The Hidden Reich

The Trail of the Fourth Reich




Steve Erdmann



Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2013.
This article was previously published in the September 4 through September 17, 2013 issues of UFO Digest Magazine.
It is published here with permission. – 0905 – 0906
Reviewers and journalist can quote small portions as long a full credits are given to original article. 
Another version of this article can be seen at


Peter Levenda’s rather in-depth and scholarly work delved into the origins of Nazism which began far earlier than Hitler’s January 30, 1933 ascendancy.  Its origins wrest back to an early form of mysticism and perverted paganism; the Thule Society and German-Enoden, Theosophical, runic and magical concepts. Hitler was a “tool, a “creature” of the occultists. In the autumn of 1915, Hitler wrote a poem praising Wotan, the Teutonic Father God, and speaks of runic letters, magic spells, formulas, and esoteric paganism.

(Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda. The Continuum International Publishing Group, Inc. 15 East 26th Street, New York. N.Y 10010, 2003, 423 pages, $16.95.)


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Hitler’s ascent was built on the belief that Germany’s failure in World War I was because of Capitalism, Communism, Freemasons and International Jewry. “If Hitler were in power, his listeners believed, he would throw out all these undesirable elements – by force of arms, if necessary – and the country would be right again.”



Hitler’s rise to power aligned with numerous occult beliefs and practices ranging from Rudolf Hess, Karl Haushofer and others promoting an universal Teutonic Lebensraum to additional occult influences of magician Aleister Crowley (in April, 1904, Crowley alleged contact with a spirit called Ainaz); The Golden Dawn; The Edelweiss Society; The Ordo Templi Orientis; German occult and sex-magic lodges; the Thule Society; Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff.


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Adolf Hitler Practicing His Speech-making


“Although the Thule Gesellschaft had died a slow death,” said Levenda, “Sebottendorff was back to revive it.”

The Germans were finally able to supposedly locate what had destroyed their country, said Lavenda, brought them into war, made them lose the war: a cabal of Jews and Freemasons bent on world domination.


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The Worship of the Nazi Reich


“Democracy. Freemasonry. Judaism. Secret Societies,” said Lavenda, “the Nazis were bent on removing all trace of any philosophical opposition to their cause, for they knew the power of ideas and – the quotation of Chairman Mao notwithstanding – it was far stronger than the power of a gun.”




Heinrich Himmler took control of the SS (Schutzstaffel, Guard Detachment) and created the medieval castle Wewelsburg, Chapter of the Order, built around the notion of King Arthur and the Round Table: the Inner Circle of Twelve Gruppenfuhrers who communicated with dead Teutons and other spiritual rituals (compare this to modern legends of the secreted Skull and Bones Society in America).


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Wewelsburg Castle


(The Wewelsburg Castle was alleged to be the site of a reversed-engineered crashed alien disc with occupants. The object appeared to be a multicolored ball or globe-shaped object which fell near a field near Czernich, Germany in the summer of 1936. The UFO was quickly cordoned off by SS troops from the Hirschberg SS Base, and the domed spacecraft was initially taken to a Base 211. It was also said that the disc was taken to the Wewelsburg Castle and examined by the Reich’s Study Group who applied Vril Technology to a new form of propulsion. It became known as the Tachyonator 7. Said Rob Arndt: “(It was) the first human product of reverse-engineering of non-terrestrial technology.”)


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Freiburg UFO Crash in the Black Forest in 1936.
Was Origination of the Nazi Tachyonator 7 Drive.

“These ceremonies were replete with sacred fires, torch-lit processions and invocation’s of Teutonic deities, all performed by files of young-blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Supermen,” said Lavenda. “Ceremonies that, according to my informants, had been revived in the Andean Mountains…at Colonia Dignidad in the 1960s and which were still being performed there was late as my trip in 1979.”

Nazi occult practices encompassed a long range of esoteric beliefs: The Nordic World-Tree, Yggdrasil, Holy Stones, The Serpent Nidhoggur, The Ahnenerbe, The World Ice Theory Division, the Thousand Year Reich, Thor, Nordic Mother-Soul, and The Holy Grail.




Through the efforts of Karl Maria Wiligut, Otto Rahn, and Heinrich Himmler, an Aryan Cult was created as a proto-Christian society over all Europe and Asia.

“To Hitler and his followers, capitalism was immoral and they equated it with the excesses of the Jewish financiers,” said Lavenda, “that, they said, had brought the nation to ruin during the First World War and depression that followed.”

Stripped of Jewish content, Nazi revisionists of Biblical Scriptures by German academics, people became receptive of Wiligut’s ideas; the SS belief that Christ was Baldor, and a Teutonic Sun God.  The SS became knights of a New Order.

“By claiming the Grail as their own the Nazis rob Christianity of a huge chunk of its popular mythology…as it is, history records no such discovery of the Grail by the Nazis or by anyone else.”




Documents revealed that “mind control” experiments of the Ahnenerbe at Dachau concentration camp consisted of mescaline, cannabinol, marijuana, and hypnotism. Dr. Franz Alfred Six. Ideological Research continued to work for “special forces” through his association with the Gehlen Organization – the spy cabal of ex-Nazis used by the American CIA.  Six had been selected to work on “the Jewish problem.”


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Nazi Mind Control Experts


Catholic Bishop Alois Hudal sympathized with Nazi propaganda, admired the Nazi teachings of Von Liebenfels, and became Procurator of the Oder of German Knights. He aligned himself with a “neo-pagan, pan-German, volkisch movement.” Hudal worked with the underground network and established Nazi escape routes.




Many of Heinrich Himmler’s Black Order “managed to escape and set up shop in South America.”

“Hundreds of files newly released by the Argentine government of President Menem,” said Levenda, “show that many more Nazis managed to flee to South America than had been previously imagined”; true believers of the cult of the Black Order.




The Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and the Outer Head of the Order (OHO) continued in Europe and Switzerland. Elements were found in the Process Church of the Final Judgment, and Scientology.

(In addition to Lavenda’s comments, a 600-page report was discovered, which the Justice Department has tried to keep secret for four years, which provided new evidence about more than two dozen of the most notorious Nazi cases of the last three decades.

The report told of the government’s pursuit of Dr. Josef Mengele, the so-called Angel of Death at Auschwitz [part of whose scalp was kept in a Justice Department official’s drawer]. It also detailed the vigilante killing of a former Waffen SS soldier in New Jersey. It documented the government’s mistaken identification of the Treblinka concentration camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible.

Scathing disclosures came in revealing the Central Intelligence Agency’s participation with Nazi fugitives. Investigators and previous government reports had revealed the C.I.A.’s use of Nazis for postwar intelligence purposes. This report goes further by documenting the level of American cooperation and deception in the cover-up.

The Justice Department report described what it calls “the government’s collaboration with persecutors.” O.S.I investigators learned that some of the Nazis “were indeed knowingly granted entry” to the United States, despite government officials being aware of their pasts. “America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became — in some small measure — a safe haven for persecutors as well,” it said.)

The creator of Hitler’s elite commando force, Otto Skorzeny, aided the escape of Nazi art treasures and fellow German colleagues. He made himself useful to American intelligence and West German industrials and reconstituted Nazi protection of the Organization of Former SS Officers (ODESSA) in the pipeline of Argentina, Egypt, England, Chile and various hideaways for an estimated 70,000 former SS officers; one of the most notable was the heavily armed estate of Colonia Dignidad. Fugitives such as Martin Bormann and Josef Mengele resided in the Dignidad village, as well as Nazi Baron Friedrich August Von Der Heydt.

Bolivia had a Nazi party called The Organization National Socialist Americans (ONSA); Chile had three Nazi parties. Argentina’s Juan Peron was blatantly pro-Nazi and pro-fascist. Most Nazi parties in South America were direct divisions of the greater Nazi party in Germany. Carlos Lehder, neo-Nazi, formed the Movement for Civil Latin National (MCLN) in 1983, and he extolled Hitler “as the greatest warrior in history” (p. 302).


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Argentinian President Juan Peron with Wife Eva in Buenos Aires in 1950.
 Peron Sold 10,000 Blank Argentine Passports to the Nazi Odessa.

This was Bogota, Colombia, but Gestapo Chief Klaus Barbie reached into Bolivia in 1951.

“There was nothing ‘neo’ about Klaus Barbie,” said Lavenda, “he was the genuine article. And there was nothing ‘neo’ about Colonia Dignidad, the latest in a long line of concentration camps and cult centers courtesy of the Third Reich.”

Colonia Dignidad was “a state-of-the-black-art-detention center.” In 1986, underground rooms where prisoners had been held and tortured were discovered and identified (p. 320). A United Nations report of 1976 spoke of electronic equipment where detainees were tied naked to metal frames to receive electric shocks.

“The colony has since changed its name from Colonia Dignidad to Villa Baviera (Bavarian Village), an innocuous-sounding title,” said Lavenda, “that never the less emphasizes its sinister heritage…”


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Villa Baviera aka Haciendeg Dignidad


Nazi occultism ranged at present from The Church of Satan, The Process Church of the Final Judgment, The Natural Renaissance Party, The Temple of Set, and others, such as the Universal Order. In Africa, it was the Afrikaner Resistance Movement. There was the Polish town of Nowa Ruba (Ruda) in the foothills of Fowl Mountains as a one-time Nazi stronghold. (More currently, members of the far-right group 1389 packed brochures on Kosovo and posters titled “Kosovo is Serbia” for their Warsaw trip on November 11 and 12, 2007: the group of 10 joined extreme right-wing organizations from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary at the far-right conference. The extremists organized a march in the streets of Warsaw carrying such slogans as “All of Poland will be white” or “Enough of Jewish occupation.”)

Throughout the United States, there were many off-shoot clans: the Silent Brotherhood, the Aryan Brotherhood, The Order, and others.




But Nazi connections extended beyond Lavenda commentary:  they extended to the topic of UFO reality.

South America is related to several Nazi syndromes: Nazism was spread throughout the country; Tercera Fuerza Nacional Socialism in Bogota, Columbia. The San Carlos de Bariloche Residencia Inalco mansion in Argentina was said to have been a hideaway for Hitler.  Brazil was also a good place to hide for the Nazis because the Mato Grosso jungle was a perfect place to disappear for Nazi fugitives who were hunted. There was also Tierra de Fuego in Argentina: It is suspected that U-boats U-530 and U-977 – along with 54 other German U-boats – “disappeared” after the war. Some allegedly relocated to the South Polar area. Hans-Ulrich Rudel of the German Luftwaffe was being groomed by Hitler to be his successor. “It is known that Rudel made frequent trips to Tierra del Fuego…one of Martin Bormann’s last messages from the bunker in Berlin to Donitz also mentioned Tierra del Fuego.”


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Hitler and His Reich had Hideouts in South America – This One at Nahuel Huapi Lake in Patagonia


A further Nazi hideout was said to have been the mystery villa Gustav Winter, a Nazi safe house in the Canary Islands, according to author Ernst Zundel.

Ernst Zundel recounted that a Japanese naval attaché told him in late 1943 that a German submarine was using an uninhabited island in the Falklands, and a mine barrier was placed in the lagoon entrance. It was suspected by the Japanese that submarine travels were made to the South Atlantic region and the Antarctic.

Suspected Nazi hide-a-ways range expansively throughout the world and even involve a fortress, Base 211, New Swabia, Neuschwabenland in Antarctica, a secret project by the German Special Bureau 13 connected with the “Third Reich Operation UFO.”


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The Nazi Bell Craft


“It is that thought, which reportedly drew Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in search of the opening to Hollow Earth,” said writer/researcher Mark A. Mihalko, “an idea that may be surprising to some people. However, it is also easily believable when looking at the different locations, Antarctica and Brazil, are rumored to contain entrance ways into this realm. In fact, like Mount Shasta, the Brazilian mountains are known for UFO and strange sightings.”




South America has been replete with UFO sightings and photos (i.e, Recife, Brazil, September, 1987, photo of domed disc with cupola) for many years, extent of the continent, from Monte Grande, Argentina to El Chocca in  the Province of Corrientes, to the San Clemente, Chile “UFO Trail.”

“If it’s drama you’re looking for then the continent of South America seems to be the place to look,” said, “the Latin American experience of UFOs is somewhat different to that of the rest of the world in that sightings here can take a very serious turn, often resulting in serious injuries or even death.”

In August 1970, Almiro Martins de Freitas, a security guard for Funil Dam in Itatiaia, Brazil, fired at a lighted hump-shaped object which blinded the guard with a bright red flash.  He was briefly hospitalized.

In 1977 the Brazilian island of Colares was under attack by UFOs which fired what appeared to be laser beams. Over 80 people reported being attacked, 35 with symptoms of radiation sickness and burns with puncture wounds and hair loss.  Two residents were thought to have died.

Recently, on April 14, 2013, Raymond Pool and Igor Geovani sighted and photographed a strange car-size aircraft in the Serra do Gado Bravo of the mountains of Senhor Do Bonfim, Brazil – the Chapada Diamantina Mountain Range north of Bahia. A similar craft was sighted on the 19th by Isaiah Domingos Cavalcanti near Caatingvinha.




On October 17, 2012, photographer Oscar Heredia spotted and photographed a greenish UFO between Mountain Cerro Michi and the Fangnano/Cami Lake in the Tierra del Fuego area. Residents of Tohuin said the object has been traversing the area for decades and always returned to the Mountain.

Said “….the region of Tierra de Fuego looks like a major UFO hotspot with a ‘UFO Base’….the UFO base is believed to exist beneath an icy plateau that lays between some of the island’s many peaks.”  Government scientists have monitored and recorded large luminous objects entering and exiting the plateau. A reported UFO appeared to crash in Tierra del Fuego on September 14, 2004.




“Hacienda Dignidad is a mysterious place, deep in the Chilean Mountains,” said journalist and researcher Ingrid Rimland. “Allegedly, it is a trading post for Nazi UFOs.” Ernst Zundel said: “…The Hacienda Dignidad myth is only a small piece of a puzzle that is much larger, much more mysterious, encompassing people all over the globe for at least 60, maybe even 70 or 75 years.”

Ernst Zundel, a flagrantly avid Nazi and publisher of Nazi-sympathetic literature, and also an ardent observer, relayed interesting tales of Colonia Dignidad. He related a story about visitors to the “fabled (Nazi) Shangri-La” in 1978 and 1979. The trip is described through the eyes of Willibald Mattern, associate and co-author, and Zundel’s German attaché Sepp.




Details given by Willibald Mattern and attaché Sepp described Hacienda Dignidad as home to Mercedes Benz vehicles, very modern tools and machines, state of the art hospital, dairy farm, German type buildings, Alpine-style architecture, European-type buildings, asphalt roads, and a “colony totally self-sufficient in everything; technologically equipped with their very latest amenities.” Meisterbetrieb.




Mattern said he saw strange aerial activity going on by very strange aircraft. He was later discouraged from investigating the ‘whine’ of what seemed to be “jet engines.” When the convoy arrived at the Hacienda, they were confronted by Aryan blonde men in trench coats and their Mercedes Benz. They were taken into custody, investigated for several days, and then released with the admonition that they were in a restricted area and not wanted. Their interrogators were clearly German. One man wore a forage cap used by German mountain troops in World War II.




According to Zundel, a reporter for the El Mercurio newspaper reported in the 40s and 50s that he did penetrate the Hacienda terrain via back roads through the mountains using pack horses “and that he did observe strange flying craft taking off and landing in some remote area of a valley away from the actual community.”

“Mattern was of the view that this place was a supply base for fresh fruit and vegetable picked up by ‘flying saucer,’”  said Ernst Zundel.  “He also felt that the colony served as a rest/recuperation and medical facility for German-staffed UFO bases further to the south, like Tierra de Fuego and even Antarctica proper.”




Founder of the village, Paul Schafer, Nazi, was arrested and sentenced for multiple crimes.  He died in a prison hospital on April 24, 2010. The decline of the village is murky. About 280 members, aged German expatriates, are isolated in the village presently. The Colonia now operates a German restaurant nearby.

Visiting the village one gets an uneasy feeling of crossing into some sort of Twilight Zone, said tourist and journalist Bruce Falconer, the way the villagers dressed, their haircuts: It’s like going back to Germany in the 1940s. 

Zundel, sometimes accused of alleged fabrication about UFOs, made substantive comments on his beliefs as late as 2002.


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UFO Sighted on August 10, 2012, over the Antarctica Neumayer Station


Explained historian Lawrence C. Wangler: “In March 1945, just before the end of the war, two German U-boats left a port on the Baltic Sea — reportedly taking with them top SS officers and key members of the flying saucer research team, plus saucer designs and plans for a gigantic underground complex. It’s widely believed that the submarines were bound for Antarctica.”




An amazing 2006 Russian documentary was recently translated into English disclosing hidden information about a U.S. Navy Antarctica expedition in 1946/1947.


U.S. Navy Expedition Helicopter Returns from Survey of South Pole Waters

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Operation High Jump


The task force was scheduled for a six month period for scientific exploration; it was officially called “The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program.” Its operational name was High Jump, and the naval component was known as Task Force 68. It was composed of 4700 military personnel and one aircraft carrier, the USS Philippine Sea—-one of the largest carriers of the time. Operation High Jump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.




The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explorer Admiral Richard Byrd. Byrd’s expedition ended after only 8 weeks. According to the press, crew members going through Chilean ports described “many fatalities”; Task Force 68 had encountered “a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at fantastic speeds.”


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Artist Conception of Nazi Saucers over Their Polar Base


The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base.  Instead, the task force encountered a mysterious “UFO force” that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes.




Lieutenant John Sayerson, a flying boat pilot, said a strange aircraft attacked his ship: “The thing shot vertically out of the water at tremendous velocity, as though pursued by the devil.” The craft flew through the masts of the ship causing radio antenna to oscillate back and forth in its turbulence. A Martin Flying Boat from the USS Currituck was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object. Ten miles away, the torpedo-boat USS Maddox burst into flame and began to sink. John P. Szewach, radioman on the USS Brownson, likewise observed on January 17, 1947, the mayhem and destruction wrought by the attack. Researchers surmised that the purpose of the attack was to deter the task force and force it to leave but not to destroy the armada.


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Artist Conception of Nazi Flying Saucers


Admiral Byrd admonished cryptically that this was a “new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.” Byrd was quoted on March 5, 1947, Chilean El Mercurio newspaper about an “invasion of the country by hostile planes flying over one or both poles.” Byrd said: “I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we aren’t able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distance, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.”

In the October 1947 National Geography Magazine in an article entitled “Our Navy Explores Antarctica,” Byrd referred several times to Antarctica as “the mystery land beyond the pole.”



Said author/investigator Jim Marrs in “Secret Societies that Threaten to Take over America: Rise of the 4th Reich”: “The Germans were defeated in World War II…but not the Nazis. They were simply forced to move. They scattered to the four corners of the world. Many of them came to the United States and penetrated what President Dwight D. Eisenhower termed ‘The Military-Industrial Complex’…they escaped with the loot of Europe as well as rocket science and even exotic technologies. Some of this technology was so advanced that it remains classified in the U.S government files even today…the very same self-styled globalists who created National Socialism in the first place.  Their agenda matches that of the Old Bavarian Illuminati.”


This publishing is dedicated in part to the late Jim Marrs who passed away on August 2, 2017. Marrs was a heroic and extraordinary journalist who exposed many elitist conspiracies and the machinations of the occult secret societies.  From Wikipedia:

Jim Marrs (December 5, 1943 – August 2, 2017) was an American newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling writer of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover-ups and conspiracies. Marrs was a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone‘s film JFK. He wrote books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens9/11telepathy, and secret societies.  He was once a news reporter in the Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metroplex and taught a class on the assassination of John F. Kennedy at University of Texas at Arlington for 30 years.  Marrs was a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth.


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Founding members of UFO Study Group November 1967 4-24-2017 1;25;37 PM.jpg new

Steve Erdmann – Independent Investigative Journalist – 1967  – to the Left
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Alternate Perception Magazine:

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Wewelsburg Castle

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Artist Conception of Nazi Saucers over Their Polar Base

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Artist Conception of Nazi Flying Saucers

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Operation High Jump
U.S. Navy Expedition Helicopter Returns from Survey of South Pole Waters

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The Nazi Bell Craft

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Adolf Hitler Practicing His Speech-making
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Villa Baviera aka Haciendeg Dignidad

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The Worship of the Nazi Reich

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Nazi Mind Control Experts

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Hitler and His Reich had Hideouts in South America – This One at Nahuel Huapi Lake in Patagonia

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Freiburg UFO Crash in the Black Forest in 1936.
Was the Origination of the Nazi Tachyonator 7 Drive
Artist Conception of a Crashed UFO
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UFO Sighted on August 10, 2012 over the Antarctica Neumayer Station

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Jim Marrs, Journalist

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Argentinian President Juan Peron with Wife Eva in Buenos Aires in 1950.
Peron Sold 10,000 Blank Argentine Passports to the Nazi Odessa.

Another version of this article can be seen at

2 thoughts on “The Hidden Reich

  1. nazi scientists were brought under Operation Paperclip, just recently declassified. prior crimes were hidden or ignored, on orders. dont let Russia get them was the plea.

    early 30s gernans went to france and dug for the holy chalice following clues available to those who used then to write opera, of all odd connections, and connections do include esoteric players, beyond those listed.


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