”




Documents revealed that “mind control” experiments of the Ahnenerbe at Dachau concentration camp consisted of mescaline, cannabinol, marijuana, and hypnotism. Dr. Franz Alfred Six. Ideological Research continued to work for “special forces” through his association with the Gehlen Organization – the spy cabal of ex-Nazis used by the American CIA.  Six had been selected to work on “the Jewish problem.”


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Nazi Mind Control Experts


Catholic Bishop Alois Hudal sympathized with Nazi propaganda, admired the Nazi teachings of Von Liebenfels, and became Procurator of the Oder of German Knights. He aligned himself with a “neo-pagan, pan-German, volkisch movement.” Hudal worked with the underground network and established Nazi escape routes.




Many of Heinrich Himmler’s Black Order “managed to escape and set up shop in South America.”

“Hundreds of files newly released by the Argentine government of President Menem,” said Levenda, “show that many more Nazis managed to flee to South America than had been previously imagined”; true believers of the cult of the Black Order.




The Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and the Outer Head of the Order (OHO) continued in Europe and Switzerland. Elements were found in the Process Church of the Final Judgment, and Scientology.

(In addition to Lavenda’s comments, a 600-page report was discovered, which the Justice Department has tried to keep secret for four years, which provided new evidence about more than two dozen of the most notorious Nazi cases of the last three decades.

The report told of the government’s pursuit of Dr. Josef Mengele, the so-called Angel of Death at Auschwitz [part of whose scalp was kept in a Justice Department official’s drawer]. It also detailed the vigilante killing of a former Waffen SS soldier in New Jersey. It documented the government’s mistaken identification of the Treblinka concentration camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible.

Scathing disclosures came in revealing the Central Intelligence Agency’s participation with Nazi fugitives. Investigators and previous government reports had revealed the C.I.A.’s use of Nazis for postwar intelligence purposes. This report goes further by documenting the level of American cooperation and deception in the cover-up.

The Justice Department report described what it calls “the government’s collaboration with persecutors.” O.S.I investigators learned that some of the Nazis “were indeed knowingly granted entry” to the United States, despite government officials being aware of their pasts. “America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became — in some small measure — a safe haven for persecutors as well,” it said.)


The creator of Hitler’s elite commando force, Otto Skorzeny, aided the escape of Nazi art treasures and fellow German colleagues. He made himself useful to American intelligence and West German industrials and reconstituted Nazi protection of the Organization of Former SS Officers (ODESSA) in the pipeline of Argentina, Egypt, England, Chile and various hideaways for an estimated 70,000 former SS officers; one of the most notable was the heavily armed estate of Colonia Dignidad. Fugitives such as Martin Bormann and Josef Mengele resided in the Dignidad village, as well as Nazi Baron Friedrich August Von Der Heydt.

Bolivia had a Nazi party called The Organization National Socialist Americans (ONSA); Chile had three Nazi parties. Argentina’s Juan Peron was blatantly pro-Nazi and pro-fascist. Most Nazi parties in South America were direct divisions of the greater Nazi party in Germany. Carlos Lehder, neo-Nazi, formed the Movement for Civil Latin National (MCLN) in 1983, and he extolled Hitler “as the greatest warrior in history” (p. 302).


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Argentinian President Juan Peron with Wife Eva in Buenos Aires in 1950.
 Peron Sold 10,000 Blank Argentine Passports to the Nazi Odessa.

This was Bogota, Colombia, but Gestapo Chief Klaus Barbie reached into Bolivia in 1951.

“There was nothing ‘neo’ about Klaus Barbie,” said Lavenda, “he was the genuine article. And there was nothing ‘neo’ about Colonia Dignidad, the latest in a long line of concentration camps and cult centers courtesy of the Third Reich.”

Colonia Dignidad was “a state-of-the-black-art-detention center.” In 1986, underground rooms where prisoners had been held and tortured were discovered and identified (p. 320). A United Nations report of 1976 spoke of electronic equipment where detainees were tied naked to metal frames to receive electric shocks.

“The colony has since changed its name from Colonia Dignidad to Villa Baviera (Bavarian Village), an innocuous-sounding title,” said Lavenda, “that never the less emphasizes its sinister heritage…”


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Villa Baviera aka Haciendeg Dignidad


Nazi occultism ranged at present from The Church of Satan, The Process Church of the Final Judgment, The Natural Renaissance Party, The Temple of Set, and others, such as the Universal Order. In Africa, it was the Afrikaner Resistance Movement. There was the Polish town of Nowa Ruba (Ruda) in the foothills of Fowl Mountains as a one-time Nazi stronghold. (More currently, members of the far-right group 1389 packed brochures on Kosovo and posters titled “Kosovo is Serbia” for their Warsaw trip on November 11 and 12, 2007: the group of 10 joined extreme right-wing organizations from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary at the far-right conference. The extremists organized a march in the streets of Warsaw carrying such slogans as “All of Poland will be white” or “Enough of Jewish occupation.”)

Throughout the United States, there were many off-shoot clans: the Silent Brotherhood, the Aryan Brotherhood, The Order, and others.




But Nazi connections extended beyond Lavenda commentary:  they extended to the topic of UFO reality.

South America is related to several Nazi syndromes: Nazism was spread throughout the country; Tercera Fuerza Nacional Socialism in Bogota, Columbia. The San Carlos de Bariloche Residencia Inalco mansion in Argentina was said to have been a hideaway for Hitler.  Brazil was also a good place to hide for the Nazis because the Mato Grosso jungle was a perfect place to disappear for Nazi fugitives who were hunted. There was also Tierra de Fuego in Argentina: It is suspected that U-boats U-530 and U-977 – along with 54 other German U-boats – “disappeared” after the war. Some allegedly relocated to the South Polar area. Hans-Ulrich Rudel of the German Luftwaffe was being groomed by Hitler to be his successor. “It is known that Rudel made frequent trips to Tierra del Fuego…one of Martin Bormann’s last messages from the bunker in Berlin to Donitz also mentioned Tierra del Fuego.”



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Hitler and His Reich had Hideouts in South America – This One at Nahuel Huapi Lake in Patagonia


A further Nazi hideout was said to have been the mystery villa Gustav Winter, a Nazi safe house in the Canary Islands, according to author Ernst Zundel.

Ernst Zundel recounted that a Japanese naval attaché told him in late 1943 that a German submarine was using an uninhabited island in the Falklands, and a mine barrier was placed in the lagoon entrance. It was suspected by the Japanese that submarine travels were made to the South Atlantic region and the Antarctic.

Suspected Nazi hide-a-ways range expansively throughout the world and even involve a fortress, Base 211, New Swabia, Neuschwabenland in Antarctica, a secret project by the German Special Bureau 13 connected with the “Third Reich Operation UFO.”


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The Nazi Bell Craft


“It is that thought, which reportedly drew Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in search of the opening to Hollow Earth,” said writer/researcher Mark A. Mihalko, “an idea that may be surprising to some people. However, it is also easily believable when looking at the different locations, Antarctica and Brazil, are rumored to contain entrance ways into this realm. In fact, like Mount Shasta, the Brazilian mountains are known for UFO and strange sightings.”




South America has been replete with UFO sightings and photos (i.e, Recife, Brazil, September, 1987, photo of domed disc with cupola) for many years, extent of the continent, from Monte Grande, Argentina to El Chocca in  the Province of Corrientes, to the San Clemente, Chile “UFO Trail.”

“If it’s drama you’re looking for then the continent of South America seems to be the place to look,” said Paranormal-haze.com, “the Latin American experience of UFOs is somewhat different to that of the rest of the world in that sightings here can take a very serious turn, often resulting in serious injuries or even death.”

In August 1970, Almiro Martins de Freitas, a security guard for Funil Dam in Itatiaia, Brazil, fired at a lighted hump-shaped object which blinded the guard with a bright red flash.  He was briefly hospitalized.

In 1977 the Brazilian island of Colares was under attack by UFOs which fired what appeared to be laser beams. Over 80 people reported being attacked, 35 with symptoms of radiation sickness and burns with puncture wounds and hair loss.  Two residents were thought to have died.

Recently, on April 14, 2013, Raymond Pool and Igor Geovani sighted and photographed a strange car-size aircraft in the Serra do Gado Bravo of the mountains of Senhor Do Bonfim, Brazil – the Chapada Diamantina Mountain Range north of Bahia. A similar craft was sighted on the 19th by Isaiah Domingos Cavalcanti near Caatingvinha.




On October 17, 2012, photographer Oscar Heredia spotted and photographed a greenish UFO between Mountain Cerro Michi and the Fangnano/Cami Lake in the Tierra del Fuego area. Residents of Tohuin said the object has been traversing the area for decades and always returned to the Mountain.

Said RealUFOs.net: “….the region of Tierra de Fuego looks like a major UFO hotspot with a ‘UFO Base’….the UFO base is believed to exist beneath an icy plateau that lays between some of the island’s many peaks.”  Government scientists have monitored and recorded large luminous objects entering and exiting the plateau. A reported UFO appeared to crash in Tierra del Fuego on September 14, 2004.




“Hacienda Dignidad is a mysterious place, deep in the Chilean Mountains,” said journalist and researcher Ingrid Rimland. “Allegedly, it is a trading post for Nazi UFOs.” Ernst Zundel said: “…The Hacienda Dignidad myth is only a small piece of a puzzle that is much larger, much more mysterious, encompassing people all over the globe for at least 60, maybe even 70 or 75 years.”

Ernst Zundel, a flagrantly avid Nazi and publisher of Nazi-sympathetic literature, and also an ardent observer, relayed interesting tales of Colonia Dignidad. He related a story about visitors to the “fabled (Nazi) Shangri-La” in 1978 and 1979. The trip is described through the eyes of Willibald Mattern, associate and co-author, and Zundel’s German attaché Sepp.




Details given by Willibald Mattern and attaché Sepp described Hacienda Dignidad as home to Mercedes Benz vehicles, very modern tools and machines, state of the art hospital, dairy farm, German type buildings, Alpine-style architecture, European-type buildings, asphalt roads, and a “colony totally self-sufficient in everything; technologically equipped with their very latest amenities.” Meisterbetrieb.




Mattern said he saw strange aerial activity going on by very strange aircraft. He was later discouraged from investigating the ‘whine’ of what seemed to be “jet engines.” When the convoy arrived at the Hacienda, they were confronted by Aryan blonde men in trench coats and their Mercedes Benz. They were taken into custody, investigated for several days, and then released with the admonition that they were in a restricted area and not wanted. Their interrogators were clearly German. One man wore a forage cap used by German mountain troops in World War II.




According to Zundel, a reporter for the El Mercurio newspaper reported in the 40s and 50s that he did penetrate the Hacienda terrain via back roads through the mountains using pack horses “and that he did observe strange flying craft taking off and landing in some remote area of a valley away from the actual community.”

“Mattern was of the view that this place was a supply base for fresh fruit and vegetable picked up by ‘flying saucer,’”  said Ernst Zundel.  “He also felt that the colony served as a rest/recuperation and medical facility for German-staffed UFO bases further to the south, like Tierra de Fuego and even Antarctica proper.”




Founder of the village, Paul Schafer, Nazi, was arrested and sentenced for multiple crimes.  He died in a prison hospital on April 24, 2010. The decline of the village is murky. About 280 members, aged German expatriates, are isolated in the village presently. The Colonia now operates a German restaurant nearby.

Visiting the village one gets an uneasy feeling of crossing into some sort of Twilight Zone, said tourist and journalist Bruce Falconer, the way the villagers dressed, their haircuts: It’s like going back to Germany in the 1940s. 

Zundel, sometimes accused of alleged fabrication about UFOs, made substantive comments on his beliefs as late as 2002.


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UFO Sighted on August 10, 2012, over the Antarctica Neumayer Station


Explained historian Lawrence C. Wangler: “In March 1945, just before the end of the war, two German U-boats left a port on the Baltic Sea — reportedly taking with them top SS officers and key members of the flying saucer research team, plus saucer designs and plans for a gigantic underground complex. It’s widely believed that the submarines were bound for Antarctica.”





An amazing 2006 Russian documentary was recently translated into English disclosing hidden information about a U.S. Navy Antarctica expedition in 1946/1947.


U.S. Navy Expedition Helicopter Returns from Survey of South Pole Waters

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Operation High Jump


The task force was scheduled for a six month period for scientific exploration; it was officially called “The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program.” Its operational name was High Jump, and the naval component was known as Task Force 68. It was composed of 4700 military personnel and one aircraft carrier, the USS Philippine Sea—-one of the largest carriers of the time. Operation High Jump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.




The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explorer Admiral Richard Byrd. Byrd’s expedition ended after only 8 weeks. According to the press, crew members going through Chilean ports described “many fatalities”; Task Force 68 had encountered “a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at fantastic speeds.”


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Artist Conception of Nazi Saucers over Their Polar Base


The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base.  Instead, the task force encountered a mysterious “UFO force” that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes.





Lieutenant John Sayerson, a flying boat pilot, said a strange aircraft attacked his ship: “The thing shot vertically out of the water at tremendous velocity, as though pursued by the devil.” The craft flew through the masts of the ship causing radio antenna to oscillate back and forth in its turbulence. A Martin Flying Boat from the USS Currituck was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object. Ten miles away, the torpedo-boat USS Maddox burst into flame and began to sink. John P. Szewach, radioman on the USS Brownson, likewise observed on January 17, 1947, the mayhem and destruction wrought by the attack. Researchers surmised that the purpose of the attack was to deter the task force and force it to leave but not to destroy the armada.


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Artist Conception of Nazi Flying Saucers


Admiral Byrd admonished cryptically that this was a “new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.” Byrd was quoted on March 5, 1947, Chilean El Mercurio newspaper about an “invasion of the country by hostile planes flying over one or both poles.” Byrd said: “I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we aren’t able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distance, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.”

In the October 1947 National Geography Magazine in an article entitled “Our Navy Explores Antarctica,” Byrd referred several times to Antarctica as “the mystery land beyond the pole.”



Said author/investigator Jim Marrs in “Secret Societies that Threaten to Take over America: Rise of the 4th Reich”: “The Germans were defeated in World War II…but not the Nazis. They were simply forced to move. They scattered to the four corners of the world. Many of them came to the United States and penetrated what President Dwight D. Eisenhower termed ‘The Military-Industrial Complex’…they escaped with the loot of Europe as well as rocket science and even exotic technologies. Some of this technology was so advanced that it remains classified in the U.S government files even today…the very same self-styled globalists who created National Socialism in the first place.  Their agenda matches that of the Old Bavarian Illuminati.”


This publishing is dedicated in part to the late Jim Marrs who passed away on August 2, 2017. Marrs was a heroic and extraordinary journalist who exposed many elitist conspiracies and the machinations of the occult secret societies.  From Wikipedia: 


Jim Marrs (December 5, 1943 – August 2, 2017) was an American newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling writer of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover-ups and conspiracies. Marrs was a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone‘s film JFK. He wrote books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens9/11telepathy, and secret societies.  He was once a news reporter in the Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metroplex and taught a class on the assassination of John F. Kennedy at University of Texas at Arlington for 30 years.  Marrs was a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth.


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Founding members of UFO Study Group November 1967 4-24-2017 1;25;37 PM.jpg new

Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist – 1967  – to the Left
You can reach Steve Erdmann – at – dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com – or – independenterdmann@gmail.com.
You can friend him at Facebook –  https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1  – or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group – at – https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.
His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/.

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Wewelsburg Castle

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Artist Conception of Nazi Saucers over Their Polar Base

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Artist Conception of Nazi Flying Saucers

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Operation High Jump
U.S. Navy Expedition Helicopter Returns from Survey of South Pole Waters

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The Nazi Bell Craft

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Adolf Hitler Practicing His Speech-making
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Villa Baviera aka Haciendeg Dignidad

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The Worship of the Nazi Reich

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Nazi Mind Control Experts

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Hitler and His Reich had Hideouts in South America – This One at Nahuel Huapi Lake in Patagonia

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Freiburg UFO Crash in the Black Forest in 1936.
Was the Origination of the Nazi Tachyonator 7 Drive
Artist Conception of a Crashed UFO
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UFO Sighted on August 10, 2012 over the Antarctica Neumayer Station

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Jim Marrs, Journalist

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Argentinian President Juan Peron with Wife Eva in Buenos Aires in 1950.
Peron Sold 10,000 Blank Argentine Passports to the Nazi Odessa.  

Another version of this article can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/07/16/nazis-and-the-nwo/

Trial by UFO Triangles

Triangular UFO Mysteries




Steve Erdmann


Copyright, Steve Erdmann, 2014.
This article appeared in the December 14, 2014 issue of UFO Digest.
It is printed here with permission.
Reviewers and journalists may quote small passages along with credits



(Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation, David Marler, Richard Dolan Press, Box 92188 Rochester, New York 14692, www.keyholepublishing.com, 2013, 276 pages, $19.95.)


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David Marler analytically laid out the contours of special types of UFOs that somewhat appeared as triangular aircraft or similar phenomena going back as far as 1882.

“These are craft of unknown origin. We appear to be confronted with something other than human technology, therefore the implications are profound,” said Marler. “The objects may be spatial, temporal, or dimensional in origin.”

Not knowing the real intentions of the operators of such craft, Marler suggested we stand ever-vigilant to the phenomena and continue to gather as many hard facts as we can.

Where we stand today in reference to triangular UFOs and the UFO subject as a whole is just a stepping stone in our examination of this phenomenon,” said Marler. “Questions remain as to the relationship, if any, of these triangular UFOs relative to the others of varying descriptions. Each person who reviews this material can make their own conclusions.”


                                     CHARLES FORT AND DONALD KEYHOE          


Charles Fort, the person who chronicled strange events at the turn of the century, and gave meaning to the term “Fortean,” recorded Charles Tilden Smith’s sighting of two triangular dark shapes on April 8, 1912 (Chrisbury, Wiltshire, England). “It is not a stretch of the imagination to assume,” said Marler, “that two large triangular-shaped shadows were most likely caused by two large triangular-shaped objects.”

The late UFOlogist Donald Keyhoe related accounts of triangular-shaped objects that were also seen in England and Scotland in 1895, said Keyhoe (p. 63).

Mr. Helger Berg and a work-companion spotted a triangular UFO at Eklorna, Alaska in 1936. “…the sound reminded me of when the pilot shuts down a turbine. It had a kind whining sound until it finally peters out,” said Berg.

Similar triangular UFOs were seen in 1950, 1953, and 1954 in Korea, Germany, California, New York, and Canada, not to mention in many other countries around the globe.


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Eleven crew members of a British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) Strato Cruiser and most of its fifty-one passengers saw a similar UFO for eighteen minutes on June 29, 1954. The object at first appeared to be a dark blob accompanied by an “array of objects” lined up three in front and three in back. “They likened it to a battleship with escort ships,” said Marler.




Captain James Howard noted that the smaller objects appeared to enter and exit the larger object. The larger object appeared to change from a pear-shaped UFO to “an enormous delta-wing plane” and then to a “giant telephone receiver lying on its back in the sky.”

A jet interceptor pilot noted that upon his approach to the UFOs, the smaller objects suddenly disappeared. Crew members said that the smaller objects went into the larger object. The larger object said to be as large as an ocean liner, shrunk in size and disappeared.


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A MUFON CGI Image of a Typical Triangle UFO


Another typical sighting was on September 3, 1965, by law enforcement officials, deputies Bethel McCoy and Bob Goode, as they drove south of Houston, Texas.  “It hovered in the air. It was eerie,” the witnesses said, “It was shaped like a triangle 200 feet long and 40 to 50 feet high. It had a purple light on its left side and a blue one on its right side.”

The UFO followed them in a high-speed pursuit, and then abruptly stopped and disappeared.

Mrs. Robert Gorisek of La Salle, Illinois witnessed a triangular object on March 25, 1966, that hovered over her car for over an hour. The object seemed to follow her and several witnesses as they drove through several towns.

On the same day, Mrs. R.H. Chappell and Miss Janie Kidd observed the triangular UFOs in Victoria, British Columbia; both had ruby red lights that were flashing back and forth between the UFOs “as if they were signaling each other.”




Marler outlined one of the best typical triangular UFO cases, during the night of January 5, 2000, which invaded the skies over Highland, Lebanon, Shiloh and Millstadt, Illinois. The UFO was witnessed by multiple law enforcement officers as well as several civilian people. Sighting-descriptions varied from triangular to a box-shaped object as big as a “two-story house.”


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View of Rear and the Underside of January 5, 2000, Triangle UFO


Officer Craig Stevens gave a classic description of the object as it passed near Liederkranz Park on the north end of Millstadt, Illinois. The UFO appeared about 500 to 1,000 feet in altitude. It moved very slowly with a low decibel buzzing sound. “He could see the object had a white light on the left side, right side, and center of the back end,” said Marler, “In addition, there was a single red light on the bottom. The back end also appeared to be slightly recessed.”

Officer Stevens took Polaroid pictures which did not turn out, except to show blurry lights.

Officer Ed Barron and Officer David Martin observed the object to travel about ten miles in two to three seconds, with an estimated UFO speed of 12,000 miles per hour.

“The resulting effect should have been the creation of a sonic boom which would have rattled the entire area,” said Marler. “However, no such reports were made by the witnesses or residents of the surrounding areas.”

Marler speculated amongst several theories including an unknown and secret military craft. “The second is that this was not a military vehicle and was completely foreign to military officials,” said Marler. “If this scenario is true, the implications are chilling. A genuine UFO flew by a major military installation and caught the military completely by surprise to the point where no overt defensive response was initiated.”




On the evenings of August 21 and October 31st, 2004, at Tinsley Park, Illinois, a triangular UFO was sighted by numerous witnesses (including three videos and three photographs).

“In at least two videos the object was recorded rotating in the base below and above itself. This is a very unusual maneuver clearly recorded and then mentioned in the narration,” said MUFON State Director, Sam Maranto.

One 48-year-old witness said that about 10 p.m. on August 21st, 2004, a red light came along the same path of the previous triangular UFO flight path. There was no noise and the object floated very slowly over the tops of houses.

“Their evaluations of footage and Graphic illustrations of the estimated size of the triangular object is nothing short of dynamic,” said Sam Maranto about a UFO Hunters television show, “they did an excellent job getting the point across in the show that, whatever the nature of the object, it was many times larger than anything in our flying arsenal today.”    




In chapter seven, Marler traveled through twenty profile characteristics that seemed to have defined the triangular UFOs.


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Photo of Belgium Triangle Craft – June 1990


A triangular craft spotted near Fleet, England in 1978 moved in a “triangular pattern.” “It was very erratic going backward and forwards,” said the witness.

Triangle crafts were witnessed during 1980-1981 in the state of Pennsylvania. In one instance, the object “is described as a triangle shaped, makes no noise but moves quickly back and forth and up and down.”

Other triangle UFOs were flying with “blunt-end-forward.”  On January 31, 1978, a New Jersey woman saw a triangle-craft about 11 p.m.  “It was a triangle with the point at the back and a lot of red and white lights,” said the witness, “more than planes usually have.”  There was no sound.                      

A triangular object with luminous points of light on its angles was spotted in 1965 in Bienne, Sweden, moving very fast north to south along the Jura Mountains. Suddenly, the object stopped, changing color from yellow to dark red, made a 180-degree turn – a 90-degree change of course – and vanished.                                              

About 7:00 p.m., January 1994, Fujitsu-gun, Japan, a witness was approached in his car by a bright light, which he recollected as three lights attached to a dark triangular-shaped object which flooded his car with a brilliant white light described “as being just like a searchlight.”  The object increased its speed and disappeared.

Other triangle UFOs were flying with “blunt-end-forward.” On January 31, 1978, a New Jersey woman saw a triangle-craft about 11 p.m.  “It was a triangle with the point at the back and a lot of red and white lights,” said the witness, “more than planes usually have.”  There was no sound.                      

A triangular object with luminous points of light on its angles was spotted in 1965 in Bienne, Sweden, moving very fast north to south along the Jura Mountains. Suddenly, the object stopped, changing color from yellow to dark red, made a 180-degree turn – a 90-degree change of course – and vanished.

About 7:00 p.m., January 1994, Fujitsu-gun, Japan, a witness was approached in his car by a bright light, which he recollected as three lights attached to a dark triangular-shaped object which flooded his car with a brilliant white light described “as being just like a searchlight.”  The object increased its speed and disappeared.

On November 3, 1961, about 4:30 p.m. in Eyres Monsell, England, a witness observed a triangular object with an orange center; the object flew an estimated 600 miles per hour and resembled an Auro Vulcan bomber in size.




Marler’s book was fore worded by retired US Army Colonel John Alexander. Alexander had an impressive career as a Green Beret war hero, as well as an adviser to the CIA, the U.S Special Operations Command and the National Intelligence Council on Foreign Relations. While genuinely upholding the reality of alien UFOs, Alexander has done his share of critical debunking of much of ufology, to the chagrin of many ufologists.  He debunked, in this case, the belief that triangular UFOs were actually secret military vehicles:

“Regarding triangular UFOs, in particular, conspiracy theorists repeatedly have taken the position mentioned above – secret government research. It never mattered that such a conclusion defies both facts and logic specifically, while the government does develop advanced aircraft in secret,” said Alexander, “they do not conduct test flights of well-illuminated prototypes near the major metropolitan area. Yet, that is where many of the large triangles have been observed.”  (p. 2.)

(There were herein several controversies related to the topic of the origins of triangular aircraft that are outside of the book, which Erdmann is attempting to cover.)


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Micheal S. Heiser – Researcher


Dr. Michael Heiser’s posts included summaries and opinions of Mr. Marler’s work, as well as thoughts on a foreword for the book provided by Colonel John Alexander. Dr. Heiser supported Mr. Marler for his research and endorsed the book to those interested in UFOs. Heiser also expressed concerns about dodgy lapses of relevant data, particularly committed by Colonel John Alexander. Colonel Alexander continued to suggest that he could identify triangular craft that were regular secret operations as opposed to those which are not, “implying some are supposedly not (normal aircraft…SE), all the while at least pretending to be virtually oblivious to the history of man-made triangle craft and the interest held in them by two of his former employers, the Department of Defense and Robert Bigelow’s National Institute of Discovery Science.”


Dr. Heiser posted on his personal blog, UFO Religions, in what had so far been a two-part post titled, Thoughts. Michael Heiser, who holds a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible, recently made a couple particularly noteworthy comments on Marler’s book about triangular UFOs. 

“…All the above makes it very odd that the words ‘dirigible’ and ‘airship’ do not even appear in Marler’s index. It’s as though research in that direction and behavioral overlap didn’t even register with him. Since those terms don’t appear in his index, it makes sense that the names of Busby and Danelek are also absent. They are the authors of the two major books on the airship sightings in the late 1890s.” 


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Artist Depiction of The Airships Wave of 1896 – 1897


(Michael Busby’s “Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery” is the third of the airship flap books after J. Allan Danelek’s “The Great Airship of 1897” and Daniel Cohen’s “The Great Airship Mystery: A UFO of the 1890s.”)




Dr. Heiser and others pointed to the Patent Office which housed numerous patents and diagrams of mechanized dirigible and triangular aircraft that he felt tangent to the discussion:

# Patent No. 43,449. 1864.

# Patent No. 526, 394. 1894.                 

# Patent No. 1,374, 487. 1921. Triangle-shape craft.

# Patent No. 1,451, 503. 1923. H.A. Goetz.

# Patent No. 1,730, 910. 1929. 

# Patent No. 1,861,069. 1932. W.H. Smith. Saucer-shaped craft.

“But if we assume the craft to be neither imaginary nor extraterrestrial, what is left? Only one possibility remains, and that is that the vessel seen in the skies over much of the United States in the winter of 1896-97 was a powered balloon or, more accurately, a dirigible, possibly being put through its paces by some intrepid inventor intent on bringing lighter-than-air flight to humanity.”

Jeff Allan Danelek.  http://www.world-mysteries.com/gw_adanelek_1897.htm.

“I’m not going to claim that dirigible airship technology is ‘the’ explanation for triangular craft, or even that there is a direct line of evolution from the early patents to today,” said Heiser. “For sure one could make that case, but that wouldn’t actually prove that airships are behind the triangular UFOs. It would only provide a working theory.  I don’t know those triangular UFOs are dirigible, even nuclear ones. 

“Their omission from the discussion is unwarranted. I read Marler’s book quickly and perhaps there’s some mention of any of this, but I would have missed it for brevity. He too quickly concludes that explanations not focused on ETs are the drawing board for some time…I’m no more omniscient than Colonel Alexander, but I’ll be more upfront about that. What I do know is that this technology deserves to be part of the discussion…(not) only about the delta-wing jet craft. He’s missed the Airbus.”                   



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Igor Pasternak and Worldwide Aeros Corporation Passenger Blimp 


Heiser continued with a list of modern Lighter Than Air (LTA) aircraft that demonstrated the actuality of this generation of flight. The Department of Defense (DOD) had committed $35,000,000 to an “Aero” prototype. Heiser acknowledged several modern LTA crafts, such as Lockheed Martin’s “Sky tug.”  Another is the “Space Blimp”:

“The orbital airship, also called the space blimp, is a proposed space transportation system that carries payloads to and from low Earth orbit…In the Airship to Orbit (ATO) design envisioned by JP Aerospace, there are three components. A conventional airship (Ascender) lifts payloads up to 30-40 kilometers above the ground – roughly the maximum altitude a conventional airship can achieve. At this altitude, the second component, a docking station (Dark Sky Station), acts as a resupply station for the third stage. The third stage is an ‘orbital airship’ (Orbital Ascender), which takes payloads to low earth orbit via an ion engine in three to nine days (i.e., it accelerates itself horizontally to orbital velocity and gains sufficient altitude). Their estimated marginal costs are one dollar per ton per mile of altitude, and their development costs thus far have been under one million dollars.”



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Artist Conception of a TR-3B  Spy Craft


Tom Levine of Levicom, LLC (levicom@comcast.net. PO Box 1948, Fair Oaks, California, 95628) had done extensive research into February 2007 triangular ‘flap’ that occurred over the multiple areas during that month. Basically, Levine believed the triangles were Big Black Dirigibles (BBDs) using unconventional and electrokinetic drives.  He also pointed to similar crafts such as the Dynaship 2 Aereons.





Clyde Lewis outlined the opinions of UFO researcher Tim Mathews in UFO Evidence.Org:

“Tim Mathews is the ‘Angry young man’ of British ufology. He has upset the cozy state that the British scene had got into the post-Bufora/Alien Autopsy film and has earned a fast reputation for straight talking and cutting through much of the malaise the scene found itself in the last year.  He believes that many sightings can be explained by secret aircraft and suppressed military tests. Mr. Mathews exposes a world of political maneuvering by the authorities to protect financial and political interests. He has exposed the existence of secret planes from year’s back, which would be considered ‘cutting edge’ today.

“Mathews believes that giving the label of an extraterrestrial craft to a UFO is premature, and has spent a lot of his time showing that Military Technology is the most likely answer behind the enigmatic UFO.  His research has shown that a lot of flying disc and triangle technology comes from Nazi Germany.  It has always been the objective of designers of aircraft to find a craft that can ascend and descend vertically.  The craft would have to be circular without wings. Over time we have seen these craft and attributed their remarkable capabilities to some extra-terrestrial intelligence.” 



Marler offered the testimony of several noted ufologists and scientists on the topic of UFOs and triangular crafts.


Troamgi;arUFO John Alexander Photo 1 uj52f04c10

Researcher John Alexander


John Alexander had commented on the belief that secret military operations impinged upon sightings of triangular UFOs, having previously been the director of all USAF research and development at Wright-Patterson AFB: he asked a military official in the Secret Projects division about his research and triangular aircraft:

“He indicated we had nothing larger than the C-5 although the Russian Antonov AN-124 is even bigger. Neither of these approach the size reported on many occasions. I am also aware of a proposal by one of the topmost aerospace defense contractors to build a large semi-rigid, lighter-than-aircraft specifically for logistical purposes. They indicated they could not even get any military support for the concept and that was within the last fifteen years.” 


TriangularUFO antonov-an-124-100                                                    

Heiser noted that his research contradicted Alexander’s comments. He also wondered, despite outward appearances, if Alexander was privy to highest “Need to Know” information at many different security levels, or was simply being led away from “all” the facts.


Marler quoted Richard M. Dolan, UFO historian:

“Certainly, many doubts remain, but I do believe that the U.S military has some sort of flying triangle, perhaps several types…even so, it is a long stretch to argue that all of the triangle reports can be attributed to ‘our’ technology.  Frankly, many of these crafts do not appear to come from any conceivable terrestrial source.”  (p. 245.)


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Richard Dolan – UFO Researcher


Investigator Ray D. Sanford said on November 18, 2014, that he likewise did not exclude an extraterrestrial source:

“Along with his gift of penetrating `trait analysis’ [See, especially, chapter 7, Establishing a Profile.], the author thoroughly demolishes the myth that the class of triangular and quasi-triangular objects defined in his analysis could be ‘black project’ vehicles. And Marler doesn’t just provide abundant descriptive evidence that the classes of evidence defined in his fascinating study constitute a group of vehicles unmatched by any terrestrially-sourced technology, he provides readers some examples that reveal state-of-the-art terrestrial technology as highly inferior by comparison.

“For example, on page 200, the author bolsters that conclusion with his highly appropriate reference from the Washington Post of August 15, 2012, headed ‘Hyper-sonic craft X-51A fails the latest test.’  That ‘Wave rider’ aircraft had to be launched from a B-52 bomber, incorporated a scram-jet combustion engine (producing a fairly conventional looking effect-trail behind it), and the flight had to be quickly scrapped due to a problem with a control surface.”


United Kingdom researcher George Wingfield pondered: “However scientists do speculate that travel through space and time might one day be possible if mass is somehow converted into energy in a non-destructive way that allows its reconstruction when it reaches its destination.”

Rendlesham forest UFO drawing by Jim Penniston

Witness Artwork of Sighted Rendlesham UFO 


“Much has been written on the subject (of the Rendlesham case…SE).  However, this brief review serves to illustrate yet one more triangular UFO report,” said Marler, “that does not conform to the typical profile we are familiar with.”




Mark Rodeghier, Scientific Director for the Center for UFO Studies, the international study group originated by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, summarized conclusions for extraterrestrial origin of high strangeness triangular craft:

“As we compared triangle UFOs to the triangle – and – boomerang-shaped aircraft developed by the military, it became clear that the vast majority of ‘triangle UFOs’ were not conventional, or unconventional, technology.  I described this with aviation experts and aviation journalists, and they were uniformly unaware of any terrestrial craft that could be causing these reports.”  (p. 245.)

“Finally, the large, slow triangle UFOs, viewed by hundreds, even thousands, demonstrated how willfully the establishment, represented by government, academic, and the elite news media, can disregard something that is so ubiquitous, so visible, and so unearthly.  It is possible not to see the elephant in the room, even when that elephant is a 300-foot triangular-shaped UFO.”  (p. 248.) 




A thorough search of Marler’s book did reveal many new aspects of the on-going triangular UFO mystery.  There were ample artwork and witness documents in the book.

Certainly, the bizarre and very strange performances of many triangular UFOs did tend to dismiss a normal terrestrial origin. The key word here is Normal. It may be possible that in the twists and turns of history there were hidden histories wherein are secreted a hybrid origin of ‘normal’ but also alien roots.

Fortean researchers Nick Redfern and Irene Bott summarized in Alien Encounters Magazine:          

“There are two scenarios: either AVRO and British Aerospace have been flying highly advanced triangular shaped aircraft throughout Manchester and the surrounding areas for at least four decades (and if so, why, forty years on, is such technology not in widespread use?), or an unknown presence has been operating in our skies and utilising triangular aeroforms for more than four decades.”


Steve Erdmann suggested a “Third Rail” explanation behind, not just triangular UFO sightings, but many reported high-strangeness UFOs: that an alien and secretive reality has coexisted alongside our own (more obvious) existence.


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Human inventors were thinking along these designs and diagramming inventions around the turn of the 20th century: Electrical genius Nikola Tesla had programs for spacecraft.


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One of Nicola Tesla’s Flying Machine Inventions






From an interview with Nikola Tesla – New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 15, 1911:

“Not at all,” said Dr. Tesla. “The aeroplane is fatally defective. It is merely a toy–a sporting play-thing…The flying machine of the future–my flying machine–will be heavier than air, but it will not be an aeroplane. It will have no wings. It will be substantial, solid, stable…My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of ‘holes in the air’ or downward. currents

“It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for a great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ but upon positive mechanical action.”

“You will get stability through gyroscopes?” the interviewer asked.

“Through gyroscopic action of my engine, assisted by some devices I am not yet prepared to talk about,” he replied.

Dr. Tesla smiled an inscrutable smile.

All I have to say on that point is that my airship will have neither gas bag, wings nor propellers,” he said. “It is the child of my dreams, the product of years of intense and painful toil and research. I am not going to talk about it any further. But whatever my airship may be, here at least is an engine that will do things that no other engine ever has done, and that is something tangible.”


TirangularUFO Photo 1 Tesla

One Example of Nicola Teslas’s  Flying Saucer Inventions




“Until hard UFO evidence is presented for the general public’s consumption (e.g., actual UFO parts thereof), this mystery will continue,” said Marler. “However, the thirst for understanding to fuel the investigations and research until the day when a better understanding is made of this most intriguing phenomenon.”  (p. 241.)




(An ending footnote of interest in regards to the triangular sighting report mentioned on pages 204-206 about the December 19, 1967 triangle. The report, if I am correct, was discovered by Steve Erdmann while he visited Marler’s home during one of several visits.  Erdmann and Marler were researching the files for relative data.  Erdmann made a somewhat “Eureka”  exclamation upon spotting the previously undiscovered December 19 report and presented it to Marler, to his joy; history in the making.)




You can reach Steve Erdmann at dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com or independenterdmann@gmail.com. You can friend him at Facebook –  https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1 or visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group at https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.  His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/.


Five Founding members of UFO Study Group Nov. 17 1967 4-14-2017 3;57;01 PM.jpg new

Steve Erdmann – center- Investigative Journalist



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One Example of Nicola Teslas’s  Flying Saucer Inventions







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Photo of Belgium Triangle Craft – June 1990









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Researcher John Alexander






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Micheal S. Heiser – Researcher






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Richard Dolan – UFO Researcher






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View of Rear and the Underside of  January 5, 2000, Triangle UFO






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Artist Conception of a TR-3B  Spy Craft






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The Airships Wave of 1896 – 1897






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One of Nicola Tesla’s Flying Machine Inventions






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Igor Pasternak and Worldwide Aeros Corporation Passenger Blimp 






Rendlesham forest UFO drawing by Jim Penniston

Witness Artwork of Sighted Rendlesham UFO 







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A MUFON CGI Image of a Typical Triangle UFO







When Alien Viruses Attack

Photos Extra 1951 Thing ( httpsio9.gizmodo.comthese-south-pole-scientists-who-watch-the-thing-every-y-1823387869 ) download


The UFO Attack of Something Else




Steve Erdmann



Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2013. 
This article  appeared in the November 12 and 22, 2013 issues of UFO Digest.   
It is printed here with permission.


Reviewers and Journalists permitted to quote small portions of article was long as full credits are given about the original article.
Another version of this article can be seen at https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/06/14/viruses-are-not-new/



“The story that follows is a strange and controversial one, and encompasses incredible tales of shadowy whistleblowers; leaked, and apparently – still – classified, documents of the highest classification,” said the authors of Alien Viruses, “Deep Throat-style sources buried within the heart of the world of international espionage; crashed UFOs; dead alien bodies held in cryogenic storage within secure official facilities; and a cover-up of manifestly epic proportions that had its origins in the harsh deserts of New Mexico in the summer of 1947, and extends to the heart of the White House itself.”

(Alien Viruses, Crashed UFOs, MJ-12 + Bio warfare. Dr. Robert M. Wood with Nick Redfern, Richard Dolan Press, Rochester, New York 14619, 2013, 311 pages, $17.96.)

The UFO Attack Cover alienviruses




A series of highly controversial, allegedly Top Secret and highly classified documents that became to be known as Majestic, were disclosed under awesome-sounding titles such as Unidentified Aircraft Sightings Over the United States, Top Secret Eyes Only, Intelligence Estimate; Majic Black Book Summaries; Analysis of the Corona and Oscura Peak, New Mexico Wreckage of Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology; and others. Disclosures continued with Project UFO; Moon Dust; Top Secret Jehovah and most importantly The Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary of the IPU. Information surrounded a Top Secret Ultra in that two UFO crashes occurred on July 3, 1947 outside of Roswell, New Mexico, and designated as LZ-1 and LZ-2.

“The IPU document makes it clear that the recovery of the wreckage and the bodies,” said the authors, “as seen as being a matter of profound significance and was handled with the utmost secrecy.”


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MJ-12 Group formed the IPU Summary Report (Depiction)


Bodies found not far from LZ-1 looked “as if they had been dissected as you would a frog…not known if Army Field Surgeons had performed exploratory surgery on these bodies. Animal parts were reportedly discovered inside the craft at LZ-2 but this cannot be confirmed.” (p. 65)

General John A. Samford, then–director of the National Security Agency, said in a September 4, 1960 page found attached to an IPU Summary that IPU files were “re-classified” as Above Top Secret with a “Need to Know” basis approved by Presidential Executive Order and the U.S Majestic Intelligence and Security, as well as the National Security Agency.


The IPU Summary suggested “that at least some of the alien bodies found at UFO crash sites in New Mexico in the summer of 1947 presented a biological threat.” (p. 69)  Mentioned was an autopsy of an alien cadaver by Major Charles E. Rea and Dr. Detlev Bronk. Both doctors actually existed and did have impressive backgrounds. Implicated was Dr. Stafford L. Warren Oak Ridge Laboratories as an indication that Warren had an awareness of pre-1947 references to fatal encounters with an alien virus.”


Majestic Twelve Projects: 1St Annual Report was prepared by a “Special Panel” linked to MJ-12. The report said in part: “A consensus reached by members of the panel that until positive proof that the Russians did not attempt a series of reconnaissance flights over our most secure installations – the sightings and recovered objects are interplanetary in natural.” (p. 79)

The authors quoted the 1st Annual Report: “the samples extracted from bodies found in New Mexico, have yielded new strains of a metro-virus not totally understood, but, give promise of the ultimate BW weapon.” (p. 80)


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A Typical Hazardous Bio-infection

Autopsies on four dead SED technicians indicated that the four may have “suffered from some form of toxin a highly contagious disease.” Those samples are kept at Fort Detrick, Md.

“…Personnel at Camp Detrick/Fort Detrick were concerned specifically about ‘airborne’ outbreaks of serious diseases in the exact year that the New Mexico UFO crash-retrievals occurred,” said the authors.


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The Russian Anthrax  Bug


Robert Gladding Green, a member of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine and also a member of the Society of American Bacteriologists, upheld the belief for viruses being retrograde organisms. Green was a close colleague of Major Charles Ethan Rea who was listed in the IPU Summary Report of July 22, 1947 as having conducted the autopsy involving a crashed UFO in New Mexico earlier in July, 1947.


Robert and Ryan Wood discussed several critiques about the reality of the Majic-12 documents. Robert Wood said: “We go through an orderly process of document evaluation, looking for clues that would suggest fakery: Anachronisms in paper, ink, typewriters, format, stamp impressions, or content.”


The UFO Attack Photo1 Dr. Robert Wood

Dr. Robert Wood

Discussed also is the creation by President Truman of the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) on April 4, 1951: “Many of these people are deeply involved with Majestic-12 according to other documents.”

After due investigation, the authors concluded that the documents do not fit as Psy-ops gimmickry or as faked documents.

“They are unique, fascinating, and sensational examples of genuine, and highly classified, official documents,” said Ryan Wood, “describing visitations to our planet by extraterrestrials, and the establishment of an ultra-secret committee – the MJ-12 – that oversees this extraordinary secret.”  (p. 104)


A 50-page file by the Committee on Biological Warfare at the request of the American government’s elite Research and Development Board concerned fears of biological warfare from March 1947 through to the latter part of 1948. Suspicions surrounded the file that someone – or something – was planning a large-scale assault on North America’s cattle-herd, prompted by the discovery of “animal parts” at the site of a UFO crash in the summer of 1947.

A crashed UFO near Kingman, Arizona in May, 1953 suggested that the “retrieval team” may have been exposed to the same deadly virus that broke out in a “mysterious sickness” in 1947. A classified document dated March 24, 1995 stated about the 1953 retrieval: “….the crew after one hour emerged from the craft confused, with upset stomachs, removed their masks and threw up.”


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Scientists Study Alien Corpse in the Movie “The Thing” (2011).



The Special Operations Manual SOM 1-01: Extraterrestrial Entities and Technologies – Recovery and Disposal obviously were instituted to supposedly provide instruction to recovery units. It also discussed cases of “flying triangles” reported, such as the triangle reported on April 22, 1949.  A peculiar flying triangle of March 28, 1965 by Jeffrey Brown; Brown also claimed some form of skin affliction.


The authors outlined a number of facts that connect the murder of President John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.

“Most notably, all of these people with connections to the JFK story were specifically linked with crashed-saucer accounts,” said the authors, “rather than just the UFO subject in general.”

According to the authors, major players in the Kennedy mystery, such as Guy Banister, Fred Crisman, Clay Shaw and others, all had experienced UFO artifacts.

“According to the Majestic-12 1st Annual Report, some of the debris from Maury Island was turned over by Crisman (described in the document as a Counter Intelligence Corps Operative),” said the authors, “to a CIA agent named ‘Shaw.’  Kenn Thomas suggests that this was Clay Shaw.”  (p. 157)

Just days before his assassination, Kennedy had an itinerary that included Wright Field and Ft Detrick. David Ferrie, an investigator for Banister, was deeply involved in biological cancer research, and several people involved in the affairs in New Orleans were murdered (Mary, Ferrie + the Monkey Virus: The True Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory, Edward T. Haslam).


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A number of UFO crashes are mentioned, such as the 1964 Big Thicket, Texas crash, and others, in 1958 (Arizona) and Northern New Mexico, near Taos, in 1961: “….the retrieval teams were overcome with nausea and dizziness, and at least two died of a ‘flesh-eating virus – kind of like Ebola’….” In the Big Thicket case, the team from Fort Hood were “garbed in biohazard and protection suits.” Will, a witness at Big Thicket, often wondered how many spheres may have landed, unknown to the military, and may “have possibly unleashed such viruses upon the local population.” (p. 171)


An alleged UFO with occupants crashed on January 23, 1974 on the Berwyn Mountain Range in North Wales, Cadair Berwyn.

“….other sources – some with official backgrounds – claim to have heard of distinctly similar stories and rumors that link the Berwyn saga of 1974 with Porton Down, the British equivalent of Fort Detrick.” (p. 188)  Porton Down became focal in the December 1980 Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England UFO case. “….a number of personnel from Porton Down were reportedly dispatched to the area and, dressed in some sort of full-body protection suit, entered the woods – for reasons that remain unknown.”


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Soldiers in Full-body Protection Suits are Often Called Upon to Investigate


The United States and Mexican governments became involved in the Chihuahua, Mexico crash of August, 1974. A document entitled Research Findings on the Chihuahua Disk Crash said: “Unfortunately what caused the deaths of the Mexican recovery team is not known. Speculation ranges from a chemical released from the disk as a result or illness by any of the recovery team.” (p. 203)  “….reference to an apparently lethal biological agent present at the scene is very worrying,” said the authors.  (p. 204)   


The authors concentrated on accounts of animals, particularly cattle, being surgically and professionally mutilated throughout the U.S, especially the Midwest. Debunkers laid the blame to predator damage, “despite the phenomenal number of mutilations and the repeated sightings of anomalous aerial lights, all of which suggested that some form of coordinated operation was under way.”


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Artist Depiction of UFO Animal Abduction


Unmarked helicopters, tripod marks, lack of footprints, traces of tranquilizing drugs, anti-coagulants, pharmaceuticals, synthetic amphetamines: “Among those law enforcement agents who have thoroughly investigated these bovine excision sites…there is a consensus that some kind of medical testing is taking place.” (Ted Oliphant, police officer in Fyffe, Alabama.)


As a means of biological warfare by aliens, the authors explored the theory that “suggests cattle are mutilated primarily to harvest HIV antibodies and virus from blood in quantity and to obtain information relating to possible HIV transmission in humans…” (p. 244) They warn that this is still very much unproven, and they cite a Los Alamos National Laboratory study that HIV-1 virus was first established about 1930.


A “strange cluster of deaths,” 2001 to 2005, of numerous individuals working within the elite field of microbiology is examined in detail by the authors. Some had connection to the British chemical and biological defense establishment at Porton Down.  “….those with intimate knowledge of the alien virus may, in the period 2001-2005, have also have been targeted for termination by majestic 12.”


Alternate theories are found in a “Blue Boy” document entitled UFO Reports and Classified Projects: The CIA Perspective that are just as sinister but completely earthly: At the end of World War II, the Japanese Unit 731 was granted permission to continue biological warfare activities in “experimental platforms” with “guinea-pig crews.”  Discussed as well are alleged V-2 rocket crashes carrying “biological warfare experiments developed by I.G. Farben.” I.G. Farben was the company “that made the Zyklon-B gas that was utilized in the Nazi death camps of the Second World War.”


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Mysterious Animal Poisonings and Deaths


Supposedly, in the files Timothy Cooper, as provided by a source at the CIA, “Blue Boy” detailed “a further theory that links Roswell with down-to-earth (as opposed to extraterrestrial) biological warfare activities.” Blossom Project, for example, was responsible for the first biological experiments in space.


One of the most controversial chapters is the 23rd chapter wherein a “John” told about his year as a custodian and editor of the Majestic files from 1943 to 1968.  “John” alleged that this “History Department” was at an overall location that he surmised to be Area 51.  He was told that this location “was involved in the development of prototype and radical aircraft, biological warfare, chemical warfare, exotic weaponry and ‘something else.’”

According to a document called “S-1,” MJ-12 ceased to exist in 1969 and became a private concern “financed by big money and big science.”

An early document John saw was from 1943 and concerned “tests and experiments on a group of unusual-looking people.” The entire paper-trail appeared to have been destroyed by people involved in this project. One document titled Autopsies – Bodies Unknown Origin 47 dealt with the bodies of eight strange people found in the New Mexico desert in the summer of 1947.


Tyler Kokjohn is a professor at microbiology at the Midwestern University Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine. To quote Dr. Tyler Kokjohn: “The authors present an astonishing tale based heavily on falsified documents and sometimes indirect witness testimony. In the end, the story between the lines they probably never intended to reveal – of incurious investigators and fatal omissions – was the more interesting because it appears to be true.” 

“The book is fundamentally a one-sided interpretation of alleged facts extracted from written materials of dubious provenance and/or obtained from witness testimony much of which is indirect hear-say. Whether MJ-12 and other Roswell incident-related documents are authentic has long been controversial. Unfortunately, the accounts provided by the authors do not dispel doubts, they increase them.”


Many investigators retained a cautious but quizzical approach, to quote Bill Hamilton, executive director of Skywatch International, Incorporated: “I have not made up my mind yet on these documents and I think it is going to take further involvement to make assessments of the arguments both pro and con…If there is some truth, even a modicum of truth, in these documents, then the implications are far-reaching and I am sure that you can all use your imagination to see this.”




Robert M. Wood spoke at a July, 2001 MUFON Symposium in Irvine, California on the  Mounting Evidence For Authenticity of MJ-12 Documents: “Ever since the first ‘leaked’  MJ-12 Eisenhower Briefing Document in 1984 describing a top-secret crash recovery program, the authenticity of UFO documents has been questioned. With the continuing exposure of hundreds of classified pages by numerous unidentified sources, the evidence favoring authenticity is mounting. This paper will update the status of the available documents, generally what they say and provide a concise status of the issues regarding authenticity, including the answers to those with a skeptical view. Of particular significance will be the results of research and forensic studies, including those on 22 pages on original paper, where chromatographic ink dating and other state of the art techniques clearly indicate that the documents were likely to have been created long ago and cannot be modern high tech fakes. The classic comparisons with archival authentic documents show the expected similarities, and the content is shown to be consistent with numerous arcane facts known to only scholars in historiography.”


Photos Extra Majestic ( httpsvault.fbi.govMajestic12 ) majestic12

One of Many of  Hidden Documents Called the Mj-12


“Difficulties with identical signatures will be explored,” Wood continued, “including the astonishing possibility that the sophisticated document cover-up started in the early stages of documentation in the State Department in the 40s. Remarkably, the most likely hypothesis is that we are seeing a leak of copies of genuine documents held in personal files for decades; the conclusion is that we have had a stunningly successful UFO research cover-up for five decades and if these crashes and recoveries occurred, such documents ought to exist.”



Dr. Robert Wood has a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Colorado and a Ph.D. in physics from Cornell. He enjoyed a 43-year career at McDonnell Douglas managing research and development projects and has spent over thirty years privately investigating extraterrestrial related phenomena. He began research into the Majestic-12 Documents in 1995.



Nicholas ‘Nick’ Redfern was born 1964 in Pelsall, Walsall, Staffordshire, is a British best-selling author, Ufologist and Cryptozoologist now living in Dallas, Texas, U.S.


The UFO Attack redfern

Author and Investigator Nick Redfern


“Whether genuine or not, the files were carefully crafted, told an astonishing story and, again, promoted the idea,” said the authors, “that alien viruses were a reality.  Not only that: those same viruses were incredibly deadly too.”




Photos Extra 1951 Thing ( httpsio9.gizmodo.comthese-south-pole-scientists-who-watch-the-thing-every-y-1823387869 ) download

Recovery Crew Discovers the Alien had Escaped – Movie “The Thing” (1951)  




Steve Erdmann can be reached at dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com  – or –  independenterdmann@gmail.com
You can friend him at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1.
 or – visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group – at –  https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/. 
You can also visit his articles at the following:
 http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/.


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Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist




 The UFO Attack Russian Virus 02-hist-06-l

The Russian Anthrax  Bug

Soviet “Superbugs”:
In 1979, a rare outbreak of anthrax disease in the city of Sverdlovsk killed nearly 70 people. The Soviet government publicly blamed contaminated meat, but U.S. intelligence sources suspected the outbreak was linked to secret weapons work at a nearby army lab.






Photos Extra Majestic ( httpsvault.fbi.govMajestic12 ) majestic12


 One of Many of  Hidden Documents Called the Mj-12
The UFO Attack Memo JFK jfk-mj-12-document-8-638
The nine-page “burned” memo, stamped TOP SECRET/MJ-12, is named because it was snatched from a fire before being destroyed, which is why it is discolored and disintegrating. Unlike many of the Majestic documents, this one is an original carbon with an Eagle watermark characteristic of government work, but so far forensic laboratories have been unable to trace it. The memo is from the Director of Central Intelligence MJ-1 to MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-7, in reference to Project MAJESTIC and JEHOVAH, Project EVIRO, Project PARASITE, and Project PARHELION. Although no dated is given, its content directly suggests the month of September.  The year is estimated to be in the early 1960s and is still under investigation.






The UFO Attack Two Soldiers 42-15800571-r.900x600

Two Soldiers in Gas Masks and Protective Clothes are Testing for Biological Hazards on the Infected Background






The UFO Attack shutterstock_14313976_460_320_c1

A Typical Hazardous Bio-infection






The UFO Attack Cover alienviruses












The UFO Attack CIA Plane 700_90567581e440893e2c4839a28332f0cf

Photo of alleged U.S government contracted airplane piloted by American CIA agents and carrying a cargo of a “mutated” swine flu virus and shot down at the China Shanghai Pudong airport.  







The UFO Attack Photo1 Dr. Robert Wood
Dr. Robert Wood





The UFO Attack M,F,M,V 9780964398108-us






The UFO Attack 14506532326054-Animal-Mutilation1

Artist Depiction of UFO Animal Abduction






The UFO Attack redfern

Author and Investigator Nick Redfern






The UFO Attack Deer T330_34871_Untitled-15_copy

Mysterious Animal Poisonings and Deaths






Another version of this article can be seen at: https://ufospotlight.wordpress.com/2020/06/14/viruses-are-not-new/